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private Foreign Affairs (RP Thread)


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Viva ooh'd and aah'd at the designer hat. Rarity stood proud, accepting very bit of praise. "It's marvelous! It... It rivals my mother's designs," she said hastily. Rarity stopped. "No way! My deisgns could never compare to that of Mademe Joyau!" Viva nodded. "They do. You are a very good designer. I heard something about the Grand Galloping Gala coming up. Do you think that you could make me a dress? I can only pay in Pranks, though." Rarity nodded. "I have your measurements, so I don't see why not! And Pranks are fine with me, darling. They're going to come in handy when I visit Prance!"


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As Sunyatay started casting spells, Repsol noticed how she seemed to put quite the effort into it. "That's strange, A mare with magic capabilities to make herself almost invisible should be able to do this, right? But then again, i know as much about magic as i know about flight. And since i'm an earth pony that's pretty much nothing."

Suddenly, Repsol felt his nausea melt away in seconds. He let out a deep sigh and a content smile appeared on his muzzle. "Do i feel bad about questioning her now, this is probably one of the better treatments i ever had" He slowly closed his eyes as the feeling of Sunyatay's healing magic flowed through his head. "Oh damn, this feels amazi-" Repsol was snapped out of his thoughts as a deep pain gathered right under his ear, and seemed to bury it's way into his skull. Repsol quickly rubbed a hoof over his head and pressed his eyes closed.



"Oh no!  I'm so sorry!"


"Oh no, you shouldn't feel bad. You did an amazing job already, i don't want you to strain yourself too... much?" Repsol looked around confused. Sunyatay seemed to have vanished into thin air. But he could still feel the soft warm glow of healing magic streaming through his head. That's when he noticed the little orb of light floating in the air. After a few seconds Repsol recognised the orb as a magic aura from a unicorn horn, and decided that he wasn't going to argue why she was completely gone now. Magic was way over his head anyways. he felt the headache dissapear completely and noticed Sunyatay getting more visible again. She looked like she was about to topple over.



"Is that better?"

"Better? This is absolutely amazing! I havn't felt this good in days." Repsol smiled widely as he trotted closer to the mare. "Thank you so much!" He said as he attempted to hug her, but to Repsol's surprise he didn't feel a soft fuzzy pony under his hooves, just a whole lot of dirt as he planted his face firmly in the ground.  

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"I don't think there's anything bad about you. Not yet, anyway. Even if you did have bad qualities, you're still a pretty nice stallion! We're all ponies, right?" Minty smiled at the stallion. "There's nothing wrong with you, I swear it. You're a great stallion," Minty said.


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But we're not all ponies... They may be ponies, but I'm nothing more than a monster... He thought sadly. He didn't show the sadness though. He just smiled slightly, but still hid his face with his cloak. "That's really nice of you to say... But..." He didn't finish, not knowing how to.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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@@repsol rave,


Sunyatay felt a rush of delight to see Repsol so happy.  Before she could say 'You're welcome,' he trotted toward her, then went through her to faceplant on the ground.  Did he just try to...hug me? she thought, blushing at the possibility.  "Are you alright?" she said, reaching out with her telekinesis to try to help him back up.

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 "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think I'm fine."Repsol said as he got back on his hooves."Can't say that about my pride tough." 

When he fell through the mare he felt the same warm feeling as when their hooves... touched? It was like she was there, but at the same time somewhere very far away. "Ehrm... I'm not sure how to put this, and I really don't want to come over as rude... but what the hay just happened?"

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"But? But what? I didn't think a stallion would be this nervous to be in a new town. You'll get used to Ponyville." Minty said. "Hey, you don't have anywhere to stay, do you? You can stay in my cottage if you like, you know, until you find somewhere to live, that is," Minty offered.  


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"But? But what? I didn't think a stallion would be this nervous to be in a new town. You'll get used to Ponyville." Minty said. "Hey, you don't have anywhere to stay, do you? You can stay in my cottage if you like, you know, until you find somewhere to live, that is," Minty offered.  

"Nothing, forget about it." Pacific said, shaking his head. He decided to change the subject before she asked him about it anymore. "Anyway... You said I could stay with you, right? Would you really let me do that?" He asked. He would only have to stay there until he made enough bits to buy his own house, but it was still nice that she would let him stay there at all.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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@@repsol rave,


Sunyatay scrambled for words.  What'll he do when he finds out what a freak I am?  "It's...hard to explain...I don't fully understand the operating principles of it myself.  The simplest way to put it is...my 'talent' is to be invisible and incorporeal.  I have to concentrate on manifesting physically in order for you to see me at all, and even then, most of the time you...or anypony...would just pass through me.  It also makes it harder for me to use magic on anything other than myself.  There are...ways I've found to become more real but...it's hard, and it takes time."

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@@--Thunder Bolt--,

Repsol noticed Sunyatay's face grow a little restless. Eventough it only showed for the slightest of moments. He only grew more curious as the mare didn't seem to know how to properly answer. Like she was only telling half the truth.

"Well, if i said i understood everything about what you just said i would be lying." He tapped his chin with a hoof. "So you are basically... unreal, but in the same time also real?" Repsol tried to make sense of all this. Sunyatay was definately real, right? No, this was ridiculous! Ofcourse she's real, she actually cured Repsol's hangover! And eventough he fell right through her, he still felt atleast something, so there must have been something there...

"I'm sorry. I just don't think my brain can process all this." he shot her a sheepish smile as he rubbed a hoof on the back of his head. A new headache forming under his skull, but this time for intirely different reasons.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Sunyatay had forgotten to "turn off" her diagnostic spell, so as Repsol talked, she sensed the beginnings of a new headache.  And this one was all her fault.  "I'm sorry!" she said.  "I could try to explain better... But that would probably require magical diagrams and equations to do properly, and it'd just make his headache worse! she thought.  "Or maybe you'd like to meet those other two ponies?" she said, nodding her horn toward Minty and Pacific.  If he can get into a friendly conversation with them, then I could make some excuse and go without being rude, right?  They seem pretty normal...

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@@--Thunder Bolt--,


Repsol looked at the mare with a little confusion. "Well, i guess that would be fine. I got nothing to do today anyway, but why would you want me to leave? I have i said something wrong?" He didn't really want to leave, since what he was witnessing has been blowing his mind for a couple of times allready. That, and Sunyatay seemed nice enough. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@--Thunder Bolt--,

"Oh, don't feel bad about the headaches, i get those all the time. Especially when i try to overthink something." Repsol shot the mare a wide but sheepsih grin. "Tough i don't really understand why you think i would want you to leave. I mean, you cured my hangover, and you're pretty cute i think, so what's up with that?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Vincent blinked as  Viva began asking for a dress to be made, gulping heavily as he thought about how many bits that would cost... before Rarity graciously accepted the Pranks instead. She`d probably want them even if she wasn`t visiting Prance... Vincent mused silently as he watched them, looking around the various dressed. The Grand Galloping Gala.... he`d deliviered imports to Canterlot for the party many times... but he knew he`d never actually get to go... a Griffin in Canterlot was considered a disgusting sight... he`d been called all manner of things... mutant, monster, half-breed.... him being there for work he was barely tolerated... he could hardly imagine the nobles uproar if he`d somehow ever attended the high-class event.

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Viva beamed at the white unicorn. "Thank you so much, mon ami!"* She hugged Rarity, then turned back to Vincent. "Come on, there's still a lot to see!" She pulled out her map once again. "What about there?"


*mon ami= my friend.


I'll let you decide where Viva wants to go, if you don't mind. :3


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Vincent turned his head as he heard them finishing up the deal. "Did you ask for any preferance on the dress, or did you just decide to let her do her thing?" he asked, before hearing her request, he leaned over her shoulder, looking at the map and looking where she`d pointed.  "Maple Park? Sure, it`s a nice little place." he said, turning and leaving the boutique, giving Rarity a wave as he began to walk beside the mare. The part was nice: a good place for famlies to walk, fillies and colts to play, ponies to play with thier pets... all manner of ponies spent thier day there.

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"Ah, I'll just let her make all the choices. Ma mère* always got stressed when she got a lot of requests." She trotted after the griffon, her light tan mane returning to its calm form. Her wings folded gently against her body, and she took great care to rest her feathers without rustling them. "I like parks. They were always so many around Paris. And in Springtime, the trees bloomed and it was pretty."


*Ma mère: My mother


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@@repsol rave,


Sunyatay opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out.  Does he mean cute cute, or just...'cute?'  What do I even say to that?!  Especially if he does mean...except, if he had a hangover that means he was at a party, and that means he probably has lots of friends, and at least one of them's probably a fillyfriend.  So he probably means 'cute' in a Derpy kinda way...right?  Anyway, I can't ask him if he has a fillyfriend, that would be--  She shook her head to pull herself out of her thoughts.  Repsol's question was hanging in the air awaiting a reply.


"Well...I am...kinda weird...  I mean, even when ponies don't think I'm a ghost...I still don't fit in very well.  That's...kinda how I got to be invisible in the first place.  I think you...probably fit in very well and have lots of friends.  So I would understand if you did want me to leave.  But I'm glad you don't.  Oh, and thank you...for, uh...thinking I'm cute," she said, her translucent pink flushing to a deeper color as she blushed, even at the remote possibility that he actually meant 'cute' in that way.

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@@--Thunder Bolt--,

Repsol watched in amusement how the mare in front of him seemed lost for words. A smirk plastered on his muzzle.

However, that changed when Sunyatay started talking again. He didn't really know what to say, he never had to deal with stuff like this himself. So instead of giving advice or something he just listened to her story, wich took a pretty adorable turn at the end.



Oh, and thank you...for, uh...thinking I'm cute,"

Repsol's grin imidiately reappeared on his face, and he perked up significantly. "I guess you're welcome." Repsol said, as he scratched the back of his head with one of his hooves, developing a slight blush of his own.

"And well, if you keep blushing like that you're only getting cuter, you know."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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