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private Broken Equestria

Aurora Lights

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Jaeger grunted as he managed to stand, "screw layin down, i have to be up and ready to go if something were to happen." He said limping his way to the door, but fell before he reached it. "Dammit. Ne er felt so usless in my life." He grunted scoiting back to the wall.

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Shining and Spirit looked at each other, as if asking each other a question. Then Shining looked at Aurora and Spirit looked at Jaeger and they said in unison "Perhaps we should get some sleep." Spirit stopped talking but Shining went on "...it is getting late and there's still a whole lot we'll have to do tomorrow."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Aurora looked at Spirit and Shining,he then glued the evidence together and his eyes narrowed as his iris' flickered red "you two have planned something...I can smell it..."he says,almost glaring at the two,he took a step back before he stood on two hooves and put his right hoof forward and bent down slightly,he took on a figure that looked hostile and alien.      Derpy looked at Aurora,noticing his eyes,she blinked in confusion.        Lyra looked at Aurora and gasped "HUMAN!!!"she yells,zipping into a hiding spot.


((OOC: he isnt really a human,just the way he is standing,he looks kinda like one.))

Edited by Aroura Lights
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Jaeger jumped when Lyra yelled, bouncing on his rump he gripped his forehead. "God, warn somepony before you do that, coulda shot you for Celestia's sake." He groaned as he turned his attention to Aurora, "Give it a rest will yah? Can we just get some sleep or something that doesn't require talking." He said laying his head on his saddle bags

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Aurora kept that look upon the two ponies before he made a growl and he slowly slithered down to normal stance ad he walked over to Jaeger,laying beside his friend "your awful grumpy tonight..."he said lowly,his iris' flickering back to their normal colors,he sighed and looked at Jaeger's side "you know...coughing up blood means internal bleeding...let me take a look."he says and his eyes turn blue as he softly places his hoof on Jaeger's chest,he then sees a vein broken and he sighs "well...I can tell you right now...this is not going to feel pleasent..."he murmurs and closes his eyes as Jaeger feels pulses running through him,then he started to feel the vein connect inside of him.           Derpy  watches before she goes to get Lyra back.       Lyra is hiding in a corner,rocking back and fourth,as she mumbles things.

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Jaeger clenched his hoof as Aurora began his healing process "Celestia dammit!" He hissed through his teeth looking down at Aurora. He was in pain, but he tried his best to hide it. He turned his gaze to see Lyra in the corner, frightened out of her mind. He waved at her, "Hey, you alright.......you dont....look so good." He said in between grunts of pain

Edited by Frosty V
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Sparkshower crossed over to Lyra "Hey are you okay, you're not afraid of humans are you?" Sparkshower knew what humans were.. most of the princesses did. "There are none here Lyra and they wouldn't hurt you if they were." There it was again the word., princess... the word that had caused her to lose everything that had mattered most. She blinked away the thought.

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Aurora sighed "sorry Jaeger...I know this hurts,trust me,I broke my wings once and Sparkshower made me cry a little."he says,trying to make him laugh,he tried his hardest to get this done quickly.     Lyra looked at Sparkshower and gasped "I knew they were real! I knew it!"she says and stands "c-could the humans have done this to Equestria?"she asked,still scared.       Depry blinked and looked at her with a cocked head "whats a human?"she asked as her eyes went wall.

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Jaeger hit the floor. "Your damn right this hurts! I'm sooooooo getting you back for this, medical emergency or not." he said letting out a small chuckle clenching his teeth. "You know Aurora? Why did you go off and join the RGAF anyway? You.....could have been....a merc....like me, huh? Never....would have missed my best friend." he grunted feeling a bit loopy from the pain

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Aurora blinked "well,I didn't want to be a merc,I wanted to be a sniper,so I became the best in the history of the RGAF,and you know they have the very best snipers."he says,slowly taking his hoof off of him "ok..I think thats it..."he says and looks at Jaeger with a smile.

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Sparkshower looked at Lyra "Very unlikely as I do not think there are any humans in Saddle Arabia I'll bet my hooves that they are the ones who bombed us. Yes they are real, but they aren't to be feared they are just like us only they don't have magic. How did you know about them?'

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Lyra blinked and looked around "I saw them when I was abducted."she whispers loudly.     Derpy blinked and looked confused.     Lyra blinked "they stuck things up my flank and stuff."she blushes and looks around with her eyes,she sighs "they took alot of tests."she murmurs.

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Sparkshower laughed "OH those silly humans. Those were vets animal doctors in their world all of the animals except them including ponies which are much different in their world. They were just making sure you were alright, they test for diseases and stuff"

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Jaeger smiled, breathing heavily from the pain. "We both wanted to be snipers remember? Ahh, but you would always beat me in every sniper challenge we came up with." he said with a chuckle. "I would have joined, but I didnt want to be in your shadow. So I became a solo merc, did many things I regret, but money is money." he said staring off into space.

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Lyra blinked and raised an eyebrow "really? Who moves the clouds?"she asked,looking confused and slightly interested in the human world.       Derpy blinks and sits infront of Spark and listens,she too liked to listen to this kinda stuff,but knowing it as real was an entirley different thing,but she blinks,looking to be in deep thought "...why don't we go to the human world?"she asked,making a good idea.    Aurora sighed and shook his head "maybe its because I can shoot the wings off the fly at 100 yards...at night..."he says,his iris' turning yellow,his pupil turning to tiny pinpoints to show how he zooms in and makes time slow.

Edited by Aroura Lights
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Shining overheard the conversation between Spark and Lyra... "Spark, should you be telling a civilian all this? I thought Celestia wanted that information to be top secret, and I was in direct contact with her myself on what should be done with that information, or did you not recall the meeting?" Spirit whispers to Aurora "You know Shining would be great as your partner. He could spot out enemies and then you could shoot them." Spirit quietly chuckles, and then goes back and lays down.

Outside, DJ Alicorn was thinking of some way to be noticed... Then a light bulb appeared over his head... Which he was shocked on what it was doing there, and got rid of it. He then flew over the house the group was in, and landed on the roof, so that everypony inside could hear. He then purposly walked ontop the roof loudly, and then sat and waited...

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Jaeger chuckled, "I always thought you were a cheater, haha." he said letting out a large laugh before gripping his side and wincing. "Dammit, that's getting really annoying." he grunted as he finally was able to stand. "If I sit here any longer I'm gonna lose my mind." he said limping to the door. "Wanna come?" he asked Aurora.

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Aurora blinked, listening to the loud hoofsteps,he looked up and blinked twice,his eyes turning into a dim blue as he looks up,he blinks,not seeing thermals inside the attic,so her switches back to normal colors and he walks outside,his pistol not far from being drawn,he looks up at the roof ad sees DJ Alicorn and he nearly falls back "HOLY HELL!!"he says,stumbling back,he whipped out his pistol and said "DO NOT MOVE!!"he says,his iris' changeing orange as he has an orange mist slowly seep out the sides of his eyes,he blinks once.

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Jaeger sat, maybe about a hundred yards away from the house. He pulled out a cigar and lit it, pulling out the suit case he has retrieved from the gun store on his earlier expedition. "Heh, I got this for just a lousy rocket launcher?" he said pulling it out and extending it to its full length. "HOLY HELL!" he heard a scream, he turned his head sharply to see Aurora, pointing his pistol at somepony he couldn't make out. "For the love of CELESTIA!" he thought in anger, loading a shell into the rocket launcher if things turned bad, "Can I get some peace around here?!" he said, puffing some smoke.

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Aurora blinked and looked back a second before he was teleported by his own magic up to stand infront of DJ,he put the gun to his forehead and narrows his eyes "drop the sword."he says,his pupils slowly turning to pinpoints,if DJ tried to swing,Aurora would react almost faster than the eye,considering he slowed time in his mind to give him MUCH better reaction time.

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Sparkshower looked up "Telling her the truth is WAY better than letting her be afraid of something that has no intention of hurting her. Besides I'm not going to let this mare descend into madness because she doubts her sanity." she sighs and looks to Lyra "i don't think it would be a good idea for us to go, the only reason why we haven't made it public knowledge is because it's safer  thamn telling everyone and having a rush of ponies trying to go see these  humans. Besides the humans are having similar problems as we are"

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DJ Alicorn laughed. He throws the sword to his side and it gets stuck in a tree. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. So why don't you put down your gun before you do something you regret, m'kay?" DJ Alicorn then looks past Aurora and see's Jaeger with a rocket launcher and says to Jaeger telepathically "That's not needed."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Jaeger hears a voice in his head and looks around frantically, "Who the- Ahhh screw it." he said putting the rocket, and the launcher back in its case and trotted back to the house, climbing wasnt his thing, but with how he was injured he could not fly. With a few huffs and puffs he managed to get his two front legs onto the roof, he just decided to dangle there. "Hello there stranger! Care for a smoke?" he asked DJ Alicorn, holding his pack of cigarettes.

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Aurora blinked and looked at Jaeger,his pistol still at DJ's forehead as he shakes his head and looks back to DJ and he says "well...looks like we both could have killed each other...so I guess there is no need to die alicorn."he says and puts his gun away and sighs,and pulls Jaeger up the rest of the way,as he is pulling him up,The Darkness hisses in Aurora's mind 'Let him go,let him suffer...break himmm~'it hisses darkly,Aurora shrugging it off though...for now...            Lyra blinks "reall?"she asked,looking at her hooves.

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DJ Alicorn looks toward Jaeger and says "Get down from there before you hurt yourself." as he levitates Jaeger onto the roof "And I don't smoke cigarette's or cigar's." DJ Alicorn then looks at Aurora questionably, analyzing him. "You know that thing in your head is almost pure evil, but it does have a good side. 'The Darkness' as you call it. It looks as though it were crushed by a 5 ton boulder, 10 times... I'm guessing you know how to get rid of it? Why else would you have let it get into your head..." DJ Alicorn walks over to the edge of the roof, having completely silent hoofsteps now. "Is it just you two or are there more inside?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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