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private Broken Equestria

Aurora Lights

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DJ Alicorn chuckled again "Young love... I never had it, but I do see how the phrase came to be..." DJ Alicorn looks at the serpents, which are being wrapped in light "Hmmm... I don't know how much your doing to them... Or what you think you're doing to them for that matter..."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sparkshowers concentration didn't break "Don't laugh at me we can't let the darkness ave freedom he's like firequill just a bit of power can go a long way, I'm trying to trap him in Aurora's mind again I know a better spell now than I did then. " another pulse of magic burst forward from her this a time the light was brighter and seemed to fill the whole room. when all was said and done... @,

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Aurora growled and the serpents ripped the rocket out of the air,it throwing it into the air where it exploded,he wrapped himself with the serpents and destroyed the blue light,Aurora raising up and slamming his hooves down,a loud thunderous explosion of black shadows ripping through the trees "STOP OR SUFFERRR!!! YOU SHALL NOT DESTROY MY MASTER!!!" The Darkness roared defensevily before the serpents unwrapped around him and rocketed towards the RPG,it sliced the RPG in half before the other shot out at Sparkshower,it grabbing her by her throat,pulling her into the air,it not trying to hurt her,just trying to make her stop.         Derpy and Lyra ran into the bushes to hide.

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Jaeger flipped backwards from the slice to the RPG, he landed and slid back a few feel. "Ugh, dammit." he growled, slowly standing up. He began to walk forward. "Fine, we'll stop, just stop hurting everypony." he said sitting down a few feet away from Aurora. The tattoo on his right leg began to glow, just in case the Darkness tried to pull something

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Aurora blinked and looked at Jaeger,he sighed,his breath visable,but it was a dark mist instead of white he looked to Sparkshower and slowly put her down,the mean looking serpent growling in her teeth,it slowly retracts back to Aurora,the other serpent beside Jaeger glaring at him a moment before returning,Aurora blinking and looking at DJ "That is my name...Darkness...is what I am..."he hisses darkly.

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DJ Alicorn was telepathically talking to Spark "You know I could just get rid of this thing easily if you wanted, or I could have it long and drawn out as most people like it for some reason... Which would you like? Short, quick, and easy? Or Long, painful, and torturous?" Just as DJ Alicorn was about to say something else Shining Midnight walked up to the serpents, analyzing them. "You know if it weren't for you 'magic', you'd be a really easy kill. Shows just how pathetic you really are. Any good being can defend itself without magic, I mean even DJ Alicorn is good with a sword." Spirit fades into nothing and hovers over the serpents, waiting for DJ's signal... DJ Alicorn asked Spark again "Well, what's it gonna be?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sparkshower shook her head and thought back "you can't kill this thing only contain it, it's an element of chaos and like a element of harmony it is eternal.   You destroy an element you destroy reality itself. I have to perform the right spell but it requires love, love is the only thing that can incapacitate the darkness, well need to get everyone in on the spell my love isn't enough anymore I guess it hasn't been since he left but I didn't have to perform the spell anymore can you get everyone to focus their love without alerting the darkness? I think the combined strength of all of our love may be enough to trap the darkness again, otherwise...." she didn't ant to finish the thought.

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Aurora growled "ya all do know HE summoned me..."it states before turning and walking into the deep darkness, his serpents sniffing around and trscking the princesses,he did summon the darkness by will, so he could track better, most ponies underestimate the Darkness, but in reality...he could kill all of these ponies quickly and easily...

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DJ Alicorn looked blankly at Spark "Well I wont be any use here. Good luck!" he says as he sits down, watching the events as they happen. Shining peers at Spark "I wont be much help, but I can help a little. I can tap into Spirit as well, so she's not completely useless." Spirit looks irritated "Hey! I am not useless!"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Aurora blinked and fed off of Spirit's aggitation "ahhh~ yessss~ anger..."he says before he looks back at them,he had stopped,peering back at them with the creepiest of unnintentional smiles ever,his deep red eyes making the scene even more creepy as he stared back at them,the dark energy that surrounded and eminated off of him made the place feel even colder and darker,it seemed to be a thick haze in the group when he was like this,nothing seemed right,or innocent anymore,tempers would rocket,depression would be normal for everypony...this...is true Darkness...               Lyra blinks and looks down,she felt sad and alone now,even though Derpy and she were hiding,holding each other,the grasp of Aurora's dark aura was now starting to take effect.      Derpy blinked and sighed softly,a tear fell from her eye as she said softly "...please come back Aurora...please...I miss you..."she says in a soft,sad voice.

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Jaeger pokes his head through the bushes that Derpy and Lyra were hiding in. "You guys alright? He didn't hurt yah did he?" he asked, his tattoo still glowing. "It's ok you ca-" he was cut off when the dark energy hit him. "Wh-what the hell." he thought his eye beginning to twitch. "Owwww." he groaned as he fell to the ground and pulled himself into the bush with Lyra and Derpy.

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Sparkshower seized the moment remembering every moment of being with aurora she funneled Lyra's love Derpy's love and the love of all the others, she gave it everything she had The blue light now blinding she let go of any hatred or anger inside her and the blast hit aurora when the light cleared away..........

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Aurora,the normal one,was on the ground,his eyes normal,but he looked to be angry "Damnit Sparkshower..."he mumbled before looking at her with a slight glare "I said I was gunna track them,I made Darkness come out on purpose,the serpents could track the princesses."he says,he has obviously changed since he turned back,his spirit,when she looked at his aura,was a redder color now,the Darkness was changing his good spirit,he didnt notice it though.      Derpy and Lyra blinked at Jaeger and stared at him.

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Jaeger shook his head as he felt the dark energy leave, he pulled him self up to sit I front of Lyra and Derpy. He had a long pause before speaking to them. "Hi." was all he managed to pop out of his mouth. "What the hell was Aurora doing? I've known about the darkness since we were kids, but this felt different." he thought rubbing the back of his head, laughing awkwardly at his short comment of "hi" to the two mares.

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Derpy blinked and looked at him past the bushes "I dunno...maybe..its taking him over?"she asked,but she knew Aurora was WAY too strong to let the Darkness take him down...wasent he? She shook her head and sighed,feeling the dark energy lift off of her,like a blanket.     Lyra sighed and looked down "when he changed...I noticed his eyes...they were filled to the brim with deep hate...I'm not sure what he sees...but I can promise you...it isn't pretty..."she mutters softly,looking down.

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DJ Alicorn tapped Aurora on the shoulder "Perhaps we don't need them... Look..." DJ Alicorn walked over to a wall of bushes and cleared them. Behind the wall, was what looked like a small bunker. No windows, no signs, only a small doorway. "Your snakes were traveling quite a bit when they were out playing. I think they were getting close, but Spirit flew around a bit and saw 5 different bunkers. 4 of them are probably decoy's so nobody knows which one the princesses are in. I don't think this one is it, but I could be wrong. Should someone take a look inside? It'd have to be someone with good reflexes, in case of any traps." Spirit flew over and hovered above DJ Alicorn "Oooh, Oooh, me me me me!"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Jäger scooted over to Derpy and Lyra and patted both of them on the shoulder. "Hey, perk up. I know Aurora well, he won't let something like that take him over, trust me." he said softly, realizing this was probably the most on topic conversation he has had with the two.

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Aurora blinked and looked at the Bunker and he snapped,his voice sounding echoed by an eerie second voice "NO!...I shall..."he says,walking past Spirit and pressing the door open,he looked in and growled darkly,like a demon before he walked in,he turned on a flashlight and scanning the area.

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DJ Alicorn walks over and looks over Aurora to see inside. "I count 4 traps. So this one was a decoy. Next one?" Spirit grins at Aurora "This ones mine." She then flew to the next bunker, opened the door, and looked inside, not seeing anything. "Decoy! I think!" DJ Alicorn flies over "Yep, decoy. Next?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Aurora blinked and sighed,he felt the Darkness slowly unhinge its sharp,evil fangs from his soul,so he now acted normal,he coughed and slowly walked to the next bunker and opened the door "...can't see anything...besides that..."he murmurs,he looks at a "dead" Royal Guard,he blinks and slowly walks forward,he took out his knife just in case.

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DJ Alicorn looked at Aurora, who seemed a bit tired "You don't look so good. Here, eat this." DJ Alicorn takes a small orb from his magic chest and gives it to Aurora "It should regenerate your energy, and perhaps make you stronger and faster for a few minutes. Oh, and try not to set off any traps in there."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sparkshower had stood in shock while all this passed She finally broke out of her reverie "He was about to attack! Aurora, you can't give him that much control that would be like me not having you guys tie me up when Firequillls around only worse, because the Darkness is more powerful. I was reading your aura and he had almost taken you completely over, what was I supposed to do, Aurora. Let you.. for lack of a better word die?" she stopped herself and took a deep breath, she hadn't wanted to yell at him, that had been on her things not to do list "I'm sorry it's just.. He had spoken in my mind and said you were dead, I geuss he meant as good as"

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DJ Alicorn scanned Sparkshower's mind. "Your brain activity is much higher than normal. What's Firequill doing right now? Do you know?" Shining trotted over to Spark, also scanning her mind. "Her brain activity seems normal to me." DJ Alicorn looks at Shining, then back at Spark "That's because you can't detect magic levels in ponies' minds. I can."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Sparkshower shook her head " I don't know" she isn't saying anything right now, but I've noticed that she's been more powerful lately especially after the bomb, You don't think she may be speaking in someone else's mind do you/?'" Sparkshower had feared that Firequill would one day be able to speak to others while trapped inside her mind she didn't want anyone to suffer at her cruelty.

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DJ Alicorn thinks for a minute... Coming to a conclusion, he says "No, I don't think so. But I do think she's somehow tapping into your magic power. Perhaps even someone elses. Can't be me, I'd know about it. Maybe Shining though." DJ Alicorn scans Shining's mind, and doesn't find anything. "Nothing there." DJ Alicorn scans everyone's minds, but no trace of Firequill. "Nothing in nopony. Must be you, or she's tapping into... No, I don't think she'd be that powerful... Or is she?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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