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open Fight Night


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/77196-fight-night/










A mousy looking pink unicorn with large green eyes stood in the middle of the waiting room, watching the fighters prepare for their fights. A large gray stallion was standing behind her holding a video camera.

She gave him a nod and he turned it on. "I'm Fizzy Sparks and I'm here live at fight night!--Before she could finish speaking the speakers crackled on and te announcer began listing the first fights. 

"The first battles will be Colt the Strahl VS Paradox Shift! Shardz VS Arctic Fox! Virvidian Shade VS Chivalry Knight! And Richard Eakman VS Patent!" And with that she cantered towards the closest fighter. "I'm going to interview them before they go in!" She said as she skid to a stop in front of one of the fighters. "Hello there fighter! Can you introduce yourself and tell me what you're going to do with the prize money if you win?"

Edited by DarligPegasi
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"I am gonna donate it to an charity. I dont neeed all that money." Shardz said, and smiled.

"Its for the research for cancer."

Richard, who was a bit out of it but then snapped back into memory..

"I just to fight! Screw the money!"

Virvidian nodded silently.

"i dunno what would i do with the money."

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Paradox is leaning against a wall waiting for his battle to begin. He looks over at the camera and looks away again. Then he takes a look at Colt Strahl, his opponent, and starts to think to himself. 'Hmph, Im fighting what this world would call a dragon? He seems to have a strong build and high stamina. The dragons scales reveal that he is very durable. Dragons in this world generaly tend to fly... I'll fix that if he tries any of that. Dragons in this world also have the ability to breath imense fire, but at the cost of energy.' Paradox looks down at the ground and closes his eyes to think. Though it is hard to think when there are so many annoying sounds going about.

Chivalry is currently rushing towards the place of where the battles are going to be taking place. It seems like he has gotten up out of bed late... as usual.
"Darn, darn, darn! why does that stupid alarm clock never work! I'm going to be late... again!" He sais as he gallops quickly towards the waiting area.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


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"Hello there fighter! Can you introduce yourself and tell me what you're going to do with the prize money if you win?"


One of the fighters Fizzy Sparks is talking about is looking down to her, he is standing on his back legs covering his face and body with a cloak. He is a dragon scaled with midnight blue natural armor with eyes golden as legendary treasure. Some weird glint is flowing from his eyes as the mare talks to him, his eyes fixed on the one that is his rival. For now his body have been concentrating his full energy on legs and arms getting ready for what is next. The first question falls mute to his ears but the second one is more relevant for him. "Im going to help a friend" he answers simply and walks to the arena to face his opponent.

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'Oh god no, why is she always at these things? Her voice always grinds on my ears!' Patent Turns towards Fizzy Sparks, " My names Patent, Ms.Sparks. I'm probably going to use the prize money to fund my...research on battle magic." Turning away, Patent walks toward another contestant, Paradox. "Hey there." @.

Edited by Broseph Stalin

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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The speaker crackles to life and a loud bell sound emits from it, before somepony begins speaking.. "The fight between Colt the Straahl and Paradox Shift is starting now. Fighters please enter your respective tunnels and enter the arena."  


Fizzy Sparks let's out a dismayed groan as the two fighters were called. She had wanted to interview them more! Scuffing the ground with her foot, Fizzy trots over to the other fighters, the cameraman walking along behind her. 

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[50]Just as they are called the dragon walks to the arena, the tunnel takes him to the place where the battle shall occur, with each step he tensed his body with each step he exalted his energy and spirit for battle, he had a purpose to fulfill and each one of his opponents need to be taken down for it to happen. At the arena the dragon fixed his golden fiery eyes over his opponent a moment after his body is dashed with the speed of an impulse of lightning and the flap of his wings to strike the unicorn's skull with his bolt charged paws, "lets end this quick" he says as he strikes. A moment after because of his speed and magic he is feet away beyond the stroked unicorn."Tagged!"




Start                   Impact                       End

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Five points deducted, Paradox Shift now has 45 health points remaining. 


 Fizzy Sparks had managed to get into the arena and was sitting in one of the stands with her cameraman. "Are you getting this?" She demanded, waving her hoof in the direction of the fighters. "Please tell me you're getting this!" She screeched and the cameraman huffed in annoyance. 

"Yess, Miss Sparks. I. Am. Getting. It." He ground out. 

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...What's going on? Sorry, busy week. Um... How do I get in 200 characters... Hmm.. Only 66 right now... How can I increase that? Well, here's my go.:


Fox slowly trotted into the arena, aware of all the ponies dotting around the room. Seeing some pony walk towards her, she reared up. What?! She'd be INTERVIEWED?! They must be crazy..

Crystal Patch -- "Let the party begin!" 

Everlasting Wave -- "Bring out the turntables!" 

Arctic Aurora -- *Ignores and works on art* (British Accent) "I-I'm sorry. What was that?" 

Ember Mist -- "Whatever." *Starts Reading* 

Silver Night -- "Would you like some tea?"

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{45 HP}
Paradox didn't foresee the incoming attack and took it full on. "Mph, a hefty blow I will give you that much dragon. However..." Paradox's body started to illuminate with bolts of electricity for a moment, he then teleported behind Colt; Leaving a blue shock streak in between where Paradox first teleported and where he teleported to. Thus causing shock damage to Colt. "This is just the beginning."



Edited by ChivalryKnight


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(I shall do virvidian first.)

"COME AT ME BRO!" He said, Then threw a few punches (about 1-3), Then attacked with a few swift kicks.

'Hmm. This may end badly, but i might as well say thats the easiest attack to dodge. Oh well.'

He thought, and then sighed and prepared himself.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"There is no use", the dragon says as he receives some of the damage of the electricity but channeling that shock to charge up again his lightning strike making another almost instant strike ending his move again meters away from the Unicorn. This time a straight strike to his neck charged with bolt aimed towards Paradox. Finishing this counter move Colt turned around to throw from distance a pair of fire balls that in contact with its target will explode.


(I call my first dodge on the previous action of my opponent @@DarligPegasi)

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(Sorry for the late response.)



Nine points are deducted. Colt the Strahl now has 41 health points remaining. N/A First Dodge used two remaining. Colt the Strahl still has 50 points.




Eight points deducted. Paradox Shift now has 37 health points remaining. 





Six points deducted. Chivalry Knight now has 44 health points remaining.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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{37 HP}
Paradox took the hit and staggered, but regained, however sloppily. "Urk! You'll pay for that Dragon!" Paradox moved his horn into Colts direction and charged a spell from the tip of his horn. "Gravitational Propulsory Energy Ball!" Just as Paradox finished calling out the spells name, a giant black ball of darkness shot towards Colt. The energy ball causes the area that the target is located to increase in the pressure of the current gravity rapidly.


{44 HP}

Chivalry was caught off guard and took the punches. "Woah, you punch hard, hehe." Chivalry jumped back and drew his blade using his magic. "Alright, guess its time to have some fun. Good luck to you!" Chivalry said with a happy grin on his face. Bubbles then started to come out of his horn and stick to the surface of the walls. He then attempted to slice at virvidian from a distance. 



Edited by ChivalryKnight


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[50]By this time both fire balls are about to hit Paradox but the unicorn instead of doing something about it cast a weird spell that generates an attraction field even more weird "Gravity?" the dragon asks to nopony trying to understand the moment he jumps backward to put some distance between him and the field. As the is pulled towards the sphere the dragon starts making strong and deep steps backward each time he does his hind claws penetrate the ground and instantly they are covered by rock to secure him. Colt now impacts the ground with his palm sending a wave of magical energy in the direction of Paradox, the spell creates a chain of crystals from his palm to the ground below the pony that is shot from below him to pierce or trap the flesh of the equine spell caster. "Lets see who falls first into to your trap" the dragon says.

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"Oh no.. Screw this! I aint gonna attack a guy with a sword, OH hell no. You could KILL ME!"

Virvidian yelled, then flew upwards. 

"If we're gonna fight, We are gonna fight using hooves."

He yelled, then waited for the reply. 

'I DONT WANNA DIE!!!!' He thought, and was scared shitless of that sword.

Edited by Natalie the Mage

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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{37 HP}

Paradox just smirked, then suddenly out of nowhere, he shot up towards the ceiling of the dome, completely avoiding Colts attack. He spun around so that he could land on his hooves. Paradox's ragged cape was also affected by the spell so it was as if it were like the gravity had shifted on the planet, however, it only had shifted for Paradox. Everything looked upside down to Paradox. Then, paradox gathered energy within his horn once again and created droplets of gravity, much like rain drops. But these raindrop were different, each of them contained 5x the current gravity in the vicinity, therefore the "rain" would feel like boulders when it hit it's target.

(Paradox uses his first dodge)



{44 HP}

Chivalry looked up at Virvidian and spoke. "So, your just going stay up there if I keep using my sword?" When Chivalry finished asking his question, the bubbles in his horn stopped coming out. About 25% of the walls were covered in bubbles. "Fine then, I will not use my sword..." Chivalry said as he sheathed his blade. "However..." Chivalry smirked. "You never said anything about magic!" Suddenly all the bubbles that were on the wall started shooting towards Virvidian. Chivalry shot a couple more from his horn then encased himself in a very lightweight bubble which allowed him to float in the air.

(The bubbles are energy contained and when they hit their target, they will explode with energy based damage. Each bubble causes small energy based damage, however when grouped together, the damage is way more severe. @@DarligPegasi, )


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Six points deducted. Paradox Shift now has 31 health points remaining. N/A Dodge used. Paradox Shift still has 37 health points, and two dodges left. 


((Need something cleared up so I cannot post for Chivalry or Natalie/Virvidian at the moment. Just letting you guys know so you don't think I'm ignoring you.))

Edited by DarligPegasi
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(It was a dodge)

"Woah! Okay that hurt.... YOU KNOW WHAT?!"

He said, Running to the bubble.

"TAKE THIS YA BUM!" He said, And smashes the bubble downwards, Hoping for an good hit.

Virvidian has 50 HP.

(I will edit that  HP value  for when  Darlig counts the damage for my character.)

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Virvidian easily popped Chivalry's bubble and smashed him down, however, he recovered before he hit the ground.  "Whew, yup you definitely hit hard. You even popped my bubble, mind you it was a weak one anyway." Chivalry stood in place and started to gather a massive amount of energy within his horn. Suddenly A bubble stuck out of the tip of Chivalry's horn. The bubble grew and grew to an enormous size and then he shot it towards Virvidian. "CATCH!" He yelled with a smirk.


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"NAH!" He said, deflecting it back with his hoof. " You can have it!"

He said, then flew behind chivalry, then shouted, "BOO!"

In an attempt to spook him, then pushed him over, then aftewards, he stood right in front of him, and said,

"Why so tired?"

He asked in a joking matter, then stepped back.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Chivalry looked saw the incoming massive bubble headed straight for him. He quickly stood up before the bubble could reach him and he popped it using his magic. The energy he used to make the giant bubble returned to him, causing a slight headache. "you know, your getting to be real annoying!" Chivalry said, annoyed by his opponent. Chivalry then unlocked his holster and unsheathed his blade using his magic. "You know what, screw your rules, don't like my blade? deal with it!" Chivalry said as he darted the blade toward Virvidian and slashed him in the chest.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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"Im out! I surrender!" Virvidian said. "Mercy please" He said. He was scared. He was afraid that he was gonna die.

"Please! I really dont need the money!"

He begged for his sanity. 

(Hes out, cuz virvidian was a bit too intimidated by the sword. GG Chivalry. G Frickin G.)

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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