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(lol seems like volt has a crush on moonlight)


moonlight grinned mockingly "you have a crush on me do you?" she said in a mocking tone. she then adjust her hat to hide horn even more.


(are they in the rainbow factory if so. if they get attacked moonlight might just cause a mass slaughter)


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(When did we get to the Rainbow Factory, or en route anyway? :wacko: )


"What's you're name cadet." Rainbow Dash said, unconvinced. She put her hoof over the button for the alarm, ignoring the silent alarm going off.

@@Doc. Volt

"No, that isn't good. I'm sure that it's something rather unrelated to the plan we might want to put this off until the alarm goes down." Chain said, ignoring the romantic comment about the Doctor and Moonlight.

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(yep probably XD a batpony is still a batpony... by the way only one has sneaked into the base, the other two guys are waiting, we are going now btw)

"What? " Volt's blue face was fading to another color that didn't matched very well with his schemes ".. oh no Moonlight.. it is just..you helped me realize in my life... well..  nothing.. well we gotta hurry... probably that Shadow pony is going to get in trouble... we need to take off now and go to the factory, Moonlight are you a fast flier?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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(@ No, only I am.)

Shadow Strike followed Rainbow Dash as she showed her around the factory. The last room they came to was the one with the pegasus device in it. And the room was filled with fillies and colts. I can save them all…but if I do, my cover will be blown. She thought. Although she didn't want to, she had to stay under cover. Even if she had to watch the foals die for the sake of a rainbow. She was a spy; her mission was too important to fail. She had to succeed. No matter the cost. "My name is Shadow." She said. She had loved rainbows as a filly; now she felt differently about them.

Edited by EmeraldStreak


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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Dusk entered the city for the first time. He breathed a sigh as he thought about the possibilities that come with moving somewhere new.

Then he thought about how he'd spent the past four years looking over his shoulder everywhere he went. Not anymore, he thought as he trotted to the small cottage he had purchased only two days before.


As he set his bags down he decided to get right to work and set up his workspace, spending most of the day unpacking.

“In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is a light in darkness.”

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/autumn-dusk-r5274


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moonlight chuckled "im not very fast but an alicorn has someadvantages i can use my magic to teleport around but not for long distances. if i tried its not gonna work and its gonna hurt alot." she flies besides bolt. "what are we suppose to do and also are you blushing" she said mockingly.


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well we can't just go there and blow Shadow's cover... yes the allarm is on but maybe they haven't still figured out who is the mole... i can't go there without the filles or they will start making question.. we need to take shadowStrike outta of here before he get discovered and killed..  trying to not blow our cover or his... also we have still to resque those fillies... maybe they can help... Only Luna knows where they are now...ehi you uncorn! can you teletransport yorself inside the factory? I have something here that could carry us with you without flying... we just need a storm... i can increase your teletransport radius for a moment, so we can go with you...


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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…but cover didn't matter when an alarm was going off. She could sense it. Without thinking, she started running down the corridor. She had to find Atmosphere. She turned a corner and charged straight into a stallion. It was a guard. In her panic, she'd lost concentration and the illusion wore off. The stallion started yelling "Unicorn!" repetadly, before Shadow Strike used a sleep spell on him. However, she could hear ponies chasing her. She started running again, down yet another corridor. If I'm going to go down, I'd rather be turned into a rainbow or a dress then left in some muddy field to rot. She thought crossly. She had no idea where she was going, although she could no longer hear footsteps or the light flutter of wings.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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Volt's pip-pony started to broadcast a message


"damn it! They discovered an unicorn inside the factory! not only she is an intruder bat also an unicorn... they are going to kill her... is the pegasus's law... we gotta move! fast!! Chainmail!! take this and open it when you are ready!"

Volt launched to Chainmail a canister similar to the blue laser used before

"it is an ionizer, when you try to teleport it will onize the air an let a discharge it you.. about 1.21 Gigawatt... it should be enough to carry me and Moony!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Shadow Strike teleported back to the room with the foals in it. She was taking them with her. She used all the energy she had left to teleport the whole lot, including herself, back down to the town.

@@GameytheGeemer, @@Doc. Volt,

"Couldn't leave…them'" She said weakily, indicating the group of about 50 fillies and colts, before passing out.


Silver started flying through the nearest alley. She'd nearly been killed by a group of about 12 earth ponies a few minutes before, so she figured that flying would be slightly safer. "What a great day so far," she mumbled. She was headed towards an inn, in the hope that she could get a few moments rest. It had been an extremely eventful day so far, she just wanted to sleep it off.

Edited by EmeraldStreak


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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moonlight's expression became a worried one she looked at volt. "we have no time  to waste we have to get to him or else also did you just call me a bat...." moonlight adjust's her hat again to make her horn as hidden as possible she then flex her wings ready for a teleportation.


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while DOc was setting up the device ShadowStrike and a big lot of fillies teleported in front of them


"..OH MY CEL... " Volt was thinking... no Celestia caused this... she was responsable "... what the hell! Shadow! Shadow all you allright?? Friend?!? Shadow! Come on everypony help me!" Volt took off, made an hard tun in the sky to gather a lightining and then landed upon Shadow releasing the energy "Come on!! don't let us! you are a killer! You are strong!!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,

(I had to go for a bit. I'm both written out of the action. Damn.)

"Well, if they've already blown her cover. It looks like head on confrontation is how we're going to go." He said, standing on his hind hooves, and pulling out his Zanbato as he prepared to teleport all of them with the ionization spray thing.

"TO FIGHT FOR THE HONOR OF SOLDIERS!" He yelled out, his personality seeming to change to another one of his 'mane personalities' even more frequently. Fortunately for everypony else, this was his most trustworhty one that is how he ACTUALLY is when he is going into a good fight.

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moonlight stood tall and adjusted her cow girl hat "il take her place being disguise as a rainbow factory worker is easy as buck. heck i don't mind killing fillies" she said with an evil grin she then takes to the sky to scout for any pegasi that would want the fillies back.


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"They won't except you." Shadow Strike said, getting to her feet. She didn't paticularly like the pony, she seemed a bit full of herself. "If I couldn't manage it, you couldn't." She glared at moonlight. "I didn't fail; I got what I wanted out of that." She said, turning around and slowly walking off. She had managed to find out where Atmosphere was--that was all she needed. Celestia's mission would have to wait.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"YOU DID WHAT!!" NightStrike lost his calm personality for the first time in many years. "Are you aware of the fact that you just managed to make the entire CWC search for us! Now we have to hide over 50 foals! HOW ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO THAT, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF CELESTIA IS ON OUR SIDE!" He breathed heavily "She might even kill us all and just return the foals towards the CWC. Hell she might even get here to get them herself!" He turned away letting himself calm down for a bit.


@@Doc. Volt,

He turned to Volt

"Doc how many pegasus are coming after us?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Come on! we need you! Stupid idiot! you putted us in this mess and now you want to sleep?? I don't think so!


Volt then replied to NightStrike "i don't know pal... they can track him i'm sure, but i don't know what is happening over here.. if they find me here i can't return up there.. probably Rainbow Dash is now leading the research for the fillies... damn it!"


"Now shadowstrike! where are them? where is Atmosphere? where do you plan to hide all of this fillies???"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@, @@Doc. Volt,

"Then you better start running," Shadow Strike retorted, continuing to walk, the foals trailing behind her. She teleported them to an orphanage in Canterlot. "Oh and one last thing; I've seen every single file in Canterlot--even the forbidden ones. The rainbow factory? It doesn't exist." She added, before walking out of sight. She knew where she was going, she just had to get there. Even if she had to kill huge groups of ponies to get there. I'm a spy; I can do just fine on my own. I don't need them, they need me. They just don't know it yet. She thought smugly. She could see a small filly flying towards her-Silver.

"Can I travel with you, Shadow?" The filly asked nervously. Shadow Strike nodded and continued on her way, the filly hovering beside her.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"That's because I destroyed it over a year ago." Chain Mail said as she dashed off. "Now, LET'S GO KILL SOME CYBORGS" he yelled, watching as streaks became visible in the atmosphere. "Because want it or not, we're in for a MAJOR fight." He added, preparing his massive blade for the blood of the cyborgs. 

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@@GameytheGeemer, @, @@Doc. Volt, @,

NightStrike prepared his switchblade. He missed this kind of action. "Let's see if my skills are still up to the test! And after that, I'd like to have a talk to Shadow about leaving us on our own. She's probably off now kissing Molestia's ass. Volt, Moonlight you both ready too?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"electrodes ready ahahah!! let's fry theyr brain!! I want revenge! i want theyr blood all over me!! ahaha yes! I want blood!"

Volt's insanity was returning

"yes.. yes! i am going to turn you into colored rain ahah! Everything above your neck is gonna be a fine red mist!! kill them all!"



Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"hahaha she's definitely kissing molestia's ass" moonlight takes her dagger from her hat "are you kidding me? im ready to kill im always ready to kill no matter what. i might have only a dagger a sharp of too but i can pretty much snap their necks or spine while im fighting them"


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"Mmmm he seems to get mad again. Well, I guess we could use that right now. But might become a serious problem later on"


As the first cyborgs came closer NightStrike teleported away. He appeared on one's back cutting loose his vital parts killing him quickly and efficiently. Then he teleported on top of another one, cutting loose his wings in the blink of an eye. Just after that, he levitated two knifes and threw them at two other cyborgs hitting them where it hurt most.


Then he teleported to the ground watching the 4 pegasi hitting the ground in a bloody splatter.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Volt took off, behind him a long streamer of lighting


"ahaha! let's see if you remember how to charge your batteries ahaha!"


Then he unloaded a bright streamer on two floatting cyborgs making them explode


"Would you look at all that stuff ...what can i make with you? oh yes! Walkie-talkies, copper wires, safety goggles, radial tires, BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers aahahah!!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight readied her dagger and flied towards a cyborg she sliced its wings and back stabbed it she did the same for the other cyborns "these things are stupidly pathetic now im waiting for that rainbow maned cunt named rainbow idiot crash" she broke into sadistic laugher


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