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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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@, @@SleeplessSketch


"Well I gave Neon Fire a stray kitten, and yes my heart and horn are set on her, but Sketch needs the pendant. It doesn't really have any real power or anything, but it symbolizes a connection with nature and the positive energy and spirit flow of nature. Sketch has been there for me in the past, and I never really got to thank him, so I took it as a chance." Indigo smiles, "I have to say, it sure is nice to see you again Sketch."


Neon Fire flew over to where the others were at...  Indigo, Sleepless and another pony she didn't know.  She hovered in the air when she came over to them and Nightstar sat on the top of her head.


"Hey guys, watcha all doing?"  She asked, flying in the small group of ponies.

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@@Neon Fire

Looking up at the pony with the kitten on her head, Tranq recognizes Neon Fire from Indigo's description. She smiles broadly.


"You must be Neon Fire. Indigo was talking about you earlier. Fritter? Surprisingly, there's still one left, even after Sketch tried to eat them all. You should sit with us."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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(( Happy thanksgiving ponies! ))


After having a decent nap for once, Sketch was ready to seize the rest of the day.He stretched his legs and popped the bones in his neck


Boy did that feel good! Huh, am I talking inside my head? Fancy that! Much less crazy than speaking out loud.


He shrugged and headed outside back towards the Sugarcube and just in time too, it seemed both Miss Tranq and Miss Fire were having conversation. He actually didn't know how long he actually slept, other than it felt Fantastic. He came up upon the two and greeted the two Mares.


@,@@Neon Fire,


"Hello ponies!! Still frittering about I see!" He said smiling the usual smile. 

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"Sketch, you're alive! I was a bit worried. Feeling any better? And do we perhaps need some more pastries? Nocturne is being a little piggy!"

Tranq felt relieved. She was excited to meet Neon, but she felt anxious over meeting new people. Having someone she'd at least spoken to before helped her feel a little more comfortable. She smiled broadly at Sketch.


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"HA! Fancy that! We can't go having that now can we. Right I'll get pastries for all of us, my treat this time since you did so to us earlier. Be back in a jiffy~"


Sketch chuckled seeing her huge smile and proceeded to go purchase more sweets, just as he said. Opening the door the bell rung and he proceeded towards the counter to purchase more fritters and a few surprise cupcakes. Handing over the bits Sketch received the bag full of goodies and thanked the StorePony while he trotted back outside.


"Here we are! Lovelies for all!" He said spilling the contents which provided a variety of multicolored cupcakes and apple fritters.


@@Neon Fire


He turned to Miss Fire offering a fritter towards her. "Come join us!"

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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"Squee cupcakes!" Tranq giggles, then abruptly stops. Who was this person, squeeing and giggling? 

"So Sketch, what brings you to Ponyville? Are you planning on staying, or do you have somewhere else you call home?"

Tranq places Nocturne back on her shoulder after he tries to get at her cupcake.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"I KNOW RTGHT??" He squeed along with her getting into her excitement.


"Oh! Weeeeell.. I inherited my parent's old home on the east side of Ponyville just after you cross the bridge. See I actually use to live here in Ponyville, most of my childhood anyway, then I moved to Manehatten to...pursue other things. BUT NOT IMPORTANT HERE I AM!"


He laughed quick to change the whole Moving away topic as he filled his mouth with some more of those scrumptious Fritters.


"Never saw you back then though, how long 'ave you stayed? Not often does a Unicorn live on the outskirts towards Everfree." He asked with curiosity twinkling in his worn eyes.

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e, most of my childhood anyway, then I moved to Manehatten to...pursue other things. BUT NOT IMPORTANT HERE I AM!"


"I've not been here long. I grew up in Vanhoover. The outskirts anyways, with my family. I decided rather than being a farm pony my whole life, I wanted to learn, so I packed up and moved to Fillydelphia, went to school there, then moved to Ponyville for the quiet. I can write here without too much distraction.

"I live at the edge of the Everfree forest because aside from Sweet Apple Acres, it has the best soil in the area. It's also quiet. I occasionally get unwelcome guests, but I feed them, and they usually go away. That's actually how I found Nocturne. He was hungry. I fed him. He kind of never went away."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Stopping his munching, his ears flicked when he heard her say her own reasons for moving out here in Ponyville.


"So you moved out here...for the quiet too?  And you write as well? Why...that's fantastic! I can relate to that..I draw for a living myself, got a degree to prove it too! Although my portfolio is more important to me if anything. I would love to read your work sometimes though, I appreciate a good story every now and then, it's pretty much inspiring! Oh there I go with that word again."


He rambled on chuckling to himself. It felt kinda nice to have somepony to talk to about artistic mediums be it writing or drawing, especially when you don't get to express as much artistic freedom as you want to when you're constantly hammered with other's requests.


"I've never been an outside pony, probably explains why my coat is so pale. Young and naive I was haha, though your dedication and kindness is really quite fantastic, caring for those animals."

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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"I've never been an outside pony, probably explains why my coat is so pale. Young and naive I was haha, though your dedication and kindness is really quite fantastic, caring for those animals."

Tranq laughs aloud. "There's no dedication to it, I just know they'll eat my plants if I don't feed them. I have to say though, I am a bit jealous. I can write rather well, but my artistic expression as far as drawing goes is limited to stick ponies. Sad ones at that."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"Ahhhh nonsense, artistic expression is anything you want it to be! Long as it comes from yer heart! Sounds cheesey I know buuuut it's pretty much some truth to it." He said thinking back to the days he was just starting out try to draw.


"They tell you art is all about drawing Ponies on a model stand, an oil painting that took over months to finish, intense orchestral music created by a deaf stallion, or sculpting legless ponies in marble. But it's none of that! the question of what is art? is practically irrelevant and wrong in itself. It's anything you want it to be. Even stick ponies drawn in the sand and most definitely written pieces of fantastic literature." 


He went on about his own opinion about what art really was to him, he had a passion for anything that inspired him to draw and he wasn't afraid to show it to the world, though at most times he can seem rather preachy about his views.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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"HA! Fancy that! We can't go having that now can we. Right I'll get pastries for all of us, my treat this time since you did so to us earlier. Be back in a jiffy~"


Sketch chuckled seeing her huge smile and proceeded to go purchase more sweets, just as he said. Opening the door the bell rung and he proceeded towards the counter to purchase more fritters and a few surprise cupcakes. Handing over the bits Sketch received the bag full of goodies and thanked the StorePony while he trotted back outside.


"Here we are! Lovelies for all!" He said spilling the contents which provided a variety of multicolored cupcakes and apple fritters.


@@Neon Fire


He turned to Miss Fire offering a fritter towards her. "Come join us!"


Neon Fire nodded, coming with the two.


"So where would you say we could go on these adventures?  I've already been to the EverFree Forest and I don't think there's a whole lot of places in Ponyville that are very adventurous.  Unless there's places you know about that I don't," she said.

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Tranq thinks for a moment. "There was a hay stack that was thought to be haunted! ...But it just turned out to be Pinkie Pie. Apple picking can be fun, but the novelty wears off pretty quickly. To be honest, there isn't a whole lot to do here in Ponyville. But that's why a lot of us love it so."

Nods to Sketch. "It's peaceful, so it's easier to get work done here."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Neon Fire@,


"Hmmm besides EverFree I would like to think that...there is one place of interest to me. It's no everfree forest, but you'd have one heck of a view of all of Ponyville and the surrounding area, maybe there we would be able to see possible ADVENTUROUS locations! Whaddya say compatriots?"


He asked standing up on his hooves a little excited now that adventure was mentioned.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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@@SleeplessSketch, @@Neon Fire,

"Possible viewings of adventures is pretty close to adventure. I'm down, lets do it!" Tranq flexed her hooves, getting up after sitting for an extended period of time. It almost seemed like she had been sitting there for 13 hours (lol).

"Also, I think we need to walk off those fritters!"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Neon Fire@,


"Hmmm besides EverFree I would like to think that...there is one place of interest to me. It's no everfree forest, but you'd have one heck of a view of all of Ponyville and the surrounding area, maybe there we would be able to see possible ADVENTUROUS locations! Whaddya say compatriots?"


He asked standing up on his hooves a little excited now that adventure was mentioned.


"Sounds like a plan!"  Neon Fire said excitedly.


She spread out her wings and lifted off, hovering above the two.


"How far would you say it is from here?"


Word limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limitWord limit

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@,@@Neon Fire,


"But..but fritters! You can never walk off fritters! They are much too small you could never stand on them without crushing in the first place~" He said teasing her playfully.


"I do believe it is a good 30 minute walk over yonder due to it being on the far side of town and on the hill. You'll love it! I use to go there as a foal so I can draw and make pretend...a bit embarrassing really but TALLY HO FRIENDS!"


He exclaimed leading the way with both companions at hooves. 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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@,@@Neon Fire,


"But..but fritters! You can never walk off fritters! They are much too small you could never stand on them without crushing in the first place~" He said teasing her playfully.


"I do believe it is a good 30 minute walk over yonder due to it being on the far side of town and on the hill. You'll love it! I use to go there as a foal so I can draw and make pretend...a bit embarrassing really but TALLY HO FRIENDS!"


He exclaimed leading the way with both companions at hooves. 


Neon Fire flew ahead and followed Sketch.


"This is gonna be awesome...  I can't wait until we get there!"  She exclaimed.  "Hey, do you think we'll be back in time though for the festival?  I'd still like to see Indigo perform.  He said he was going to be singing, plus I had to do some stuff there as well."

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@@Neon Fire, @@SleeplessSketch,

Tranq grins widely while blushing, feeling a little silly. Turning to Neon, she says "I'd like to see Indigo perform too. We can make it a quick trip to where ever it is Sketch is dragging us to, and probably be back in time to see him, if we hurry."

She catching up to everypony, setting a quick pace.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Neon Fire@,


"I'm more than positive that we'll be back in time for the festival. I didn't know you were helping out as well, must be quite exciting~"


He said as he trotted along ahead of the two.


"I wonder if they'll have cider in this year, Oh I do loooove they're apple cider~ I've missed it for YEARS." He said licking his lips at the thought of that sparkling mana from apple heaven.


"The place we are going to my friends, is the Ponyville Clocktower. Nopony really goes there unless they're sight seeing." He explained

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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@@SleeplessSketch, @@Neon Fire,

"Sweet, does that mean we  get to act like tourist, with funny clothes and cameras around our necks, yelling at the top of our lungs? Teehee" Tranq does a spazzy dance.

"So Neon, what about you? I don't really get out much. Do you live here, or are you just visiting?"

Edited by Troblems


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Indigo smiles as soon as he sees Neon Fire, he would have loved to go to the clock tower, especially with Neon Fire, but he remembers he needs to practice for the festival, it is only a few hours away.


He gets up and smiles, "Well you have three have fun, I'm off."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Alright mate see you in a bit!"


He said waving a hoof at his friend as he walked off.


"I see those kinds of ponies ALL the time! Back in Canterlot there were millions of them! Always surrounding the castle and oohing and ahhing. And everywhere I look, CLICK always a flash of their camera right up me own eyes!" He said recalling his experiences and laughing with her.


"Still, it's nice traveling here and there." 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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Indigo leaves the cafe and makes his way back to the stage. This time, this time, no foul up! When Neon hears me sing. When she... NO! I will not, ever, ever force love onto that beautiful mare! Good on you, you finally grew a backbone!


He reaches the stage and just stands there, he swallows his nervousness and continues to practice his singing.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Oof, that's why I could never live in the capital. Too much commotion. I'm also no photogenic. Not even a little.

"Did you notice how nervous Indigo looked? I thought having friends at his performance might help him, but it seems that it might do the exact opposite. Poor guy seems a little love struck. Or maybe a lottle."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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