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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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"Oh look see?? Your making new friends! I have no idea who this pony is, though he did come all this way to knock on me door! Sooooo...Why did knock on me door?" Sketch asked the unicorn once he turned his attention to him, not paying mind to the snakes and Divine's attitude towards the other. He was pretty oblivious to his surroundings when he got to this personality of his, as well as a major case of ADD, though that was purely by choice mind you. 


"OH! Did you come to help bring in my other packages! Fancy that! A mover pony that's a unicorn, never thought I'd see the day!" He said grinning his goofy smile and trademark gaped teeth.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"I could've done something," Xenon said in a whisper,"I could've saved her," he continued. "Excuse me for a bit," he said, rubbing his arm, which was a brownish red, not his usual coat color. He started to walk out to the side of the house.


Word limit Word limit Word limit

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Break got home of course, and he immediately started putting his stuff away.  His clothes, managed his books, and fixed his bed.  It was all so simple due to his unicorn magic.  He found himself very tired by the time he finished these small chores.  Naturally, he slipped into bed after getting undressed, and fell asleep for a power nap.




Break was suddenly woken up by the mail mare.  Her derpy voice aired behind his door, "Maaail tiiiime~~"  He heard some envelopes slide under the door.


Obviously, Break got up and groggy like walked over to the mail.  He picked up the mail, and opened the first envelope to find a letter addressed to him, it read:

Hello Break!  I know where you live now...  kekekekekeke.  I hope you're ready for me....  Keep those bloody eyes as sharp as a nail because I'm gonna be watching... and waiting... for the perfect moment...  to pounce.  Heheheh....Hahahah.....Mwahahahaha!!
With love, T.


Break was too tired from waking up that he didn't really care what that all  meant.  He tossed the note on the counter next to him in a huff.  He opened the next envelope...  Junk mail.  Some advertisement about Quills and Sofas.  "Junk."  He tossed it just like the last.


The next envelope was ALSO a letter.  This envelope had the royal seal on the front, but Break didn't really care about it.  He opened it, and read the letter inside:

Dear Break Shimmerald,
You are invited to a private meeting with the Princesses of Equestria on the 6th of this month.  We really hope to see you there at the castle in Canterlot.  Give the guards this: <insert picture of shiny write of passage> to enter the Meeting Room in the west tower.  Please be sure to be there before the sun reaches its peak, or you will not be able to enter the tower.  Thank you, and we really would like to see you there.  The Details of this meeting are to be disclosed at the site.
Sincerely, Princesses  Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle.  (Signatured names)


That was the end of the mail.  Breaks mouth was open in a gaping awe.


Suddenly he yelled out, "WHAAAAAAT!?"

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Divine narrowed his eyes slightly looking back at the fireplace then back at the Unicorn. His tails backed off and he bolted out of the door, quickly running over to the unicorn. ''Fire. Something connects you to fire..'' he then began walking back to Sketch's house and sat down in front of it. He wondered where break was...something about him perked Divine's interest. Destroying Changelings maybe? He had a hunch but wasn't quite sure.


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Seeing both of them bolt out the door to the side of his house, Sketch just stood there in the frame blinking to himself several times wondering if he was still asleep.


"Okaaaay...I'll just..do it meself then." He said laughing nervously at the peculiar events taking place with all things considering.


"And I thought I was peculiar.." He muttered as he used his head to push in a box towards the inside of his house, taking it slow. 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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As soon as he was at the side of the house he made sure nopony was looking. When he saw nopony, he got out a vial filled with yellow liquid. He then proceded to pour it on his arm. The burning pain sent signals of pain up to his brain, but payed no attention. Xenon laid down, and started to chuckle. "Hehe, now I know your pain mother..."

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''W-waita moment! I will help you with all that. It looks heavy. Just tell me where to place it and I will place it in the spot you directed me to. Divine really wanted to be helpful. He wanted to do something useful. Of course Jealousy did want to get a job but who in their right mind would hire a changeling? For all he knew he could get in trouble being in ponyville.


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From the outskirts of Ponyville walks a blue,tall stallion.with only a small pack and a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes,he walks towards the town with a cool breeze hitting his black and white mane."Weather's gettin' cold,hope it doesn't get too bad." he says to himself as he moves closer towards the building.

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you.

While gripping the sword,I cannot embrace you"

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"Oh! Fantastic! Just place that big huge box right by the mailbox at the back of the living room. It's probably my drafting table, that's where the magic happens, well magic as magic can get for an Earth Pony.." he said chuckling a bit as he picked up another box much smaller than the previous ones onto his back.


"You can open it if you want, but we'll have to assemble it once you do. It's all in pieces in order to fit that box." He said as he pranced upstairs to put away his movables, still quite oblivious to what had just went on.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Oh goodness, oh goodness, oh sweet Celestia.  What do they want with me!?  I didn't...  ...?"  Break thought long and hard into his memories to try and figure out why they are summoning him.  "I did used to live in Canterlot, and I had been figuring out the truth to the ponies that live there...  More often than not, it had actually helped quite a few ponies in the process, although it did hurt sometimes...  ...?  Do they want my help for something?"  Break started to go off on a tangent.


Break found it neccesary to put on his hat, and only his hat, for the rest of the day.  He felt like going for a natural feeling for the rest of the day because of this new revelation.


Before he could leave his homely apartment, he noticed there was yet another envelope that he hadn't opened yet.  He picked it up using his magic, and read the contents:

Hello, we at Equestria Trains wanted to inform you of delayed service from the 3rd to the 8th of this month.  We're fixing track put down just a month ago that broke.  Trains are being rerouted to go through Ponyville, and service to Canterlot is going to be backed up until the 7th.


-Equestria Trains, Ponyville Line.


Break yelled once more, "WHAAAAAAAAT?!"

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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''Oh uh ok.'' he quickly tried to do each task exactly the way he was told to. Tilting his head slightly he looked down at the box. So..it was just a table? Wait a moment...magic? With his crooked horn he sliced through the box with ease, careful not to ruin anything that was inside. All of the pieces confused him very very much.


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Sketch pranced down from the stairs and looked at the contents of the box that Divine had sliced open.


"You do know that the boxes open on the top r- aw nevermind, your way is just as efficient!" He said as he scooted himself on over to the pieces. Carefully he assembled the jumbled mess of a drafting table as he screwed in the bolts that needed to be inserted, attached the legs where they need to be attached, attached the desk lamp that screwed onto the surface of the table. Since the table itself can fold, he stood it up right with the surface slanted towards him a bit and placed it nicely in the corner of the room.


"Fantastic! It's all complete! LOOK! It even has it's own lamp!" He said all giddy-like at his familiar workstation while clicking the lamp on and off as it lit up the corner.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Jealousy chuckled softly as he saw how happy Sketch was with this table and lamp. He had to admit it was a wonderful lamp..he hoped to get one of those if he ever managed to move into ponyville..he would deal with that later. Raising his head he tapped his hoof against sketch pointing to the otherpony that was talking to him.


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Break couldn't believe this.  The PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA are asking him to come and give an audience, TOMMOROW, but the only reliable way to get there has been delayed indefinitely for that day.  What was he going to do?


"........"  Break thought long and hard about what to do.  "Maybe... I can... get a ride from a pegasus?"


Break pulled out the royal letter and looked it over again to see if he missed anything.  ...Nada.  There's nothing on the opposite side either.  You'd think they would send a pegasus carriage or something.  Maybe it's too risky?  Maybe they didn't have enough ponies?  ..Maybe something big is happening, and they can't send anyone.


"Shieza, ich bin das laiben--  AHA!!"  Break suddenly came up with a great idea.  "Of course!  I can just teleport to my old home!"


Break set the note down, and started to visualize his home in Canterlot.  He visualized being there and focused his magic.


There was a knock at the door, "Oh Breeeeeaaak!  Oi, you in 'ere?"  A strange accent was heard, and broke Break's concentration.


Break exhaled in an angry fashion.  "...Who is it?"  Break slowly opened the door with his magic.


A Green stallion walked into Break's apartment with a wild grin on his face.  He just stared at Break with a wildly mischievous passion that pierced Break with a spear of crazy.  "It's...meee!"


"Oh.  Hay.  No."  Break attempted to escape by freezing this familiar pony in place, and galloping out the door.

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Hehehe-oh Sorry!" He stopped playing with the lamp and turned to the new pony at his door.


"Pegasus! I've never seen you around here before! Nice to meet you!" He said towards the green medical pony unknowing of the fact they have already met, though with his previous personality. He turns to Divine whom was still standing there behind him at the table.


"There's also a lot of Pegasi here..I 'avent made another Earth Pony friend." He said in a not so whispery voice...again.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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(( Hey everyone I am going to bed ;v; night! Just uh, Divine is just sitting there or something..I dunno whatever a changeling does xD;;  I will catch up with the rest of the rp when I wake up. Hopefully I will see you all soon ^_^ thanks for rping with me I am having a lot of fun xD ))


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((Ok Bitter Frost~~))


Break's breath became doubled as he ran into the dirt street, passing ponies with quick succession, running from...  him.  That pony was... Break couldn't put into words just how much he didn't want to see this pony or even be near him.

I'm not letting him do it!  He's not going to ...  AGHH!!  Break thought to himself as ponies in the street passed by in a colorful blur.


"Go away, you...!"  Break yelled.  "Vile..."  T. started to gain on Break, "...Atrocious..." The gap between the two ponies was waning.  "CorruptHeinousVillainous, malicious, nefarious, ugly, HORRID, BAD, EEEVIL---"  T. tackled Break to the ground on the edge of town.  Only a spare amount of ponies were around.


T. stood over Break, "What was that, Breeeeak?"  His face got closer to Break's, and it got even crazier looking.  "It's time...!"


"T-Tickles McGiggles..."  Break said under his breath.


"Excuse me?" T. got off of Break wondering what he just said.


"Your name..."  Break smirked, and stood up, "It's..."  Break started to take a deep breath, and turned towards Ponyville. "TICK--"


"NOOOOOO!!!"  Fear was on his face as T. ran away screaming.


Break chuckled to himself, and then looked around to find some ponies staring at him as if he had done something.  "What?  Can't a pony fight the good fight?"  Break turned away and headed for town in search of a quick way into Canterlot.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Sketch had left behind Divine to his house to rest after unpacking and moving all of the things needed to be done, he decided to go out and grab some ingredients to make a good dinner, so he wanted to check what the outside vendor ponies were selling, apples no doubt. Suddenly he saw his friend Mr.Break in the street, so he decided to join in on his shenanigans or whatever he was doing there in the first place. 


"'Ello sir! fancy seeing you out here! What was that you were screaming about recently? It sounds like fun! though I am on a bit of errands for the time being, but either or it sounds fantastic!" He said smiling at the freckled Unicorn he called his friend...though he called everypony his friend.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Break had started to calm down when a familiar face came into view.  It was Sketch, and he seemed like his Happy Self this time.  I should really get to nickname this side of Sketch, and his other side...  What could I name his happy side?  ...!  I got it!  I'll name his more gloomy side Skotch and his happy side Sketch.  There we go.


"Oh, Sketch!  I need your help!"  Break trotted over to Sketch.  "Okay... so..."  Break took a deep, deep breath.


"Okay, soIwenthometogotakeapowernapandIdidbutthenIwokeuptofindalotoflettersfromrandompeopleanditturnsout...I. Am. Invited to the Castle in Canterlot to talk with the princesses about something important, BUT..."  Break took yet another deep deep breath.  "ItturnsoutthatthetrainsgoingtoCanterlotarebasicallycanceledforalloftodayandthesixthwhichistommorowand... I.... Can't... get... there... without going on foot, which is really...REALLY...risky.  I need your help to get a way into canterlot safetly.  Is there ANY WAY you can help me?"  Break started to breath heavily after letting loose all that information at once.  He hadn't felt this energetic in along time.  It must have been adrenaline or something.


I sure hope he can help me...

Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"....I met a medical pony at me house! D'you wanna meet him??" Sketch said smiling a goofy smile unable to make out the horse radish he just heard...maybe it was the adrenaline. 


"I actually kind of ditched him because he looked too deep in thought so I figured I would get some supper for 'im and Divine! D'you wanna come too? Maybe it'll clear yer head and you can speak properly again! I have that trouble almost allll the time, not being able to speak properly and all that rubbish." He went on and on and on rambling about useless stuff that didn't at all pertain to the situation at hand...let alone the ditched Medical Pony and Changeling at his OPEN house.


"Maybe the Medical Pony can help make you talk normally again!" He said smiling.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Break was breathing heavily again, and spoke once more, "N-No, I'm fine...  I was just running from someone.  He's gone now... though."  Break tried to calm himself down.  "I'm just...  freaking out a little bit."


How can I be calm!?  The PRINCESSES OF EQUESTRIA want me to speak with them.  They invited ME.  ME!  Of all ponies!


"I guess I can meet this pony, if you so desired.  I'll try to explain my situation when I get to your house, ok?"  Break said walking with Sketch.



Edited by CharChar

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Fantastic! Oh wait, I still have to gather up ingredients..and I still don't know what I'm going to make, maybe a soup since it's so bloody cold out." He said leading the way towards other shop vendors looking at vegetables here and there.


"Back in my trip to Canterlot, I met this really fantastic Earth Pony who could cook worth a darn! He was actually an instructor for this school of home cooking and boy was he marvelous! I learned some pointers from him while I was there~" He said rambling on, he was getting quite hungry though from all this cooking talk. 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Go right ahead.  It's fine."  Break said, following Sketch around town.

It's FINE?!  I have to somehow get in Canterlot before midday tommorow!  How can it be FINE?!  Break's thoughts slowly became jumbled in a mess of freaking outness.  He didn't want to disappoint anyone, which is rare for him since he doesn't make that many friends.


((I need to sleeeeeeeeep DX))

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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