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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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@@Neon Fire,


"Ok then, this way, I won't take us into any of the really dangerous areas. It would be too scary for little Nightstar, and we wouldnt him getting frigthened." Indigo leads her to the EverFree Forest, and it starts getting dark the further they go in, so he uses his magik to light up the path.

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@@Neon Fire,


"Ok then, this way, I won't take us into any of the really dangerous areas. It would be too scary for little Nightstar, and we wouldnt him getting frigthened." Indigo leads her to the EverFree Forest, and it starts getting dark the further they go in, so he uses his magik to light up the path.


Neon Fire is very careful about where she steps, since it's dark all around, besides where the light from Indigo is at.  She looks around and makes sure there aren't any monsters or anything, and is ready to attack if there are.


"Can't wait to get there, bet it'll be awesome," she said.

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@@Neon Fire,


"we're nearly there, it isn't as beautiful as my favorite spot, but I bet you'll like it." He leads them towards the spot, and reaches a mountain, "well here's the mountain, get ready for a bit of climbing, it's a bit high." They start climbing and they see a bit of light and reach the top, at the top of the mountain they can see all of the surrounding areas.

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@@Neon Fire,


"we're nearly there, it isn't as beautiful as my favorite spot, but I bet you'll like it." He leads them towards the spot, and reaches a mountain, "well here's the mountain, get ready for a bit of climbing, it's a bit high." They start climbing and they see a bit of light and reach the top, at the top of the mountain they can see all of the surrounding areas.


"Wow..."  Neon Fire said, staring out for a good few minutes without saying another word.  "This is incredible!"


She stared out for awhile more, just taking in everything out there.


"The EverFree Forest is huge!"  She exclaimed, then turned to Nightstar.  "How you doin', little buddy?"

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"Wow..."  Neon Fire said, staring out for a good few minutes without saying another word.  "This is incredible!"


She stared out for awhile more, just taking in everything out there.


"The EverFree Forest is huge!"  She exclaimed, then turned to Nightstar.  "How you doin', little buddy?"


Indigo smiles, "It is, but like I said, I know it like the back of my hoof, look, there's my favorite spot."

Nigthstar says, "I'm good mummy, I knnow you will protect me." He purrs

Indigo smiles at Nigthstar and lays down on his stomach. "It's good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town every now and then."

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Indigo smiles, "It is, but like I said, I know it like the back of my hoof, look, there's my favorite spot."

Nigthstar says, "I'm good mummy, I knnow you will protect me." He purrs

Indigo smiles at Nigthstar and lays down on his stomach. "It's good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town every now and then."


"Couldn't agree more," Neon Fire replied sitting down, and looking out there.  "So how often would you say you come out here then?"


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@@Neon Fire,


"To this spot, not very often, because it can get quite lonely up here all by myself. But whenever I need inspiration for a special project or song, or just need to feel like I'm ontop of the world, I come here." Indigo says, looking at Neon Fire. He smiles again, feeling a whole lot of positive energy flowing his way.

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@@Neon Fire,


"To this spot, not very often, because it can get quite lonely up here all by myself. But whenever I need inspiration for a special project or song, or just need to feel like I'm ontop of the world, I come here." Indigo says, looking at Neon Fire. He smiles again, feeling a whole lot of positive energy flowing his way.


"Yeah, I can understand that," she said, pausing.  "Have you ever flown before?  Like...  Ever cast a spell on yourself to give you wings or something?"


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"Yeah, I can understand that," she said, pausing.  "Have you ever flown before?  Like...  Ever cast a spell on yourself to give you wings or something?"


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He shakes his head, "No, that kind of magik is too advanced for me at the moment. Most of my magik is focused on nature and animals. I know there are spells but they would require a lot of energy. I would love to fly one day though, it must feel wonderful, to fly and have the wind blowing through your man and tail."

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He shakes his head, "No, that kind of magik is too advanced for me at the moment. Most of my magik is focused on nature and animals. I know there are spells but they would require a lot of energy. I would love to fly one day though, it must feel wonderful, to fly and have the wind blowing through your man and tail."


"Yes, it's amazing," she paused and chuckled.  "Especially when you're trying to get away from other ponies who can't fly.  I've had that happen one too many times."


She stared out at the view, then laid down, and let Nightstar snuggle beside her.


"It'd be awesome if you learned that magic one day and could fly.  It really is great."


((Brb like 15-20 mins))

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"Yes, it's amazing," she paused and chuckled.  "Especially when you're trying to get away from other ponies who can't fly.  I've had that happen one too many times."


She stared out at the view, then laid down, and let Nightstar snuggle beside her.


"It'd be awesome if you learned that magic one day and could fly.  It really is great."


((Brb like 15-20 mins))


"It sure would, maybe some day. But my parents say that I need to study more. There isn't much I can do until I gain the knowledge of how to do it, and harness enough energy to do it without completley draining myself of it." Indigo says, "All I can really do is like I said, study, harness the energy and be patient." he pets Nightstar.

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Tranq stirred briefly, scratching at her mane. She tried to roll over, but was bitten by Nocturne. "Little jerk. Nightstar never bites Neon." She looks around. "Huh. I am not at home. That's awkward. Must have conked out. Rude." She looked up to the sight of Sketch's back.

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"Hm?" Sketch heard the Mare stir up from her slumber behind him. He looked back and saw that bed-hair of hers, he couldn't stop smiling.


"So THAT'S what I look like...'Ello Miss Tranq~ Have a good slumber you did? So did I..absolutely Fantastic."  He said giving her his familiar grin while still holding his sketchbook.


"Aww Nocturne, have yerself a little nibble then? Maybe he's hungry, I can go run and get some food fer 'im!" He said all excited. 

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Tranq grins. "You're back, I see. You slept, then?" Tranq looks out the corner of her eye to catch her hair looking absolutely atrocious. She blushes briefly, trying her best to smooth it out. "With all the junk I fed Nocturne earlier, he's not hungry, he's just grumpy at being woken." @@SleeplessSketch

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"Well...sorta yeah..I have a very large bump on my head, but other than that, I'll be just fine." He said rubbing at his head. He scooted himself closer to her taking a deep breath.


"Hey...I just wanted to say...thank you..for sticking with me..with him..I'm sure he didn't show it at all or appreciated it, but... thank you anyways..you're Fantastic..and Brilliant." He said giving off a flustered smile as he grips onto his sketchbook. He meant everyword of it, he was truly grateful.

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"Honestly," Tranq says as she retrieves some ice for Sketch's head, "he wasn't all that bad. He's a little jerky sometimes, but he didn't destroy anything, he never insulted me or anyone else directly... He did brush your mane though.


"....So, what do you remember of what happened?"

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"Key word directly...ER UM well actually, yes, I remember most of it, except for what went on just as the concert started, but after that I pretty much have it all in me head." He said goofily laughing as he takes the ice bag.


"Also..I remember him feeling defeated..after that long explanation and examination that Mr.Break, the blue unicorn stallion, said. He pretty much examined my whole MPD in a nutshell...and then some.." He said exhaling a big sigh.


"But he wasn't a bad guy, he really wanted to help..he just didn't give him a chance too, then there was this thing with Indigo and Neon...so...He rammed our head against the wall by the fireplace and BOOM we were out like a light!...then I woke up after half and hour gone by..then I came down to tidy the place up and then well...I saw you...just sleeping there like a lemon..okay not a lemon, just like a cute little foal. So uhhh..I just drew in the meantime until you woke up so I can..so I can say Thank You...and that's pretty much it." He said rambling on breaking out in a nervous smile and chuckle once in a while.

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@@Neon Fire


Indigo smiles but then sighs, "As lovely as it is here, I really should get back to check on Sleepless. He probably thinks we abandoned him, and I don't want him thinking that. I'll be right back. I will just teleport there and back once I know he is alright."




Indigo uses his wink ability and teleports straight to Sleepless's house and knocks on the door.

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Tranq smiles "That's..." she pauses to giggle, then catches herself, "sweet. I was just making sure you knew about Break. And I'm glad you're back, but I feel bad that he...well you...he? I dunno. I feel bad he was chased off. I would think he would have as much claim to your shared body as you do...?"

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"I know...I do too...as much as I'm kind of ashamed of him I...wait is that knocking on the door?, 'old on I'll get it." He lifts himself up on his feet and trots on over to the door. Once opening it he finds himself face to face with his friend Indigo.


"O-oh...Hello Indy..fancy seeing you again..I thought you wandered off again." He said looking a bit taken back by his returning, though he can still remember that little stinging sensation deep down...like an instinct.


"What can I help you with then..?" He asked.

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"I was just checking up on you, after..after your alter ego or whatever bashed your head against the wall, Neon and I decided that the best thing to do was to get you into bed, so it would be more comfortable for you. Then we thought it would be best to just leave you be for a while. I...I'm sorry if you thought we abandoned you."

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"Ah...well...no I'm fine, thanks for checking up on me. I'm..Fantastic." He said giving off a quick smile.


He looked back at Tranq giving off a slightly pained look.


"Hey Indy..i-its really late, how about we catch up tomorrow eh? We'll watch the leaves fall and everything..good eh?" he said giving a grin.

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"Certainly Sketch, I really should get back to Neon Fire, I left her and Nigthstar ontop of that mountain in the EverFree Forest. This was only meant to be a short stop off anyway. Glad you're back to your usual self, well see ya tomorrow." Indigo says, he then leaves the house and winks back to the EverFree Forest.

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"Right...seeyou later." He said waving as he closed the door. He then trotted back in and sat down next to her.


"I can't believe it...he left again..just like bloody that!...all he cares about is that blue pegasus there, I mean, just a quick stop anyway, can you believe that rubbish??..I...augh...I need a drink.." He said standing up again and heading into the kitchen. 

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Tranq watches the slightly awkward conversation between Sketch and Indigo with amusement while trying to feign disinterest. "Soooo," she says "How's about them fireworks tonight? Pretty great huh? Anything else upcoming, or was that the end of the festival?"

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