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searching Last Christmas 2 (Adventure Romance RP!)

LunaKitty R5

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Sooo, where is the setting right now? Is the wedding at the resort? Or is this before arriving at the resort? I feel like Stormie would be out of place at this wedding since he doesn't know anyone, and he isn't anything special that a wedding would require. All Stormie really is, well, He's just a city boy, born and raised in south cloudsdayle. He took a midnight train going aaaanywhere.






Im sorry, I had to. xD


Well I guess those last two posts answer my question. To the resort! Hi-ho silver, AWAAAAAAYYYY!!!

I think she meant you cant become an Alicorn


Soul left the bar and went to the bathroom, where some kind of poison gas seeped in, but neither you nor I were online to save her, despite her calling out to us. (critic came and saved her instead) So when I came back on, I stated that Stormie and Equinox had been drugged by the bartender with some kind of short lasting paralysis poison, and thats why neither of them went to save her.

Edited by The Knight Solaire


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