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Grell sighed and smiled as he snuggled up to midnight again he didn't go to sleep not from lack of trying but he simply couldn't fall asleep so he lay there enjoying the closeness of midnight his mind wondered back to his past and he found himself thinking about the day he discovered his power

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Grell smiled as midnight buried her face in his chest he assumed she was dreaming about him since she kept mumbling his name grell was about to fall asleep but for some reason just couldn't do it he was tired but at least his energy level was back up

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Midnight shifted, snuggling closer. She mumbled a sentence this time, but he couldn't make out what it said. There was a knock on the outside of the cage.


"Excuse me, Mr. Grell? Are you guys awake yet?" the nurse asked. She was the one outside knocking on the coffin.

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Grelll sighed and slightly lifted the lid so midnight wouldn't wake "I am but midnight isn't "grell whispered "is there anything you need "grelll asked as he used his magic to grab a couple of apples he brought them into the coffin and began to eat one

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Midnightvstirred a bit, but stayed asleep.


The nurse blinked. "U-um, well, whenever she awakes, please make sure to get rid of this...coffin. It's scaring a few of our fillies her at camp. You understand, right??" The nurse smiled timidly at Grell. She wasn't used to such a different demi god before.

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Grell smiled "of course I understand will do " grell said he thought he could have some fun at the fillies expense but decided that it would be cruel to do so "is there anything anything else " grell asked as he finished his apple and picked up another one

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The nurse shook her head. "No that's it," she said as she walked away. "Oh, actually, yes. Yes there is. There is a meeting being held tonight around six or seven to welcome in you new demi-gods. You are required to attend." She smiled one last time, then walked off.


Midnight groaned, opening her eyes a little.

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Grell sighed he didn't want to go to some meeting in all honesty if it hadn't been for our midnight he probably wouldn't have came to the camp grell shut the coffin just before midnight moaned he smiled when her eyes opened "hey did you sleep well " grell asked as he munched an apple

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Midnight nodded, smiling up at him. "I had a wonderful dream, too..." She giggled, yawning and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Where'd you get an apple??" When she said that, her stomach growled. She blushed, giggling. "I'm hungry..." she laughed, sticking her tongue out.

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Grell used his magic to hand her two apples "what was your dream about " grell asked as he lifted the lid of the coffin "the nurse wants me to do something with the coffin because it's apparently scaring the fillies " grell sighed "and there's a meeting to welcome us"

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Midnight nommed on the apple and climbed out. "It was about us..." She smiled, blushing a little. She stretched her legs, yelping when she tried to stretch her sprained one. She teared up, pouting. "Owwie... That hurt..." She looked over at Grell, smiling sheepishly.

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"yeah I thought so " grell said with a smile when she yelped he sighed "you really need be careful " grell said and smiled -at least it's not as bad as it was - grell thought -does she know that I healed her instead of me-grell thought as he magically made the coffin shrink and fly into his bag

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Midnight sighed, using her wings to keep herself off the ground. "How long do I have to keep off this leg? I can't remember..." She was still confused on to how she healed so fast. She thought the nurse had said 3 broken ribs and a broken leg. Not just a sprained leg.

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"five days I think" grell said -I'm going to assume that she hasn't figured it out yet I don't think she knows that I can even do that at all - grell thought -if she did know she'd jump my case because I was in worse shape then she was - grell walked out side they had a few hours before the he meeting

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Midnight followed, still in deep thought. -I usually only heal like that when I use my power at 120% capacity... How was I able to heal... Did Grell heal me...? I told him not to... Or at least, I think I did... Ugh I don't know... All this thinking is making my head hurt... She winced as a headache started

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Grell seen midnight wince "are you okay " grell asked he was prepared to draw more life force, he had learned how to draw when ever he wanted but he'd have to be careful because it wiped him out once he stopped and apparently if he took to much it could kill him

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Midnight nodded. "I-I'm fine... Just a headache..." She didn't want him to worry. He still needed his rest. He used waaaaaay too much energy in that fight. She didn't think he was going to survive that mess. He looked so weak and feable. "I-it's nothing to worry about..."

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"you sure "grell asked he looked down and seen his hooves hadn't been wrapped he quickly dug in his bag and grabbed his wrappings and wrapped his hooves using the golden clip to secure them he sighed he had hugged midnight she could have died he'd have to be more careful

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"Positive," she answered, smiling at him and snuggling into the embrace. She kissed his cheek. "Can I ride on you or are you still too weak...? My wings are getting really really sore..."

(((If i din't reply, that means I accidentally nodded off. Sorry in advance lol)))

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Grell smiled "of course you can " grell said as he ate his last apple "so what do you want to do till we have to go to the meeting " grell said he really wished he could just blow it off but he doubted it would go over welll

((no problem enjoy your possible nap

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Midnight climbed on top of him, smiling. "I'm not sure... Do you want to go explore the camp??" she asked, getting comfortable. She folded in her wings, smiling at him. -I love riding on his back... It's so much fun...- "I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you..." She giggled.

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Grell smiled"we could but I'd rather go get some apples " grell said as he walked he watched ponies train -I could beat all of them with one touch-grell thought -no amount of training would save them from me-grell smiled at the thought as he began looking for the mess hall

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Midnight noticed the ponies training, too. -They look so focused... I hope I can be as good as them soon... Well, without my power... I don't want to have to rely on my power all the time... I can't handle what it does to me...- She looked at Grell, smiling. -And I can't afford to almost lose him again...-

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Grell found the mess hall "bingo " grell said as he walked inside he found a large crate of apple and grabbed it with his magic and carried it out he walked over to a tree and Sat it down "I wonder where we'll be sleeping " grell said as he laid down keeping his back level since midnight wouldn't have to get iff

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