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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Midnight smiled. "By the way, where are these pearls. You said you know their whereabouts, Scout."


Scout nodded. "I do. Let me think for a second..." He put his hoof on his chin, thinking. "One is in Medusa's lair, I know that much. As for the other two... I think one is in Las Vegas and the other is..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Epic flew up a little and said, "Alright! Adventure time!" She sat back down. Epic finished her lunch and threw out the remains. Her text tone went off on her phone. She took it out and looked at it. She put it away again. "Hey, guys," she started. "I gotta go somewhere. My mom wants to talk to me." She flew away towards the clouds. Her mom, Iris, was waiting there. "Hey, Mom," she said. Iris looked angry at her. "What's the matter? Is this about that adventure? Mom, I've been on adventures before. They've been extremely successful!" Iris sighed. "It's not that," she said. "Your father has just been found." Epic gasped.


((Wasn't that post epic?))


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Midnight blinked, watching her go. "Um... She's a little spazzy..." She finished her apple and got up. "Want to help me get stuff ready??"


Scout finished his bread, getting up too. He flew up to Midnight's back, snuggling up on it. "I'll help you, Midnight!" He smiled, closing his eyes.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Silver walked into the camp director's office, asking, "Hello, I was told to come see you, and that it was urgent." "Yes," the director replied, "being an experienced camper, not many share your knowledge of monsters, so I would like you to accompany scout, midnight, and grell (idk whether or not he knows that epic is going) to the underworld. Your skill with fire is quite useful as well. Go, prepare, I wish you luck, and hope for a swift return to safely." Silver nodded as he trotted out of the room, and went to gather his things for the journey.

((I didn't want to be the only one left out :( ))

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Midnight was in deep thought as she flew. -I wonder if he has any interest in dating her... What if he choses her over me...? What if I'm not good enough anymore...?- she thought, tears swelling up in her eyes. Scout blinked, looking at her. "Are you okay, Midnight??" he asked, noticing her tears. Midnight nodded, wiping them away. "Y-yes. I'm fine, sweetie..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight shook her head. "It's nothing. Just some stupid worries I still had in the back of my mind. I'm okay now. I promise." She started packing a few things, smiling a little. She still had those worries, but she figured they were just stupid worries.


Scout started packing too, wondering what he'd take on an adventure like this.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight wanted to just spill out everything to him; all of her fears and worries and heartaches. She just couldn't brig herself to say anything. "I know baby... I'm sorry... I-I just...have a lot on my mind right now..." She finished packing.


Scout finished, too, walking downstairs.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight shut the door. "Look, I know you like Epic. And I don't mean just like her like a friend. I mean you LIKE her." She sat down on front of him. "And I also know that you think we've been drifting apart - I think it a little too. So, answer me this. Do you want to keep dating me or start dating her?" She had a serious look on her face, but you could see the tears forming in her eyes when she said that.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight blinked. "I'm not fighting with her. I made my peace with her to try to make you happy..." She sighed. "This is pointless... I know you don't do well in these situations, yet I'm still putting you in it..." She opened her wings. "I'm sorry Grell..." She took off out the window at lightening speed; she knew if she stayed there any longer, she'd cry. She was tired of crying around him. All it dis was make him exasperated.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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((woah that all happened so fast))

Epic stood there shocked at what her mother told her. "Where is he," she asked. Iris put her hoof to her daughter's mouth. "You don't need to worry," she said. "I'll take care of him. You just have to worry about the adventure you're going on and your friends. Now go. Your friends must be waiting for you." Epic nodded and flew to her house. She started packing quickly. She packed her magic prism, a pocket knife, her laptop, a bag of bits, and her phone. She closed her saddlebags and put them on. She flew to Grell's house. She hovered outside the bedroom window and knocked on the glass with her hoof.


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