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'Demigod murderer!?' "Why the buck did you murder demigods!? Nopony deserves that!" Minx yelled at Anton. She bared her teeth and got ready to charge at him. 'What are you doing!? If he reacts to this then I'm going to teach him a very valuable lesson.'


Gareth rushed up to the group. "Hey guys! We have to be at the front gates in a matter of minutes! Come on!" Gareth yelled at them. He then turned back around to head back to the front gates.



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"I know why because they wont follow him, im too smart to know that much and i will NEVER follow you anton NEVER, id love to see you try when im at my prime because i can take care of your siblings very easily" He turns around. "Just watch after this quest is over you will see my true power" He walks up to the gates he was not in a very good mood not mad just irritated hopeing waterfall wont let him come with us.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx glared and growled at Anton at the same time and headed over to the front gates. "That guy really irritates me." She huffed. "Did you say he killed them because they didn't follow orders!?" 'Okay I think I'll let you take over until the Quest is done. Thank you for that kind sentiment. Now tell me about the third personality. Like I said before. I'll tell if somepony actually asks us about it. Hmph! Fine.'



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"You feel like there is nothing in you, you feel hallow and when you see deaths it's like there is nothing, you feel nothing but at the same time it still hits you. It is torture to have no soul. You will kill and not give a buck who it is. I put a lot aside I have tired to feel and I have but that is only in my head. Other wise I could murder anyone and not care. And I have but my mother taught me. and I go by her words, the caring is in my head, but it's not in my heart. It's like you are numb, Dead eye" Waterfall answered.


"...Interesting" Dead Eye said. killing and not caring wasn't something he saw as a problem. he was more focused on if one's soul could be placed in another body, but these were thoughts for later so he pushed them out of his mind. right now he had other things to do.


He turned toward his creation and said "Designation: Friendly" as he pointed to each member of the group except Anton. He didn't quite trust him. He got a metallic "Acknowledged" from the automaton and then waited to head out.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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This really got to oceon skies. "My ass! I know exactly why! You think i dont talk to other campers who are part of your "Slavery" He says as he starts to shake then he closes his eyes and calms down. "Ill show you true justice one of these days and i wont hold back anymore the next time we fight" He says.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"I don't care if he's a weapons specialist or whatever. I. Don''t. Like. Him." Minx glared at Anton. 'I agree. He's a beast. Huh? You're actually agreeing with me on this? Hmhm. Yes I am want to know why? Not particularly ....' "OCEAN! Calm. Down. If he's making you this pissed off then how do you think I feel? I'm more angry then you but the only way I show it is through facial expressions."


Gareth didn't say anything and waited next to Waterfall.



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He grins as he was super fast as he runs around minx in a flash. "I cant calm down no pony hasnt whooped his ass and one of these days i will, im gonna get training after this quest so i can become the best of the best and i dont care  anymore" He says as his eyes had promise in them.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Mind if I help you train then? You saw what I was like back in the Underworld and that was just when I was having fun. Imagine what I'm like if I actually focussed." Minx said calmly. 'Were you really just having fun? Yup. I liked fighting them. We haven't gone up against a god yet so that would interesting. DON'T MENTION GODS IF YOU WANT ME TO KEEP QUIET. What was that!? That was Personality Number Three. Haven't heard from her in a long time.' Minx started to visibly shake when her third personality rose up but her shaking stopped when Devilinx and Angelinx quashed it down. "That was close." Minx said.



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"So who is personality number three? I noticed her starting to come out when you started shaking" He asks smileing. Oceon skies has a very very very very sadistic side that dosnt require anger. Its the side of him when he sees smell or taste blood thats when the true son of poseidon comes out.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"You're feeding off of anger!?" Minx bared her teeth and summoned shadows to keep Anton from moving. "Don't make me angrier than I already am. Otherwise you'll have to face the consequences." Minx gritted her teeth. 'I don't think we can calm down from this. I can barely hold Personality Three back!'

Edited by Pixelate



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Oceon skies looked at minx. "MINX thats enough!" He says as he stoods in front of minx his eyes looked totally terrifying. "Do you want to piss me off?" He says as he grits his teeth he hope he dosnt see blood. This will drive him to madness and complete killing machine.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Anton sighed "I am a son of Aries I can't stop it anger flows into me and I can't control it or what it does sometimes it heals me other times or makes me stronger" Anton said calmly

Lief walked over to minx "minx you need to calm down okay" Leif said he didn't want to deal with another fight

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I. Can't. Calm. Down." Minx's eyes looked sad but her teeth were still bared in anger. Soon enough tears started to flow down her face. "Please. Help." Minx begged Ocean and Leif to help calm her down.


Gareth walked up to Anton. "Anton, if you go away then that can help her calm down. If Waterfall says you can come with us then you can just try to stay out of sight of Minx and Ocean okay?" Gareth asked him.



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"Shut it, cause if you all don't than you will cause a war. And Anton if you don't shut bucking hell up this insistent that I will shot you threw the heart right this moment, I will torture you and I won't give a buck about it. So everyone through this portal and please be quite and Anton you will piss off the wrong people if you are not quite. Now all of you will see a brand new side to me and let me tell you. You all are going to want to kill me" Waterfall said.

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"Oi i think i know where we both get it from now" He chuckles. He starts walking through the portal as he looks at minx. "Look cousin i really love you and i dont want to hurt you at all so could please come with us?" He asked "And would you please calm down?"



dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx closed her eyes and with a massive force of effort she calmed down. Her anger was still bubbling underneath the surface but at least it wasn't as nearly overpowering as when Personality Three came to the fore. She unsteadily walked towards the portal and collapsed down on the other side. "Is this what god-mode is like?" Minx asked Ocean as she went through. "Yes, I know my eyes are closed but I did that because if I see that jerk''s face again then I'm not going to hold back."


Gareth walked through the portal and waited for the others.



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"Depends everyponys different your marks didnt glow which is a good thing you where starting to go god mode. I dont like god mode myself because afterwards its one hell of a hangover" He says with a smile. "Atleast for me, im just now getting out of the 'hangover' stage."


Blacky hops around. "When i go god mode my hair turns straight as can be."

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Leif followed and went into the portal

Grell followed

((Seriously last chance guys I'm hinting that you can avoid the story line with him which is advisable because ponies will die in it))

Anton sighed "fine but when you die it's your fault" Anton said

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"When you saw me shake, Personality Three was starting to break free. Trust me on this one. You do not want to meet her. She is cruel, sadistic, unforgiving and relentless. She is basically an extremely twisted version of Devilinx. A very, very twisted version." Minx said quietly. "So I was just in the early stages? I mean very early stages?" Minx asked him. He seemed to know more about god-mode than Minx did and considering that she never entered before, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

(So what's the storyline with Anton?)



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Oceon skies looked at minx. "Your anger was boiling, which means that it was starting to come out, for me my family has to be threatened for my god mode out thats gode mode #1 my increase of water control enhances god mode #2 my speed and water even increases but i never go #3" He shivers

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx nodded at Ocean's god mode descriptions. "I think, that when I enter god mode, I go straight to the third stage but I have no clue because I've never even entered it before." Minx sighed. 'What do you think of Personality Three now? *goes in corner and rocks back and forth* Get her away, get her away, get her away .... Personality Three had the same effect on me as well.'



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"You dont know what i am when im god mode three i only went into god mode 3 once..... When i saw my mother died thats when it formed" He shudders. "Lets pray i never go god mode 3 ever again in front of you guys i almost died when i went into god mode three because i become something that even im terrified of."

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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