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Grell smiled and messed with his mane "I know in just messing with you " grell said when midnight Sat up he sighed "oh did we wake you up" grell asked while using his magic to grab a few apples and began to eat "want some " grell asked while wondering what she done with the apples he sent home

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Midnight nodded, stretching. "It's okay, though... I was having a weird dream..." She nommed an apple, smiling.


Scout looked at Midnight. "I-I'm sorry... We didn't mean to wake you..." He nommed his apple more, finishing it and jumping down off the bed. "Where's the bathroom??"

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"that's a good question scout I have no idea" grell said then he turned to midnight "so what was your dream about " grell said after giving her a quick kiss then he went back to eating his apples thinking about going to counseling for his addiction to apples

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Midnight sighed. "I was getting attacked by bunnies..." She nommed her apple, folding up her wings.


Scout huffed. "I'll go look for it..." he sighed as he walked out. He thought for a moment, wondering where it might be. "Maybe up here??" He started searching the halls.

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Grell smiled and chuckled "that is one wired dream " grell said while eating an apple "midnight you think that I should go to counseling for my addiction to apples or do you think that it'll be fine " grell asked as he finished his apple and grabbed another

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Midnight sighed. "Honestly babe, yes. You need help. It's getting kind of weird..." She yawned, pecking him. "I mean, I likke apples as much as the next pony, but I don't like them THAT much..." She got off the bed, grabbing cleaning supplies. "That's just my opinion, though. It's up to you."

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Grell sighed "you're probably right but I don't think I could find anypony that could help " grell said he got up to ready to clean what he was told to "alright what am I cleaning first it's up to you since you know what's been cleaned and what hasn't "grell asked

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Midnight thought for a moment. "Well..." She looked around. "I haven't cleaned the closets in here yet, so you can do those." She started wiping the floors. She started humming.

(((It would be hilarious if he found something ridiculous in the closet while he was cleaning it)))

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($yeah but what should he find a skeleton lol )

Grell nodded and listened to midnight hum it filled him with joy he grabbed the cleaning supplies andhheaded to the closest when he opened it he seen it was full of boxes and bins he sighed and carried them it one by one to the bed once they where all out he'd look in them

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(((I was thinking more like body prep stuff. You know, stuff to get it ready for the funeral)))


Midnight kept wiping the floor, lightly singing a song she wrote; she sounded amazing.


Scout walked back in, but saw them busy at work so he decided to grab some cleaning stuff and start cleaning his room.

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Grell listened to midnight sing he loved her voice he worked quietly removing the last of the boxes from the closest and began to go through them he found items to prep bodies in some he found a skeleton and the stuff to put it together and hang it up he began putting it together

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Midnight continued, almost done with the floor. She kept songing, too. It had been so long sonce she last sang.


Scout was busy at work cleaning when he heard a faint singing coming from the hall. He walked out and heard it was coming from Midnight and Grell's room. He sat there for a minute, listening to her sing.

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Grell finished putting the skeleton together while listening to midnights angelic voice he smiled and began to take stock of what was in the closest he had needles wire for stitching wounds and items for preserving the body along with items to cover the same scent of decay

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Midnight finished the floors, starting to clean the windows now. She finished her song.


Scout pouted. He wanted to hear more. He sighed and went back to his room, continuing to clean it. "I wish I could sing like that..." he said to himself, thinking back on her singing.

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Grell finished and walked over to midnight nuzzling her"you have an amazing voice midnight you should sing more often "grell said "I'd love to hear you sing more" grell began eating another apple not caring that he was addicted to them he thought that as long as it was healthy it was fine

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Grell nodded and kissed her "of course why would I lie "grell said as he used his magic to grab the skeleton he began looking around for a place to hang it "midnight I want you to know that I love you" grell had only said it two other times but it was true he really loved her

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Midnight smiled lovingly. "And I love you, Grell..." She kissed him back, nuzzling him. "More than you know..."


Scout finished cleaning his room, walking back in to put the supplies up. He blinked, seeing them. He blushed a little and quickly put the stuff up and walking out.

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Before scout could get out grell used his magic to grab him grell nuzzled midnight one last time before turning to scout " what's wrong never seen two ponies in love does it make you uncomfortable " grell asked in a slight teasing voice he couldn't help it

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Midnight blushed, giggling. She looked at Scout. "We weren't gonna do anything. Sheesh." She stuck her tongue out cutely.


Scout's face went red, trying to scrammble out of the magic. "I-I just didn't want to intrude is all! I-I didn't want to be bothering your moment! H-Honest!" He kept trying to get out of the magic.

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Grell smiled "yeah young blood we haven't been together very long and we're not married, besides you couldn't bother the moment at least not for me " grell said as he released his magical grip "now relax or I'll keep messing with you just go with the flow "

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Midnight giggled, pecking Grell. "Oh, by the way, did you ever find the bathroom, Scout??"


Scout nodded. "It wasn't that hard to find. Just had to go down the hall a bit. It's reeeaaaallllyyyyy big!"


Midnight smiled. "How dirty is it? Does it need to be cleaned?" She picked up some cleaning supplies.

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Grell smiled and used his magic to grab cleaning supplies "let's all tackle the bathroom then we cango on an aadventure " steel said "like maybe going to met scouts dad or something like that "grell said while munching an apple and heading to the bathroom

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Grell set to work cleaning "from what I know you can't leave the underworld with out special pearls so before we go we have to collect three then there's finding the entrance I don't have the foggiest idea of where it's at " grell said as he used his magic to munch on his apple

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