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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Midnight glared at him. -He's an ungrateful little brat... What I wouldn't give to just kill him right now...- her eyes were still glowing, her hooves starting to glow too.


Scout looked at Midnight, worried. He'd never seen her get mad before. He was worried about what she'd do.

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Leif sighed and waved his hoof the vines let go "sorry about that" Leif said as he walked over to epic

"Ummm for one Leif why ate you thanking me and for two guys this is my old friend Leif evergreen"

Leif looked over "for what you did before you left the village " Leif said he looked back to epic he thought she was cute "so what's your name"

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As the conflict was slowly winding down, solver was nervously edging to the edge of the clearing. "I don't like the looks of this pony," he thought, "and we really need to get back on out journey. Either way, we've wasted too much time here."

((Is silver just the perpetual third wheel?))

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((Well you don't post very often so to avoid having to wait days for you to post I don't engage your oc sorry)) Leif seen silver edging to the edge of the clearing he caused poison joke to grow all around him he wondered what would happen to him he couldn't wait to see

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Silver heard a strange noise and froze, seeing little blue flowers sprout up around him. "Look," he said to Leif, "as much as I don't really want to, I am fully capable of burning this forest down. Just leave us be and let us return to our quest, and wel will be peacefully on our way. If not, you're responsible for what happens."

((I try to post as much as I can, but i have very little time on school days, even so, I rarely wait more than one day to post...))

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Leif smiled "I can handle you and you burn down this forest and you'll expose the camp do be wise about your choice" Leif said then he turned to grell "why are with these ponies grell"

Grell sighed "well midnight is my mare friend and epic and scout are friends were on our way to the underworld"

((I understand bro but you seen how active we can be ))

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Midnight huffed, walking over to Grell. She nuzzled his chest, still looking extremely pissed off. "What's it to you? We're nothing more than a nuisance to you anyways. Cab't even say thank you for bringing your favorite flower back to life..." She looked away. "Ungrateful little brat..." she huffed under her breath.


Scout's ears went flat as he walked over to Epic.

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Grell sighed "midnight he didn't want it brought back he feels Taft once something dies it should stay dead " Leif modded "thank you though and it matters because grell saved my life even though he thought I was insane at the time " Leif said glanced at epic he hopped she didn't think poorly of him

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Midnight was still glaring at him. "I was trying to be nice and this plothole didn't even so much as thank me. I could have been a complete plothole and just killed everything. A simple 'thank you for trying to help' would have been just fine..."


Scout helped Epic up, nuzzling her.

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Leif sighed "I wouldn't expect you to understand" Leif said

Grell sighed and stepped away from both of them he didn't want to be part off the fight

Leif turned to the forest and made a dozen roses grow he used his magic to grab them he turned back to midnight " thank you for trying" he gave her all the roses but one

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Midnight huffed, taking the flowers. "This still doesn't get you off the hook for being so rude... It does help a little, however..." She walked over to Grell., nuzzling him.


Scout yawned, stretching out. "I'm soooooooo tired! What does somepony have to do around here to get a nap??"

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Leif smiled at scout as the vines that had been holding everypony formed into a hammock for scout to nap in "there little one you can nap" Leif said

Grell looked at Leif "so why are you out hear Leif when I left you was to scared to leave the town what happened" grell asked

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Midnight continued to snuggle Grell, not saying a word. She quickly pulled out a small container from her bag, gently placing the flowers in the container and sealing it. She wanted to make sure these pretty flowers would be safe.


Scout's ears perked up as he climbed into the hammock.

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Leif smiled "I got stronger grell I practiced and trained till I could do anything I wanted with nature now I live and breath it, nothing unnatural has been in my life since a few months after you left" Leif said grell nodded "well let me introduce you to everypony" grell pointed to midnight "this is midnight that's scout and that's epic" grell said

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Midnight smiled at Grell. "Babe, we need to get going if we want to make it to Medusa's lair on schedule..." She looked over at Scout.


Scout fell asleep quite quickly on the hammock, looking utterly adorable on it. He kicked his hind hoof a little, mumbling something in his sleep.

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Leif looked at her "medusas lair huh isn't that in an area with plants maybe I could help it get rather boring here and kinda lonely no pony comes through here often"

Grell smiled and kissed her "I know and Leif I wouldn't mind but you'd have to ask everypony else" grell said

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Midnight smiled. "As long as he doesn't trap me in those painful vines again, I don't mind at all." She looked at Scout. "And as for Scout... You gave him a bed. You're okay in his book more than likely," she giggled, sticking her tongue out cutely. She walked over and carefully picked Scout up.

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Leif smiled "thank you " he looked at epic " would you mind if I joined In Your quest" Leif said with a smile he thought epic was cute and he hoped she said yes so he could get to know her he wasn't found of being alone he gave a short whistle and a white wolf ran out and nuzzled Leif

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((Sorry guys I've been spending time with my family for Christmas yesterday.))

Epic quickly decided. "I don't mind at all," she said. "Actually, I'm glad he's coming with us, as long as he doesn't trap us in vines again." Epic flapped her wings to make sure they were okay. They hurt a small bit, but she'd manage. Wow, she thought. Leif is really cute.

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Epic hovered in the air, too. Oh, she thought. My wings don't really hurt anymore. Good! Epic flew around randomly for a bit. "Okay," she said. "Are we ready to go? Can we go now? Please?? I'm starting to get impatient! Come on, ponies, let's get a move on!"

((By the way, does Scout have a cutie mark yet or is he still a blank flank?))

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Leif smiled "don't worry I won't " Leif said as he watched epic fly around his wolf looked up at her and looked around at everypony

Grell smiled "them it's settled let's go I'm sure silver won't mind " grell said he looked at Leif knowingly he could tell the Leif liked epic

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Midnight started flying, smiling. "I think we need to go this way..." she said, flying deeper into the forest. She felt Scout stir.


Scout woke up, rubbing his eye. He groaned as he sat up. "I wanted a longer nap... Why couldn't we have waited??" He yawned, stretching out his legs.

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"Because, Scout," said Epic. "We need to be able to get to Medusa's lair on time to complete the quest. And the longer we wait here, the less time to complete our quest! So let's get a move on!!" She flew deeper into the forest. She flew back a couple seconds later. "So which way is Medusa's lair anyway?"

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