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Grell sighed "trust me when I say this you don't want to be my friend, I always end up causing them to die" grell said

Leif's eyes started to open he groaned and rolled over

Panomma limped over to epic nuzzles her and steeped back trying to get her attrition

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Epic patted Panomma's head. She smiled as Leif woke up. "Oh good," she smiled. "You're okay. How do you feel, Leif?" Epic helped Leif up. "Grell," she said. "How do you always cause them to die? You might accidentally put us into harm's way, but we know you don't mean to and we'll figure a way out. We are demigods and demigoddesses, after all."

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Leif shrugged still kinda out if it

Grell sighed "my dad is the god of death I'm sure you can put two and two together" grell said sounding more depressed them rude

Panomma yipped trying to get somepony to help Leif laid in the Hammock starting to slip back under

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Epic thought. "So...," she said. "How does you being the son of the god of death kill us? I'm not sure I can put two and two together after what all just went down. My mind is a little slow right now because, well the emotional stress I just underwent! You saw how distressed I was back there! So, now my mind is a bit sore." She flew back to Leif with a cup of tea in her hoof. "Hey, Leif. How you doing? Want some tea?"

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Leif nodded trying to stay alert "yes thank you" hensaidnsippimg the tea

Grell looked at her "I leave death in my wake that's why my whooves a wrapped anything I touch can die and I can't cotrol it epic if I get to streased on a fight I start draining te life out of the things around me" grell said

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Epic looked at Grell, officially terrified of him. "But, Midnight is your marefriend! How do you explain that? She's with you, like, all the time! She's not dead! Speaking of which, how are you feeling, Midnight?" Epic sat with Leif, trying to stay as far away from Grell as possible, but trying not to hurt his feelings. She hugged Leif, and blushed slightly.

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"I can't explain it" grell said he couldnaeenthe dear in epics eyes "and that's why. Have no friends you're reaction says it all everypony fears death so they fear me and what I can do unless they are at war"

Leif looked at epic put a foreleg around her "iv been friendsWith... you since before you got your cutie.... make grell you have your whooves wrapped so dont worry... about killing us it won't happen... we tested it remember" Leif said as he breathes deeply almost panting

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Epic looked at Leif. "You don't sound so good," she said. "You're breating really heavily. Are you sure you're alright? Try coughing. Maybe you need to clear your throat. Just rest here. I'll be right back. Epic flew over to Ocean Skies. "Hey, Skies. Do you think you could do that water thing to help somepony breathe? Leif is having a hard time breathing. Maybe you could help him?"

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Leif cleared his throughout and made some planes grow around him they where flowers but the pollen helped open the airways but it didn't help he decided thy he just needed to rest -epic is amazing and so kind and beautiful maybe I could get he to like me- Leif thought

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((Sorry. Been busy all day))

Midnight smiled, bowing at Skies. "I feel much better... Thank you..." She stood up, folding in her wings. "Their still a little sore, but they definitely work now..." She smiled at him. She then looked at Grell.


Scout went over to Leif, making sure he was okay.

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He smiles back his brilliant blue eyes sparkling. "Your very welcome what's your name young pegasus" he asked midnight. He smiles glad he can help anyone. "Are you guys planning to go anywhere?" He asked looking around. "I'm up to help anyone if they need it.

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((Are you kidding me, @odd9120  you completely ignored Epic!))

Epic waited for Skies to answer her. When he answered Midnight, she got annoyed. "Seriously," she shouted. "You completely ignored me!! What the hay was that?! I mean, seriously!! What is your problem?!?! Sheesh!" Epic flew over to Scout and Leif. She said "hey" to Scout and asked if she could have some time alone with Leif.

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Midnight blinked. -She's really annoying sometimes... Oh well... Gotta keep my peace with her I suppose...- she thought, sighing.


Scout nodded, smiling. He trotted over to Skies, smiling up at him.

(((Odd9120 is my bf and he's working right now and he was only on his 10 minute break when he replied. He probably wasn't paying close attention)))

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((oh sorry))

Epic looked at Leif, blushing. She made sure Scout was gone. She didn't want Scout seeing this as she thought it would disturb him. Epic stepped closer to Leif. She kissed him on the lips. Oh, I've been waiting to do this for a while, she thought. This is amazing!! I love him soooo much!!

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((I don't check this for a day and everyone turns on me o_o))

Silver had slipped off into the woods. He tried to contain his anger, thinking to himself, "They may be mad at me, but they are still my friends. Even if they decide to hate me forever, I still have a duty to protect them," he calmed himself down, and said to no one in particular, "Whew, that was close, a forest is not the best place to lose control if your dad is a fire god..." He thought, "I guess I better go try and make amends... I don't want anypony, mortal or not, to die..."

He then walked back to the makeshift camp, and smelled the stench of sweat and blood. His eyes widened, and he galloped back to camp.

((In camp))

Relieved to see that everyone was ok, Silver approached Grell and Midnight. He said, "Look. I'm sorry that I tried to stop you. I had no idea that you needed to collect the pearls for your mom, and if that is what needs to happen, I will support you fully."

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(Yeah my bad epic that was my fault killer ooc btw i work and on my ten i tried replying on my phone as you can see i didn't see you post lol i just got off) skies cocked his head. "I'm sorry epic" he apologised blushing he didn't mean to offend anypony on his first day. "Pearls what pearls?" He asked

Edited by odd9120
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Leif was surprised but made no move to stop her in fact he kissed her back his heat was pounding -this means she likes me right right?-he thought he often asked himself questions

Grell sat there still holding midnight

Panomma limped over to Leif's side

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"Can any pony explain what he's talking about?" He looks at grell. "Can you?" he says hopeing he'd have the awnser as he cocks his head a little. he looks at midnight then to grell then back to midnight. the unicorn was so confused as he cocks his head in complete confusion

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"We need to go to the underworld," Silver said, "Tartarus has somehow been breached, and monsters are popping up everywhere, in overwhelming quantity. Our camp has a barrier, but it will not hold if hundreds of monsters attack it at once. And now Hades has captured Midnights mother, giving us an even more urgent reason to get to the Underworld. We need these pearls, unless somepony can think a better way out, or maybe can call up Orpheus or Hercules."

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Midnight sighed, becoming quiet. -He acts a complete and total plothole, then tries to walk up here and act like everything is all hunky dory??? Does he not realize what he put me through...?- she thought, looking away.


Scout looked back over at Epic, his face turning red.

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Grell nuzzled midnight "relax we could use his help midnight" grell said even though he still wanted to kill him he wouldn't

Leif broke the kiss and looked epic in the eyes and smiled "i really like you epic" Leif said blushing slightly he was nervous

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Oceon skies closes his eyes. "Hmnn" where's the first pearl" he says he's more then willing to help. " i can use water for various reasons but in return i would like to meet my dad, i help you guys then you help me" he smiles. "Do we have a deal?" he asks hopeing they'd be willing to help.

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"Your dad is on Olympus how do you expect a bunch of demigods to get there the gods aren't allowed to contact the children although some are better at breaking the rules then others" grell said "but if you help us I'll help you but isle no promises for everypony else and if we'll succeed "

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"I already know how to get there i just need a ceartain code.... the ohms law symbol that modern day people use is actually a ancient greese symbol that's only in hades." He sighs. "I just want to beat my dad in the face with his own weapon for leaveing me all alone in this world."

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Midnight sighed, nuzzling Grell. She gave him the "we need to go" look. She was tired of just sitting here.


Scout quickly trotted over to Skies. "Hey my name is Scout. My dad is Hades!" He nuzzled his leg, smiling. -He seems cool... Kind of annoying, but cool... I like him!-

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