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Skies was still under water. obviously not coming out anytime soon he felt like a horrible pony person his blue eyes dark. he dosnt want to come out for anything not likr anyone could come down and speak with him cause no pony can breath underwater.

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Epic blushed and pecked Leif's cheek. "I'd love to be your marefriend," Epic said. "That was my first kiss too." Epic nestled into Leif's chest. She was so comfotable, she fell asleep within a few minutes. Her breathing reduced to a slower, more relaxed pace. Epic dreamt about her Leif.

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((Midnight, Grell and Skies went to go get the pearls, Midnight went nuts, Grell got his hooves turned to stone, etc.))


Midnight dug through his bag and grabbed an energy potion. She sat him up, making him drink it.


Scout looked down at the water, wondering where Skies went.

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Leif smiled and fell asleep

After a moment grell woke and coughed "I'm going to drain a lot of stuff take me to a large oak or something like that so I can five my hooves" grell said he put a energy potion into Leif's mouth and forced him to drink

Leif woke up

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Midnight nodded, putting him on her back and flying to the closest huge oak tree. She gently laid him down in front of it, standing beside him.


Scout's ears lowered. He backed up, then ran and jumped off the cliff, landing in the water. He dove down, seeing Skies.

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Grell nodded "do you have the potion because I'll need it" grell said he didn't wait for ananswer he began to draw the life out of the oak tree large trees haventhat most amount of life force and oak trees life force is sry strong grell was overcome by the dark aura as the tree died his hooves turned back to normal and he stopped draining and almost instantly he passed out

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Skies looked up and took scout to land "why did you follow me scout that's very dangerous." he looked at scout. "What's the matter with you?" He asked his eyes looked a little stern. "You couldve drownd!" He looks a little sad. "I dont want you to die" he looks sad. (Bleh just got off)

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Epic was startled awake by Leif waking up so suddenly. "What the buck just happened," she asked. "I mean, why did you wake up so suddenly? Did you wake up from shock in a bad dream? Like, what the hay was that all about?" Epic had a very jokingly calm tone in her voice.

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Leif smiled "I think it was something they gave me but I feel great now" Leif said with a smile he nuzzled her and cast a spell on the rose it glowed green and made a ding noise "there now it will last forever jus like my love for you" Leif said with a broad smile

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Epic blushed and smiled. "Thanks," she said. "It's gorgeous. I had a dream about us. It was us in the future. We were married with a foal. We had a nice house and a lovely family. We actually had two foals. One was older, though. I dreamt that we were having a fun family day with the foals at an amusement park. It was the best dream I've ever had."

Edited by Epic Rainbow
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Leif smiled as he listened to epic tell him about her dream "sounds lovely although I don't know if I'll be able to handle to foals" Leif said jokingly "i had a dream to I just don't remember it, on fact I'm pretty sure I had five" Leif smiled he had a wealth of useless knowlage

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Midnight nodded, helping him drink another potion. She was happy his hooves were back to normal. "You okay now, babe??" she asked as he drank the last of the potion.


Scout pouted. "You left and I got worried. I thought you left premenately and I didn't want you to go..." He nuzzled him.

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Grell smiled and nuzzled her "I'm fine my hoof hurts but I'm fine" grell said he was glade she was okay "midnight if I tell you to leave me do me a favor and slap me because that wasn't a god idea" grell said with a laughe he was glad she hadn't left him on the lair

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Midnight giggled. "Will do..." She nuzzled him and kissed his cheek. "You just better be lucky I love you so much... I would never have went that powerful if I hadn't loved you so much." She sat down by him, smiling happily. -I'm so happy he's okay again... I was so worried...-

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Grell smiled "I'm am very lucky" grell said as he nuzzled her he put his foreleg around her "I'm glad you love me" grell was thinking he used his magic to grab her ring "midnight I want to spend the rest of my life with you" grell was very nervous but he knew what he felt and it felt right

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Silver had been sleeping, leaning up against an oak tree, when suddenly, the tree started to wither and fall. Jumping out of the way, he thought, I hope the others are ready to get going... As much as I would love to sit here forever, we have more pearls to find and a goddess to rescue. Silver walked back over to the others, saying, "Does anyone know where we go next? We kinda are on a tight schedule, with the hostages and giant prisons open and such."

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Midnight smiled, blushing. "S-so do I, Grell..." she nervously replied, her heartbeat rising. -He's not doing what I think he's doing... Is he??? I-it definitely looks like he is... I-I hope he is...- she thought, looking at him. Her tail twitched nervously.


Scout looked at Skies. "I'm sorry..."

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Grell held up the ring "midnight will you Marry me" grell said -I wish I could have gotten rings on my own but these rings are nice and are drawn to each other like me and midnight- grell thought his close encounter with death had made him realize that he wanted to marry midnight

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Epic looked over at Grell and Midnight. "Awww," she said. "You two are so cute together! You'll make a great husband and wife! And if you ever have foals, well, the fact that you're so good with Scout speaks for itself! Basically, if you ever have foals, you'll be great parents... Judging by your amazing ways with Scout."

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Grell smiled and put the ring on midnight ((no clue where it would go for a Pegasus any ideas)) and then took his own ring and slid it on his horn he hugged her with a smile "thanks epic " grell said

Leif got up and walked over to grell "hey grell can I be the best stallion" Leif asked with a smile his eyes practically glowing

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Epic looked at Leif. "Leif," she said. "the best stallion is somepony the groom chooses and you don't ask them, or else you won't get to be best stallion! The same goes for mare of honor." Epic walked over to Leif and kissed him on the lips and let go. She then hugged him and nestled his chest.

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Leif smiled "well he doesn't really have many friends if he's anything like he used to be" leif said he kissed epic on the too of her head as she nestled into his chest

Grell smiled "Leif I would love for you to be the best stallion and you're right this group is the extent of my friends" grell said

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Midnight smiled. "And Epic, you can be my mare of honor," she said, gigggling. She was so happy. She looked at Grelll, kisssing him.


Scout looked at Skies. "I know you're mad at me, but please talk to me!" he cried, nuzzling Skies legs. He hated Skies being mad at him.

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Skies smiled at scout and nuzzles him. "I'm never mad at you." He says. Skies sighed remembering he's been alone and always has been as he pets scout. "Go ahead and go to camp ill be there shortly.." he dives down back to the lake and lays down at the bottom sighing again as he falls asleep dreaming and resting so power can be useful and not out of control

Edited by odd9120
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