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Grell smiled he was as happy as he could be he was going to marry the most amazing mare ever "i love you" grell said

Leif smiled as he made a bunch of red roses grow "the red rose signifies love" Leif said "I'm sure you all knew that one I thought that the occasion was right" Leif said

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((Well, at least skies and I can be forever alone together...))

Silver stopped when he saw the Grell's proposal. He said, "Congratulations guys! Maybe we should save the festivities untill we get back from hell, but I know you'll be great for each other!" I just hope they both make it back to enjoy their marriage...

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Grell smiled at him "nope I wanna party in hell my dad is there actually he lives by the river Styx" grell said with a smile "and thanks " Leif was very happy for them he kissed epic he was a little teary eyed he wasn't scared to show his emotional side ggg

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((I'm working on a mare for Skies. Want me to make one for Silver, too, Diamondeye83?))


Midnight smiled, giggling. "I love you, too..." she said, looking at Scout. "But Silver is right. Where is the next location for the pearls?"


Scout blinked, looking at them. "Uhm... Let me think..."

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Grell smiled but sighed on the inside he sighed -no time to relax grell you know this - "well come on scout do you know where the next one I'd like to get all This done" grell said.

Lief smiled holding epic "yeah let's go get that pearl " Leif said with confidence

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Epic smiled really widely and squeed. "AWESOME," she shouted. "Thanks, Midnight! You're the best friend a pony can ever ask for!" Epic hugged Midnight really really tight. "This is sooo exciting!" Epic let go of Midnight and nodded. "Yeah, let's go get the other pearls."

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Flair climbs out of the water. "Next place i guess and this time its my turn to fight." He yawns stretching just waking up from a good nap he already missses his favorite lake already as he yawns. "I wanna ask my dad why he's such bucking bad person" he growls"

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Scout sighed. "The next 2 pearls are in Los Pegasus ((Los Vegas)). In a casino."


Midnight blinked, looking at Scout. "All the way in Los Pegasus??? Holy Celestia!" she exclaimed, acting like she's fainting. She then giggled. "But seriously. That far?? That'll be a five to six hour trip!"

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Grell sighed "it's so faaaaaaaaar" he said as he turned "let's get walking we got a lot of ground to cover" grell said as he began walking unknowingly in the wrong direction

Leif nodded "yeah we do have a long way to go we should get moving " Leif said as he followed grell

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((Yes please :D))

Silver just looked around as Grell strolled of directly away from Las Pegasus. *Sigh* I suppose someone's gotta tell him... Silver flew over, tapping Grell on the shoulder. "Um, Grell, " he said, gesturing behind him, " Las Pegasus is that way, unless you really wanna go to Appleoosa, I would suggest turning around."

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((Alrighty. I'll get started on it! :) ))


Midnight giggled, putting Grell on her back. "Don't worry. I'll carry you," she said, smiling.


Scout climbed on top of Skies's back, smiling brightly. "I can ride on your back, right, daaaad?" He giggled at the last part, snuggling into his mane.

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The dad comment made him melt like butter as he snuggles scout. "We need to get you a seat belt" he chuckles at the pun as he walks with the gain to las pegasus. "I can teach you guys how to run and fly fast" he says walking with them. "Its very easy and we can get there in two hours

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Epic started walking with Leif. She was going to be dead tired before an hour and a half passed. "Ugh," she groaned. "This is going to take forever! Why does it have to be so far?! UUUUGH!!!" Epic took out her magic prism and held it up to the light. She looked at her mother and smiled. She put her prism away.

Edited by Epic Rainbow
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($actually epic I think we are all wanting it to be in the time period of time he show which would mean no phones))

Leif smiled and picked her up and Sat her on his back "get comfy it's going to be a long ride " Leif said with a smile "you carried me last time so now I'm going to carry you"

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He looks little annoyed. "You guys i can show you how to run." He sighs. "WHERE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GODS FOR CELESTIA SAKE" he shakes his head. "But you know guess we will take forever to get there." He looks at scout nuzzles his. nose. "Atleast you don't ignore me" he smiles. "Son"

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Midnight sighed. "We don't have time, Skies. We need to get there asap. We don't have time to try and learn stuff," she pointed out.


Scout yawned, smiling at him. "I'll never ignore you, daddy! Never ever!" He snuggled into his mane, closing his eyes. He was very tired.

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"Nawwww" he smiles as he walks over to the group. "Do you guys not know your powers?" He asked as he smiles at scout who was just utterly adotable as he looks back at the group his eyes dark blue. He tries breaking the seal but gets a massive headache for even thinking about it as he shakes his head. "Never doing that again" he smiles at the group. "Anyways come on tell me"

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"Well I can enchant metal into tools and weapons and summon fire, I haven't explored anything else beyond that." Silver said,  "Either way, unless I make us some enchanted shoes or a vehicle, I don't think my powers are great for speed or travel, anyone else have anything?"

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He walks up. "Since I'm a unicorn its easier to just channel magic into my hooves but isn't gods known to defy the laws of physics?" he shrugs. "Its a theory, oh I'm oceon skues by the way son of poseidon" he smiles sheepishly. his eyes looking at silver. he had scout sleeping on his back.

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Grell sighed "I can kill anything" grell said

Leif shrugged with epic in his back " I can do pretty mush anything with plants and I can talk to animals plus I play the pan flute" life siad he pulled out a pan flute and began to play a very cheerful tune and dances as he does so

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Midnight smiled. "I can heal and talk to spirits..." She flew around a big tree.


Scout felll asleeep, smiling in his sleeep. He was so happpy to finallly have a dad that cared. True, they reallly didn't loook alike, but he didn't care. He loved Skies alll the same.

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"Well alright hmmm... I'm trying to figure out how to teach ypu guys..... Grell focus a little death magic into ypur hooves and run like this" he hangs on to scout as he zooms extremely fast beside grell and ran atleast clocked 60 mph arounf the group while holding onto scout

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Epic thought as she sat on Leif's back, almost falling off because of his dancing. "Well," Epic said. "I could easily do a Double Rainboom, but I don't want to hurt anypony by going too fast. Maybe I could just do a regular ol' singular Sonic Rainboom with you all on my back. Or maybe I could take a couple trips since there are so many of us."

((Sorry if that seems OP but I'm trying to help))

Edited by Epic Rainbow
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Midnight blinked. "That actually sounds pretty awesome..." she admitted, smiling at her. She really liked Epic now that she actually got to know her. She was embarrassed she hated her so much just for liking Grell.


Scout looked at Skies. "I don't think I could do anything special like run super fast..."

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Grell nodded "that could work" grell said

Lief smiled "I think I'll stick to the ground I can run rather fast and panomma isn't a fan of flying" Leif said "oh I know I can grow a plant that aids speed and mix it with other plants..." Leif said getting lost in his head as he made several plants grow while picking them and putting them into a pot

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