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Charon moved to the back of the boat as to allow the group of ponies on. "Yes I can take you there. There won't be any cost and as an added bonus, I won't tell Hades that you're here. Sound good?" Gareth got onto the very front of the boat because he wanted to be as far away from his dad as possible.



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Tough Luck decided to be the first to walk up to Charon and introduce himself, hopefully, he had nothing against his mom, these gods were always in some feud. "Hey there sir, I'm Tough Luck pleased to make your acquaintance." He said enthusiastically, he didn't want to get on any immortal being's bad side, especially one that will hold his passage into the underworld hopefully a lot later in life.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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"That would be much apreciated" He says as he gets on the boat his eyes looking around as he smiles grimly. "And this is why i hate going here" He explains. His eyes kinda teared up when he saw a ceartain pony there still waiting for poseidon to come and get her as he sighs. "She wont even recognize me."

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Greetings Tough Luck. Welcome to the River Styx." Charon looked over to the rest of the group and hurriedly waved them aboard. "Will you ponies hurry up!? We're wasting eternity here!" Charon began to grow extremely impatient. Gareth winced when he heard Charon shout. It wasn't a pretty sight to see Charon angry.



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Charon took the coins and made them vanish. "Thanks. Let's get this journey started shall we." It wasn't a question. He had a staff in his mouth and pushed the stick in the water, propelling them forward. All around them, there souls still awaiting entry into the Underworld itself. It saddened him to think that Hades wouldn't let them through but it's an extremely long line to get into the Underworld. Fields of Asphrodite or not they all had to wait their turn. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you carrying your dead friend's body?" Charon asked around the staff in his mouth. He had his suspicions but he would wait until they could be confirmed.

Edited by Pixelate



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"I said i wouldn't tell Hades that you were here if I could help it. As for the weather, its pretty dull and boring actually. If you wait ten minuted then the weather will change to either a lighter shade of grey or stay the same. Can't really tell what it's like down here, considering that I don't have any eyes or muscles and ligaments for that matter. Yes, everypony's ancestors are here. Whether it be in the Fields of Asphrodite or the Fields of Torture they'll be here. Did you say that the Gate of Tartarus have been opened?"


(Forgot what the other one was called)



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"Yes but we have to meet him face to face is what i ment, charon has he been in a good mood lately? If he is then maybe i might be lucky and maybe able to talk to him if not then im gonna have to fight him, and i dont want to do that"


Blacky pie actually sits still he dosnt want to fall off.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Has he been in a good mood? Not lately but that's because of the Gates of Tartarus being opened. But that was yesterday. Today he might possibly be in a good mood. We'll see when we get his castle. Hey! This is where Thanatos is. If you want me to wait, I'll be more than happy to." Gareth immediately jumped out of the boat when it stopped. He quickly trotted out the reach of the water and waited for everypony else to come ashore.



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Leif got out " that would be great" Leif said as he climbed out

Grell watched them seeing what he assumed was his body wrapped in vines grell stepped back

Thanatos walked to the group of ponies his scythe which looked like a bigger version of grells was in his back he was half skeletal and half normal with a black coat Bd reddish mane "why do you seek me" Thanatos said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Charon put his staff down in the boat and warily sat down. He didn't realise that there was another pony in the boat. "I'm getting too old for this job. I mean look at me! I'm a skeleton for crying out loud! Ah well. Someone has to do it." Charon looked towards the Fields of Asphrodite to try and see if his late wife was there. He looked back at Gareth and smiled when he saw the he had made some friends.


Gareth was looking in at the Fields of Asphrodite as well and knew that he couldn't get to his mum. "I'm just tagging along for the ride." Gareth said.



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Charon gave a start at the sound of the pony's voice. "What's your name? I think the only ponies out of this group that I know of are Gareth and Tough Luck." Charon chuckled as he looked at the River. "You're right. I could be having a bad Underworld life. But it's not that bad. At least I've got some lively company for the time being." He grinned as well as he can at the pun he'd made. "Usually the company I have are pretty boring but this is a nice change."



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"It's good to see somepony laugh at my jokes other than myself. It gets pretty boring talking to me, myself and I. Dionysius is a good fellow to be around. When he's chugging down wine and throwing a party. I hardly ever get invited to his parties but the ones I do get invited to are a blast." Charon picked up his staff and looked at it. "Friends are good to have. They help keep you strong and they help you get through things. This is the second time I've seen my son. I think he hates being down here. Mind you, I would hate being down here as well if I was in somepony else's hooves." Charon sadly said. "I wonder what Thanatos is talking to them about and besides, why are you here and not with the others? I said I would wait for you to return." Charon babbled a lot when he had actual company instead of the souls he carts around all day.



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(This will probably be my only post I'll make until about 11:30 [central time] so yeahh lol)


Midnight looked around at all the things they passed. She never got the chance to make it to the Underworld to save her mother, so now was her chance.


Mia stayed close to Ocean, a little scared.


Dark Shine sighed. This was nothing new to her. She had been to the Underworld many a times; she's actually met Thantos, Grell's father.


Scout's ears were flat against his head as he stayed on Ocean's back. He was to scared to move.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Snowstorm had been quiet through the entire trip through the Underworld so far. She had listened silently to all the conversation, not interjecting once. The only sounds heard from her were light breathing and occasional humming. She hoped that they would be able to convince Grell to go back to his body.

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Tough Luck also stayed behind on the boat, the way he thought about it the more gods he met the more likely one wouldn't like him or his mother and things would end poorly. "So Charon what are your feelings on Nemesis?" Asking in a roundabout way, not directly saying she was his mother but the way it came out it seemed pretty obvious.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

Avatar by Royal Samurott


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Leif got out " that would be great" Leif said as he climbed out

Grell watched them seeing what he assumed was his body wrapped in vines grell stepped back

Thanatos walked to the group of ponies his scythe which looked like a bigger version of grells was in his back he was half skeletal and half normal with a black coat Bd reddish mane "why do you seek me" Thanatos said

Snowstorm looked over at Leif, her gaze silently asking him whether she should respond to Thanatos' statement or he should. After a few moments, if Leif had said yes, she said, "We came to you to request that Grell be returned to his body and brought back to life." This was it. This was the big decision. Her heart rate increased as she waited.

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"You stayed behind as well? Anyway, about Nemesis. I hate her." Charon said bluntly. "Her kids aren't so bad but Nemesis is just a really vengeful goddess." Charon then tilted his head to the side. "Why do you ask? She your mother or something?" Charon asked. He doesn't really care either way.



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