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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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"So..." Slipstream said as she walked over to the bed near Mr. Critical "What are we going to do with dash once we rescue her... if we rescue her." She paused to think about what would happen if they failed. She shook her head to get the topic out of it as she picked up where she left off. "I mean, we cant take her with us can we? or what if the princesses want her kept safe, with them, in Canterlot?"


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I look over to Slipstream.

"Honestly, that's up to her. When Dash is free, she can do as she wishes. We are meerly a rescue team, not a body guard service. However, if she is injured to a degree, we might have to keep her with us till she is fit to what she can."

I sat up so I could be at eye level with her.

"And don't talk about "if". I'm the cynical one, this should be reversed. We will rescue dash, or die trying. Hopefully, it will be the former."

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"Whatever you say" Slipstream said sarcastically "I'm sure we wont die breaking into a heavily fortified castle crawling with fake alicorn guards who want nothing more than to keep us from saving Dash, who is in the dungeon, possibly injured, and maybe even unable to fly and, not to mention once we get inside we have to get out again with a totally uninformed Rainbow Dash who will probably just end up trying to sprint out of there by herself instead of sticking with us." She was starting to worry herself, she lowered her head and her voice sounded more worried and scared than ever before "There are so many things that can go wrong... What if they do?"


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I looked to Steel, then to Slipstream. I saw the worry in her eyes. Sure there were a lot of things that could go wrong. Sure there was only a fraction of success to this plan. And sure rainbow may jolt or might already be dead. But...

"There are so many things that could happen, thousands even. And we need one specific oitcome to occur."

I look over to Slipstream and place a hoof on her back in a comforting way.

"And I know you and everypony else here can and will make that happen."

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Slipstream almost violently used her wing to slap Mr. Critical's hoof off of her back, she stepped back and her look changed from worried to serious "Of course I'll make it happen, I never doubted that. It's you guys I don't know about. We as a team have almost no background together, we've never even been trained, we only just met, how are we expected to communicate and preform under this kind of pressure."


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I looked to the "diversion". All would be set and we can begin the rescue mission of rainbow dash.


I said in a bit of a commanding tone. This was rather new to me.

"... Mooneyes, go set the charges, then me meet back here so you and I can position ourselves in front of the entrance to the castle. Steel and Slipstream, begin your infiltration on the castle. But don't enter until after one minute has passed from detonation. If possible, we'll meet you in or near the dungeon entrance. I would say if, but tonight is not about "ifs". Tonight we do, or we do not. There is no try."

Thank you celestia wars.

"Let us begin, shall we."

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"Ok then. We might as well get it over with" Slipstream began to tie her wings to her side in a way that made it look tight but was loose enough to be able to slip out of in a moments notice, she was only pretending to be a prisoner, she couldn't risk Steel tying the knot to tight that she couldn't get free if she needed to chase down Dash."Steel, you ready?" she asked as she finished her knot "We better get going."


(I'm going to sleep now I'll be back on tomorrow to do the battle.)


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"Yes Critical" Mooneyes set as he trotted off to set the charges. "Well these would cause quite the ruckus, I enhanced them to make the boom even louder. And I'm sure the multicolored flame eruption will create some chaos too. Luckily it won't set the buildings on fire" He thought.


Then he placed all the charges strategically across the town. He hid them a bit so nopony would notice them accidentally.


Then he returned to Critical: "All set and ready to blow" He said with a big grin on his face.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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The Wendigo grinned as it felt a good bit of conflict arising from them. Not as much as he would have wanted, but still. The ghost like creature flew by Slipstream, tightening the knot around her. The Wendigo repeated the mantra of his species as he did, conceal, don't feel, feed

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Thoings were getting started. We were actually going to do this. A bunch of civilians pulling off a rescue mission. But, something in the back of my head was grabbing my attention. A sort of bad feeling. This has never really led to anything good. I calmed my breathing, steadied my hearf rate, and began to focus. My eyes had dilated and I began to look around. I know something was up. I looked around the room as if the bloom in a film was turned up and everypony looked as if they were standing in front of a sunset. I know something was up. I just needed to know, just to be sure

Edited by Mr. Critical
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"The knot is good lets get this over with." Slipstream said as she headed for the door, she turned around appearing very annoyed "Steel, you coming or not?" She sounded pretty angry, something was getting to her she just didn't know what. It was as if every little detail made her furious.


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I scanned the room to see if my suspicions were correct. But to my disapointment, I couldn't find it... or them, not sure. I looked to the two pegasi getting ready to leave and take position. And then to Moon eyes who returned from planting our little suprise. I looked to Slipstream, she seemed... agrovated. As if someone took the last of her favorite drink and consumed it in front her. This only fueled my paranoia. But, now is the time for action, not theories.

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"You feel it too don't you" Mooneyes asked. "That dark presence, only if I knew what it was. It looks Slipstream is affected by it the most. I feel more annoyed too then usual, especially about her behavior which shouldn't make me irritated at all. You haven't got a clue either have you?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Now that you mention it mooneyes. I have been felling a bit more negative than I normally would, but I just shrug it off as an emotional flux. But as for the aura, I wouldn't exactly call it dark. More so of..."

I look around the room a bit. My eyes scanning for the source of my suspicions.

"... chilly."

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"You're right, it's like it's getting cold in here." Mooneyes looked around too.

"But we don't have time for this, we have a job to do." Then he spoke to everypony: "Is everypony ready. I bet Slipstream is at least. If so then we should get going. Critical where do we go first?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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I revised my plan in my heqd one last time. Going through the details.

"Alright then. Slipstream and Steel will take position in the sky near, but out of sight, from an empty balcony. Then you and I will take position near the front gate and set off the explosives. After half a minute has passed, Slipstream and Steel will sneak in through the balcony and make there way to the dungeon. As for you and I, we will sneak in through the front gate with a majority, hopefully all, of the guards investigating. Depending on how many, we will either sneak passed them, or render them unconcious. From there we will make our way to the dungeon, and if my knowledge of castle interior is correct, will be in the lower or sub levels of the castle. But at the risk of discovery, I advise you each take an electrofied baton. Now, any other questions anypony may have, now is the time to ask."

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(Ehm this is probably gonna be my last post for today. If you really want to do the attack right now you can godmod my oc)

"I have got no questions. I'm good to go" Mooneyes said.


He was really nervous but also more confident in his own abilities then he used to be. "Let's free Dash right now!"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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The Wendigo grinned as it sucked down the conflict and hate greedily. It had merely whetted its appetite, it wanted more. So far, Slipstream seemed the easiest candidate for freezing. Freezing a pony was the ultimate goal of any Wendigo, it paralyzed the pony in a permanent state of whatever emotion they were feeling and could be fed off of constantly. The Wendigo was no fool though, freezing was not an option right now. It'd have to wait for that. The Wendigo poked Critical's ear lightly.

@@Mr. Critical,

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Ah! What the... I felt a slite poke at my ears. Someone or something is toying with us, now focused on me. And I loath being toyed with. Somepony in this room is messing with me. All of a sudden memories of my sister's (non-life threatening) antics came flooding back to me. She loved messing with me. She did this when I was too beat up to take anymore punishment. But I ignored the annoyance for now. And we made our way to our positions.

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