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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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I focused on my suroundings. I heard a guard charging me from behind. Nice try dude. Sweep kick. He was in the air for a moment. Uppercut to the jaw, double punch to the sternum. The guard went flying away from me. Thank you earth pony strength. I sensed another guard. Back filp, and I kicked him in the head. These guards were push overs. But something was wrong. It was cold, really cold. I saw ice begining to form at the ground. They were feeding off our conflict. Our choices were now freeze to death, or execution by guards.

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As soon as Slipstream saw the skylight break as a guard went flying through it she flew as hard and as fast as she could out of the castle and into the forest. Dash was surprisingly heavy but Slipstream could still keep up a good pace. Just as she thought she was free she heard three guards behind her and they were gaining. She had one choice. She flew as high as she could carrying Dash with her far past the cloud layer. as soon as the guards got close to her she dove. pulling dash down with her faster and faster, the moment she felt that it was over and she couldn't go any faster Dash woke up and in surprise gave one powerful flap of her wings. She had made a sonic rainboom. The sudden pain from the broken wing made dash scream in agony but Slipstream was able to use this new found speed to make a 90 degree turn directly into the forest once she thought she was at a safe distance she came to a stop, placing Dash gently on the ground. It seemed that carrying Dash with her at that speed was enough to make a sonic rainboom that blew away the guards chasing them and appeared to have destabilized the castle, it was going to collapse.


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I heard a large shockwave from the outside. No idea what it was though. I saw two guards rushing towards me. An ample opportunity for that one move I've been wanting to use for a while. When they were close enough, I grabbed one by the muzzle with my front hooves and the other's with my back. I flipped in the air, taking the guards with me and span a good 1080 degrees before landing on the ground. The guards were unconcious on the ground from my little stunt. I began to feel the castle shake, and I hope the others felt it too.

"Everypony, the castles coming down!"

I bolted for the door.

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Mooneyes was just busy electrocuting a guard when he felt the castle shake. He heard Critical saying something: "I'm right behind you. Steel are you coming too!?" Then he almost tripped over a patch of ice:

"Ice!!! What is this for nonsense!" Then he finally realized "Of course conflict, chilling cold and now the freezing. It must be one of them. Better tell them later."

With those thought he ran after Critical


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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The last one charged at steel after he landed steel as steel blocked the other guard the one he threw fell down and hit steel causing him to miss the block and get stabbed in the side he used his wrist mounted blade to stab the guard in the chest steeltook off aas best he could he flew out the skylight and followed the trail of the sonic rainboom he landed by splitstream "lay her down Inneed to fix her wing "steel said blood pouring out his side

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Mooneyes laid down on the ground. To tired of running to speak for a while. He knew it for sure now, it was them. The chilling freeze and all the conflict. It has to be.

"We need to become better friends" He said finally able to speak. "There is a wendigo following us, so this time our life does depend on our friendship."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Steel nodded blood still pouring from his side "yes I know of the wendingo but right now in worried about getting dash fixed up " steel said as he took dash from splitstream and laid her down he began to check the wing he cursed under his breath "Ms dash your wing has started to heal already I'll have to rebreak it to set it " steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The Wendigo pack drooled happily as they continued circling, exerting their full might for the first time in forever. Ice was curling around plants and wind howled as the spiritual creatures circled the ponies, hunger present on their faces for all to see

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"We can be friends later." Slipstream said, "Right now I need to fix up Dash, can anyone heal Steel." She had medical experience, being a racer there have been crashes and she new how to fix a broken wing. A stabbing wound though is another story. She pushed steel on to his back "Relax, I think Mooneyes might be able to do some healing magic" she turned to looked at Dash "Unfortunately he is right, I will have to break this so that I can set it." Dash looked up at her "Just get it over with, we have other problems to deal with."


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"I fear I can only do small wounds." Mooneyes said with a sad look "But I could try to ease the pain a bit. It will still hurt but it will be not nearly as painful as without it.


His horn began to glow focusing intensely on RD.


"Ok let's get it over with, I can't keep this up for long."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Steel sighed "I'll be fine we need to get her wing Done quickly" steel said he dug in his bag and pulled out some bandages and wrapped his wound the best he could "there I'll be fine till proper healing can be done " let's hurry we need to get going " thats when steel noticed the ice creeping around everything he did a half shift his body turned black and his wings turned draconic and his eyes turned black with purple pentagrams spawn the demon that lives in steel began to feed of the conflict as well he took as much as possible leaving little for the wendingos and becoming stronger if steel wasn't careful he'd lose control

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The Wendigo pack screeched to a halt, looking at Spawn. He had absorbed most of their conflict. Such a fool. There was now enough conflict in him to freeze him. The pack let out a scream and began freezing Spawn, preparing him as a larder. The more hate was inside something, the easier it was to freeze it

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Owh hell no, ain't gonna happen to anypony I like!" Mooneyes roared at he attacked the ice around Steel the best he could. Using spells hacking stomping he tried everything. "I won't leave you frozen in there mate just gimme a sec." He kept trying even as exhaustion overtook him


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(I'm back)


Thinkgs were looking bad. The chill was taking Steel. And we could barely do anything to stop it. Okay gotta think. Wendigos feed on hate. That's easy we just... gotta. Oh bollocks it looks like were goners. Unless. They was a feast, I'll give them a feast. Hopefully giving them enough time to take them down

"Hey, Wendigos!"

I shouted into the sky

"You wanna feed on hatred take a gander at mine."

I thought of back when I was a child. The city of Baltimare. The place where I grew up. I remembered every thing the residence had done to me. Every vegetable thrown, every beating, every insult. My memories eventually led me to... her. I remembered The time she pushed me off the edge of the canyon. The time she locked me in the freezer. And I remembered... the day I left.

'Get out of here. You're just a mistake. No one has ever wanted you. You'd be better off dead.'

My father dragged me by my tail and left me in the winter night... alone.

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I saw The new being called spawn, and his cold prison recieding. I knew not if it was him or I. But I'll continue just in case.

"You want more, well come and get it."

I thought of my sisters 12th birthday. A legion of her friends had shown up to congradilate her. They were surounding her with praise. While I sat idle in the back. No one even noticed me. I then thought to hearthswarming eve. After escaping the basement, I went to our tree, I saw them gather around it. My mother saw me and her expression changed dramatically.

'Get out of here. You'll ruin the moment for us.'

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"Alright" Slipstream said "her wing is fixed." all the other ponies were so busy nobody even heard Dash scream when Slipstream set her wing back into place. She noticed the cold for the first time and she saw her friends being covered in ice, she needed to warm them up. She flew into the sky in a spiraling pattern blowing back the branches of trees and eventually creating a hole in the cloud layer. She had done what only few pegasi could. She had made a tornado but one with an eye big enough to light up all her friends. As the sunlight shone thought the eye it began to warm and the ponies began to melt. "I'll keep you in the eye!" she screamed "You guys better figure something out!" The tornadoes winds were strong enough to keep the Wendigos away from them but only temporarily, she couldn't keep this up for long.


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Okay, this isn't working. Thanks to slipstream, the wendigos are being scattered a bit, but for how long.(stand back ya'll. I'm gonna pull something out of the ass dimension.) Let's see, wendigos are beings of cold air flow. Since were in a tornado, thank you Slipstream, they should integrate with it. But, I'll need to counter act it with a lot of heat to remove them. Wait... heat! I only hope this will work.

"Does anypony still have a thermal grenade!"

This is going to get really dangerous. One us will have to stay behind with the grenade luring them into the center. Slipstream will have to escape at the last second, while the other...

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Steel fought spawn off and shifted back "I got two left " steel said as he pulled them both out "you guys go I get what you're planning they went for me first so they want me go now split stream once everypony had left you get out to I'll handle the wendingos " steel yelled the Last part so split stream could hear

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The Wendigos were stuffing themselves silly on the hatred and conflict seeping from Critical. Yes the, world would be theirs. Sure, a few of them had been scattered by the tornado but who cared? They'd be back and they would freeze it all. The lead Wendigo, the most powerful of the pack, charged through the tornado, slamming into Critical. 

"Feed" the creature hissed as it began icing Critical

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The Wendigo leader was a vulture however and called his pack-mates to Critical. Critical posed less of a threat and had more pent up resentment, the most delicious kind of resentment, anyway. The other Wendigos were slowly but surely, making their way towards Critical

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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