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Do many people really read fanfics?


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Good words of encouragement from almost everyone! Working on an outline now, might take a week or two to finish but I think I'll have a nice first posting to fimfiction by the time I'm done.

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I do, I think it's been mostly because I've been into fanfic since i was like 13 so I've learned to respect the artform just as much as "real" media and it's kinda become part of me.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I've read a few, (and a few that im writing) but it really depends on subject (which im not overly picky about) what I am more picky on is that it has to be fairly well written.


I'm not a grammar Nazi but i have to at least know where a story is going and not reading a jumbled mess. Other then that I can handle just about anything out there.

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I generally don't care for fanfics, because often they're either poorly written or poorly edited. I'm not saying this is always true, just in my experience. I understand why people would write them, and to that I say bravo, more power to them, but they just aren't my thing.


I'm the same.  I realize none of us are bigshot authors and many of us have limited experience writing, but it's hard to take seriously anyone who doesn't have enough pride in their own work to present it well. It's like hoping for people to enjoy your cooking when you present them a hamburger with a ripped bun and half the toppings sliding out, limp french fries, and stale Coke...

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At least until the writers acknowledge the subtextual clues they've given about Pinkie's enormous crush on Rainbow Dash ...


Can't tell if serious....

Cannot say I've ever even remotely gotten that hint.. Perhaps that she's a bit schizo.. but never for a crush on RD..


I somewhat could see the SUPPOSED connection between AJ and RD, but thats only if you follow the fictional belief that picking on or having a close rivalry with a non-relative automatically means they have a crush on one another.

But that'd ignore that both characters are competitive by nature and always trying to be #1 in everything they do.

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I sit on my butt in front of my computer all day doing pretty much that - reading fanfics... they are so good!^_^


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- Ariel Schnee, twin sister of Weiss Schnee, and  Loyal Servant of The Royal Pony Sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna... Forever Equestria!
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I don't really read them myself, as I don't care for books or textually written things in general. My mind has no visual imagination, so to speak. Cannot visualize anything at all. On occasion, if a story is really good/gripping, I will read it. But I just cannot connect most of these stories to the canon characters they're supposed to represent. I don't hear Twlight's voice when I read her, and I don't see her in my mind. It's just some facsmile who I KNOW is supposed to be the character, but really isn't in my mind. That always happens when I have to read something that I can typically see/hear and is more jarring than original fiction where you're not used to the characters being animated and don't have to be set on a specific vision.


And yeah, I know. There's fanfics with OCs only... but I can't really be bothered to read them like I can't be bothered to read normal books as well. However, I am willing to read comics as they provide visuals and aren't as wordy.


Generally, I prefer roleplaying as even though I can't visualize worth a damn, I can at least be a part of the story. Also, I am a frequent browser of fanart. It's just the avenue that I participate in the most in the FiM community and prefer due to the fact that it takes far less investment.


...Yeah, all this is strange as I am writer. Not necessarily a fanfic writer (but I do dabble when I feel like it), but I do enjoy writing stories and such. But that's probably because it's one of the few means by which to express my ideas, not because I'm a fan of the written format. That and I have a strange skill for it probably due to my inability to visualize things in the first place. I can just focus on the words and what feelings they give.


Also, I don't read fanfics specifically because I'm not fond of fanfiction in the first place. As one person has said here, it's typically badly written, unedited, and unproofread. And I'm a bit of a canon nazi who moreso cares about the original vision than others' interpretations. And in MLP fandom specifically, there are a lot of common interpretations about characters that I find annoying/am apathetic to and fanfiction tropes/genres that appear popular which I'm not fond of.


For instance, all of the personalities given to background characters, for instance. I don't really care about them. Or grimdark which takes MLP and turns it into this horrid gritty world and things like Pinkamena Diane Pie. Don't even get me started on crossovers. Whilst I usually don't mind them, in fanfiction, they tend to be badly executed. And then there's shipping, which I know is SUPER common. I don't want to read about characters who would never feasibly be together having a relationship. It just doesn't appeal to me or make sense.


Basically, for a multitude of reasons. But the primary one I'd pick original work over fanwork: I just don't care for the most part how other people have interpreted MLP. It's something that I'm not all that interested in. I only care for my own interpretation. When it comes to fandoms, I can be very conservative and a bit close-minded. 


Then again though, if there's something that's really that good or presents awesome ideas/interpretations that appeal to me, then I'm willing to read it and can even like it. It's extremely rare that this happens though and it's never really happened with an MLP fanfic just yet. Maybe you might be the one to attract my attention. Who can say for sure? :3


Looking from the outside though, it appears fanfic reading is a very popular activity within the fandom. (And most other fandoms, really.) Since the brony fanfiction community is quite vast and seemingly ridiculous with enthusiasm, it's likely that at least SOMEONE will. But I do think you'd have to either write of a popular/controversial topic/headcanon (grimdark, shipping, etc), you're well-known within the community, or you're a damn good writer to get loads of attention. If you keep going though, you can make your way to the top! For now, just post it. Nothing to lose if you're having fun, eh? I'd recommend here at MLP Forums. You'll at least get some attention. More so than if it were an original work at least, that's for sure.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I tend to stay clear of them, just as a personal preference. I've always been a canonical kind of  person with such things.


Plus, some, if not most people just aren't good writers...


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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Not on a regular basis, but it's not exactly a rare occasion for me to do so. From time to time, I get curious about what the internet has to offer, and take a look around.


It can be very good or very bad. My issue, though, is that a LOT of people have a complete lack of understanding as to the personality of the character they're playing. How many times did I see Crash Bandicoot talking again...?


I will say, though, when they're good, they can be REALLY good. And running into gems like those are always a joy.


So yeah.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


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I'd say 2/5 or 3/5 do. Lots read them, or many of the people I know do read them. I've read like two fanfics, I don't generally enjoy reading them, I don't care much for them. For some though, fanfics are huge :yay:

Don't be a dweeb


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