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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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"Uhhh drunk? No I don't think so," Majestic Bloom replied, a little tipsy but not much, and she spoke "Uhhh I do believe I did have a large winning streak," Majestic Bloom pointed at the small pile of chips, and by small, it was a feet high, on a table. 


One of the soldiers opened the latch for one of the tanks and peered inside.


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The soldiers started to run around and looks at the armament. One solder looks at the weapons, the other, AA's. And the other soldier looks at the turrets of the tanks.


Soldier1: DAMN! THIS IS AMAZING! *picks up a large caliber rifle*

Soldier2: No shit.... *sitting in the flak seat*

Soldier3: *with the other soldier looking into the tank*

Tank: *Filled with C-4* 

Soldier3: SHIT! RUN!!! *runs out of the place*

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Draco laughed as he sat next to Majestic Bloom. "Guess my luck is rubbing off on you eh?" Draco said teasingly as he watched her play. "I do have to admit your quite the beautiful mare milady," Draco said as he looked her over with one of his eyes. "But I must disgust you a scarred pony like me checking you out,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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after slicing the ex sniper's head off vatrana flew to navy. "navy are you hurt get injured or anything?" she asked concerned.





blackjack was done playing with cards half an hour ago and decided to go drink whiskey with little pip and then both of them got drunk. 




moonlight was secretly spying on majestic bloom and draco. (lel)


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"I suppose," Majestic Bloom responded as she dumped another pile of chips onto the ever growing pile of chips. She turned toward Draco before responding, "Thank you Draco, and there is nothing to be disgusted, a compliment is a compliment, and it is not always about the outer appearance."


The group leader immediately ordered the soldiers to abandon the factory as they escaped.


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Arrow watches the two ponies mingle from afar (Draco and Majestic) as he gave up on getting Majestic Bloom to be his marefriend. 



Navy pokes his head out of the pile of rocks and nods. "Are bad ponies gone?" He asks in worry.



The soldiers start to evacuate the premises. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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As the soldiers evacuated the area, the major had radio'd a message to the Northern Union capital: Trottingberg.


The President walked in a circle, reading the message over and over. Looking at his secretary, a mare, he ordered her to send Ms. Maple with an entire regiment worth of soldiers down south. 


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vetrana nodded slowly then she pondered for a moment. "little frost do you want to get rid of bad ponies yourself?". she ask's


--- and then lil pip and blackjack maked out



moonlight was pretty much grinning like an idiot while watching draco and majestic.


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Ms. Maple, the Vice President of the Northern Union looked up from her paperwork. She quickly read the letter that was given to her from the President. Nodding a bit, she got up and walked out the door of her office. The slight chilling breeze greeted her as she made her way to the train station that was mostly repaired. Getting on the train that was going southbound toward Coltingrad, where she'll link up with the regiment and make their way southward.


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The soldiers ducked into cover and waited for the explosion. None yet. One slowly peeked out to see wtf was happening. "Why didn't it blow up yet?" He asked the other soldiers. "Is this a prank?" He asked again not amused.



Navy looks at her a bit. "I-i guess." He said.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"I don't know!" One of the scouts replied, still ducking. The Major was not however amused but had an idea. He sent ten ponies this time, they were going to start disarming the bombs and carry them outside. 


The train started moving, moving at a high speed toward Coltingrad, a large pre-war city that was under repairs like many others. 


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The bombs where magically stuck into the tanks, into the barrels of the AA batteries, and jammed into the guns. Each one had a designated time ranging from 5-10 minutes until they explode. After they looked into pounds and pounds of explosives, it can level out the factory.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana pulls out the .45 pistol and set's in front of frost. "if you learn to use that bad ponies go bye bye if you hit their head now aim for that rock". she points towards a medium sized boulder she then gentle covers frost ears. "il cover your ears ok gun's can be very loud for first timers".  she then looks around  feeling that somepony is coming or something. (ahem that pony with the 15k caps bounty).


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"What are we going to do?" One of the soldiers asked the Major as he looked at the factory. 


The Major sighed as he overlooked the factory, "Abandon it, there are many other factories in these areas, quickly retreat, there is no use for this factory now."


The train stopped at Coltingrad, where soldiers marched onto the trains. The basic infantry had a WWII German infantry styled uniform while the more trained had black gasmasks and black suits with steel plates. Ms. Maple greeted the officers commanding the regiments.


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"I suppose," Majestic Bloom responded as she dumped another pile of chips onto the ever growing pile of chips. She turned toward Draco before responding, "Thank you Draco, and there is nothing to be disgusted, a compliment is a compliment, and it is not always about the outer appearance."


The group leader immediately ordered the soldiers to abandon the factory as they escaped.

Draco smiled as he said "So why does Cryptical attract you so Majestic?" Draco asked as he took another drink of his fire whiskey. He motion to the waiter "Another bottle of wine and Fire Whiskey," he ordered as he placed 30 caps down. "keep the change," he said as he needed to kill his kidneys ones more.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(Yes yes I know! I have something up my sleeve  ;) )


The little colt takes aim at the boulder. Right before he pulls the trigger his head explodes into a bloody mess, seconds later a bang from a high caliber rifle came in. (Yes, the shot was so far that the bullet came in first before the bang.) The colt didn't have his head anymore and fell to the ground. The .45 was shot into bits. 



After that talk the factory started to explode from the back, all the way up to the front. It was like a chain reaction. Then the factory fell to the floor in a puff of fire, and smoke.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Well we traveled together, he saved my life plenty of times. And you know, he is a joker. I mean he might not look like it, but when he was around those ponies he could trust, he seemed like an entire different pony. And he cares for ponies, I mean when he was commanding the Northern Armies, he personally went to the frontlines and helped out. He was that pony that everypony in the North could look up to," Majestic Bloom said.


When the train stopped at the end of its journey, soldiers were rushing out. They were going to rush toward the Major, this time they brought in five tanks to support them in case if anything goes wrong. Ms. Maple, in the commanding seat of one of the tanks looked out, disinterested.  


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Blacklight after losing nearly half of the chips he had earned from the craps table earlier gave a defeated sigh as he looked over to Ruby's machine and noticing her ever growing pile of chips just gave another sigh and walked over to the bar, where he orders a bottle of Wild Pegasus Whiskey and begins drinking from the bottle. 

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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The regiment finally reached where the factory was supposed to be at. Lets say things went downhill really fast as Ms. Maple cussed at the actions before speaking "Where are the scouts now?"

"They are at New Pegas from what I can gather," the Major replied as Ms. Maple nodded. To New Pegas then. 


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A soldier walks up to Ms. Maple and suggests: "Do you think we can salvage what ever is left?" He questions a bit. "We could use the scrap and recycle it for recourses." He suggested.



A big dark grey stallion with blue mane and tail that was an alicorn walks up with a huge gun .950 JDJ sniper rifle. "Hm...." He hummed. "I thought I had the you sighted in but, I got the little one instead... my apologies..." He loads up his rifle again. "You'll see him soon griffon." He said.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"That would be the best course of action," She turned toward the Major, "Alright, you stay here and salvage, the regiment will continue on its course." The Major and his group will stay while Ms. Maple and her regiment will continue on their new course, toward New Pegas. The tanks rumbled as they moved, the soldiers moved behind. 


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vatrana snapped back to reality she picks the .45 back up and take's her revolver out and started loading armor piercing rounds and took the air shooting at the alicorn. "YOU FUCKING DOUCHE BAG" vatrana yelled as she kept firing and flying around at top speed til her revolver was out she then threw a grenade at him.


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The alicorn laughs at her as his shields (a midnight blue color) conjure up around him. "I'm sorry about your colt... truly I am... but I'm just here to keep and eye out for my troops." He said as he took aim at her. His mathematics and calculations of her speed play through his head and aims by two in in front of her and fires. The bullet rips through her front talon and out the back.


The colt (whos was not shot in the head, but in his torso pants heavily. "M-MOMMY!!!!" He yelled out to the griffon.


"Mommy?" The alicorn said quite amused.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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One of the tanks rounded the corners first as its officer looked out of the commanders seat. Wearing a nice German styled hat, he scanned the area in front of him as the train moved. Then he heard yelled and gun shots not far away from here. Ms. Maple was immediately alerted as she directed ten soldiers to the gunshots.


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vatrana quickly pulled out a healing potion she drank it as fast as she could the bleeding stop she sighed in relief she then flies down to navy and grabs him and take's to the air this time flying towards the cloud cover. "mommy's here navy i am here no worries". she take's out a healing potion the potion was quite brand new she then shoves it into navy's mouth  and she made sure every drop went down. (as in swallowed).


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