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planning Building the Future


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My characters Galatea, Ariel, and Nano all once resided in Equestria's future - or rather, my own take of it. I've been thinking on some of the concepts I had in mind, and I believe that I would like to build onto this world that's taking shape in my head.


All the information/backstory I have so far:


Throughout the years, technology has grown to become a considerable part of ponies' lives. However, one of the pony races began to grow resentful due to the growth of technology - the unicorns. Their magic was virtually useless now that technology (handled by any race of pony) could perform the same feats that were once unique to unicorns.


One day, a small group of unicorns decided that enough was enough. They raised an attack on the ponies that supported the use of technology - that is, of course, the other two races, the Earth ponies and the pegasi. The attack was swiftly beat down, but word of what happened quickly spread. The Earth ponies and pegasi grew wary of the unicorns, thinking that another attack could happen at any given time. The resentment among the unicorns only grew as the other two races lost the trust they once had for the unicorns. And eventually, it escalated into a civil war of sorts that consumed the land of Equestria like wildfire.


Princess Cadence was occupied with the Crystal Empire. Princess Luna was sent off to other countries, trying to prevent the chaos that had taken over Equestria from spreading further. And Princesses Celestia and Twilight had gone on a journey together to find a way to stop the war once and for all.


Before one inquires about the Windigos that would typically be drawn by the conflict, they have long since gone extinct, having died off from such a long period of peace beforehand.


Guards have been installed in the streets in many towns to protect the citizens by the last command of the Princesses. And yet, fighting still breaks out often due to the fact that the unicorns often plan guerrilla-type assaults and/or ambushes.


Of course, some of the unicorns want no part of the fighting. But even those that do not want to fight are generally mistrusted by the other two races; the race once considered to be the "master race" was now lowered to the bottom tier on the social ladder.


Diadem City is the capital, where Galatea, Ariel, and Nano once lived.



Now that I got all that information out of the way! (Geez, I wrote more than I planned...)


I'd like to do a roleplay set in this future. Preferably Diadem City, but other locations could be doable (and maybe helpful in world-building). The characters I would use would be, of course, Galatea, Ariel, and Nano. Naturally, this would be before Ariel's first mental break.


It's also up to you if you want this to be further back in Galatea or Ariel's timelines (i.e., younger Galatea [in her 20s rather than 30s] and filly Ariel). I'm just trying to organize a roleplay here to help me put into action the concepts I've come up with here.


I'm open to any ideas. :)


Oh, but one more thing: You may want to read Galatea and Ariel's backstories. That will provide some needed information on the characters I'll be using, as well as help in deciding what point in their timelines you'd like to roleplay in.


Roleplay thread here!

Edited by Miss Reaper
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@@Mr. Critical, @@ThunderTwirl,


Aha, glad to see some interest! Now, I haven't quite got a set story in mind, aside from building onto my characters' backstories, perhaps. This will mostly be a SoL, I suppose, unless I come up with a plot somewhere along the way. Again, I invite you to contribute any ideas you might have that will fit into or build upon what I already have here as far as my future Equestria here is concerned.


Also, I'd like to hear at what point in Galatea and Ariel's timeline you'd like to roleplay in. As it is, I'm going to have it sometime after Galatea found Ariel and took her in. At this point in time, Galatea is in her early twenties, and Ariel would be a young filly about eight years old. Oh, and Nano will have been recently created. You may have seen where in other roleplays I've done involving Nano, that he has developed his own personality - but that was after a year in Ponyville, spending time around a variety of ponies. Here, he'd be somewhat more "robotic," with less of a unique personality, although he will still recognize Galatea as his creator. He'll have to learn and experience things, learn how to deal with the emotions he'll feel, things like that. And what better way to help him do that than to have other ponies interact with him?


Oh, but that's just what I have in mind. Once more, I emphasize that I'd like to have your input! ^_^

  • Brohoof 1
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Well i just read both of the backstories for Galatea and Ariel and I just got to say WOW. Once i started reading I couldn't stop! :P


I think a good place to start the roleplay would be after Arial follows Galatea though the portal into ponyville. I and some other ponies could be Nano's friends, and we could be planning a way to stop the civil war.

An interesting twist could be that Ariel is a commander in the unicorn's army to destroy all technology because she may think it will make unicorn's completely worth nothing in the world. Ariel's main reason for doing this would be because of Nano and the fear of things like him/her(not sure what he/she is yet)to completely replace unicorns.


Because of Ariel's "curse" and backstory I think she would be perfect to fit the role.



This is just a little something I thought up after i read the backstories, so please give me your input on my idea's!  

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Hrm... You have some interesting ideas there. Only one little problem, though.


At that point, where Galatea and Ariel go through the portal, they're taken to present-day Ponyville. While I like your suggestions, it would be preferable for the roleplay to actually take place either in Diadem City or somewhere else in Future Equestria - sinceI'm trying to build onto the concept of Future Equestria in itself.




That's an interesting character you have there, although I'm not sure whether I should allow an alicorn character into this roleplay, to be honest with you. :huh:

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Ohoho, a cyborg pony! It ought to be interesting to see how Rocket and Nano would interact with one another. :D


EDIT: I never really did explain who Nano is to those that don't know him, did I? Whoops...


Simply put, Nano is a fully sentient robot pony capable of reasoning and experiencing emotions. He was created by Galatea in the lab in which she worked in within Diadem City.

Edited by Miss Reaper
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@@Miss Reaper,




Because Rocket was born a natural pony, he still can think like a natural pony, so this is going to be very interesting.  

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@@ThunderTwirl, @, @,


Alrighty~! I'm ready to start up the roleplay at any time. For the moment, all we really need to decide is the point in Galatea and Ariel's timeline that we'd start out at, and then we can work things out from there. (Oh, and location would also be good, but I can always set it in Diadem City by default, or just improvise!)


Sound good? :catface:

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Sure you can join! The more, the merrier, I always say! :lol:


Also, thank you. ^_^


@@ThunderTwirl, @@Mr. Critical, @, @,


Okay, judging by your responses, I presume that you all will be fine with younger Galatea and filly Ariel, meaning that this will be set a little earlier in their timeline.


I'm ready to begin the roleplay, so if you have any objections, speak up now. Otherwise, I'll be writing up the roleplay thread and posting it soon.

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