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Storm nodded and trotted over. He seemed tired. He got up onto the bed beside her and curled up, yawning. He put one of his wings around her, pulling the two closer together. He smiled. It was obvious that Stormy cared a lot about Lunar. He snuggled up to her and soon fell asleep.

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"Perhaps I should leave them be," Shadow sighed. At least it gives me some free time.


Shadow retreated to his personal quarters within the castle barracks, he had a larger room than most of the others. "Perks of being a personal guard I guess." But now was not the time for jokes, he had a fire in his eyes, a purpose that he was going to see through, even if it would take him all night.


He laid his armour our on a medium sized wooden table, before drawing his sword and examining the markings. "I know they gave me a tome with the sword, but where is it?" After a minute or so of searching, Shadow found the book he was looking for, it was an old book, worn from age, not use. He flicked through the pages until he found what he wanted, the page was littered with drawings of runes and other such arcane symbols, some matching those on his sword.


"Well, let's hope I can remember," drawing an extremely black and white ornate knife, Shadow got to work, carving exact copies of the runes on his armour. 

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Lunar snuggled up next to him, smiling softly. Her mane and tail fell over them like a blanket. She looked up at him, blushing lightly. She kissed him; this time, though, the kiss was different. She kissed him with great passion and love. She felt a warm feeling in her chest, one she had never felt before.

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Storm's ears perked up and he woke from his sleep. The same feeling also overcame Storm. He gently put a hoof to the side of Lunar's face but kept his eyes closed. As the kiss continued, a light blush began to spread across his face. It gradually grew deeper.

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Steel sighed "okay no that that's over let's oh relax and I'll give you that back rub" steel said

Grell nudged midnight "we should go" grell said he didn't bother trying to convince midnight that he wasn't worth being with

Rosey was in grells room looking around

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Luna smiled against his lips, continuing to kiss him. The tip of her horn began to glow. When she parted, she snuggled close. "I love you..." she finally admitted, her eyes closed as a shy smile crossed her lips. She felt her heart racing. She prayed he felt the same way.


Luna nodded, leaving.


Midnight smiled, walking back to Grell's room.

Edited by rainbowdashlover19
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Storm perked his ears at what she said. " I... I... Uh..." He shook his head a little. (OOC: On mobile, so these are supposed to be italic.) C'mon, Storm, (Back to reg.) he told himself. He smiled shyly and nuzzled her. He lowered his voice to a soft whisper and said, "I do too." He smiled.

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The sound of an explosion came from Shadow's room, not too loud but enough so the other guards in the barracks could hear.


"Ah, K'el Nash Vros'k Rah!" Shadow cursed to himself with a dead language he picked up during his studies. "Wasn't expecting it to be that K'ela powerful!"


He looked down at his left hoof, the vortex rune that should've resided on his Helmet was now burned onto his hoof. "I thought hatred would be good enough for this one!"


Shadow looked more closely at the mark, now burning with what remained of a failed rune, it wouldn't have hurt so much if it weren't for the anger he put into it. He noticed a lone tear drop from his eye.


"Wait." He grabbed the ornate knife and gently caught the tear with it. "Pain? Pain! Of course!"


He quickly went back to carving the rune on his helmet, so not to waste the fresh emotion. Hope no one heard that little incident.

Edited by Blissful Chaos
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Lunar giggled, kissing his cheek. "Your so cute when you're embarrassed..." She yawned, making an adorable little squee as she yawned.


Luna was close enough to Shadow's room that she heard the explosion. Her head snapped up from Steel's massage. "What in the name of-?! What WAS that?!" She got up quickly.

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Steel sighed "I'll check it out go back to your room baby" steel said he walked to shadows room and knocked

Grell opened the door and seen rosey about to lift the heavy curtain grell used his magic to hold it down "I'd rather you not lift that it personal" grell said

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Domino ran through the halls, desperate to leave this damn palace. As he was running, he beard a yell and crash, causing him to stop and look towards the noise. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, he slowly walked towards the sound before coming to stop at a door. Domino's eyes widened in surprise as he saw that it was the back door to the guard barracks. Smirking, he slowly opened the door and looked at the figure before him. "You know, if you wanted to sneak into the palace, the barracks are the last place you should hide."

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Shadow was far too enchanted by his own work to hear the knock, however he may have just mistaken it for the many noises now playing up about the room. This is why he wanted to do this in private, eerie glows, slightly altered gravity and temperatures, strange patterns with any fire and a slight humming noise, this "ritual," had a habit of making things a little... Chaotic.

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Midnight blinked, looking at the curtain. "What do you mean personal??" Midnight walked over to the curtain, looking at it. She was curious as to what was behind it. She looked back at Grell, smiling.


Luna sighed, looking around the room. She laid back down with a huff, pouting.

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Grell sighed "it's something I don't want a joint to know about is what I mean by personal " grell said (his room has no windows and it looks dark and twisted) he hoped that midnight wouldn't stay in his room he'd have to mediate I'm the morning and compleat a ritual

Steel used the magic of spawn to look past the door to see shadow doing a ritual on his helmet steel walked away ((steel and grell don't wear armor but steel has weapons all over his body so it's like armor)) steel walked back to Luna's room and began her back run "it's just shadow enchanting his armor " steel said

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Shadow, emotionally exhausted (literally) from the ritual, decided to leave his helmet the way it was, for now. "How long have I spent on this? And I've only just started with the Helmet, nothing else?" Shadow looked at the beginning of his newly enchanted helmet. This is going to take me longer than a night! Idiot! The sword alone took a week!


Placing his helmet in a magic-preserving case, Shadow put on the other parts of his armour, he hadn't started on his other parts yet and wearing the helmet now would be a very dangerous thing to do. "Perhaps I should go back? No, Lunar could use some time alone, well... alone." With that, the black stallion hid the dagger once again, put his sword in the sheath and went deeper into the barracks.

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Midnight nodded, walking away from it. She could tell Grell didn't want her there. "I-I'll go now..." she sighed, her ears flat. She walked to the door, her head lowered a little. -It's pointless trying to get him to like me.... Even if he does, it's obvious he has no intentions of being with me...- She opened the door, her head still low.


Luna nodded, still pouting. She was tired of playing the part of the damsel in distress.

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"Hey I didn't say you couldn't hang out here" grell said with a smile -maybe I could give it a try just to see what it's like to have a mare friend -grell thought

Steel kept massaging Lina's back "what's wrong baby" steel asked

Roses had started looking at the skulls the candles where In " are these real" she asked

Grell just nodded

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Midnight looked at him, her ears still flat. "You sure...? I can leave if I'm bugging you..." She looked like she was on the verge of tears. She hated not knowing what somepony was thinking; especially him. One minute he acts like he likes her and the next he acts like he doesn't.


Luna shook her head. "I-it's nothing..." she sighed, looking away.


((going to work. should be on again around 11:30-mindight))

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Steel smiled and pushed a pressure point that would send her into a half conscious state "what's wrong baby" steel asked

Grell smiled "I'm sure midnight your not bothering me " grell said and he say on the closed coffin

Rosey pulled her hoof away from the skull

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Domino's smirk vanished as it seemed the guard was ignoring him. Frowning, his eyes furrowed in annoyance. His ears perked as the pony was muttering something about some sort of ritual and a sword. Walking over, he tapped the pony rather harshly on the shoulder, waiting for him to get a reaction.

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(sorry i have been traveling so i couldn't get on)


*Spirit coming back to reality realized that there was no pony in the room so she stood up and casually stood up and walked out of Luna's room to hear quite a bit of commotion down the hall. Before she could get there though she collapsed on the stone from exhaustion and found herself back before the time jump*


((It is at this point that I realize that i am the only filly))

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Luna's eyes closed as she started dozing off. "Nothing...babe..."


Midnight smiled a litttle, walking back in. -Maybe he doesn't hate me after all...- She loooked for a place to sit, but decided to sit on the floor. She looked over at Grell, smiling. "So... I like your room..."

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Something is wrong. Shadow thought to himself, finally breaking out of the spell he had cast upon himself. Something is very, wrong.


He slowly placed a hoof upon the hilt of his sword, trying to come to senses with what he felt. That Aura, I do not know... It feels.


The black stallion quickly drew his weapon and turned around.

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Steel hit another pressure point "baby I can tell your upset " steel said

((Actually I have a filly oc maybe they could be friends))

Rosey had walked out of grells room and seen sprite on the floor she used her magic to pick her up she trotted off to her little hut and laid her on the bed and covered her up before laying on the floor

Grell smiled "you think so" grell said " ponies tend to see my room then run off "

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Stormwing smiled and nuzzled her, his heart almost exploding from the squee. "So do you~" he said lovingly. He yawned, his eyelids beginning to cover his golden eyes. He was obviously really sleepy from what had happened earlier. "I have... to do...-" he yawned, "- my... Art project to...morrow..." He said slowly, half asleep.

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