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@@Miss Reaper,


Rocket stood there in shock. He felt like scolding Galtea for what she said. He was in total agreement that the little filly shouldn't be drugged with all of these artificial stuff. This might even make her sicker. Rocket then started to locate a place where natural healing medicines were. He continued to think. Suddenly, he came up with something. "I've got it!" He suddenly stated without being conscious of how loud he was.  

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@@Mr. Critical, @,


Galatea was somewhat startled by Rocket's sudden exclamation after a relative quietness had settled over the room. It didn't help that she'd been deep in thought, contemplating recent events as well as nursing a slight headache; she flinched a little, that being her only outward reaction. Ariel, on the other hand, was unfortunately easier to frighten. The small filly quickly found her way under the bed sheets, and muffled, quiet sobs could be heard as she hid there in her little safety cocoon of sheets.


Galatea was about to ask Rocket what exactly it was that he'd gotten - whatever idea possessed him to exclaim it so suddenly and loudly - when she noticed Critic returning to the room with a gift. Her ears perked for a moment in curiosity, before she realized what he was doing and smiled kindly at him.


Upon hearing Critic stepping into the room, Ariel slowly poked her head out from beneath the bed sheets, looking at him with those wide mismatched eyes of hers while still a little teary-eyed. She noticed the stuffed bear he had, and curiosity filled her expression. The filly tilted her head and hesitantly reached out with one tiny hoof, as though she was wondering if the bear was for her or not.

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Ariel's face lit up with a bright smile - the first smile that Galatea had seen since taking the filly in. The little unicorn wrapped her hooves around the teddy bear and hugged it as tightly as she could. She then looked up, saying, "Thank you, mister..." Only to realize that he had already left the room. Her ears drooped for a moment, but then she laid down, resting her head on the teddy bear like it was a pillow and nuzzling its plush fur.


Being more at ease, it didn't take long for the filly to succumb to the exhaustion in her small, tired body. She quickly fell into a sound, restful sleep. One without dreams, thankfully. For some reason, Ariel was prone to not only nightmares, but night terrors; she'd wake up in a panic, inconsolable in her fear, and she would cry until she just cried herself back to sleep. That had always concerned Galatea... But this time, the filly was able to experience some peace for now.


Galatea smiled at the sight of the peaceful filly before she looked to Rocket, her mind going back to the cyborg's sudden exclamation previously. "So, er... You were saying?" she said gently, keeping her voice quiet so as not to wake Ariel.

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Critical saw the little fillies face light up from the shadows. He hated seeing sadness in the eyes of children. He felt his job was done for now. So he retreated to the waiting room. He would sleep in their until he was needed once more.


Critical looked to his side and saw his tardis taken on the form of her pony. A lite blue coat and a long pink mane.

"I saw what you did for that filly. Ya did good Critical. Ya did good."

She gave Critical a pat on the back and she disappeared into thin air. Criticla could get some sleep now.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Well, there's a place around here that sells and administers natural medicines from herbs and creams. They aren't artificial drugs and they come with no side effects. These drugs here, have side effects, if which not taken seriously, could be deadly." Rocket stated.  

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@@Mr. Critical, @,


Galatea listened, slowly nodding her head in agreement. "When that nurse was prepared to give Ariel sedatives... I don't know, the thought of it made me sick. She was just frightened - why stick a needle in her and make it worse? Besides, a foal shouldn't be drugged up like that. It's just... wrong."


She sighed, looking away for a moment before returning her attention to Rocket. "Natural medicines sound much better to me. No side effects or anything of the sort. I'd go with you to get some of that medicine, but... I don't want to leave Ariel here by herself. While the nurses and doctors would look after her, I'm sure that she'd be frightened if she woke and found me gone. And I, uh... I don't want to move her right now. She needs rest, and she shouldn't be moved around all that much."


The mare paused as she started to think on this little dilemma. She then looked to the robot pony in the corner, and her face brightened. "Nano. Would you go with Rocket?" she asked.


"Of course," Nano responded obediently, stepping forward.


Galatea smiled to herself. This would be a good opportunity for Nano to socialize a little, without her there to do all the talking for him. Not to mention that they would be getting medicine that could only be beneficial to young Ariel.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"I have to agree on that one. The natural way is the best way, as the old folks said." Rocket stated. "Besides, the side effects of some of these drugs are long-lasting. The pony at the natural healing facility knows just about everything about natural medicine. He's traveled to all sorts of places gathering the necessary ingredients to make his natural remedies. To make things even better, he even mixes the medicines so not only that they heal, but they provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs." Rocket explained.  

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Critical awoke from his slumber in the waiting room. As he awoke, he saw that Nano and Rocket leaving. No idea why. Critical got up and made his way to Ariel's room. He found himself at her door after a minute of trying to remember her room. He looked inside her room and saw the filly snuggling up to her bear. It brought a smile to his face to see her enjoying it.

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


"That sounds fascinating," Nano remarked, after taking a moment to process the information provided by Rocket. "And it certainly sounds as if this natural medicine would be beneficial for Ariel. The vitamins and minerals, especially; she was quite malnourished when Galatea first found her." His memories of the day Ariel was found was comprised mainly of statistics about the filly upon scanning her; how malnourished she was, the mild hypothermia she had from being out in the freezing cold. Compassion and sympathy was a thing yet to be learned for the robot, although he was gradually learning from observing Galatea and Ariel together.


Galatea was watching young Ariel sleep, when she noticed Critic in the doorway.  She said softly, "You can come in, if you'd like." Her smile was kind and her eyes warm as she looked at him; she knew that he was a good pony, and she seemed... trusting. Willing to give to him what had become such a precious commodity in this day and age.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Yes, and to break things down even further, the vitamins aim to boost the performance of a specific body part. Vitamin B, which has calcium, improves bone strength. These drugs here, actually causes muscle atrophy, which is very bad. This is why natural medicine is very good, despite the taste of some of them." Rocket explained.  

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Nano slowly nodded his head, processing the new information. "Very fascinating indeed," he couldn't help but reiterate, finding this learning thing to be quite enjoyable. The robot then briefly paused at the mention of taste. Having been built with no mouth, Nano never had and never would experience taste, or anything of the sort.


He searched his memory databanks. He knew that some foods were pleasant to the taste for certain ponies, while at the same time those same foods could likewise be unpleasant for different ponies. He then also recalled that some medicines tasted very unpleasant to mostly every pony. The robot pony wondered if Ariel would accept such medicines; she wasn't particularly picky about food, but she sometimes made certain to express her distaste for certain things in one way or another.




Galatea smiled at Ariel, gingerly stroking the sleeping filly's mane before she looked up at Critic. "She seems to be doing alright now. She's resting. And this is the first time I've seen her sleeping peacefully in a long while, might I add."


After a few moments, Galatea's smile faded. "It's terrible, though, what happened... She shouldn't have been hurt. It was my responsibility to protect her, and yet..." The mare clenched her jaw tightly, trying to suppress the rising tide of emotions within her. "It... It's also terrible, how those unicorns treated her when she confronted them. I can tell, all that she wants... is to be accepted... And yet those ponies treat her like she's nothing."


Her anger was quickly building; it could be heard in the sharp edge in her voice, even though she was keeping the volume to just above a whisper so as to avoid waking Ariel. The unicorns' leader had met the fate he deserved - but yet, that didn't help much. Ariel was still injured, and the poor filly was likely hurting emotionally as well; the damage was already done. It made Galatea's blood boil, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Galatea...anger won't fix it, all it would do is make things worse. I know it's tough, but not everypony's good around here." Rocket stated as he slowly went close to Ariel and gently stroked her fur with his large metal hoof. One thing that Rocket was known for was his compassion towards others. 

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical looked to the sleeping filly, while listening to Galatea's words. It's odd how a land of peace can change over a time to something so rancid.

"A zero. She is seen as zero. Containing nothing and are generally seen as generally worthless."

He then looked over to Galatea, speaking in a soft voice.

"But... What they don't know, is that a zero can be hold unlimited potential. I know this, because I was in her same position. Seen as garbage by those that were around him. And yet, look what happened to this zero. I have seen the wonders of equestrian from corner to corner to corner. It just depends on who will guide her."

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


"Not... everypony is good..." Galatea muttered, slowly repeating Rocket's words. She then slowly turned her gaze towards the cyborg, tears of pure frustration and anger welling in her eyes. "You don't think I already know that?! And you know what, that's an understatement! Everypony's gone mad around here - you'd be hard-pressed to find a good pony in these parts anymore!"


Then, realizing that she'd raised her voice, the mare forced herself to stop; thankfully, Ariel was still sound asleep, although the little filly's ear twitched cutely in response to Rocket's touch. After a moment, Galatea let her head fall forward muzzle-first onto the mattress of the hospital bed before her, and she groaned into the bed sheets. "I know... I know that this situation isn't... ideal," she said, her voice slightly muffled as she hadn't bothered to raise her head to speak. "I just don't know what to do..."


Her flattened ears perked slightly when she heard Critic speak about 'zeroes.' She listened to him talk, and then she slowly raised her head, her ears falling flat once more as her eyes went wide with worry. "Someone to guide her... But, what if I'm not the right one to guide her? I mean... I know nothing about raising a foal, a-and... I don't know what to do for her... I don't know, I just don't know..." She buried her face in the sheets once more, feeling so uncertain.



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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: I guess Galatea doesn't see the bit of Aspergers Rocket has)


Rocket just sighed. He felt really bad that Galatea was now angry at both the unicorns and him. He then slowly took himself out the of room nearly crying. He just sat outside of the room. "How could ponies be so bitter towards ponies who want to help them?" He thought out loud. A tear fell from his eye. @@Mr. Critical,  

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical looked to the rocket as he left, tears in his eyes. His attention was then directed to Galatea, face buried deep in sheets. He approached her and laid a hoof on her back in a comforting gesture.

"We never know when it comes to others. But, I can see something good in you. You've taken care of Ariel for a time and she's still standing. So she's scared, it happens. This little filly has seen so much and I'm willing to bet you have too. You are all she has, you must be strong for her. And yourself."

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Nano tilted his head slightly as he noticed Rocket leaving the room, and then decided to follow after him; even though Nano was still inexperienced, he was able to tell that Rocket was upset. And, wanting to learn more about emotion and expression compassion, Nano went out of the room and sat down next to the cyborg pony.


The robot studied Rocket for a moment before speaking. "I am certain that Galatea did not mean to upset you. But, she is quite upset as well, and... I have to say, she has exhibited quite the volatile temper in the past. If you would allow me, I shall apologize on her behalf."


Galatea considered Critic's words for a while, and then let out a long sigh as she raised her head once more. "You're... You're right... I have to be strong..." She sighed again, before giving a slight half-smile. "Sorry about, uh... freaking out like that. It's not... really like me to do that." She let out a humorless chuckle. And in spite of what she just admitted, the mare wasn't facing the root of the problem that consistently plagued her.


Galatea had the terrible habit of refusing to face her own emotions. She would try to seal them away, or she would sweep the issue under the rug to be forgotten about. She even did the same when her mother and her lover had both passed away. Rather than taking the time to truly grieve and then move on, she threw herself into her work, working until she was numb. That was how Nano came to be. Even now, she was trying to convince herself that she was fine, trying to laugh it off.

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical gave her a smile and nodded back to her. He had decided that he would stay with the two, watching over them. In case they needed him.

"Its okay, I know you didn't mean to. Just the stress of the situation."

With that, Mr. Critical watched over the sleeping filly and her guardian.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Rocket looked up at Nano as tears cascaded down his face. "You...really? On her behalf?" Rocket asked. He was still upset inside and didn't understand how Galatea could get angry at him went all he was trying to do was offer words of wisdom and encouragement. 

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Nano nodded in response. "Galatea is a good pony, that much I know for certain. But, it would seem that she faces a lot of stress, especially now with recent events in mind. She tries to keep it to herself. But sometimes, she ends up taking it out on others. She does not mean to; but I have learned from observing her that one cannot keep their emotions to themselves forever. It is... unfortunate that she chooses to do as such to herself regardless, and in turn to those around her. She can be so very stubborn..."


Galatea didn't really have much else to say. And so the two sat in silence for a while. Then, Ariel began to stir, letting out a little yawn as she slowly opened her eyes. Looking around sleepily, she gave a little smile to Galatea and then at Critic.


"Hi, mister," the filly greeted him with another small yawn. She still had her hooves wrapped securely around the stuffed bear that had been given to her; it seemed like she didn't want to let go of it any time soon.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"But...that doesn't give her the right to lash out at me like that. I-I didn't mean to upset her or anything...I-was just stating my take. She doesn't get it...but...I have something what is known as Aspergers. There are just some things I don't understand, and things that I will never to...be able to understand." Rocket stated burrying his face in his metal hooves in tears.  

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


"You would be correct... She had no right to. But, she could not help it," Nano said. "She is relatively calm under normal circumstances... I have seen her when she is like this, though. She gets... What is the term? Moody. And nothing I say seems to make her feel better; in fact, she has snapped at me even when I am not at fault." He briefly thought on how Galatea had never yelled at Ariel - but he quickly dismissed that, knowing how sensitive the filly could be; of course Galatea would do her best to not hurt Ariel's feelings.


Nano then tilted his head at the mention of Asperger's. He searched his personal databanks, but came up with blanks. He made a mental note to ask Galatea about it later. But then, the robot was left at a loss as to how to comfort Rocket. He was uncertain what the right thing to do would be, and so all he could do was stand there kind of awkwardly, his ears folding flat.


"Thank you for the bear, mister," Ariel said again, since the last time he hadn't been in the room to hear her.


"Ariel, sweetie, are you feeling alright?" Galatea asked, mildly concerned.


Ariel tilted her head for a moment. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I - " The filly had started to ask, but stopped when she had shifted her body to turn and look at Galatea; the motion had caused a dull ache, a reminder of the injuries she had. Ariel looked at herself, seeming almost startled to find the bandages on herself. Then she slowly looked back at Galatea. "Y-You mean... all that wasn't just a bad dream...?"


Galatea bit her lip for a moment before she shook her head. "No... It really happened. It may seem like a bad dream, but it was real..."


The filly processed this for a few moments, and then lowered her head, her ears drooping as she began to realize what it meant. She rested her head against the stuffed bear once more, hugging it even tighter to herself as she simply said nothing after that.

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