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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical looked to the crying foal. She was in pain, severe pain. Then again, Critic wasn't doing so well either. He probably had some medical supplies in his home though. With a hoof to his temples he began to focus and call his tardis. With in seconds Critic could feel it replace one of the objects near by. Blending in with its environment. He should have medical supplies in the medical wing. Critic limped away a few feet from the group. He found his tardis disguised as a lamp post. He hated when the tardis disguised itself as a slim object. Critic passed through the main portal and went to the medical wing. There he found salves, bandages, and anything else he would require. With his stuff in hoof he limped his way back outside


Thankfully nopony noticed his disappearing act. He made his way back to the group, presenting his offerings.


he presented them to the two. He dare not use them before they had their use first.

"These should ease the pain, before...you can find a long term solution."

He managed to stammer out, in between breathes.

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@@Mr. Critical, @, @,


Ariel was in too much distress to notice anything; Galatea was focused on trying to calm the filly down; and Nano, as attentive as he was supposedly meant to be, had his attention fixed on Galatea and Ariel. None of them noticed Critic walking off to visit his disguised TARDIS.


As such, Galatea was somewhat surprised to see Critic approach with medical supplies. She would have asked where he got those supplies, but sometimes it was best not to question things. She set Ariel down gently and took what she needed with a sincere "Thank you," before she went about treating the worst of the filly's injuries.


The task was a little difficult. Galatea was able to apply a soothing salve easily enough, but the bandages were a different story. Ariel kept squirming, trying to curl her limbs protectively over where it hurt when Galatea needed to have her upright. But, after a bit of a struggle, Galatea was able to pull the bandages taut enough to stay in place.


Galatea gingerly picked the filly up once more. Ariel was still fairly upset, but at least she didn't cry out in pain as she was picked up this time. After setting the young unicorn on her back, Galatea turned her attention to Critic, handing back to him what she didn't use.

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critic retrieved his medical supplies. And he began to apply them to himself. Within seconds he could feel the effects beginning on his body. The pain was receding. A bit of a tingly feeling. He placed the supplies on the ground and let the chemicals do their thing. It would take him less time than others.

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@@Mr. Critical, @, @,


Galatea looked over her shoulder at Ariel on her back, and then glanced at Rocket and Moonlight before returning her attention to Critic, her brow furrowed with concern. "Thank you again for the bandages and all. That's helped the worst of it, but... we still need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. These injuries... A real doctor needs to check them over, give proper treatment."


With that, she turned to Rocket. "You mentioned that there was a hospital nearby. Would it be possible for you to guide us?" she asked gently.


Ariel shifted and whimpered slightly, bringing Galatea's attention back to the filly. Ariel seemed to be in less pain than before, but Galatea would not rest easy until she was properly treated; the injuries she saw needed to be tended to by a professional as soon as possible, life threatening or not.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Here, hand Aerial over, I could fly her to a hospital. Those injuries look very severe. Aerial is very lucky that she survived." Rocket stated as he prepped his wings for a take off and fast flight. While waiting, Rocket visualized and located the hispital in his mind.  

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@, @@Miss Reaper,

Critic saw Ariel's injuries, he could use some medical attention as well. The pain was receding, but that doesn't mean his back wasn't burned. He saw the Pegasus robot ask for Ariel to take her to the hospital. He didn't have time for this, he was aching. He grabbed his supplies and headed back to the tardis. Placing them in the medical wing. He waited for them to leave so he could go exploring the city. Critic laid himself upon the medical table. Awaiting his treatment. 


Within seconds, the table sprang to life and scanned Critica's current medical ailment. Once it recognized severe burns, the table began to ooze a greenish blue substance. It seeped in between Critic and the table, he felt the effects of the substance brgan to remove and replenish the damaged tissue. However, this will take a while.

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@, @@Mr. Critical, @,


Galatea hesitated for a moment; trust wasn't a thing given out very easily in these treacherous times. But after a long pause to think, she let out a soft sigh before she nodded her head. The sooner Ariel got to the hospital, the better it would be for her. Handling the small filly as gently as possible, Galatea passed Ariel over to Rocket.


But the moment Ariel left Galatea's hooves, the filly panicked. "No... No!" she cried, reaching out for Galatea.


"I-It's going to be okay, Ariel, dear," Galatea stuttered, anxiously trying to soothe the filly. "The nice pony is going to take you to the hospital, where the nice doctors will take care of you..."


"I d-don't wanna go..." Ariel whimpered, beginning to cry again. At this point, Nano looked from Ariel to Galatea, his expression showing a faint shadow of concern.


"Please... Don't be scared. You'll be alright, I promise."


Ariel paused, considering Galatea's words before she slowly nodded, though she still had tears in her eyes.


Galatea sighed and looked at Rocket. "Go on. She needs to have those injuries treated. I'm... I'm trusting you with her," she said, her voice laden with grave seriousness. The trust she bestowed him with was a valuable thing, and she hoped that she wasn't wasting it.

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@@Miss Reaper,

Upon recovery, Critic hopped off the medical table. He felt fantastic. Rejuvenated. He made his way back to the console room so he could exit via main portal. He found himself outside with the group of ponies still there. The older mare was giving the filly to the cyborg. He over heard that she wanted him to take her to the hospital. He wanted to step in and assist, but he didn't think exposing her to alien tech would be a good idea. The little one looked like she didn't want to go at all. Critical quietly slid back into hi home, disguised as a light post, and made his way to the console. There he would watch the events play out there in the monitors.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Ariel, no matter what I do, you'll always be safe with me. That's a promise." Rocket stated as he prepared his wings for ascension. He then slowly powered up his rocket wings and slowly ascended in the sky with Ariel on his back. He started to fly in the direction of the hospital.   

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Critic eyed the monitor carefully. The cyborg had taken off with the small filly to the hospital. Critic may not have known him, but he could tell if she was in good hooves. Then Critic's attention was brought to the mare outside, now only with her android to keep her company. Seeing this, Critical thought she could use some company. Making his way to the main portal, Critic left the confines of the infinite machine, and came out to the futuristic city yet again. He casually walked up to the mare.


@@Mr. Critical,

"Hey, are you gonna be alright?"

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@, @@Mr. Critical, @,


Ariel whimpered, looking around anxiously as they left the ground. The filly was used to having her hooves on solid ground - aside from being picked up or held, but she knew that the ground was never more than a few feet down - and so the flight unsettled her. She clung to Rocket, holding on tightly to make certain that she wouldn't fall off.


Meanwhile, Galatea watched the cyborg pony take off with Ariel, keeping her eyes on the two until they were out of sight. The mare then looked to Nano. The robot blinked once, returning her look with a blank stare. Galatea sighed; although Nano was indeed sentient, he didn't make for the greatest conversation partner with his lack of experience on social interactions.


When Critic approached and spoke to her, the mare jumped slightly. She'd noticed his absence, but hadn't thought much of it; she was startled to see him suddenly appear again, not to mention that she was still somewhat on edge from the rogue unicorn attack.


She cleared her throat, trying to dismiss her brief moment of fright as she answered him. "Y-Yes, I'll be fine... I'm just a little worried, that's all."

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@@Miss Reaper,


Rocket continued to fly towards the hospital with Ariel clinging on to him. He slowed his pace a little bit. He soon saw the hospital and slowly descended. "We're almost there. Hang in there Ariel." Rocket stated as he continued his descent to the hospital. It was a rather large building, close to the center of the city.  

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical had no intention on startling the mare. And he himself slightly jumped at her surprise. When she finally spoke, she told of her worry. He knew Ariel would be fine. The cyborg could take care of himself and Ariel.

"I'm sure they're fine."

Critical sat next to her looking to the sky. It was alien to him, yet it was home. How odd.

"So, tell me."

Critic began.

"The little one. Ariel, I believe. What's your connection to her. Adopted parent, half sister? A cousin maybe?"

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@, @@Mr. Critical, @


Ariel stared at the large building with wide eyes; it seemed that she certainly recognized the place. The hospital: in her mind, the home of the many doctors and nurses that her parents used to constantly bring her to so they could poke and prod and do otherwise unpleasant things to her; trying to figure out what was "wrong" with her.


The filly hid her face in her front hooves as she began shivering and whimpering, wanting anything other than to go into the hospital; she would have gotten off of Rocket  and bolted if not for her injuries. But she couldn't run, and so she cowered.




Upon hearing Critic's question, Galatea slowly lowered her gaze to the ground. "I... She paused, letting out a sigh. "I guess you could say I'm her adoptive parent. I, uh... I just found her on the street one day... cold and starving. To this day, I... I still don't know whether her parents had abandoned her, or what... She never would talk to me about it."

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@@Miss Reaper,

An adoptive parent. She took the small filly in off the street with no explanation on where she came from. This mare gave her a home when no pony else would. How commendable. Still, where this filly came from poked at his curiosity. Then she spoke in Critical's head.

You can always search her name and look at her history. The voice spoke.

'Maybe later'

"Your actions are noble. Give the filly some time. She'll come around eventually."

Critic looked to the direction of which the two flew off.

"So, shall we make our way to the hospital, or do you and your android friend here, want to do something else first?"

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@@Mr. Critical,


"Thank you," Galatea murmured with a faint smile. Her mind was still mostly on Ariel, as she thought of the poor state she'd found the filly in. Galatea herself had not had an easy life through the years... but a filly, forced to live out on the streets, suffering from cold and hunger? The mare couldn't help but wonder what else this unfortunate young soul had lived through to reach that point; what the filly refused to talk about.


Galatea shook the thoughts from her head as she looked to Critic once more. "We should hurry to the hospital. While I trust that Ariel is in good hooves, she'll no doubt be frightened. I'd like to be there for her."



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@@Miss Reaper,


Meanwhile Rocket had landed in front of the hospital. He then entered the doors and told the receptionist the situation. Rocket then took Ariel to the room, where a nurse was waiting. Rocket gently laid Ariel on the warm hospital bed and remained next to her for the time being while the nurse examined her. 

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Ariel examined the sheets of the hospital bed for a few moments before her attention was drawn to the nurse who began examining her. She allowed the nurse to shine a light into her eyes and other such routine, mundane things. But the moment that the nurse moved to remove the amateurishly wrapped bandages to inspect the wounds beneath, the filly jerked away.


"Come on now, sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you," the nurse tried to assure Ariel, before attempting to remove the bandages again. Once more, Ariel pulled away from the nurse's touch. Deciding that a little more force was necessary, the nurse carefully but firmly held the filly down with one hoof while the other worked to get those bandages off.


Ariel squirmed and whimpered under the nurse's hoof, her anxiety and fear building with each passing moment. When she could take it no more, the filly let out a wail and thrashed about as well as she could with her weak and injured body, tears beginning to stream down her face.


The nurse tried futilely to calm the frightened filly, until she decided to simply call for backup from a few other nurses.




The walk had indeed been a long one for Galatea. She was somewhat tired by the time they reached the hospital, but her worry and concern for Ariel was the thing that kept her going more than anything else. In the lobby of the hospital, the mare stopped for a few minutes to catch her breath before she went to the receptionist to find out which room Ariel had been taken to.


Meanwhile, several of the ponies in the hospital - namely those waiting to be seen by a doctor - were intrigued by Nano; if a cyborg had caught their interest, an android pony was all the more fascinating! However, Nano didn't seem to register their stares, or he simply didn't care that they were indeed staring; Galatea would leave it to the fact that Nano was still socially inexperienced, and didn't quite know that staring at somepony was not typical behavior.


Once Galatea got the information she needed from the receptionist, she started heading towards Ariel's room at once, not wanting to waste any more time.

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical and Galatea were walking through the halls of the hospital, searching for the filly, Ariel. They walked until Critical could here something in the distance. It was as if a child was screaming bloody-murder. Upon arriving at the appropriate room, Galatea and Critic looked upon the site. Ariel screaming in terror at the nurse, trying to remove her bandages.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Rocket approached Aerial and embraced her hoof. "It's gonna be alright Ariel. They're trying to help you, not hurt you." Rocket stated as he rubbed Ariel's hoof in between his metal plated hooves. Several more nurses came in, but did not want to scare the filly further. They stood at watch in case. A nurse was very slowly removing a bandage while a couple of others were gently holding down Ariel.  

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


The sight of Ariel so frightened broke Galatea's heart. But at the same time, Galatea knew that there was nothing she could do except be there while the nurses did their work. It caused conflicting emotions; wanting to rush over and comfort the filly against rationally and patiently standing by until Ariel was properly taken care of.


Ariel kept trying to struggle under the nurses' grasp, but her cries quieted to whimpers when she noticed Galatea's presence in the room. After that, the filly remained as still as she could, though she couldn't keep herself from trembling. The nurse carefully peeled off the bandages and discarded them; then one of the other nurses came forward with a soothing ointment for the burns as well as antiseptic for the few cuts and scrapes on the filly.


The ointment was applied easily enough; its cooling properties helped to ease the pain of the burns. But the antiseptic, though meant to do good in cleaning wounds and preventing infection, stung upon coming in contact with her injuries. Ariel cried out, beginning her struggles anew as she looked pleadingly to those around her that weren't nurses.


"W-W-Why are they h-hurting me...?" the filly sobbed, squirming in the nurses' grasp as tears flowed down her face. "M-Make them stop!" It hadn't really hurt that much; the filly was overreacting, more than likely due to the fear that was obviously present before the treatment ever began - or perhaps even something else contributed to it.


"It's going to be alright," Galatea said softly, a slight edge of nervousness slipping into her voice. "They're trying to help you. Please, don't be scared..." Galatea mentally searched for something else to say, and came up with a blank. She was at a loss for what else to do, other than let the nurses continue trying to hold her down while tending to her injuries.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Rocket continued to hold Ariel's hoof in his. He then looked up to see Galatea. "She's very scared. I told her the nurses won't hurt her, but she didn't listen to me. I'm guessing it's her first time in the hospital..." Rocket stated as he continued to hold Ariel's hoof in his.  

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@, @@Mr. Critical,


Galatea gave Rocket an uncertain look, her muzzle scrunching slightly. "This is the first time she's been here since I took her in... But I'm not sure about before then. If I didn't know any better, though, I'd say that she's had some bad experience with the hospital in the past..." But the truth was, Galatea didn't know any better... She hardly knew anything about Ariel. The filly was so closed off... something made her that way, but what?


Ariel kept crying and struggling against the nurses' firm hold on her, which made it especially difficult for them to wrap the filly's wounds with proper bandaging. Deciding that this patient was getting to be too difficult, one of the nurses rushed out of the room; she soon returned with a needle and syringe filled with sedatives. The sight of the sharp needle only scared Ariel even further as the nurse approached, and that set off Galatea's overwhelming protective instincts.


Galatea stepped in between the nurse and the filly, her honey-colored eyes bright with a flame of fury. "If you take one step closer," she growled, "I'm going to take that needle and shove it up your plot!" The nurse, taken aback, stumbled a few steps backwards. In that moment, anyone that would question Galatea's reaction or tell her that sedation might be for the better as far as Ariel was concerned, would have received part of her wrath as well. All she could think was that that nurse had frightened the filly even more, and she wasn't going to have any of that; besides, drugging up a small filly like Ariel? That just seemed downright wrong to Galatea.


All was quiet for a moment, aside from Ariel's soft whimpers and cries. Hesitantly, the other nurses continued their work, until Ariel was finally bandaged up, her wounds properly tended to. With a sense of relief, the nurses then left the room. Galatea sat by the hospital bed, her posture slumping as the tension slowly left her. Ariel seemed to be gradually calming down now, though she still sniffled and had tears in her eyes. Nano stood idly in a corner of the room, seeming concerned yet uncertain of what to do.

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@@Miss Reaper,

Critical watched from the doorway. He hated to see the small filly cry. He really wished he could assist the nurses. At the very least, calm her down a bit. He looked around and at the other end of the hall he saw something that might help. A gift shop. Apparently in the future these things still exist. Walking over to search the small knick-knack shop. He found a small bear. He thought it might raise her spirits a bit. If not, it would be a nice gesture none the less. Placing his purchase, Critical made his way back to the room.

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