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open Broken World: Equestria


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Dichromate swiped the hacktools. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no idea how to use the armor, or if he even could. Well, it would be a shame to just leave them here. He took the lightest one, the Spec Ops one, simply because he could carry it around. Maybe he'd try putting it on later, but as for now he had other things to worry about, like getting out of there. He stored the documents and the suit for later.


"No wait," pleaded Sunrise, jumping in front of the shotgun. "They're not all bad!"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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You fire three shots at the flak cannon to your left. The shots connect with the cannon and renders it useless. Shrapnel from the flak shots hit the gunners as well and kills them in the process. With one gun down, you turn towards the other cannon and do the same. There is one more flak cannon that is out of sight.



As you exit the outpost, you are unaware of an Enforcer taking aim at you. He fires his weapon at you.


[Attacker Roll: 89 + 3 (Aimed Shot) = 92, Defense Roll: 84 - 10 (Unaware) = 74] (Enforcer shot successful)

[Plasma Gun D4 damage: 3] (Dichromate takes 3 damage) (HP: 7/10)


The plasma shot hits your left side and you cry out in pain. The shot has burned your clothes and singed your skin as well as melting a bit of flesh. Nothing you can't handle though. It's your turn to make a move. Given the current situation, you know that a fireball attack would do little to harm the Enforcer and you're not well-equipped enough to fight him. You can either try fleeing or fight back.



Your decision to have the Enforcer spared take the rebels by surprise.


"Why shouldn't I kill that dog? He's not doing us a favor with him being alive. I think it's best if we just put him out of his misery," the rebel said angrily and took aim again.

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"Alright Oakmead, you and the young ones give me supressive fire support and I'll make a dash for the outpost ok? 3. 2. 1. GO!"


Absolon Jumps from Cover and sprints as fast as he can for the out post to the north.


"FOR FREDOM! FOR LUNA!" [that's my Rally Cry by the way]


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Yeah...no. I got no chance. Dichromate ran for his life away from the Enforcer. The only thing I have with me is a suit I can't use, magic that does nothing, and my hooves that I don't dare to use AND does nothing.



"Because he's a pony just like you," pleaded Sunrise. "He has a family, kids (foals?). A home, a dream. He just made the wrong decision on who to support, but that doesn't mean you should end his life just for that. Everyone deserves a second chance!"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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There is a rope inside of a supply box next to the flak cannon. You tie up the unconscious conscript and head over to the remaining flak cannon. The gunners are not aware of you and you fire three shots at them. One of your shots hit a conscript in the leg and he falls to the ground in pain. The other two wheels around and sees you. They take out their laser handguns and start firing at you.


Absolon and Dichromate

As you run towards the outpost, you notice that it's already on fire. Just then, somepony bumps into you and you notice that it is Dichromate. He has been wounded by a plasma weapon but it's amazing that he's still running strong. However, there is no time for greetings because the Enforcer that attacked Dichromate is right behind him.



"I didn't think Hierarchy Enforcers can make decisions. Those dogs had me thinking that their cyborgs or something," the rebel said. He waited for the Enforcer to move but he just stood there. With a push of a button on his helmet, the Enforcer's helmet folds up and rolls back, revealing a unicorn with red mane.


"I don't think I made any mistake in joining the Hierarchy. However, this young mare here is right about something. It's against my conscience to stomp out free will and suppress. To hell with all these fighting and taking sides. I'm leaving Equestria. It's not my interest to continue fighting for things that others claim is the right way."


"Leaving Equestria so soon?" one of the rebels sneered. "Where're ye gonna go? Gryphus? Germaney? Zebrastan? Neighpon? C'mon, the whole world suffered like we did and I can bet that most parts of the world are still recovering from the cataclysm. You're dead without your precious Hierarch to guide you."


"Spare me your petty insults. I know my destiny and I'll follow it, even if it takes me to a faraway land," the Enforcer said. He then looked at you and said, "Thank you for intervening on my behalf and although I do not agree on everything you said, you gave me a reason to seek out my destiny. It's not the NCG...but it's still something worth living for. Loot this station if you want, I don't really care anymore."


With that said, he pushes past the rebels blocking his way and exits the security station. The tip of his horn glowed brightly and moments later, he disappeared in a flash of light. A teleportation spell.


"Huh...maybe I was wrong about that dog," the rebel with the gun said. "He did say loot the station so......"

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"Run, ya fool, run!" yelled Dichromate, catching sight of Absolon. "I just torched the damn outpost, and I don't think the guards are very happy about it. Run if you don't want to get shot to pieces!"

He conjured up a fireball on the fly and sent it spinning back towards the Enforers chasing after him, hoping to at least slow their advance.


"Well," said Sunrise brightly. "Everything worked out for the best, didn't it?" She glanced at all the rebels who were now eagerly looting items from the building. I should take back something too, for the others, she thought, remembering the group that had helped her. She began searching for anything useful she could carry.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Oh Dichromate, what a suprise to see you here. Must be off no time to chat. Userping of governments to do intel to steal etcetera. Ta-ta"


Absolon reloads his gun, starts running and shooting in the direction of the enforcers.


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(Been busy for the past few days but now I'm back)



The shot exchange between you and the conscripts ends with you killing them but you sustained wounds to her leg. It isn't too bad because it's only a grazing shot. With the flak cannons silenced for now, you return to the unconscious conscript you knocked out earlier to check on his condition.



Running and shooting renders your shots inaccurate. Firing a weapon while running on three legs isn't easy as you have not receive such training yet. Nevertheless, despite your inaccuracy, several shots strike one of the Enforcers in the throat. It is a lethal shot as the shards pierce through the protective seal that wrapped around his neck. The Enforcer gagged and gasped for air as blood flowed from his wounded throat. The shard starts assimilating the surrounding tissue. He's a definite goner but there are other Enforcers left. Thankfully though, your friends arrive in time to distract them while you do what you need to do.



Your fireball arrive a bit too late as the Enforcer you were aiming at is killed by Absolon's lethal shot. You limp slightly as you move due to a wound inflicted by an energy shot earlier. You also notice that the anti-aircraft guns have been silenced, which is a good sign. You now focus on trying to save Sunrise as she may still be in danger.



The rebels help you search for useful things in the station. It turns out there isn't anything special but you do stumble upon some supplies and weapons.


"I think that's about it," one of the rebels said and places a wooden crate on a table. He opens it with a crowbar and you look inside.


[small Med Kit] x 5


[Hacktool] x 2


[Concussion Grenade] x 1

Type: High Explosive Non-Fragment (designed to damage by explosive power alone; not fragmentation)

Damage: 50

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Nidal returns to the conscript to see that he's conscious but still tied up. He glares at her and states, "Ungrateful bastards. For all we do just for you, you turn around and bite back."


Nidal chuckles as she heads over to the flak gun and uses it to search the skies or anywhere else she could shoot for guards. "Ungrateful, am I? Please do tell, what do I have to thank you for?"


As Nidal was busy scanning the skies, Titan tied to undo the knot that kept him sealed.


(Both my characters, so I might as well have them do a conversation. There'll be a single exchange every post of mine.)

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Dichromate skidded to a halt in front of the security station, grimacing slightly as a wince of pain shot up his leg. Deal with it and move on, there are bigger things to worry about. He checked his inventory. (Something I haven't done in a long time >.<)





Metal Coins X 5

Medkit X 1

Hacktool X 3


Holodisk (from wayyy back on like page 3 :P)

Spec Ops suit




Gee, I still don't have much. Well, let's just pray the troops inside aren't fire-resistant. He was about to charge inside the station, when he realized that the soldiers inside were ragged rebels, rather than the Heiarchy. Oh...problem solved then.

Easing up a little, he trotted inside the station, and was pleased to see that it was just as he had expected-rebels had taken the building, and there was not an enforcer to be found.


Sunrise, meanwhile, took a look at the items. I really don't have a use for any of these things, although I suppose I could carry a medkit or two. She knew one of the ponies was supposed to be an engineer and all that tech-related stuff that confused her, so she took the hacktools as well, to give to him when she found him. The grenade she took as well, seeing as how the rebels had alread moved away from pillaging, uninterested in the pitiful loot that had been acquired.


"Oh, there you are!" exclaimed Dichromate, finally catching sight of Sunrise. "Thank goodness, I thought the enforcers got you."


"It-It was no problem," Sunrise murmured. "I had a bit of trouble, but I, um, got out of it."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Three hours into the rebellion and things seem to be going well. Even though the rebels lost quite a number of fighters, the Hierarchy troopers were on the verge of being wiped out. They may have the technology and firepower but the combined spirit of each rebel allow them to beat a seemingly unbeatable foe. As for the town guards, many choose to side with the rebels but a number of them sided with the Hierarchy. By early evening, the Hierarchy soldiers are gone and the prison skyship never showed up.


The streets are littered with charred bodies, shot up bodies and bodies that are partially crystallized due to use of Exonite weapons. Many buildings were razed during the battle and now, only blackened skeletons remain. The deaths of the rebel youths are not in vain though. With the Hierarchy influence gone from Stonewall, the Hierarchy flag that once flew over the city has been replaced by a flag with the sun and moon in the middle of it. Circling around it are two alicorns. This is the flag of Old Equestria, the flag that symbolizes a free world.



You are now inside an inn after making sure that no Hierarchy reinforcements come by. Your prisoner is still with you, tied up and glaring at you angrily. There's nothing more relaxing than a cold cup of cactus juice to quench your thirst. Also in the inn is the black market trader. You still remember about the deal you made with him.


Dichromate and Sunrise

You and Sunrise are in the mayor's tower. He has requested your audience and upon meeting face to face with him, you realize that something is bothering him. Instead of having a happy face like the rest of the ponies, his expression is grim.


"You've done quite a deed, outsiders. I've seen your actions and while I applaud your bravery and helpfulness, I'm afraid it may only make matters worse. This victory...it may only be short-lived. If the Hierarchy learns of the liberation of Stonewall, they will return with a vengeance. It has happened before..." the mayor said softly.


[Pick a reply]

>What do you mean?

>What has happened before?

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Dichromate and Sunrise both knew exactly what he meant by "return with a vengeance." They both shifted uneasily. Finally, Sunrise mustered up the courage to ask, "What...what happened last time?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Dichromate and Sunrise

The mayor looks out of the window and said, "Antares Colony...situated within Hierarchy territory, located near the border of the Mild West. For centuries, the ponies in that colony lived in isolation. They never surfaced nor sent scouts to the surface to look for supplies. Antares Colony was self-sufficient. The citizens could produce their own food, they were lucky enough to have a large underground aquifer to provide the colony with water. The ponies that lived in that colony were generally peaceful...and lucky. When Adonis struck, many Safes were either damaged or destroyed by earthquakes and tectonic movements caused by the impact. Somehow, the Antares Safe managed to avoid its doom."


He paused for a while to look at the crowd celebrating on the streets before continuing. "I don't know how the Hierarchy found out about the colony but they just broke down their steel door and waltzed right in. The guards that tried to stop them were shot dead. They went to the Colony Master and declared to her that Antares was officially Hierarchy property. You can bet that the citizens of the colony weren't happy. At first, the Hierarchy turned a blind eye on their protests but when things started getting intense, this put the Hierarchy on alert. The last straw came when one of the citizens shot dead a Commissar. Deciding that the colony was too..."unruly and beyond hope", the Hierarchy sent in a bomber carrying a very powerful spell bomb known as the Vault Buster. Details regarding this bomb is classified but one thing's for sure: this bomb wiped out the entire colony and the location where Antares Colony once was is now nothing more than a deep radioactive crater. It's this very act that got me worried. If killing a Commissar warranted such wrath, I don't know what they're gonna do to us when they find out that we've wiped out every single Hierarchy Enforcer and Commissar in Stonewall. I won't be surprised if they decided to drop ten Exonite bombs on us."

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"Well, hopefully they won't find out," said Sunrise tentatively.

Dichromate frowned. "Is there a way to ensure we won't get wiped out? Reinforced bunkers, anti-aircraft missiles...?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Dichromate and Sunrise

"I'm afraid not. If you don't know this, Colonies are basically underground communities developed from the basic asteroid shelter known as a Safe, or Stable, or whatever you wanna call it. You can be damn sure that they are made of reinforced concrete and steel, strong enough to the point that it can withstand an unmodified bunker buster bomb and even a direct nuclear strike...well, at least for the well-built ones. Many are crude concrete bunkers but the Antares Colony is one of the few hardened and well-built ones. The Hierarchy knew about this and they went about developing an enhanced bunker buster bomb that has enough power to drill through concrete and steel. Coupled with a magic warhead, a precise strike on the colony's weakpoint can blow it up entirely. It pretty much renders reinforced bunkers out of the question. As for the anti-aircraft guns...your friend left only one standing. Even if she left all standing, the flak cannons aren't enough to shoot down a high speed bomber. When I said bomber, I meant a pegasus with a special role. The Hierarchy seldom use aircraft for their dirty work. Instead, they use highly-trained pegasus ponies to deliver the payload of bombs. I don't know how they do it but they manage to pull it off. Downright amazing..."


The mayor then turns around to look at you two. He reaches for his coat pocket and hands you each a sack of metal coins.


"The Hierarchy will have their revenge and there's no way we can stop them. My only option is to relocate Stonewall, perhaps towards the south where Hierarchy activity is lesser. Consider those sack of coins as a reward for your act of bravery. It's the least I could do to pay repay you all. Oh, now that you're here, where're you going next?" the mayor asked. "If you have nowhere to go, I may have a place of interest that I can direct you to."

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Nidal downed the cactus juice in one quick gulp and began to make her way to the trader. The rope that connected her prisoner went taut so she pulled it, causing him to stumble forward. "Move you Hierarchy scum." He had been gagged before they left the flak cannon since he kept talking. 


She approached the trader and hit the counter a few times (if he wasn't there). "I'm here to collect."

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Dcihomate lugged the coins into his backpack with some difficulty, hoping that the awkward bulge wouldn't attract thieves. Sunrise, not having a backpack, tied hers carefully around her back.

"Where do you have in mind," asked Dichromate curiously. They really didn't have anywhere to go, anyway...


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The trader is busy packing up his things when you knock on his counter. He stands up and greets you with a smile. "Here to collect a debt, I see," he said and hands you a small sack of coins and a rucksack. You look inside and find two bottles of water, a few frag grenades and a large caliber rifle. "That's a NCG-made Macintosh-IV .700 Super Rifle. Darn thing kicks like a mule and can knock you off balance if you try to shoot it while standing up. It's best you use a weaponized saddle for this and fire using a firing rein. I've thrown in the weaponized saddle and .700 bullets for you as well. I ain't got enough bullets for that rifle so use sparingly. Also, if you decide to use that weapon in Hierarchy territory, you won't find any bullets for that weapon unless you visit a black market. You can find them for sale in military outposts throughout the Eastern Territories. Pretty sweet, huh."


[Macintosh-IV .700 Super Rifle] x 1

Description: Made by Stalliongrad Arms Industry, the Macintosh-IV is a very powerful rifle derived from rifles used for hunting big game. Its bullet can easily pierce through Hierarchy armor and even heavily wound an alicorn hive drone. The only downside to this weapon is its powerful recoil, which makes it impossible for one to fire it while standing up. Reloading the weapon can also be a problem since it can only fire one shot before having to reload it. However, ponies with Internal Gyroscope and Strong Back augmentations can fire the rifle while standing up, negating the need for a weaponized saddle. Against targets with light to medium armor, it is mostly a one-hit-kill.

Durability: 50/50

Ammo Type: .700 Dragon Breach

Clip Size: 1

Damage: 300

Requirements: Level 20, Strength: 9, Kinetic Weapons: 50


[.700 Dragon Breach] x 10

Type: Anti-Personnel

Bonus: x2 Critical Hit damage


[sack of Coins] x 1

Value: 200


[Frag Grenade] x 3

Damage: 50

Type: Fragmentation


[Weaponized Saddle] x 1

Use: Provides users a platform to mount heavy weapons, similar to the weapon hardpoints on certain suits.


[Water Bottle] x 2

HP Recover: 10 HP for 3 seconds

Uses: 3

Amount: 1.5 liters


"This settlement's going to hell. The Hierarchy will definitely bomb this place to oblivion and I'm clearing out. Gonna head for Manehatten to set up my business. It's Hierarchy territory but I've got...business partners there ye know." He leans closer towards you and whispers, "It's the Manehatten Mafia, heh heh."


With that said, he packs his belongings into his wooden wagon and harnessed it to his harness. "You and your lover boy might wanna go see your friends in the mayor's office. I think they may have something important to discuss." With a chuckle, the trader went away, whistling a tune as he passed through the settlement's gates.


Dichromate and Sunrise

"I'm glad you asked," the mayor said with a small smile. "Because the East can use ponies like you. To return to the east though, you have to go through Hierarchy territory because you need transport. If you try walk to Canterlot, it's gonna take you years. There is a town several miles north of here bordering Hierarchy territory. It's called Motorstorm Central, a haven for extreme racers and adrenaline junkies. From there, you can procure yourself a vehicle that you can use to head for Canterlot. I have friends in that city and some of them are former citizens of Antares Colony. That's how I knew about the history of Antares. Motorstorm Central is one of the few places in the West that actively manufactures vehicles. I've given you, hopefully, enough money to get yourself a set of wheels to go places. The last time I checked with my friends, they're selling a Dune Jeep for around...1000 metal coins. You can try to ask for a discount but I'm sure they're gonna ask you to do some work for them. The current situation in Motorstorm Central now is that is in the process of being annexed by the the Hierarchy. Mayor Scarlet Amber is resisting the pressure to give in to their demands but the need for fuel to keep the vehicles running as well as being pressured at gunpoint is gonna make her buckle soon. They got her by the neck."


The mayor stops for a while and points towards the window. "I've found somepony who has volunteered to ferry you to Motorstorm Central. He's a frequenter so the guards know him and you won't have too much trouble going through. I must warn you though, the city, while a thrilling place to be, is dominated by vices. You better keep an eye out for troublemakers, especially when you have somepony like her around you," the mayor said and points at Sunrise.

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Nidal takes the bag and slings it onto her back. She nods at the trader as he leaves and heads off, towards the mayor's office. She again pulls on the rope and gets her prisoner walking again.







[steel Pipe]

Damage: 2

Durability: 24/50

Requirements: N/A


[Hierarchy Pistol]

Damage: 4

Durability: 50/50

Ammo Type: 10mm bullet

> 0 Normal

> 1 Armor Piercing (-5 AC)

Clip Size: 12/12 - Normal


[Rook the 0.5 Stonewall Pistol]

Damage: 10

Durability: 70/70

Ammo Type: 0.5 Bullets

> 4 Normal

Clip Size: 5/5 - Normal


[Macintosh-IV .700 Super Rifle] x 1

Description: Made by Stalliongrad Arms Industry, the Macintosh-IV is a very powerful rifle derived from rifles used for hunting big game. Its bullet can easily pierce through Hierarchy armor and even heavily wound an alicorn hive drone. The only downside to this weapon is its powerful recoil, which makes it impossible for one to fire it while standing up. Reloading the weapon can also be a problem since it can only fire one shot before having to reload it. However, ponies with Internal Gyroscope and Strong Back augmentations can fire the rifle while standing up, negating the need for a weaponized saddle. Against targets with light to medium armor, it is mostly a one-hit-kill.

Durability: 50/50

Ammo Type: .700 Dragon Breach

> 9 Normal

Clip Size: 1/1 - Normal

Damage: 300

Requirements: Level 20, Strength: 9, Kinetic Weapons: 50


[Frag Grenade] x 3

Damage: 50

Type: Fragmentation


[Kevlar Armor]

AC: 5

Durability: 100/100

Bonus: +10 AC against bullets

Weight: Light


[Weaponized Saddle] x 1

Use: Provides users a platform to mount heavy weapons, similar to the weapon hardpoints on certain suits.


[Water Bottle] x 2

HP Recover: 10 HP for 3 seconds

Uses: 3

Amount: 1.5 liters


[small Medkit] x3

HP Recover: 15


[Lockpick] x2

Use: Open non-electronic locks


[Metal Coins]

Value: 255


[A Magically Locked Iron Box]

Description: You have no idea what is in there.





Strength: 5 (+1)

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 7 (+3)

Agility: 7 (+1)

Charisma: 7 (+2)

Dexterity: 8 (+2)

Luck: 5 (+1)





Alchemy: 15

Armor: 15

Barter: 25 (+10)

Chemical Weapon: 15

Crafting: 15

Demolitions: 15

Electronics: 15

Energy Weapon: 15

Explosive Weapon: 15

Flight: 15

Kinetic Weapon: 25 (+10)

Mechanical: 15

Medicine: 20 (+5)

Melee Weapon: 15

Pilot: 15

Repair: 15

Security: 15

Sneak: 20 (+5)

Spot: 15

Speech: 15

Throwing: 15

Unarmed: 15



<Everything else>

[Experience] 57/100


[Current Location] Market.


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(How much is in the money bags?)


Dichromate nodded. "I'll keep that in mind," he said. He turned to leave the office, blinking a little as the bright sunlight struck his face.


Sunrise followed him hesitantly out the door. The sunlight shone a little on her, too. It was nice how even amidst all the destruction, there were still bright spots of beauty left in the world.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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  • 4 weeks later...

To All

Nidal and her prisoner meets up with both Dichromate and Sunrise while they are on their way to the mayor's tower. After explaining the situation to Nidal, Dichromate and Sunrise led Nidal and her prisoner to the cart which was waiting for them. The driver was a portly Earth pony stallion named Rusty. He seemed uninterested at the group as they approach him.


"So you're the bunch of outsiders everypony's talking about. And lookie here, we've got ourselves a Hierarchy prisoner," Rusty sneered at Titan. "Not so tough now, are ye, you Hierarch worshippers." He then turns his attention to the rest of the group. "I'm only doing this because Mayor Stonewall is my friend. I wouldn't do this for anypony. I'm sure the mayor's told you about what's gonna happen to this settlement once the Hierarchy learns about this rebellion. I'll be taking ya'll to Motorstorm Central and from there, you're on your own. If you're ready to leave, just hop in."


Motorstorm Central


Perhaps there's no other place in post-apocalyptic Equestria that produces the most vehicles, fun and extreme events than Motorstorm Central. Before the Adonis Impact Event, Motorstorm Central was known as Reino. Back then, it was a place where trains made a pitstop before making rounds in the Mild West. The impact event turned the once bustling city into a skeleton of its former self. The buildings that once stood there are now stripped clean of bricks, wood and glass, leaving behind twisted metal frameworks. The firestorm that engulfed the planet following the impact scorched paperwork and ponies that were left behind in the open. One of the asteroid shards landed in the middle of the city.


Seven hundred years later, the city has flourished into a haven for extreme racers and vices. It was the second "Sin City" after Las Pegasus but unlike Las Pegasus, Motorstorm Central cashes in on races and vehicle manufacturing rather than adult entertainment. Racetracks were not limited to an arena - the whole city is a racetrack. Paths could lead deep into the metro tunnels or high above the rooftops of skyscrapers and apartments. Racers were allowed to race in any kind of vehicle they can get their hands on, which ranged from the basic dune buggy and armored car to a school bus and even a big rig. Deaths were uncommon but it did not deter racer wannabes from attempting to ride the winds of fame and glory. Some rose into the ranks of pro racers while the rest just crashed and burned with death saving them from humiliation.


Currently, two racer factions dominate the racing arena: the Wasteland Outriders and the Motorheads. Both were former raider factions who have taken an interest in racing. While the Outriders have the best vehicles, the Motorheads have the best mechanics. Their rivalry is constantly highlighted in radio commentaries but so far, they haven't killed each other...not yet anyway. However, tensions between the two groups have been boiling recently and it may be related to the possible annexation of Motorstorm Central by the Hierarchy. The Motorheads supported a free city while the Outriders favored the decision of annexation. For whatever purposes, nopony knows.



You arrive in Motorstorm Central three days after leaving Stonewall Settlement. Your wounds have healed by now but memories of the rebellion has been etched into your mind. You start to wonder what is it you're really fighting for. As the driver pony slows down near the entrance to Motorstorm Central, you notice a Hierarchy airship docked on top of a skyscraper. It's never good news.


The gate guards had a short conversation with Rusty before moving in to inspect you all. You can't see his face because his helmet is on. It resembles the helmet worn by the Assault Guards of the Ponyville Rangers except it lacks a refined touch to it. The visor had cracks and the helmet-mounted flashlights are gone. Nevertheless, the tone of the guard's voice is welcoming.


"So I hear you're from the East and here to cause some trouble eh. Have all the fun you want here but don't expect a warm reception. If you have business here, go see the mayor. If you want a tour, we have plenty of tour guides around town but...not all of them are nice ponies. You may want to stay away from the center of the city. That asteroid shard is no good for your health. Since you're friends of Mayor Stonewall, we won't ask for your travel pass but beware of Hierarchy guards and their sentry bots. We're in no position to challenge them. If you get into trouble with them, we won't be able to help you," the guard explained everything.


"Storm Blitz is never helpful anyway," Rusty joked, which earned him a light punch to the chest.


"Play it safe now," the guard said and allowed the caravan to pass through.


Rusty didn't go far and as soon as he passed the gate, he enters a parking lot beneath a ruined apartment complex and stops there.


"Here's your stop. Be careful, especially when you have that bastard with you," Rusty said and pointed at Titan.

Edited by Firestorm
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Nidal nods and jumps off the caravan, pulling Titan down with her. She turned around and looked at her other companions. "I'll be heading to the market, see if there's anything there that I want." She looked herself over before heading out, seeing that she was literally armed to the teeth. A kevlar armor on, two pistols attached to it, a steel pipe and a sniper behind her back, three frag grenades, and to top it all off: a weaponized saddle. She shrugged and headed over to the market, forcing Titan to follow her.






[steel Pipe]

Damage: 2

Durability: 24/50

Requirements: N/A


[Hierarchy Pistol]

Damage: 4

Durability: 50/50

Ammo Type: 10mm bullet

> 0 Normal

> 1 Armor Piercing (-5 AC)

Clip Size: 12/12 - Normal


[Rook the 0.5 Stonewall Pistol]

Damage: 10

Durability: 70/70

Ammo Type: 0.5 Bullets

> 4 Normal

Clip Size: 5/5 - Normal


[Macintosh-IV .700 Super Rifle] x 1

Description: Made by Stalliongrad Arms Industry, the Macintosh-IV is a very powerful rifle derived from rifles used for hunting big game. Its bullet can easily pierce through Hierarchy armor and even heavily wound an alicorn hive drone. The only downside to this weapon is its powerful recoil, which makes it impossible for one to fire it while standing up. Reloading the weapon can also be a problem since it can only fire one shot before having to reload it. However, ponies with Internal Gyroscope and Strong Back augmentations can fire the rifle while standing up, negating the need for a weaponized saddle. Against targets with light to medium armor, it is mostly a one-hit-kill.

Durability: 50/50

Ammo Type: .700 Dragon Breach

> 9 Normal

Clip Size: 1/1 - Normal

Damage: 300

Requirements: Level 20, Strength: 9, Kinetic Weapons: 50


[Frag Grenade] x 3

Damage: 50

Type: Fragmentation


[Kevlar Armor]

AC: 5

Durability: 100/100

Bonus: +10 AC against bullets

Weight: Light


[Weaponized Saddle] x 1

Use: Provides users a platform to mount heavy weapons, similar to the weapon hardpoints on certain suits.


[Water Bottle] x 2

HP Recover: 10 HP for 3 seconds

Uses: 3

Amount: 1.5 liters


[small Medkit] x3

HP Recover: 15


[Lockpick] x2

Use: Open non-electronic locks


[Metal Coins]

Value: 255


[A Magically Locked Iron Box]

Description: You have no idea what is in there.





Strength: 5 (+1)

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 7 (+3)

Agility: 7 (+1)

Charisma: 7 (+2)

Dexterity: 8 (+2)

Luck: 5 (+1)





Alchemy: 15

Armor: 15

Barter: 25 (+10)

Chemical Weapon: 15

Crafting: 15

Demolitions: 15

Electronics: 15

Energy Weapon: 15

Explosive Weapon: 15

Flight: 15

Kinetic Weapon: 25 (+10)

Mechanical: 15

Medicine: 20 (+5)

Melee Weapon: 15

Pilot: 15

Repair: 15

Security: 15

Sneak: 20 (+5)

Spot: 15

Speech: 15

Throwing: 15

Unarmed: 15



[Experience] 57/100







[steel Shield]

Damage: 2

AC Bonus: 5

Durability: 100/100

Requirements: N/A





Strength: 9 (+3)

Endurance: 9 (+3)

Intelligence: 4

Agility: 7 (+3)

Charisma: 4

Dexterity: 4

Luck: 6 (+1)





Alchemy: 15

Armor: 25 (+10)

Barter: 15

Chemical Weapon: 15

Crafting: 15

Demolitions: 15

Electronics: 15

Energy Weapon: 15

Explosive Weapon: 15

Kinetic Weapon: 25 (+10)

Mechanical: 15

Medicine: 15

Melee Weapon: 25 (+10)

Pilot: 15

Repair: 15

Security: 15

Sneak: 15

Spot: 15

Speech: 15

Throwing: 15

Unarmed: 15



[Experience] 0/100


Edited by Linguz
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