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open fallout the return

Anon In Equestria

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Jaeger turned to Slava as he walked out of the restroom. "The Enclave? I feel indifferent towards them. If they don't mess with me I wont mess with them, and they haven't so that's a plus." She said as she put the last shell into her revolver and flicked her wrist, causing the chamber to close. "Why.....you workin with'em or something? If you are just keep all that political bullshit outta our conversations." She said with a laugh.

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(You caught me I just finished mgs 3 and am now playing peace walker some of the best games ever)


I walk up to the front desk and a woman looks up at me and speaks "hello sir may I help you" I reply "yes I'm here to see the ambassador" she asks if I have an appointment "no" I reply "who should I say is here to meet him" I walk towards her and whisper in her ear "I'm with the enclave now hurry up and tell crocker I'm here" she looks at me in shock and runs of down the hall I lean against the wall waiting for her return while smiling

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b]@@Frosty V[/b],

(my favourtie was 3 and the song Snake Eater was just like i love it!)

"i am but all i'm doing is patching them up if there near by thats all and why you loading your gun? a..are you going to shot me! please dont, i love you! i really love for ever and ever and ever i love you"

Edited by Lighting Split


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(Yeah 3 is mine to its the easiest to understand plot wise also yeah that song is awesome)



'Well this is boring what's taking her so long wait someone's coming must be her' "hay is it cool if I... Oh shit" 'black rangers oh fudge um screwed' from the hall way came three ncr black rangers I wasn't in power armour also I only had my laser pistol on me so I could not try to gun them down so my only option was to run so I did I ran towards the window and jumped

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"If you are healing them up thats fine." She smiled, but when he mentioned her loading her gun and asking if she was going to shoot him she ran over and hugged him. "Calm down Slava! I'm not going to shoot the man I'm in love with ok?" She said as she kissed his cheek. "Alright?"

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"were you loading your gun then? are you even going to use it? ahh nevermind"Slava just sits down and listens to the radio"ahh my favourtie song is on"Slava lays his head back and look at the celling and sighs"what a bad life thw whole world lives in,someone will just kill someone even for clean water its just so bad"


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*SMASH* *CRACK* "god damn my arm" I winced in pain 'got to get out of here' I stood up and started to run back to vault 21 when all of a sudden I felt a lot of force impact me around my kidneys I turned around the rangers where shooting at me threw the window I carried on running and entered vault 21 on the way down I saw a squad of my men carrying stuff around I called out to them "men the ncr are at the doors lock down the vault and prepare to defend" the men turned to me and saluted and one said "sir yes sir" "good I'll be in my office" I walked into my office and collapsed in my chair and grabbed my radio "para-medic do you read me this is zero urgent medical aid is needed at vault 21 come over immediately when you get to the downstairs hatch use the phrase 'always remember never forget navaro' I repeat get your ass over here asap" I turned the radio off and sighed and then lost consciousness

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Jaeger sighed "It's true...some people lose their true selves...especially in times like these....its saddening....and I was loading my gun because I had to use it on the way over here...don't ask why...I'll just say this world is free of a few bandits." She said as she heard a voice coming from Slava's radio, calling for help from Vault 21. "It looks like your Enclave friends need you....and I'm coming." She smirked

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@, @@Frosty V,

"there is also gun fire,somnething must of happned" Slava grabs his sniper and 9mm gun and runs out the door running throught the cross fire"damn the NCR,what are trying to do start a bloody war"Slava then runs inside vault 21 and says"always remember never forget navaro" he says to the door,its opens and he rushes to the commnaders office and patch's him up.


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"Ugh what hit me" I looked up to see slava and a female must be his girlfriend don't know why she's here I sit up in my chair and turn to slava "thanks doc the ncr got me good huh damn bastards I turn to slava's friend "nice to meet you ma'am commander corrigan of the enclave at your service" I the turn back to slava "so any ideas on how I should pay the ncr pack for this medik I'm thinking vertibird airstrike what do you think I should do"

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@, @


Jaeger holstered her weapons and ran after Slava. She stayed close behind him as they approached the vault and entered. "Damn, I was wanting to shoot something Slava." She said with a dissapointed tone in her voice. She looked at the Enclave that Slava had started to patch up. "You want to pay them back eh? Well....you can hit em where it hurts." She smirked "Are there any NCR command posts that house people of high rankings?" She asked

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"I don't no slava barbacuing a load of ncr commanders sounds pretty good to me I like the idea by the way miss and besides who is gonna talk to them for us I mean we would need a skilled speaker to represent us cause if they don't want peace then I'll have to start operation bear hunt and no one wants that except a few thousand enclave soldiers" I said as I got a bottle of vodka from the desk and drank some

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@, @


Jaeger turned to Slava and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel Slava....but in some peoples eyes. The war is already happening, people rally everyday for the side they choose." She said with a reassuring smile. She then turned her head back to the commander. "If you want someone to talk peace it could be worth a shot if they are up for it." She said with a shrug "And what is this operation Bear hunt you mentioned.....I would call you by your name, but I dont know it."

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carliah walks into corigans office. "so sir what the hell happened" she asked concerned "so are we gonna make peace with the ncr or go shot shoot their heads off." she said in serious tone. "also don't get yourself drunk" she said in a little bit annoyed.




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"Its connor ma'am and yes carliah its war Slava think about this I'm not asking you to kill or be killed you can stay in here in vault 21 I need you to stay its my job to end lives but it your job to save them if you leave your damming a lot of lives just cause your what scared of the bear you would have the protection of the enclave and my support all the ncr is here for is the damn I'm here for the people now its time to choose slava helping people or ignoring them the eagle or the bear make your choice"

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"none,the only poeple i want dead is Legion,the.eagle and the bear,who has the most fire power and the brains,war is not just shoot this or bomb that,you use your brain to try to kill the enemy and all you know the NCR could shoot your bombing thing all you need is a radar and a rocket launcher and there it goes"Slava sighs  


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"Listen slava you can't hide from war I don't want war but they opened fire on us first if someone shot at you in the middle of the street would you walk over to them and offer peace cause I can assure you they won't want peace they will want your blood and the bear can't have ours look back at what they did to the brotherhood they killed most of them cause they would not share energy weapons how sad is that they went to war with one of its own allies just for guns" I put the bottle down and grab my radio "all unit stay on high alert ncr is now shoot on site" I put the radio down and sighed

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"what are we suppose to do now besides argue about this if they want war give them one. it's as simple as that also i don't have power armor so i'l probably not involve myself in the battlefield too often." she sighed 


(iajdiwajdiajdawdj awjidjaiwjdaiwj ).


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@@Frosty V, @, @,
Slava sighs"alright i will help but i bet they still have soldiers out there and if they know you here and if they see me walk out i have a feeling they would not take kindly to me and have me arrested on the spot so i will stay down here that is if your still want me to help? sir what if i helped your soilders on the front line if they do get hurt?

Edited by Lighting Split


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(So sorry guys I conked out last night forgive me?)


I stand up and walk over to slava and put my hands on his shoulders "thank you friend you'll be saving lives" I sit back down in my chair "and I'll tell you what we will do operation bear hunt her is a run down of the operation first we go after president kimball taking out the head then we hit there commanders starting with general oliver taking out the brain then we take out all there ranger outposts taking out there eyes and ears then we send in a commando strike force to raid the armoury at camp mccarran and take there weapons and armour and blowing up the barracks taking out there hands lastly we hit the mojave outpost and cut off any reinforcements and stop them escaping leaving them crippled and trapped between the eagle and the bull So what do you guys think"

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carliah blinked and though of it for a second. "thats a pretty good idea though they might predict that so it might be good to have a backup plan in case they do but thats your choice". 


(nah it's ok that you randomly vanished anyways it's like 10:40 here but i ain't sleepin).


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Jaeger chuckled "That sounds like the plan I had in mind." She smirked "If you don't mind I would like to be apart of this whole thing Conner. If Slava is getting mixed up in this I might as well join him, but my area of expertise is different from his if you catch my meaning." She pointed out showing her revolver.

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