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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Zecora wasn't sure what to think anymore, she heard other voices with the stallions outside now and they sounded like mares, not just mares but fillies?  and one of them seemed to be calling Fluttershy's name...


When Fluttershy heard her name called she jumped and hit her head against the floorboards above her hidding spot, "Owie. Zecora? Did somepony say my name?  I thought I heard somepony call my name."  The rug lifted up slightly as the floorboards lifted and she peered out looking at Zecora for an answer.


 Zecora had moved to the window again and cracked it open slightly to see out, "It would seem they have not one filly but two, I do not know them but one seems to know you..."  Zecora looked curiously at Fluttershy who was now pulling herself out of the hiding spot and moving to the window bracing herself to peer out quickly and go back to hiding.


"A filly that knows me?  Out here with crazy and dagerous stallions i don't know Zecora.  I don't know many fillies."


Wanderlust took a step back away from Steel and closer to Embers, those words had cut deep and he couldn't help but think of what Luna had said to him and it stung.  "You're right Steel, I don't have honor like you do.  I abandoned my family and I'll never get to see them again and the love of my life died because I wasn't strong enough.  BUT I'm still here, I'm still alive and fighting and doing what I can and what I think is right.  I got revenge when my love died and I still take vengance whenever I can, I didn't give up and die like you wanted to.  No matter what happens I'm not going to leave these fillies behind to face what this worlds become like you would have if you had died.  I won't kill a friend to suceed or to keep my word.  If that's what you call honor I don't have it and I don't want it.  Maybe you should rethink your code, I'll keep fighting for the future you can keep fighting for your word.  But I won't let you hurt Embers because he's part of the future I want to build."  Wanderlust snorted and turned his back on Steel, "Here Embers let me take a look at you.  You look a bit beat up."

《Fluttershy!? Its Melody! Remember? Please?》"Stop! Runedawn- whatever that was controlling him- tried to hurt Mom! Embers is just a little... crazy. Its not like he tried to hurt Mom! He would never do that! Never ever! Its not honor! Hurting somepony for no reason isn't honor! Wanderlust tried to protect us over and over again... that's honor!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Im not going to kill him he just doesn't need any kind of weapon right now and he attacked me and what would you foals know a pour honer you've never had to make and true hard decisions" steel said "but fine you want the insane pony to have not only a sword but a sunshard fine"

"I'm not a little foal anymore! But really! Do you see him trying to hurt somepony? No! He's just... eating... dirt... well, I say we let him keep all his things and maybe keep him from eating... more... dirt."《Fluttershy!? Its me, Melody! Don't you remember?》"And I've made plenty of hard decisions! How do you think I felt when I had to leave Princess Celestia? But the thing is, I don't kill myself if I fail!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Wanderlust shook his head, "It's okay Willow, Steel doesn't understand, badgering him won't help. Steel it's about growth, if you never let yourself fail you can never learn from your weaknesses, you'll stay the way you are now and never getting any stronger. As for friends, I can understand you saying Embers isn't your friend and I try to be a friend to you but it's fine if you don't think I am your friend. But what about Star? I know she left but I saw you two together, so don't pretend that you don't want something more. I think your just afraid to let people close." He had pulled out a canteen and was offering it to embers while trying to get him to hold still to look at his wounds.

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Steel shrugged "how do you know I wasn't jaut doing that to help her move on" steel said "and I learn form observing and not doing that which causes others to fail so growth is easy" steel said "I want nothing more form life and willow you wouldn't understand what it means to live and die by your word because your word is meaningless you don't stand by your word"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Fluttershy had moved to the window and peered out she let a loud squee and practically broke the window shutter off it's frame. She flew forward faster than most ponies would have know she was capable of, "MELODY!!!" She scooped up Melody and hugged her tight in a bear hug. "OHMYGOSH!! I'm so glad to see you and you're okay! The firestorm hit and I was in my house and all the animals outside! Oh those poor animals and it wasn't just the animals. It was the ponies to and everypony was gone and Ponyville is gone and, and" she hugged Melody squeezing her extra hard like she was afraid Melody would disappear, she started crying into Melody's mane.


(Just so everyone knows: Fluttershy was trying to get more animals inside when the firestorm hit, it really burned her on one side of her body. So she wears a cloak and hood now to cover it up and keeps her mane on one-side covering her face to hide it. She is really really self conscious about it)

Edited by Torrent505
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Willow opened her eyes wide. "Word, word, word. Wait, So now I'm a liar? Whatever I say is meaningless?" Melody stopped searching for Fluttershy, then frowned. 《That was mean.》 And after that, she continued her search. "And really, you can't really stand by your word, because words can't stand up!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna and Grell and Sapphire had arrived, "Steel why are you telling my daughter her word is meaningless?!" Then Fluttershy had burst forth from the hut and Luna cried out from the edge of the clearing, "F-Fluttershy?! FLUTTERSHY!!" She ran forward scooping up Fluttershy in a hug, who was holding Melody in a hug, form quite a group hug.

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(Oops, didn't see that.)


《FLUTTERSHY!? FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYY! OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! YOU'RE OKAAAAAAY!》 Melody jumped off of Wanderlust's back and into Fluttershy's hooves. 《I was so worried about you and the others and your animals and I missed you and the others and the animals!》Melody burst into tears yet again.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel sighed "waste no line on ingrates" steel said "Luna I must leave this group i can not be around constant criticism firm foals that don't understand what they are talking about everypony has their limit and I've hit mine" sixth that steel began to habble away "I'll see you all on the afterlife.... Maybe"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna dropped Fluttershy, and tried to act regal covering up her emotions again, "Fluttershy you must telling me all about what has happened and I have a great deal to tell you, but I'm sure my daughters can start explaining that." She quickly galloped after Steel catching up to him, "Steel?! Steel wait for me. We can walk together and talk, what's going on? Why are you say that?"




Fluttershy was still just holding Melody and crying and Melody was crying as well. Wanderlust was unsure what to do, he looked at Willow, "Are those two okay?"


Zecora had opened the door to her hut and just stared at the strange scene in front of her as the princess without wings left with the scary Pegasus, the mad unicorn was chugging water from a canteen as Fluttershy cried with a filly and an earth pony and another filly watched. "I cannot tell if this is good or bad, I wonder if it is I that has gone mad."

  • Brohoof 1
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Steel sighed "your daughters try to tear me down every chance they get and I can't deal with it Luna especially since they haven't a clue what they're talking About" steel said "what's done is done my path lies elsewhere probably protecting those that will be grateful"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Steel sighed "your daughters try to tear me down every chance they get and I can't deal with it Luna especially since they haven't a clue what they're talking About" steel said "what's done is done my path lies elsewhere probably protecting those that will be grateful"

Luna nuzzled Steels side, "There still innocent Steel, they don't understand some of what it takes to keep peace; so you scare them, they think you're too harsh or mean. They don't understand how necessary it's to do things bluntly, realistically and strictly by their word, not yet at least. But there going to have to start learning, I wanted you to be there for them to protect them when they make mistakes. You can't stop them from making mistakes, I've learned that as a mother, even a princess can't stop a filly from doing something silly. Especially not those two, they're stubborn like me and Celestia. You know they are a lot like us when my sister and I were young."


She continued to walk with Steel through the devastated Everfree forest, "Look around us Steel, who else is there left to protect and if this group fails and the sun doesn't rise again, how would you protect any survivors against the coming cold, from whatever that ice thing that attacked me was? You know they need you Steel, just like I know they do and they are going to be the next princesses of Equestria; I'm going to try and help them then but they will need you then too. It won't be easy but nothing truly worth doing ever is."

Edited by Torrent505
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Steel sighed "I will not waste my time helping those that don't want my help of they fail then I'll curl up with some cider And my dagger as fir who's left they have wonderlust and embers since they want the insane to have a sword" steel moved away from her nuzzle he didn't want to but he was doing whst he had to do

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna looked down at her hooves, "my hooves are soaked in blood, did you know that Steel? You must, some of the blood was put there from my orders to you..." She started to walk away from Steel talking back over her shoulder at him, "I've done terrible things as a princess, Celestia did some too, the old days were worse, so much worse. But it's easier to do horrible things in the dark when no one can see it, so it fell to me, princess of the night, to make sure the horrible things that needed to happen to keep Equestria safe happened. They stopped even worse things from ever harming Equestria..." She sat down and held up her forehooves looking at them "...but still it's my hooves that are soaked in blood."


She looked at Steel while she still sat, her face devoid of emotion, "Do you think I wanted to be the princess of the night? Do you think that the ponies of Equestria wanted me to protect them? To help them? No, they hated me and I just wanted to be loved, for them to love my night, for anyone to love me. They didn't though, but still I'd do it all again. It doesn't matter that they didn't want me, I had to protect them and it hurt me so much I became a monster, Steel. But Equestria survived, and it's become a better world then it was, even now like this it's better than it was. They didn't want me and they didn't deserve me, but they needed me. I suffered through a thousand years on the moon, but it was peaceful compared to what I had to do to protect Equestria... I've never told anyone that... And when I came back they were terrified of me and still didn't want me as their princess. But the change I've seen, the Equestria that me and my sister created even when they didn't want us, it was worth all the pain, even the blood on my hooves, and even being alone and unloved my whole life." She'd gone back to staring at her hooves.

Edited by Torrent505
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Embers slowly slid away from the ground, turning his back to them and leaning on a tree as he slid down. He knew he wasnt crazy. He knew dirt wasnt chicken... He just had to keep up the act for alittle longer. He sighed and took out his book as he looked up at the stars, and started crying


(PLOT TWIST  :muffins: )

     . +.  |  * . '
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Luna dropped Fluttershy, and tried to act regal covering up her emotions again, "Fluttershy you must telling me all about what has happened and I have a great deal to tell you, but I'm sure my daughters can start explaining that." She quickly galloped after Steel catching up to him, "Steel?! Steel wait for me. We can walk together and talk, what's going on? Why are you say that?"


Fluttershy was still just holding Melody and crying and Melody was crying as well. Wanderlust was unsure what to do, he looked at Willow, "Are those two okay?"

Zecora had opened the door to her hut and just stared at the strange scene in front of her as the princess without wings left with the scary Pegasus, the mad unicorn was chugging water from a canteen as Fluttershy cried with a filly and an earth pony and another filly watched. "I cannot tell if this is good or bad, I wonder if it is I that has gone mad."

《What happened? Where were you all this time? Why are you wearing this cape? I was stuck under some heavy rocks and my leg hurt; it still does- but couldn't stop worrying about Mom and big sister and you and everypony else... that hurt me the most.》


"No, wait, Steel! I didn't mean for you to go! I'm just telling you to lighten up! If you're serious all the time, then how can you be happy? I don't think I've ever seen you smile once! Why do you have to have all your knives out and why do you have to be mad all the time? I don't get it!


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers glared at grell, hiding his face "Go away, Leave me to eating rocks" He started to cry, but still hid his face from grell. He knew what he had to do, he just hated having to act insane to carry it throuh. He had to make them leave him alone. He looked up at the stars, thinking, waiting

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Embers glared at grell, hiding his face "Go away, Leave me to eating rocks" He started to cry, but still hid his face from grell. He knew what he had to do, he just hated having to act insane to carry it throuh. He had to make them leave him alone. He looked up at the stars, thinking, waiting

(I must admit I am curious now why he would pretend to be nuts to make us leave)


Wanderlust nudged Embers, "hey no more crying and no more eating dirt or rocks. We're here for you now and we're going to help you. So tell me, what's been going on Embers? Are you okay? Why did you wander off? That's supposed to be my job you know that?" Wanderlust put some humor into his voice hoping to coax Embers to stop crying




Fluttershy tugged her cloak a little tighter and started playing with the strands of hair that covered half of her face making sure it stayed covered. "Oh well I'm so glad you are alright and Willow and Princess Luna too, but what happened to the princesses wings? Oh and if your leg hurts Zecora could take a look at it, she was able to help me. Your friends are kind of scary... Oh and um the cloak is to um keep me warm." She looked away nervously, she didn't like to lie but she didn't want anypony to see how ugly she thought the burn scars made her look, they would just worry about her or worse they wouldn't like her anymore.




"You know I want you around Steel, and I hope that counts for something." She got up and moved away from him, she was feeling vulnerable and somehow let him get close made her feel like she'd just get her emotions hurt again, "your path doesn't need to be alone, you would just have to choose to let other in. You act like you don't care about them and that you don't feel but if that was true their words wouldn't hurt you so much that you would want to leave."


She smiled at him even as she walked away again, "You're an amazing stallion Steel, you hold a demon at bay, you would die because you didn't protect me, you bleed to death just to complete some small task you gave your word on, you've faced blades and arrow and countless foes for Equestria; it wouldn't make sense for you to turn your back on all of that because of two little fillies, unless their words really meant something to you and they could really hurt you."

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Embers sat down, chucking a rock into the forrist "Im fine, really...Just feeling abit "off"" He sighed and looked down at a book, as it now had tears all over it. He looked up at the stars "Its just....The dirt....It remeinds me of....some pony that is close to me, I just have to go"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Fluttershy tugged her cloak a little tighter and started playing with the strands of hair that covered half of her face making sure it stayed covered. "Oh well I'm so glad you are alright and Willow and Princess Luna too, but what happened to the princesses wings? Oh and if your leg hurts Zecora could take a look at it, she was able to help me. Your friends are kind of scary... Oh and um the cloak is to um keep me warm." She looked away nervously, she didn't like to lie but she didn't want anypony to see how ugly she thought the burn scars made her look, they would just worry about her or worse they wouldn't like her anymore.

《Um, something hurt Mom and then Princess Celestia came and then she healed her but then her wings went away and she said she couldn't be a princess anymore. But then, who will be the new princesses?》《Sometimes they scare me too, especially Steel, the black and gray one. Embers, the orange one, is really nice, except he gets crazy sometimes. And Wanderlust, the dark green one, is really, really nice. And Grell, the white one, is nice, and he can help hurt ponies too, but he has scary powers.》 Edited by Starbound - Entropy


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel sighed "Luna I can't do it anymore, just putting up with stupid comments made by foals that know nothing, I've dealt with a lot for equsetria you're right but I can't take anymore my path had always been one that should be traveled alone"

Grell looked at willow "I'm not scary am I" grell said he didn't think he was bit then again his powers could be frightening

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers looked down at his book, there were drawings...so many drawings. He lifted his hoof up to his nose, and looked at it. It was still bleeding. He looked up at the stars, he was now a bloody pile of tears. He laughed, looking at wander. Thinking about how much longer he had to keep this up

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Embers sat down, chucking a rock into the forrist "Im fine, really...Just feeling abit "off"" He sighed and looked down at a book, as it now had tears all over it. He looked up at the stars "Its just....The dirt....It remeinds me of....some pony that is close to me, I just have to go"

Wanderlust sat down next to Embers, "I can understand feeling a bit off and the need to just go somewhere else.  That's what I am all about but we need you here and as sane as you can be buddy.  We've all lost ponies we love so we've got to stick together and fight for the future and for the memory of everyone we lost.  Living and making a better future is a lot better of a way to remember them than eating dirt or letting go of reality."  Wanderlust looked at the book in embers hooves, "what's in the book are you keeping a journal?"

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