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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Runedawn had completed the circle. It was now time to welcome the shard to the family. He wanted the shard to feel the same homely feeling as ever ly family, and pull it inside the core, where it would be protected and power the core, making it, and thus the surface, hotter. He had to lure the shard into the core by using the souls of his ancestors. But first... He had to wake them up.


He started to... Dance, or something like that, around the edge of the circle, slamming the ground with his hammer every fourth step. The ground rumbled and he heard voices in his head. He kept striking the earth to wake up his family. "Time for a reunion." He thought. The light of the shard grew brighter, as it had woken up as well...

"NO!"  North Wind came as the wind and struck the earth hard becoming his solid true body just outside Runedawn's circle driving cold and ice into the ground.  The shards glow becoming dim as arctic cold descended around them.  "Earthstriker you have no place here.  Leave my princesses kingdom or bow to her will..."  His eyes focused now on the thing behind Runedawn, what looked almost like a golden metallic meteor and even in this intense cold snap seemed to seethe with heat.  "What is that retched thing?  What have you done?!" he hissed at the stallion.

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Runedawn was blown over by the sudden amount of force and cold. The spirit had come to bother him in his ritual to save part of the sun.


"What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE!? Look at the insanity that YOU have created! You have destroyed everything the world has worked for since the dawn of time. You have nothing left to rule over! Everpony has nothing to lose anymore. They will only want to die or bring you down!" He screamed at him, as he tried to get up again. The muscles in his legs had already stiffened of the cold. "Even with your power you are so stupid to think that doing THIS will help you at all! The core will revoke you!" He yelled at him again.


Then he remembered something... The sack of runes! It was right behind the ice spirit. He looked at it and calculated what he should do. There was no time to think. He jumped up, sprinted towards it, leaving his hammer and jumped in a final resort to grab it. If he lost his runes there would be no way he could... LIVE at all...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Willow started heating up. In a few seconds she felt like she had a very bad fever. She awoke suddenly. Her eyes were barely open. "Wander...lust... something is.... very... wrong..." She tried to stand up but collapsed onto Luna and Crystal's bodies, waking them up. 《Ow! Sister!》 She said in a whining tone, but Willow was lying on the ground and breathing crazily. 《Willow? Willow! Mom! Mom! Something is wrong!》


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers ran over to willow "Willow! Whats wrong?" He threw his sword to the side, "Willow, can you hear me? Please...please..." A single tear came to his eye, this little filly ment everything to him "Uh....Willow, if you can hear me, please tell us what is happaning, please willow..."

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"The... Sun.... shard.... something.... happened.... bad..." 《Willow... please.... come on....》 Her voice got weaker as she got hotter too. She started getting a really bad fever. She collapsed next to Willow, who looked unconscious. 《The Sun... shard...》 with that she closed her eyes, lying right next to Winter Willow.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"The... Sun.... shard.... something.... happened.... bad..." 《Willow... please.... come on....》 Her voice got weaker as she got hotter too. She started getting a really bad fever. She collapsed next to Willow, who looked unconscious. 《The Sun... shard...》 with that she closed her eyes, lying right next to Winter Willow.

Embers looked at his new sword, it was also glowing, He slowly backed up and fell to his knees "Willow...Please...What can i do to help you? Anything....Willow, dont leave us now, we need you so much..." Embers started sobbing, he could feel the heat from her and was growing warm himself

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Crystal Flower managed to raise a hoof and touch Embers' cutie mark. In his mind he saw the battle between Runedawn and Frostheart. Hesaw Runedawn perform the ritual, and him diving for his bag of runes... and then the I'images stopped, her hoof collapsed, and she closed her eyes.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers stared at the filly "I...I don't understand..." He looked at her, then slowly got up and grabed his sword. He went a found a bird, used a paper, and sent it flying to the crystal empire, it said -Runedarn, you have to win, If you dont....Were all going to die, so dont let die" 

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Their breathing got slower and slower. Sweat was rolling down their foreheads, but it felt like the world was melting around them Crystal's hoof quivered and rose a centimeter, then dropped again. 《Sun... shard...》 Her voice sounded more like wind than her usually soft, sweet voice. 《Mom...》


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Wanderlust couldn't believe what was happening the two fillies had been so calm and at peace and then suddenly they were boiling hot and fading fast. He froze upas the others tried to tend to them, then instead looked to Luna, she was weak and exhausted but surely she could help, she had to be able to help. He grabbed her and shook hard, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Willow and Crystal need you damn it!" He hoof-slapped the princess of the night across the face.


Luna's eyes snapped wide open, they were glowing bright white as magic flowed through them she glared at Wanderlust as he shrunk back cowering and wondering if he had made a mistake, "WHO DARES LAY THERE HOOVES UPON US?! WE SHALL NOT STAND IDLE WHILE SUCH DISRESPECT RUNS RAMPANT" she raged in her Royal voice before her eyes found her fillies now at her hooves, "AND And... Willow! Crystal!" Her glowing eyes darted about taking something in then shut tight in focus. Her whole body seemed to flare with the magic of the night, her mane and tail seem to explode outward rising to the ceiling covering the entire cavern with a stunning star filled night sky, all the cosmos laid out before them.


The magic took hold of the sun shard Embers held and made it flare glowing so bright it was like the sun on it's own threatening to blind everyone in the cave, likewise on the moon a point of light seemed to flare and the glow of the moon overall increased five fold. The darkness of night in Luna's magic seemed to swirl gathering the light and focusing it into the two fillies. Then suddenly it all disappeared, the extreme glow of the shards returned to normal the magic night aura was gone and Luna collapsed unconscious and looking almost like a normal mare (how she looked after turn back from nightmare moon).


The cave was deathly silent as if everypony was holding there breath, maybe they were, nopony moved. The two fillies seemed to glow now themselves but what exactly had happened and if it had helped them Wanderlust could only hope.

Edited by Torrent505
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Embers was lying on the ground, one arm over his face to block out the light, the other proping him up. He looked up a bit early though, and almost went blind.He then proceded to stumble around yelling "AHG! WHAT THE BUCK JUST HAPPEND?" He then fell over, and looked at the shard "gah...Who knows, this might have been a bad idea..." He ran over to willow

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Willow and Crystal, after being zapped with all that magic stopped breathing. Implying that they were... you know... dea- but then they started breathing again. 《Mom....》 "Mom..." Both of their eyes opened just slightly and tried to search for Luna, but upon finding her body sprawled against the hard floor, having lost all of her wonderful shimmer, their eyes closed again. And extreme sorrow was written all over their faces. "Mom..." 《I'm... sorry...》



(Alright, when you reply to this, write the reactions of your OC after they stopped breathing. They start breathing after 30 seconds, so I want to see what your character does during this time. THEN you could show relief or something. But remember, dont blame Luna. And also, do not let your post get affected by someone else. Imagine that no one else was playing the RP.)

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers sat there. "Willow...Please...Speak to me..." He leaned over her and started crying "Willow! PLEASE! I NEED YOU!" He fell down, she wasnt breathing...."Willow, please, can you hear me?" When she started breathing, his face lit up, with a huge grin "Thank goodness...your still alive..." He then turned to luna "What....What happend?" He looked at the shard

(Alright, when you reply to this, write the reactions of your OC after they stopped breathing. They start breathing after 30 seconds, so I want to see what your character does during this time. THEN you could show relief or somethi

     . +.  |  * . '
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Star wakes up from hearing what's happing with both Willow and Crystal and rush over to help an put hr hoof on there chests she then she starts doing CPR on both of them"come on you two don't fail now" then they both start breathing"well that wasn't need but I'm happy you two are ok"she give both wing snuggles.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Peppy's left ear rotated to the sound of cries and chaos far behind her, and breathed in the last of the burning scent. She turned her head slightly, the fringe of her mane shifting as she did underneath the hood of her cape. Pulling this down, she shifted her nuzzle to the right, seeing two bodies lying there in the corner of her eye. They were surrounded by a small crowd, of which she cared little about.


Her hoove felt at the ash on the ground, trailing throughout the town and coating what had been burnt out, and her wings were drooped in melancholy relief. At once she realized that she must of been one of the remaining survivors at what had once seemed an 'accident'.


The cold wind felt against her pink muzzle and she turned hopelessly to the gathering of ponies in the distance.


"Do any of you ponies here know about the fire?" she would question, raising a hoof.


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Embers head snaped up, he pulled out his sword and steped away "Who are..." He looked from her to the group, then put his sword back "Sorry, my name is embers, And i dont think we know anything about the fire...Sorry" He sighed and set next to willow, then looked back up



Peppy's left ear rotated to the sound of cries and chaos far behind her, and breathed in the last of the burning scent. She turned her head slightly, the fringe of her mane shifting as she did underneath the hood of her cape. Pulling this down, she shifted her nuzzle to the right, seeing two bodies lying there in the corner of her eye. They were surrounded by a small crowd, of which she cared little about.


Her hoove felt at the ash on the ground, trailing throughout the town and coating what had been burnt out, and her wings were drooped in melancholy relief. At once she realized that she must of been one of the remaining survivors at what had once seemed an 'accident'.


The cold wind felt against her pink muzzle and she turned hopelessly to the gathering of ponies in the distance.


"Do any of you ponies here know about the fire?" she would question, raising a hoof.


Edited by ForeverFrozen

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Star wakes up from hearing Ember and walk over to the made"sorry were a bit jumpy knowing that we will be attacked by diamond dogs soon oh were are my manners I'm Star Struck and what's your name" Star smiles at the mare to know she is friendly then she hold out n apple for her.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Peppy raised an eyebrow at the sword, then placed the hoof that had been raised underneath her muzzle. It wasn't a great shock that he was equipped, especially now that Equestria was in this condition.


She peered at the ash laid in her hoof and turned back to the group. 'How long must they have been there?' she wandered, peering at the sky swollen with colours. She noticed Luna also monitoring the group, stood in the distance. For whatever reason, Peppy did not know why - but she knew that she must of been associated with the fire - or at least her sister, Celestia's fall.


Although there was a confused expression in Luna's face, somewhat sad too.


Peppy looked down at the other pony who had just introduced herself and pushed her hoof away with her own, her eyebrow still raised.


"I haven't the time to introduce myself - I'm looking for a pony in the area," she would reply blankly. She wasn't a particularly 'friendly' pony anyway when business came.


She tightened the cape around her once more and looked into the distance.


"I'm looking for Mystic Marilyn - do you know the pony?"


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Embers almost laughed, but stoped him self. He still had a huge grin on his face "Uh...No, us here are the only ponys we have met...Sorry" He sat down and started a small fire "Why do you need who ever this pony is?" He looked up with a rased eyebrow, then leaned back on his sword

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"She's a very intelligent pony when the time comes.. but then again, rather forgetful when it comes to her age. I haven't an idea how old she is - but I guess that means she's seen a lot in her past.. much more than any other pony I know.


"Then again, I don't know whether she's still around. After the fire and such.."


Her expression still remained blank and serious, as she looked at this stallion in the eye - although her face remained hidden under the heavy hood of her cape. She sighed silently, pushing it back and looking to him clearly.


Her mane would fall around her shoulders - a deep mahogany shade, and her eyes a root green. She was a rather fair mare, although her personality at the time didn't quite match.


The stallion seemed roughly the same age, as she continued with her words.


"She told me to meet her here - in Canterlot."

Edited by Candiey


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"Well, sorry then, because no other ponys are here, just us..." He took out a random book, and looked from it to her "Hmmm, Do you think she could help us? Because we need all the bloody help we can get..." He got a bit closer to the fire and sighed, wondering if willow was OK

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Wanderlust stood there staring at the two fillies laying there with their mother. The princess reduced in size and no longer the magical symbol of power but instead a tired skinny mare passed out from the sheer effort of trying to save them. But her chest still rose and fell with labored breath, the fillies were still, deathly still.


His body shook and he felt tears in his eyes. He felt empty, so very empty inside. He felt like everything was gone his future, his hopes, his dreams, all joy torn from his very soul.


It wasn't about the sun or the world or what these fillies were meant to do. It was for the fillies themselves, images of Willow riding on his back, knowing he would never feel that weight again; her laugh, sweeter than any he had heard, silenced forever; holding her and thinking how he'd protect her from the world, and the proof before his eyes that he was powerless to do so.


He had begun to love her and think of her as his own daughter and she was gone. Crystal Flower had only just found them and still it had been so natural for him to take her in as well. Sweet like her sister and so brilliantly intelligent, he barely even gotten to know her. He didn't know that an already broken heart could break again but his did.


(So Wanderlust is so hurt by this he has a flashback to when he was enslaved by the diamond dogs of the black mountain pack. It's pretty dark but explains why he hates diamond dogs so much. You can skip it if you want, I'll put the little summary after the spoiler)



Suddenly he couldn't breath, his heart raced, the crystal cave around him faded and changed becoming much darker and jagged. In front of him was a cave in, blood was on the stones. A small work force of creatures buried and crushed, quickly or slowly killed by mere chance, though all were certainly dead.


Wanderlust pulled against the chains which held him back, a crude iron collar that the chains were secured to digging into his neck. He struggled forward to the mound of stones, all around him diamond dogs laughed. He stumbled about in the rubble shifting what little stone he could and uncovering only more blood or gore and dust, and the dogs laughed and laughed.


Pulling away a gut slickened stone before a massive boulder he uncovered a flattened feather. The feather was speckled in blood and he knew it was one of her feathers. He strained and fought against the massive boulder beating it with his hooves until they were bloody. but nothing he could do helped, he was powerless. The only hope he had still clung to in this dark and cruel place died then there with him among the rocks, covered in dust and blood.


Feather clutched in his hooves he broke down wept, wishing for death to find him so he could join his special somebody. But all that was there for him was the dogs around him, and they laughed and laughed and laughed.



(the summary is: he lost his special someone while they were both captives in the dog's mines. It was tragic and almost destroyed him.)


The fillies suddenly started coughing and breathing again, it snapped him back to reality. But still the damage had been done, the pain in his heart was too much. The memory of his loss and how close this loss had been was overwhelming him. Tears were streaming down his face but he didn't make a sound. He needed to be out of this cave, he needed to be somewhere else, he needed to get air. He turned and ran from the cave.


(I'll be posting the North Wind fighting part soon, sorry for the delay! Actually doing this from work :P which is bad on me I know but I want to post! )

Edited by Torrent505
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