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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Embers looked at him run and his eyes grew wide "My god...." He then looked at the ground "Gahhh, What the buck is going on around here...I wish...i just wish there was something i could do, im only good for stabbing stuff" He sighed and lowed his head down to his book "Not healing ponys souls or what ever"

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"Wander...lust? Wander... lust... don't... go... please..." Willow tried to stand up. With an infinite amount of determination, she stood up and fell against the wall. "I'm... so... sorry.... don't go...." 《Mom...? Willow...? It hurts...》 Crystal tried to stand up, too. All she could manage was lying down. She looked at the newcomer. Normally, she would have hid behind Luna, but nothing mattered anymore. Everything was left behind. Far, far away.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Star just lays there looking at everypony and sighs"no pony even comes over to me even for a chat,no matter what anypony says I'm still like an outcast or what ever" Star sits back up"it doesn't matter what happens here or to me I would die trying to get the sun back"


Signature done by @Lunia

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Star just lays there looking at everypony and sighs"no pony even comes over to me even for a chat,no matter what anypony says I'm still like an outcast or what ever" Star sits back up"it doesn't matter what happens here or to me I would die trying to get the sun back"

Embers saw here laying there and walked over, he tossed her a book, then sat down next to her "So, how has life been for you?" He smiled at her "Eh, I know, bad....Its been bad for all of us..." He sighed and looked to the other ponys, then slowly got up "Dont worry, you will find your part in are story here, Were going to need all the help we can get, dont leave us..."

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"I don't plan on leaving but maybe fighting to a bitter end because I would rather die to at lest try to get the sun up then just running away like a coward and the diamond dogs would find me before Cujo could" Star says at Ember then later her head on the ground.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers looked down at her with a sleepy smile on his face, there was still some blood on his nose, but he didnt mind "Dont worry...I wont let them kill you....Or any other pony for that matter" He looked up to the sky and sighed "We will be fine...Just stick together and we will be OK, if you ever need help, Ill always be there"

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North Wind's magic formed an icy dragon's claw and caught Runedawn in the middle of his dive for the bag of runes. The claw made of magic wind, ice and snow lifted Runedawn fifteen feet into the air and then slammed him down back into the earth, changing completely into snow it left him half buried in a snow bank. Runedawn had landed ten feet away from the circle with the sun shard and with North Wind between him and his rune bag. North Wind sneered at him, his voice like creeping frost chilled Runedawn's ears at he spoke "death and cold are my kingdom and they are beautiful. But I know how the living fear their own mortality. My princess is kind in that regard, bow to her, server her and you will only face the cold," the snow bank Runedawn was in seemed to become colder squeezing him, "or rebel and face death."


At that moment a point on the moon flared to life and suddenly the light from the full moon increased five fold and the air became noticeably warmer. North Wind gave a hissing scream at Runedawn, "WHAT have you done?!" Glaring up at the sky as if he could freeze the moon itself, he saw the spiral of light from the moon circling down to earth as hundreds of miles away Luna focused to save her daughters. He didn't know what the purpose of this light was though and it terrified him, it has the power of the sun and he could not allow this power to exist.


He became a gust of wind and slammed himself forward into Runedawn, his hoof crushing down on the stallions neck, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ANSWER ME!!" He was frantic and choking the life out of Runedawn while freezing him to death. Ice spreading from his hoof around his neck, then the near by Sun Shard flared to life in a blast of heat striking North Wind.


It wasn't enough to truly hurt him but it melted away the ice and warmed Runedawn. North Wind's concentration was broken and he turned attacking the shard with his frozen wrath. The shard again went dull and the moon's light returned to normal, North Wind smirked at it his back to Runedawn.

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Star didn't expect Emeber to say that to her"well thank you Emeber and might need it anyway even through I'm brave I become reckless so yeah" Star gets up and hugs him"anyway you look tied you should go and rest so just in case something happens you will have all your energy".


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers hugged her back and smiled "Thanks, I think I will get some rest..." He walked over to the fire, opend up a book and start reading it. He slowly started to drift off, but he was a light sleeper so if they needed him, he could wake up and be ready for what ever came to them.

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(I took this out of my earlier post and posted it here)


Willow slowly walked in the direction Wnaderlust went. Her eyes lacked their bright green color. Her expression was blank. She softly called out Wanderlust's name. After a bit she saw Wanderlust sitting at the entrance, tears running down his face. She sat down next to him and leaned against his side, and cloaed her eyes, without a sound.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Willow slowly walked in the direction Wnaderlust went. Her eyes lacked their bright green color. Her expression was blank. She softly called out Wanderlust's name. After a bit she saw Wanderlust sitting at the entrance, tears running down his face. She sat down next to him and leaned against his side, and cloaed her eyes, without a sound.

Wanderlust felt Willow's weight against his side, he didn't know how long he had been here weeping or how long she had been sleeping at his side. He looked down at her and tried to pull himself together, he wiped away his tears. It hurt so much inside, he didn't want to love this filly, didn't want to think of her like the daughter he felt he would never have, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to hate overwhelming attachments like that, he had never wanted to care enough that he needed to be with anything or anyone, he felt like he never wanted to love again but he knew he didn't have a choice, the heart didn't work like that.


Something like love would stick with you and even chase you down if it had to, Galena had been like that too. When he had decided to leave her convocation behind and go somewhere else she had just packed her things and followed him in his travels. He could have never chosen to stay with her back then but he realized now he wouldn't have gotten far without turning around to to back for her and he would have probably begged her to come with. He smiled at that, a griffon like her would have never let him live it down that was probably why she had just followed him... She had always been kinder than she let on.


And here next to him was little Willow, who was so much stronger than she looked. Of course when he had ran she had followed him, he knew he couldn't escape this anymore than his past and deep inside he was so hurt and scared that history would repeat itself but as he settled in next to the filly and nuzzled his head against hers he knew he would suffer any horror for another moment like this. He might never let his heart heal from what had happened but he wouldn't let that stop him from caring for Willow and he would try to not let her learn of his flaws and the terrible things he had done, he would do anything to keep her from becoming like him. Hugging her close, he was so emotionally exhausted he fell asleep without even meaning to.

Edited by Torrent505
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Willow really did not want to sense his feelings. She tried her hardest to not look, but some of that sorrow still crept its way into her heart. To a heart healer, feelings had a color. Fear was red, sadness and anger was black, happiness and joy was green, peacefulness was blue, and excitement was pink. Around Wanderlust she saw a cloud of black that could have made the worst of evils scared, the brightest of lights to fade. She did not mind if he fell asleep. She had time to think. She thought about what Wanderlust's past could have been about. It hurt to imagine the possibilities. She gently shook Wanderlust. "Wanderlust? Wanderlust, I know how sad you are, but we need to go back. Somepony else came, and Mom does not look very well. Please?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Runedawn had been focussing on the heat in his core to survivw noth winds cold grasp. He knew he had no chance to defeat him. He had to run. But he had to take the sunshard and his runes as well. With the runes north wind could control him and the spirits of the core, but with the shard he could prevent them from saving equestria. He had to think quick...


He threw himself at his bag of runes again, quickly grabbing his hammer along the way. Then he grabbed the rune of force out of his bag, imbued his hammer with its power and golf swinged the sun shard as hard as he could in the direction of the canterlot castle. "You're not getting that..." He said, as it flew to the horizon. He then tried to grab his bag and leg it, but he was nearly sure that even if he did get captured or killer, the shard would be somewhere North Wind couldn't harm it. He thought of his ancestors in the core. He would cast them and himself into slavery for eternity if he'd lose his runes now... He had a plan, however...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Willow really did not want to sense his feelings. She tried her hardest to not look, but some of that sorrow still crept its way into her heart. To a heart healer, feelings had a color. Fear was red, sadness and anger was black, happiness and joy was green, peacefulness was blue, and excitement was pink. Around Wanderlust she saw a cloud of black that could have made the worst of evils scared, the brightest of lights to fade. She did not mind if he fell asleep. She had time to think. She thought about what Wanderlust's past could have been about. It hurt to imagine the possibilities. She gently shook Wanderlust. "Wanderlust? Wanderlust, I know how sad you are, but we need to go back. Somepony else came, and Mom does not look very well. Please?"

Wanderlust was shaken awake and heard Willow talking about some other pony showing up and Luna's appearance, "mmmm ookay. I'm up." He rolled onto his back hooves up in the air stretching and letting out a long yawn. He knew he couldn't have been asleep long but he felt very rested and refreshed. He smiled at Willow, "someone else showed up? Did they seem nice at least?" Wanderlust had learned over the long years how to bury his pain and sorrow, he hid it with smiles and kindness and turned his hurt into motivation, he didn't let himself wallow in the ache in his chest. The pain didn't go away, but it only hurt him as much as he let it, he was used to the hole in his heart by now.


He got to his feet, "I'm sure that your mom is okay, she probably just spent a lot of energy helping you and your sister. It was really scary you know, what happened to you two? Why did you start getting so sick? I was scared to death." He picked Willow up putting her on his back and trotting back towards the others, silently appreciating the weight on his back as he gave her the ride.

Runedawn had been focussing on the heat in his core to survivw noth winds cold grasp. He knew he had no chance to defeat him. He had to run. But he had to take the sunshard and his runes as well. With the runes north wind could control him and the spirits of the core, but with the shard he could prevent them from saving equestria. He had to think quick...

He threw himself at his bag of runes again, quickly grabbing his hammer along the way. Then he grabbed the rune of force out of his bag, imbued his hammer with its power and golf swinged the sun shard as hard as he could in the direction of the canterlot castle. "You're not getting that..." He said, as it flew to the horizon. He then tried to grab his bag and leg it, but he was nearly sure that even if he did get captured or killer, the shard would be somewhere North Wind couldn't harm it. He thought of his ancestors in the core. He would cast them and himself into slavery for eternity if he'd lose his runes now... He had a plan, however...

North Wind shifted blowing around Runedawn, he reformed standing over the bag of runes, his hoof resting on it, "you shouldn't have done that, I don't know what you and your herd of friends are planning but if you had just run I might have let you go." He ground his hoof down on the bag, "isn't an Earthstriker's runes his most valued possessions? I wonder what would happen it they broke? You know to much cold and force and anything will shatter." He ground his hoof down harder as ice formed on the outside of the bag.

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"I don't know, I just felt really hot... I'm sure it had something to do with the sun shard... Runedawn! Runedawn probably found one... I hope he is okay...Um... I don't know anything about the new pony. She was a mare, and she looked like she was looking for something. But she seemed nice, and she is also kind of pretty."

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers got up, he leaned on his sword and saw willow, he ran over to her "Oh my gosh willow...I was so scared..." He then looked down, feeling ashamed of him self for crying and just breaking down when he though that she had died "Im so glad your still with us" He had a weak smile on his face

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"I'm so, so sorry if I made you scared, Embers. I just got really hot, like a feve- 'I'm so glad your still with us?' Do you mean that I was... really sick? Was it that... bad? I just got hot, and then everything went black... and then.... the light..." Willow teared up. Even the thought of coming close to death scared her.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna had woken up while Willow was gone, she still however looked like a normal mare and had a regular mane. Despite this she actually looked less exhausted and stronger like this than how she had been before. "Willow you and Crystal are safe, that is all that matters. It was the shock of someone or something tampering with one of the sun shards, you both are attuned to them but I've put a spell in place to help if it should ever happen again. If it does happen again you and Crystal may feel sick to your stomach but it will never be like that again. I promise." Luna glared at Wanderlust, "she shouldn't have left the cave, I've imbued it with the magic of the sun shards to help them recover." She was clearly not happy that Willow had left, though this was mostly because Willow had been gone when she woke and it had worried her, she was much softer when she looked back to Willow, "Come here and relax Willow, my magic will help. Crystal is already feeling much better." She smiled at the smaller filly who was now over looking through Wanderlust's piles of maps.

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Luna had woken up while Willow was gone, she still however looked like a normal mare and had a regular mane. Despite this she actually looked less exhausted and stronger like this than how she had been before. "Willow you and Crystal are safe, that is all that matters. It was the shock of someone or something tampering with one of the sun shards, you both are attuned to them but I've put a spell in place to help if it should ever happen again. If it does happen again you and Crystal may feel sick to your stomach but it will never be like that again. I promise." Luna glared at Wanderlust, "she shouldn't have left the cave, I've imbued it with the magic of the sun shards to help them recover." She was clearly not happy that Willow had left, though this was mostly because Willow had been gone when she woke and it had worried her, she was much softer when she looked back to Willow, "Come here and relax Willow, my magic will help. Crystal is already feeling much better." She smiled at the smaller filly who was now over looking through Wanderlust's piles of maps.

《I've never seen a map of all of Equestria! Wow... she looked at a the labels on the map. Los Pegasus and Fillydelphia and everywhere else!》Crystal had been worried about Luna having lost her shine, but Luna told her not to worry. "Mom..." The sight of the princess like this broke her heart. She fell into Luna's now filly-like form.

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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《I've never seen a map of all of Equestria! Wow... she looked at a the labels on the map. Los Pegasus and Fillydelphia and everywhere else!》Crystal had been worried about Luna having lost her shine, but Luna told her not to worry. "Mom..." The sight of the princess like this broke her heart. She fell into Luna's now filly-like form.

Luna held her tight, "no worrying sweetie, it's nothing, I just used up a lot of my magic at once. I'll be back to normal soon maybe even a couple of hours." She gave her a reassuring smile, "being normal and a bit vulnerable for a little while is nothing. I'd trade it away forever to keep you and Crystal safe." She kissed her daughter on her forehead.


Wanderlust moved over to Crystal, avoiding the princess who clearly had a vendetta against him. "Oh that's nothing, I've got maps of everywhere. The Saddle Arabia, the griffon kingdom, the Southern lands, the far north, even Caribou Country. I've been all over I've got notes and stories and drawings from all of them too." He started pulling out journals and things from his saddle bag to show her. Still Luna watched him glaring and fuming silently.

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Luna held her tight, "no worrying sweetie, it's nothing, I just used up a lot of my magic at once. I'll be back to normal soon maybe even a couple of hours." She gave her a reassuring smile, "being normal and a bit vulnerable for a little while is nothing. I'd trade it away forever to keep you and Crystal safe." She kissed her daughter on her forehead.

Wanderlust moved over to Crystal, avoiding the princess who clearly had a vendetta against him. "Oh that's nothing, I've got maps of everywhere. The Saddle Arabia, the griffon kingdom, the Southern lands, the far north, even Caribou Country. I've been all over I've got notes and stories and drawings from all of them too." He started pulling out journals and things from his saddle bag to show her. Still Luna watched him glaring and fuming silently.

Willow wrapped a hug around Luna. All she wanted for them to be a family again. Celestia was probably looking down with a big smile on her face. If only she were here. "Mom, when this started, where did Celestia go? What happened... because maybe she is still here somewhere... and we can find her..."Crystal's face lit up. 《Really? The world is bigger then I thought! But what are caribou?》She looked at the maps, imagining what all these places could look like. Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Runedawn started to panic. He heard voices in his head scream... Cry... All of the Earthstrikers had worker on those runes since the world was created. They were older than North Wind, the crystal empire, even Celestia and Lune themselves. He stood perfectly still, hoping not to provoke North Wind to do anything. "Stop... Don't do that... Please" he didn't know what to do. The voices in his head grew louder and went fully insane. "You don't even know what you are destroying! Stop!" He dropped his hammer. "Leave them..." He said. He didn't even realise he was crying. He couldn't think properly. All he did was stand still and hear the voices of spirits scream their lungs out.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Star looks at Steel smiles and gives him a kiss"well how did you sleep?" Star then nuzzles him and wrap her wings around him"your a good stallion Steel and if no pony does I do and I will stick by that until the bitter end"Star smiles again and then lay her head on the ground.


Signature done by @Lunia

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