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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Wanderlust watched, Steel fly off and saw the fillies had made tracks away from the group off on their own. He let out a deep groan, 'WHY DOES NO PONY WANT A DAMN DEMOCRACY!' He screamed internally. But merely sat breathing deeply calming himself, this group wasn't going to work unless they voted a ruler. It was the only way that it would be fair and for everyone to listen.


"I hate doing this." He closed his eyes continuing to breath deeply, he listened to the earth and nature around him. It was so silent it hurt to know so much death had occurred but in time he found the song he wanted to hear. One of the songs of nature, it was only a short one but he figured that was all he needed.


He began to dance to the music that no one else other than caribou in the north could hear. He moved his hooves in the careful practiced steps to the rhythm, they seemed to flow out of him so naturally and right, but at the same time he felt like he had to force them as if his limbs were moving through water. When his part came he sang, it was nonsense but somehow powerful. Old words long dead. It took a couple of minutes but when he finished the mint streak in his hair glowed neon green, the brown hair the color of rich fertile dirt, his green fur shimmered like a leaf covered in morning dew, his hooves like bark.


He opened his golden eyes that were now completely gold with no white or pupil just pools of liquid gold, he turned and followed the path into the royal garden and as he entered all the dead plants grew back completely and came into full bloom, plants that never usually flowered at the same showed their beauty one and all. He looked at the fillies and steel stand in his way to the entrance, his voice was deep and booming, "I said we were voting. This group is too important to let anyone's pride or insecurities screw it up. Come back and let's settle this so we can start on our way."

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"Glad to see you have so much FAITH in us! Just go back to wherever you came from! I don't care what everypony thinks, they won't listen to me! Yes! Walk away! Walk away, you.. you... just GO!" She turned to Crystal. "Like my fit?" 《11/10.》She turned back to Steel, and when he turned she stuck out her tongue at him. "We're not voting, Wanderlust. You don't need us, but if you do, I say nopony."《Me too.》

Edited by Starbound


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel smiled "she's heard it all and seen it all I've been able to talk to her with my mind since we left" steel said "best part is that now I'm done with you and this group of ponies have fun on your death mission" steel turned and walked away form everypony

"Hear that Luna they don't want my protection and since it's not wanted it shan't be offered I'm don't here" steel thought to Luna

Luna sighed, "you know nothing about children do you? You're going to quit over one little filly throwing a tantrum? I guess maybe you weren't cut out for the job to bing with." She gasped when she saw Wanderlust, "Wytch Craft! He uses the power of a Wytch! Keep him away from the girls!"

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Steel scoffed and took flight flying over him and kept going "I don't give a buck about this group do what you want" steel called as he flew away heading for one if his homes the closet one he was gluon slowly because he knew that no pony would bother him

The garden's plants near the exit changed from vibrant green to a dark sickly near black and vines exploded from them wrapping around Steel pulling his limbs all taunt so the couldn't toss any blades. They started to drag him back to the courtyard


"Glad to see you have so much FAITH in us! Just go back to wherever you came from! I don't care what everypony thinks, they won't listen to me! Yes! Walk away! Walk away, you.. you... just GO!" She turned to Crystal. "Like my fit?" 《11/10.》She turned back to Steel, and when he turned she stuck out her tongue at him. "We're not voting, Wanderlust. You don't need us, but if you do, I say nopony."《Me too.》

Wanderlust didn't take his eyes off the fillies or seem to pay any mind to what was happening behind him, he just glared at them, "You little ladies are in big trouble! I don't care what your reasons are but you should not disrespect a pony like that! Not when he is here to protect you and not your mother who cares so much that she would send her only defender with us to protect you and leave herself weak and defenseless! Now apologize to him!" The vines whipped around hanging Steel upside down in front of the girls.

Edited by Torrent505
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"Then what about when you disrespected us!? What if he does not want to protect us!? He could say it himself! HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US! ALL HE WANTS TO DO HIS SERVE LUNA! 'Have fun getting your magic sucked out of you and dying!' That IS what he SAID! ASK HIM YOURSELF!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Steel was not amused so he let spawn take control his eyes turned black and his form shimmered and his mane turned to fire that tracked down to his hooves the fire burned the vines and spawn took flight launching fire into the garden laughing insanely

None of the plants the fire hit burned away, they merely wilted and steamed as if they were filled with an endless supply of water and then bloomed back to life as vibrant as before turning dark and growing a waxy surface to fireproof themselves. Wanderlust glanced up towards Steel in minor annoyance, "Steel stop acting up and come down here so the fillies can apologize to you properly. I'm not going to fight you but I'll stop you if I have to."


"Then what about when you disrespected us!? What if he does not want to protect us!? He could say it himself! HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US! ALL HE WANTS TO DO HIS SERVE LUNA! 'Have fun getting your magic sucked out of you and dying!' That IS what he SAID! ASK HIM YOURSELF!"

He turned back to the girls, his voice deep and lecturing a bit condescending "I didn't disrespect you, I just apparently have more confidence in you than you have in yourselves, I see the potential in you unlike anything I've ever seen in the world. He does want to protect you, he does care. He lives to protect ponies, he does it in one of the hardest ways possible, putting aside his conscious to kill when he has to. He serves Luna because he knows it protected Equestria, he serves her now because he believes in her. But you have to give him reason to believe in you. NOT by throwing a tantrum. And he said that to hurt your feelings because YOU really hurt his feelings and insulted his honor. Say sorry."

Edited by Torrent505
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Spawn was sending fireballs Down Everywhere "burn burnnnnnn ahhhhahahahahaha" spawn yelled laughing at the destruction he was causing when he noticed the plants stopped birning he shrugged and began casting a frost spell steel wasn't fighting spawn at all

Grell kissed sapphire and laid down with a yawn he Didn't notice the fire or anything he was tired

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"You want an apology! Then you will get one! After this commercial break!" Willow looked down. "So you think Steel believes in Luna? Then tell me, why did he just fire himself and rubbed it into Mom's muzzle!? If he had faith in Luna, why did he abandon us!? Answer mu questions, Wanderlust. Because I won't say sorry until you do."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Spawn was sending fireballs Down Everywhere "burn burnnnnnn ahhhhahahahahaha" spawn yelled laughing at the destruction he was causing when he noticed the plants stopped birning he shrugged and began casting a frost spell steel wasn't fighting spawn at all


(Oh man bad choice of words and powers... Wanderlust is channeling the power of nature and nature really hates burning and cold right now)


Wanderlust shuddered a little, his breath became a little ragged, his head twitched slowly to look up at Steel, his bark hooves seemed to elongate and grow into the earth, his voice was a rumbling quake, "You ignorant petty pit fiend pain! My world has burned enough billions slain! And cold claims what little life I try to foster so little I gain! I reject you that is not of this world and not of my domain! I extinguish your flame! I make you tame! Wake again when you are Sane!" He eyes flashed and the air around Steel began to sparkle with gold flakes as the magic depleted the oxygen and started to suffocated him to knock him out.


"You want an apology! Then you will get one! After this commercial break!" Willow looked down. "So you think Steel believes in Luna? Then tell me, why did he just fire himself and rubbed it into Mom's muzzle!? If he had faith in Luna, why did he abandon us!? Answer mu questions, Wanderlust. Because I won't say sorry until you do."

Wanderlust was panting and out of breath his hair had started to look knotted and resembled vines, his face was haggard his eyes were not dull faded gold and looked sad, "because he is too proud, he can't take the insults you two fillies gave him... that and I and the rest of the group insulted him in challenging him as a leader. He sees this as war, and he is a warrior so he thinks he is right, but it's not war and we aren't his soldiers. It not his fault though that is the only world he's ever known. We need to be patient with him and support him." Wanderlust shuddered his whole body shaking.

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Willow suddenly looked sad. "I'm sorry, Steel. I didn't mean all that. She waited until Wanderlust seemed satisfied. Of course she had been bluffing; it woild have been really hard for anypony to forgive him at this point. Luna was probably fuming. She still hated Steel for what he said. Even Crystal was extremely angry at him. But they allowed no signs of anger leak out, and using their heart healing powers blocked everypony from sensing their feelings.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Spawn laughed "try again I don't need to breath" spawn laughed "but fine I won't freeze or burn I'll simply destroy" his power shifts to pure force crushing and breaking the plants and the garden itself things just seemed to crumble and die around spawn ((the name of the demon

Willow suddenly looked sad. "I'm sorry, Steel. I didn't mean all that. She waited until Wanderlust seemed satisfied. Of course she had been bluffing; it woild have been really hard for anypony to forgive him at this point. Luna was probably fuming. She still hated Steel for what he said. Even Crystal was extremely angry at him. But they allowed no signs of anger leak out, and using their heart healing powers blocked everypony from sensing their feelings.

Wanderlust's fur now looked like moss, his mane and tail were literal vines, his eyes nothing but solid metal, his bark hooves had sunk deep into the soil and branched out, his voice was still deep but was now distant as if coming from the bottom of a well and had no emotion, "you think you can kill? Around me?" All the plants instantly regrew and now shimmered gold, any damage they received healed instantly, it was so fast the eye couldn't even catch the damaged moments. "You think you can use force? In front of me?" The air all around the battle filled with golden flakes and gravity seemed to adjust where ever Steel attacked canceling it out. The gravity under Steel increased a 100 fold slamming the Pegasus into the ground and holding him there.


Wanderlust began to walk forward each step tore a hoof free from the soil with a sickening rip to reveal a twisted knot of roots that roiled about like angry snakes and burrowing back into the earth whenever he set them down. He was losing himself, his personality, his memories, everything he was becoming lost in the overwhelming swarm he had let into himself.


"Foolish demon, I am nature, I am life, I am the Earth itself. And I don't care about you, your host will die without air. Your darkness can only sustain him briefly, when he is dead you'll be banished back to hell and out of my world. But my vessel cares for your host so I suggest you withdrawal and I will let your foulness remain on my world a little longer." Wanderlust barely existed now he knew that if this lasted much longer his mind would be lost forever but he no longer had the power to end the ritual it was now mother natures decision if she remained in this body or not.




Runedawns smile dissapeared immediately when the little filly's face was wreched with anger. He got a felling he knew where the conversation between North Wind and Crystal would be going. He started to panic again. "I can't fight... I can't refuse! Why, why is this happening!" He thought as Crystal was yelling at North wind. Then she turned to Runedawn. He knew what was coming. "Dont..." He thought as she opened her mouth. "I WON'T!" He thought as she started her sentance. "I WON'T, I WON'T, I WON'T!" He repeated. And then suddendly...: "I won't... I won't dissapoint you my princess." He said.


He looked at North Wind and he hoped that he could feel what he was feeling. "IF I EVER, EVER GET MY HOOVES ON YOU AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE IT'S ON YOUR DEAD BODY!" He screamed mentally. Then he genuinely asked something. "However, to succeed, I will need my Runes back..." He said. After that he added something that he really didn't want to say. "And the group is quite a challenge, with the princess and everything, and since North Wind has 'Frozen' me, I don't know if I can use my runes and connect to the core anyway. I need some sort of advantage over them. I wont be able to do this myself... I need some sort of power." He said. "STOP TALKING YOU DIMWIT! YOU DON'T WANT TO KILL YOUR FRIENDS RIGHT? COME STUMBLING IN AT THEM AND LET THEM FINISH YOU, THEN IT'LL BE OVER!" He screamed internally again. His outside didn't show anything. "I know where they are, and I know where they are headed, so finding them won't be a problem. All I need is power and your permission your highness. Your command is my wish." He said. "You arselicker... You traitor!" He yelled at himself.

(Scribblegroove asked me to continue his scene between Runedawn and Ice Crystal since EpicHarmony hasn't post with her yet. So I'm moving it along so he can keep playing Epic can take jump in with a post whenever and take control when she is ready I guess)


Ice Crystal looked uncertainly at Runedawn and then nodded turning to North Wind's whirlwind, "retrieve his runes." The whirlwind disappeared.


She looked back at Runedawn smiling, "he was my first knight you know, Frostheart Knight of the North Wind. You get to be my second knight! Bow before your princess so I can knight you!" She put her hoof on one shoulder and then the other and then his forehead, "do you swear to serve me and my kingdom." He was compelled to answer positively, "then I Knight you Runedawn knight of the frozen forge!"


North Wind had returned blowing as a gust overhead and dropping the bag on the floor before them. "ooh let me see!" Ice crystal jumped on the bag opening it and dumping all the runes on to the ground. "Okay! So tell me what the important ones do and which ones you need my noble knight!" Her voice was squeaky with excitement.

Edited by Torrent505
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'My body is already dead, what more could you do to it?' North Wind spoke in Runedawn's head, each word felt like a cold wet tongue licking along the inside of his skull.


'Also you really shouldn't talk to yourself like that, you'll go mad'. He gave a dark chuckle. 'I must thank you for the information and entertainment you've been providing... But pray you do not make me look bad before the Princess again or I will make your existence a hell beyond even this one!' A spike of icy pain shooting through Runedawn's skull at the threat.

(Scribblegroove asked me to continue his scene between Runedawn and Ice Crystal since EpicHarmony hasn't post with her yet. So I'm moving it along so he can keep playing Epic can take jump in with a post whenever and take control when she is ready I guess)


Ice Crystal looked uncertainly at Runedawn and then nodded turning to North Wind's whirlwind, "retrieve his runes." The whirlwind disappeared.


She looked back at Runedawn smiling, "he was my first knight you know, Frostheart Knight of the North Wind. You get to be my second knight! Bow before your princess so I can knight you!" She put her hoof on one shoulder and then the other and then his forehead, "do you swear to serve me and my kingdom." He was compelled to answer positively, "then I Knight you Runedawn knight of the frozen forge!"


North Wind had returned blowing as a gust overhead and dropping the bag on the floor before them. "ooh let me see!" Ice crystal jumped on the bag opening it and dumping all the runes on to the ground. "Okay! So tell me what the important ones do and which ones you need my noble knight!" Her voice was squeaky with excitement.

Runedawn was slowly going insane. He had been humiliated, defeated and forced to serve a cause that made him sick. He didn't even fight back at North Winds threat. It only made him more sure on how lost he really was. He didn't fight the urge to kneel and he complied to his princesses whishes. Then, when she declared him knight of the frozen forge, the forge froze.


The forge... The core of the earth. A loud rumbling noise could be heard as the cold shivered through his body. He now realised what his skin had turned into: steel. Pure solid blue colored steel. The core had been solidified completely, dooming all life to end on the world, since the earth now had no source of warmth, energy and nurtients for plants to grow on. His ancestors were trapped in miles of iron and stone. Now that the forge of the earth had been frozen, Runedawn wasn't himself anymore. North Wind had changed his outer shell, but now Ice Crystal had finished the transformation.


Runedawn stood up and was silent for a while. His eyes were closed. He then finally replied to North Wind, and used his mind to break into his mind, slice him open like a cold dagger slowly penetrating his body between his ribs. "Your actions are incompetent and your threats empty!" he said, twisting his mental cold iron dagger in him. "I will show Crystal that the force of the wind is nothing compared to the force of the earth, you have failed, I will succeed!" He then protected his own mind for any counter attacks that North Wind might attempt.


Runedawn opened his eyes and looked at ice crystal. "I only require a few..." He said. He didn't feel forced to do anything, nor restricted. Had North Wind's spell been lifted? It didn't matter to him. He grabbed 3 runes. The rune of the core, the rune of steel and the rune of frost. When he took them, he took the armour that was with the runes as well. He donned the armour, steel screeching on steel. He placed the runes in the slots and then looked at both North Wind and Ice Crystal. "Runedawn is dead." To prove his point, he stamped his metal hoof on the rune that used to represent him. The granite rune crumbled to dust, and he felt that the final shimmer of hope inside him died. "My name is Ironhearted, knight of the frozen forge." He proclaimed, and he believed it fully. He grinned at North Wind. "And soon to be executioner of princess Luna!" He said. "Is there anything else you need of me your highness? Or should I go now..." He said. He remembered her saying something about his runes. "I could give you a lecture on how the runes work, but I think you will hardly find that interesting... But I would love to tell you though!" He said. He lied. He wanted to proceed with his mission. However, he wanted to keep the princess happy as well...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Embers layed spralled on his face, he was laughing his head off "Hahahahahahah! Oh my gosh......BAHAHAH! Oh man...What a freak show! Hah!" He sat up "And then theres just me, a normal bloody pony! Good times guys, good times.....I wish I could turn gold or somthin.....that would be realllly cool!"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Runedawn was slowly going insane. He had been humiliated, defeated and forced to serve a cause that made him sick. He didn't even fight back at North Winds threat. It only made him more sure on how lost he really was. He didn't fight the urge to kneel and he complied to his princesses whishes. Then, when she declared him knight of the frozen forge, the forge froze.

The forge... The core of the earth. A loud rumbling noise could be heard as the cold shivered through his body. He now realised what his skin had turned into: steel. Pure solid blue colored steel. The core had been solidified completely, dooming all life to end on the world, since the earth now had no source of warmth, energy and nurtients for plants to grow on. His ancestors were trapped in miles of iron and stone. Now that the forge of the earth had been frozen, Runedawn wasn't himself anymore. North Wind had changed his outer shell, but now Ice Crystal had finished the transformation.

Runedawn stood up and was silent for a while. His eyes were closed. He then finally replied to North Wind, and used his mind to break into his mind, slice him open like a cold dagger slowly penetrating his body between his ribs. "Your actions are incompetent and your threats empty!" he said, twisting his mental cold iron dagger in him. "I will show Crystal that the force of the wind is nothing compared to the force of the earth, you have failed, I will succeed!" He then protected his own mind for any counter attacks that North Wind might attempt.

Runedawn opened his eyes and looked at ice crystal. "I only require a few..." He said. He didn't feel forced to do anything, nor restricted. Had North Wind's spell been lifted? It didn't matter to him. He grabbed 3 runes. The rune of the core, the rune of steel and the rune of frost. When he took them, he took the armour that was with the runes as well. He donned the armour, steel screeching on steel. He placed the runes in the slots and then looked at both North Wind and Ice Crystal. "Runedawn is dead." To prove his point, he stamped his metal hoof on the rune that used to represent him. The granite rune crumbled to dust, and he felt that the final shimmer of hope inside him died. "My name is Ironhearted, knight of the frozen forge." He proclaimed, and he believed it fully. He grinned at North Wind. "And soon to be executioner of princess Luna!" He said. "Is there anything else you need of me your highness? Or should I go now..." He said. He remembered her saying something about his runes. "I could give you a lecture on how the runes work, but I think you will hardly find that interesting... But I would love to tell you though!" He said. He lied. He wanted to proceed with his mission. However, he wanted to keep the princess happy as well...

North Wind's mental response was a satisfied groan as if Runedawn's harsh mental assault had been a pleasant massage. Grinning as the stallion questioned himself as his body and mind began to willingly obey. He spoke into his mind again calmly and gentle this time, "You disappoint me Ironheart. That spell was never to force you to server, merely to help you serve... Let me tell you a secret, I'm not truly dead. If I was merely a spirit would have brought this worlds atmosphere to absolute zero and killed everything in an instant. No, I'm not dead, not completely, when I'm around the princess my frozen heart beats again and ties me to life."


In the physical world Ice Crystal covered her ears at the screeching armor on metal flesh. North Wind paid it no mind, "I've made you like me, but my antithesis. I'm something dead that occasionally lives with a beating heart, you're something living that is occasionally dead as his heart freezes and shudders. You are the knight of Earth, I am the knight of Air. I am the knight of Death, you are the knight of life. I control the cold and ice outside myself, you control the cold and ice inside yourself..."


North Wind let the words sink in, "that's right you can control your flesh, let it become soft and normal again. You can unfreeze your heart and let it beat. You control how cold the icy heat of the forge is. Your will is your own but like me you will never feel warm again, never escape the ice in your veins. Except around her, you'll find her presence is the only comfort and you cannot escape her service. But you won't want to anyways."


Ice Crystal looked curiously at Ironhearted's hard hide and frowned "you'll be less fun to play tag with now." She then refocused on the runes in front of her, a serious look on her face. Then started playing with one, spinning it on the ice floor and bating it back and forth playfully. She replied thoughtfully, "I guess they don't really matter, the princess is more important." She looked up cutely at him with an innocent smile as she ordered him to kill, "and do be as quick as you can, I want you to come back so we can play as soon as possible!" Before he could move she jump forward and hugged his chest tightly, "and be careful my knight, don't get hurt okay?" She looked up at him admiringly.

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Embers sat up, his face coverd in dirt "Uh....Who the buck are you? Oh, steels demoon? Hah, Why does steel need a demon to save him self? He should learn some REAL skill...." He chuckled and took out his book


Sapphire cuddled up to grell, not really knowing or caring what was going on

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Spawn laughed "I won't go to hell I'll simply move in to the next host so go ahead end him I won't mind at all" spawn said laughing again

Grell was passed out sleeping soundly with auron watching over him

Auldin was standing by sapphire ready to protect her

Wanderlust clung to a last thought barely tying himself to his body in the deafening chorus of nature and life that filled him. Mother Nature smiled cruelly at spawn, the bodies teeth jutting jagged stones, "that's even better than" she tore a hoof again from the earth with a clump of dirt in it's roots, she held it before her face and breathed upon it and the dirt blew away in a thin layer to reveal a small fuzzy ball with a mouth, it gave of a small meep sound.


"Behold I create life. This I create just for you, it need not breath, it does not burn or freeze, it can survive any force, even the vacuum of space. It will be your next host when this one dies *she gestured at Steel's body* and I will then throw it into space and use my worlds gravity to make sure you never never drift too close or too far. It might not look like much but it is extremely intelligent and strong willed. The perfect prison for you but don't worry he'll be good company, he loves to sing." The fuzz ball meeped happily. "Your choice your current prison or mine?"




Luna's heart was breaking at the scene before her it had all gone wrong so fast, she could feel Steel's body dying from the force hold him down and the lack of oxygen. She spoke sadly into Steel's mind, "and to think I trusted you with my daughters lives, to think I admired how strong you were holding that foul thing at bay, to think I respected you... When did you become such a coward and so selfish that you would kill yourself and the world because you couldn't handle a mission." She withdrew from Steels mind leaving completely, she knew what would happen next, the demon in it's arrogance would have Steel die, the vagabond so overloaded by nature would lose himself becoming a statue of stone and tree and the group would fail without them. She turned away crying into the underground pond, cursing her weakness and readying herself you comfort her daughters at the deaths they would witness. At least she would hold them again as they waited for the world to freeze.

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Steel heard Luna and felt her leave but was fast enough to spend her one last thought "I'm still holding him back by now he would have summonsed thousands more demons I suppose I should take control back"

Spawns eyes grew wide as the fire in his mane began to die after a few moments steel was in control almost dead he looked up "i suggest you release Me" steel wheezed he felt bones breaking but didn't flinch or show any pain

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Ironhearted listened to North Winds explanation, but didn't tie too much worth to it. He would decide for himself what he was, now that he was no longer tied to North Wind, but only to his princess. However, he did try to understand what North Wind meant. If he could control his own bodies temperature, that would mean that he could free himself. His remark on 'Only feeling comfortable around Ice crystal' came up in his mind as he tried to use his new powers in a new way.


He heated the lower part of his left front leg using his new powers and the runes in his armour. He focused on the temperature there. With ease it started to glow and then even melt. He still felt cold, but he knew that that his body was searing hot there at the moment. It felt uncomfortable, unnatural and actually seriously painful and disgusting while he did it, but he morphed his leg to become a point. Then that point split up into 5 points. It became a large claw similiar to that of dragons. Then he focused to cool his leg down again. Instantly the glowing stopped, and the air around the leg began to frost. The cold felt homely and comfortable, a stat that he'd rather be in than the warmth of molten metal, but it was still not 'natural' to him.


He morphed the leg back, and then he tried to change his skin to normal. He focused on the force of life that was within his body. He felt his body stutter back to life. Blood began to flow, and he could feel how cold everything actually was. He felt exactly like he used to be, except that now deep inside him there was not the heat of the core, but Ice Crystal's and North Winds curse. He now realised that he could only be like this around Ice Crystal, just like North Wind.


"You make it seem like we are polar opposites, but I don't think that is entirely true." He said as he thought of this. Something living that is dead and something dead that lives are the same to him. But it was not of importance. "I will now leave to move for the kill, and I will return succesfully!" He exclaimed. He then immediately turned around and walked towards the exit. He knew what he had to do, and he couldn't wait to test his powers on something living... Something that he could make squirm...


(so right now I will wait for a while till the others have posted some more, and then I will describe how Ironhearted got to their location.)

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Luna didn't even bother to respond to the now ex-elite soldier, she kept her presence distant and ignored him. A warrior too proud to listen to reason was of no use to her. It was obvious he wasn't the stallion she had once knew. Still she was relieved that she still felt him alive there, it meant there was still some hope; Steel had always clung to life. She wondered if maybe now he had grown tired of life and that was why he was so quick to cast his allies aside and fought to stay away from befriending them.


I didn't matter, she knew how stubborn he was and doubted he would ever speak to her again. She thought about how Embers might preform as captain of the guard and shuddered; the future seemed much darker and uncertain.




Mother Nature nickered and swept her vine mane side to side, the voice she spoke in was nothing like wanderlust's it was light and airy, "Keep that thing muzzled and leashed, the ancients made me to guard this world and I have driven his kind from this world three times before. I tire of rebuilding and recreating life each time I must teach the young ones a lesson."


She restored the air around Steel and return the balance of gravity to normal. The roots broke from her hooves and the moss and vines fell away to revel a pale looking Wanderlust. As she left all the plant life died and returned to ash. Her final parting gesture she gathered the life and healed Steel completely.


Wanderlust felt her leaving, all the voices silencing and he was so empty. He spoke aloud the one thought he had clung to trying to stay sane, "We're a group and our mission is so much more important than what any single one of us wants. We have to work together and stay together be united or we'll die a part."


He collapsed to the ground curling up into the fetal postion and weeping to himself. He murmured quietly, "I am a voice but there are so many, which one am I? I am me but who am I?" His voice was pitiful desprate and uncertain, "who am I? I-I'm wanderlust? Who is wanderlust?" He rocked back and forth on the ground gently.

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