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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Steel's mental message, Willow's panicked voice and Melody's own ragged breathing against her chest made Luna instantly awake. She broke the final tendrils of sleep and jolted upright, she had never been this effected by sleep before, as princess of the night she had always ruled sleep not the other way around.


She reached out feeling Melody's forehead as Willow had done, she looked at Willow and asked, "what's happened? What's going on?" She sent a quick mental thanks to steel for helping wake her as she examined Melody. As far as Luna could tell Melody was fine, in a deep sleep yes and having some challenge to breath but nothing that should be effecting her like this.


Luna reached out with her magic, glad that while it was now reduced she still had some power, ages of experience help make up for what she had lost. She used the magic to help her daughters breathing, while she was at it she reached out and did the same for Steel. Then something caught her off guard, something about Melody's dream was strange. It was somehow stronger than a normal dream; no longer princess of the night Luna didn't think she would have any power over it but still she reached out for it and found suddenly the dream was drawing her in as well. Her eyes started to get heavy and the world was spinning.

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<Follow me, little Melody. I will show you the universe. But first I will tell you the story of my wonderful friends, the Humans. See all this wonder? The stars? Nebulae? All these are hidden to your race. The stars you see from the ground are illusions. Because your world is clouded by magic. You rely on it. Humans do not. They have developed eyes, or telescopes, to see all this beauty. 50 years ago they developed their first Interstellar spaceship and travelled to the stars. Their planet is called Earth.>


They saw Equestria from space, a blue and green and white globe, and then a tiny moon orbiting it. The sun was even smaller, orbiting Equestria, which was at least hundreds of times bigger. The sun was comprised of 5 different balls of light, sun shards that remained in space. <You see, your world should not exist. But magic bends the laws of the Universe. One day humans will visit your part of the galaxy and gaze at your impossible planet with awe. >


(Like what I am doing here? This is coming straight out of a story I once wrote.)

Edited by Starbound


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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( yeah I do, I've always imagined it like that in a humans meets Equestrians universe that their world would have a weird sun & moon going on with impossible energy signatures radiating from it. I'm curious where you're going with this please lead on, though let's try and not have humans on Equestria in the actual game haha that would be way too crazy to GM :P though a RP about that could be fun. Anyways continue please :) )


Luna's body relaxed and her eyes closed, she rode on the outer edge of Melody's dream, it was so strong she could not escape it. On this level of gentle inclusion she could only hear whispers of what was happening and foggy glimpses of what the dream showed.

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Together they travelled through space, and arrived at Earth. An immense sun shone, and on the dark side milliona of cities threw their light into space. 《It is... beautiful!》 Melody started crying, and then they travelled to the Helix Nebula. A single small star was at the center of a gigantic cloud of multicolored space dust.



Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna decided if this dream was so strong she could not escape it that she might as well learn what was going on inside it. She let the dream clarify itself, she remained only on the outer limits not letting herself become known or showing herself. She merely watched quietly from Melody's point of view and wondered what this voice was and why it was showing her daughter these strange distant things. She didn't feel like it was threatening so for now she waited.


In the real world Luna had now fallen asleep sitting up her mouth was wide open with a bit of drool hanging from it and she was snoring in a rather unladylike manner.

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(If you want to feel like Melody right now, check this out! http://workshop.chromeexperiments.com/stars/ )


They continued to travel. Stars lazily drifted past. It was beautiful. Melody wanted to eternally wonder this place like the spirit was. So pristine, beautiful, serene, perfect. All the problems really lay far, far away. Together they saw planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies... 《There are so much stars!》<Yes. Count all the grains of sand on your planet. There are that much galaxies in the Universe. (True facts) Each galaxy has well over 200, 000 stars.>


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna could no longer hold back from showing herself, this voice obviously knew things and while she knew better than any pony how beautiful the night and space was (1000 years on a moon leads to a lot of stargazing and sky searching) their group needed answers.


As she truly entered the dream she noticed how different it felt than a dream, like this was really happening. And for a moment she wonders if they would actually she her or if she was just in Melody's head while her soul was elsewhere.


She asked her question anyways unsure if they would even hear it, "And that ice thing that attacked me plans to destroy it all? He claimed to be the entropy and heat death of creation (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death_paradox), that he had been here since the beginning of everything. Do you know what he really is?" Luna's voice had desperate tone, North Wind had scared her. He had technically even killed her and she didn't like the idea that he was now after her daughters.

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All Melody heard were whispers. She ignored them. <Your creators... yes, they have created you, but not this Universe. Only the magic that allows Equestria to exist. This Universe was made by something much, much, much more powerful... No one has ever seen him, and no one ever will. All this, created in an instant in a fiery inferno.> 《So that means North Wind isn't all that powerful! I need to tell Mom!》


(I know all about entropy and thermodynamics and heat death... hello, person who wants to work at NASA and become a major astrophysicist here?)


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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(Haha yeah I figured you'd know what they were :P but you're not the only player in the RP. I wanted to give everyone context since North Wind is basically a supernaturally spreading case of heat death)


Luna's suspicions were confirmed she was here but at the same time she wasn't. This was more than a dream, and her presence her was like being in a shadow of what was really happening. But still it seemed like her answers were indirectly answered, maybe she had at least some affect.


She didn't try to ask more, she figured it wouldn't be heard anyways and told herself that if an important question came to her she'd try again. Instead her mind turned to Willow and how worried she had been about Melody and how worried she'd be now that Luna had been dragged into it as well.


Luna half paid attention to Melody's dream as she tried to mentally reach out of the dream to Steel. Send him thoughts that everything was okay, that they were safe.

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<Now, sweet Melody. It is time for you to go.> The spirit had a resonating male voice. But it wasn't menacing. The voice was filled with love. 《But I want to stay here!》<No, Melody. They need you. But one thing; the magic is fading, ever so slightly. That doesn't mean your world will be destroyed, but you will be able to see all this from home in a few short days. And remember, I am always watching. Just call out to me. I will hear. Just like your mother, I am always with you.> 《Fine. But I will miss you.》 <I will miss you too, little Melody

Now go.>


And then Melody hugged the ball of light, and two tendrils of light wrapped around her, as if the spirit was hugging back. Then, white flooded her own little world and she was back in the real world.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna woke slightly before Melody, she shook her head lightly to clear the fogginess from her head. And looked at the sleeping filly then at Willow, "Melody's okay. It was just a very strong dream, I'm sure she'll tell you all about it, I only was able to catch a few glimpses. I think it might have been the last dream I can ever enter..."


She stroked Melody's mane, then looked over at Steel, "You're awake! I'm so glad!" She smiled at him, "how are you feeling?"

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"Melody! You're okay! You worried me!" Willow rushed and hugged Melody, who was crying uncontrollably. "Melody? Are you okay?"


《It was so pretty! Stars and clouds and galaxies and more stars! It was so pretty, Willow. I wish I was still up there. You can't believe how small we are. I loved it Willow! I want to be back up there!》 Willow ran her hoof through Melody's mane, concerned. "Mom? What exactly did you and Melody see?"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna smiled at Melody, and told Willow, "she saw the night sky the way I saw it every night that I was princess." She gave a little hmp of a laugh, "and other ponies wondered why I became Nightmare Moon." She looked at Melody, "it's so beautiful and wonderful that it's hard to describe isn't it. Hard to imagine how anypony could not look up and see and love it..." She let her sentence trail off looking up at the night sky above them, ".... I will miss that."

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《But it will come here! We will get to see it all! From here! Did you hear what the spirit said?》"The night sky? Can't we already see it now?" She pointed up, to the night sky. "I'm really, really confused." 《I wish you were there with me, big sister. I wish you saw what I saw. Heard what I heard.》

Edited by Starbound


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna put a comforting hoof on Melody's shoulder and smiled sadly at her, "Melody, the spirit said 'you' will be able to see it. I used to be able to see it myself, but I can't anymore. And everyone else might not be able to see it on their own, even Willow... the princess of the night and the princess of the day don't always see the same things or get the same benefits that the powers hold."


She thought of the vision she had had when she had been dead, her two daughters as princesses of Equestria; she didn't want that for them, especially this young. She had hoped her coming back had prevent it somehow, would let them grow up normal without the responsibilities of the world on their shoulders, but this to her was just another sign that they were meant for more, for grand things. She didn't want them to have to face the struggles and hardship that came with ruling but she realized now maybe they had been raised and were being lead to this ever since they had been adopted.


Something stirred her from those thought and she spoke again not give the girls a chance to dwell on what she had just claimed would happen to them, "Steel, the vagabon-" she caught herself, "-Wanderlust hasn't come back yet? Have you seen any signs of him?"

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《Only me!? But it was all so beautiful! How could it only be me? The spirit said that the illusion would go away! That means all of us can see! How could I ever see it alone!? It was to beautiful for words! And now, because of that, nopony will be able to see what I did!》"Melody, I'm sure all of us will see it. When the spirit said you, I think he meant all of us."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna comforted Melody, "he could have also meant that you could show it to all of us. It's not that easy but I did manage to show it to Celestia once, so it's possible. But even if the illusions clear, they won't be able to see it as clear as we did, not simply from Equestria at least not without help but I'm sure you can find away to help show them."


She nodded at Steel, "yes please go retrieve him, he did say he was going to come back. He went that direction down the mountain I believe." She then sent Steel a silent mental message, 'if he's abandoned us then let him go, you don't need to go off and track him down if he's gone, he could be as dangerous to this group as he is helpful.'

  • Brohoof 1
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Embers waited, waiting, waiting...And when the head came after him, he jumped. But not fast enuff, the head hit his leg, and he spun around a little bit before turning to see it stuck there. He grabbed his sword and swung it, then jumping in with his sunshard, hoping to kill another one. 

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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《Then I can't be a true princess anymore until I show all of you. Because that is what Princesses like Mom do.》"Melody! Isn't that taking it a bit too far? I mean, how can you show us? Mom said it isn't that easy!"《No. Because you haven't seen anything until you have seen what has been hidden from us since the beginning of all of Equestria."

Edited by Starbound


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


  On 2014-04-04 at 4:47 AM, Starbound said:

Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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