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 Shamrock was a little surprised at first, but leans into it as she rests a tinder hoof on her cheek. Never in her life did she cared so much about one pony like this. Sure 'love' was a strong word for somepony she just met a day ago. But it felt like the right word for what she was feeling for this mare.

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"yo buddy... we just need those drunk griffons of the other party and a dragon and we can start a new war here ah ah!" laughted volt while grabbing a knife "we told you not to come back scum... you just ruined a perfect moment and my dutch beer! the princ... i mean, the unicorn doesn't want you around... me neither"

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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*She leapt into the air, flapping her wings and her horn glowing rainbow colored in defense at the ready suddenly, her fear already now high as it was with Skylar's sudden appearence to her, and now the violent return of that same black alicorn at the bar*


@ @Skylar


Um...ah... *she darted head back at him, to the bar then back to him again* I'm sorry Skylar... but I feel like me being here is just causing a scene for this bar if it hasn't already been in a thriller already... I...I'm afraid I'll have to cut this  short. I'm tired anyways and need to get to bed my...ouch *realizes her wings are still hurting from her travel and her horn was still glowing. She focused best she could the way her friend Polaris taught her and lowered herself to the floor* I think I'll retire now...maybe we can talk later... ok?


@ @arkman575


*She turned away from her long lost brotherly friend and turned back to the bare and took a step forward cautiously seeing as both the wolf bar keeper and his hovering pony friend Dr. Volt were at a standstill with the black alicorn once again* Forgive me gentlemen...it's late and I'm tired... but here... *she levitates a small bag of gems to Seth regardless of his previous offer* Here please... for your troubles, I feel like it was I who caused the ruckus with just being here... :( *she turns to the black alicorn and giving a firm frown* Unlike SOME... I don't go prancing around about my status and acting high and mighty like I own the world...I respect the company who keep me and offer me assistance and service... :okiedokielokie: *she flicked her tail @ @Wolf Smith and haistly retreated upstairs to her room*


Good night gentleponies...till the morning then. *She walked up quickly, ignoring her stomach pains and the fact she forget to get something to eat*

Edited by Lightning Bliss
  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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stared at the mare with his mouth opened "p...p...r... the... oh

celestia... seth! she is... she is... remember those griffons?!? look at

her tail!! she is the princess! the mare... the mare who ended the war

oh my... hit me with something quickly... this is a dream... it can't be

real..." volt frantically said without breathing

  • Brohoof 2


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Wolf Smith


Seth was really getting pissed. This was now getting old, quick. He hated doing this, but this pony was persistent. He took his paw down below the bar, bringing back a DC-15A rifle. Pointing it strait at the pony's face, Seth motioned to the door, not wanting to waist the effort of taking.


ooc: fandalorian for the win

Edited by arkman575
  • Brohoof 2
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Seth lowered the gun, backing down. He sneered at the wolf, barring his teeth. Without looking away from the pony, Seth silently unlocked the safety and placed his paw back on the trigger. Catching the pony by surprise, he pointed the gun back at the pony's wings and opened fire. Blue bolts of energy left the barrel of the gun, headed right for their target.

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*Locks her room and climbs into the soft cabin like bed, eagerly pulling the quilt up over herself and tucking her eats back so she doesnt have to listen to the noise down in the tavern below her.* I hope Skylar....is doing ok...*she thought to herself as she shut her eyes tightly*




I'm off to bed now guys, I'll reply back tomrrow. Thanks for letting me join @arkman575 its been alot of fun! Cya tomrrow!

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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"celestia i wont look like a foal in front of her!" volt said gathering electricity from the air, his front hooves already sparkling "listen up boy, i don't know a bullet, by i am sure that something like ten thousand kilovolts can easily stop your heart... so... get lost before you hurt yourself" volt grinned at the black alicorn, ready to smell his burnt skin


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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She looked at Shamrock, smiling. She finally had the companionship that she had never really felt. She had always been so... lonely. She never had anypony. She never felt like she deserved it. Maybe she did. Maybe she would stop taunting herself over being so lonely. So useless. She had felt like nopony cared about her, let alone loved her. She smiled.

"So... um... You want to go somewhere?"


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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 Shammy was still riding off the bliss of the kiss, but when Ambiance started talking to her she started to think a little clearly. "Um, sure. But I don't know where we can go. But I'm sure the pub wouldn't be really romantic. Even though it was where we met."She thinks about it a bit." Since it's a beautiful night. How about we head to the park?"

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"Yah, um... that wouldn't be very romantic. We could go to a nice resteraunt, but a walk in the park sounds nice, too. B-b-but I-i don't think it matters, as long as I'm spending the time with you..."

Her stutter was nuch more audible than usual. She smiled warmly at Shamrock,

"W-where do you want to go?"


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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@@Lightning Bliss


*He sighs and nods, looking a bit glum, the excitement of seeing her deflating a bit*  Okay Bliss, No problem *Watches as she makes her way upstairs and sighs loudly, slumping back into the chair and resting his hooves up on the table lazily*  *Mutters* Some reunion... *Flicks open his pendant to gaze at the picture of his mare, he sighs again and plants a kiss on it before Whispering* I miss you so much Cal.... :( 


*Looks up to the other side of the room, about 30 feet away where the scene between the black alicorn and the wolf is unfolding, he growls a little and pipes up* Hey, 'Son of Chaos', can't you take the hint and see your not wanted? How about you take that overly large ego of yours and go back from where ever you came... probably some palace or castle judging by how might and powerful you are *Winks and speaks in a sarcastic tone*. This is just a tavern for us ponies to relax and have a break, no one cares who you are or where you came from fact is your not wanted so leave.   :okiedokielokie: 


*Sighs angrily and crosses his legs on the table taking another Sip of his drink and swishing it around inside the glass a little as he spoke*  Bartender, please would you take extra care of that mare upstairs if I leave before she comes back down, she means the world to me *Whispers under his breath and bites back a sob* Even if I don't mean the same to her anymore... 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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@@Skylar,@@Doc. Volt, @@Lightning Bliss,  


(As a lot of you requested...)



Seth jumped back from the pony, dodging the bolts of energy shot back at him. He huddled himself behind the counter, waiting to fire again. He counted down, turned back over to face the pony again and- didn't fire. Something was happening to the alicorn. His body had begun to glow. As the pony started to panic, an image was being burned into his fur that almost resembled a warhammer. When the picture was complete, the pony was levitated four feet above the ground. Then, with a flash, he was gone. All that remained was the words BANNED burnt on the floor where he had sat.


Seth stared at the seen, not exactly sure what to make out of it. He placed the DC-15A under the counter and brushed off his paws. 'I guess you could call that a win?' He thought. Turning to gentlecolt accompanying the white alicorn, he placed his right paw over his heart and bowed, showing he would to what he could to keep her safe. It might have been a bit 'old fashioned' but it was his way to show loyalty. Picking up the small bag from earlier, he opened it up and slid a few of its contents to Volt. He earned it for dealing with this joker for so long.

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*The morning light shimmered across her face, forcing her eyes to wake groggily*


Oh...morning already? *she rubs her eyes gently, getting the sand out then lightly rolled to her side and drifted her wing over her horned head* It's sucha nice bed...and...not in a quick hurry to go down stairs *stomach growls suddenly* oh come on! Darn you stomach, why do you make me so?


*She lifted herself up and slid on to her front golden hooves first followed slowly by one back hoof then the other, then proceeded to grab her small gryphon feather decorated saddle bags, she remember immideatly that was a gift by Captain Taylon, the honorable gryphon of the Hub that was settled to the north from the Crystal Empire. Her memory began to swim with images of the two years before, as if they were trigged by more then just the gift of the bags...but from Skylar as well. She remembered everything...


A small white odd pegasus, full of love and spirit for her shape shifting dragon Night Lights...how she and her friends Skylar and his gryphon mare Callette, ran around Ponyville trying at the last second to bring hers and Night's big day to life, while she'd visit her exotic, tribal unicorn friend Polaris, hard strong worker to famous pony Photo Finish. He went out of his way to help her find catering from none other then the royal chefs of the palace themselves...then she ran back to get her wedding dress from the botique shop of unicorn Rarity.*


Oh that was a crazy day...all of it to come crashing down with that assination attempt of the dragons...Night Lights fighting 3 dragons on his own just to keep me safe and our friends... Thank Celestia *she strapped the bags onto her hips* that we befriended sucha noble gryphon as the Cpt. If it weren't for him...I could have died...my friends...or Nights... or we'd have never gotten married...And...I would have never...


*She then looked at the cloest door, weidling a large dressing mirror she realized she was standing in front of. Her horn seemed to glitter in the new sunlight along with her golden hooves* ...I would have never ascended if...it weren't for the help of his companionship...or his gryphon Empire...and *she sniffed then, remembering the ugly confrentation she and Skylar had...when he was possessed...How his evil nature was pulled forth with such aggression...those dark evil blue eyes...sharp devilish fangs*

AHHH *whinnies up and bucks in her room as the dark images of her fight against the demon of thunder echoed in her mind, like she was back on that terrofying night...The lightning crackled, sizzling at her skin...her hooves glowing from the bursts of power she and Skylar inflicted...*


--Flash Back Imagery: Battle Lightning Bliss vs. Skylar--



*Finally she calms from the horrifying images...to look in her room and realize she had totally trashed it...even the mirror was broken slightly.* Oh Blissy now gone look what you done now! Stupid mare... *she looked at herself in the mirror then...at her small mare form...the large silly looking ears, her gryphon like tail flicking to and fro...her face seemed split with the mirror...a symbol of her unsureness in the position that was given to her* Some Alicorn of Unity I am...can't even keep myself together...and now I've gone ruin that nice bartender's room...*sighs* Well...maybe this is my chance to put what Polaris taught me to some practice... EEEHMM... *she focused her mind like he taught her...focesing her mind and in a way...her powers...to pick up the sharded glass and furniture*


*Remember Blissy...she recalled in her memories of what the brown noble unicorn said...Magic is merely an extension of yourself, like another limb or hoof. If you see something you simply pick it up. If you want to fix something you just fix it. Focus on the task like you would with any, but reach out with your new limb, your new found powers...*


*Sweating began to protrude as her horn finally glowed in her familiar rainbow aura and slowly but surely all the things that were broken in the room...slowly floated up into the air and found their pieces and mended themselves together...then after a few more stressful moments of focusing...her bed was made and all that was ruined in the room was back the way it was. She looked up at her new handy work and smiled*


Phew...least now I dont' think I'll have to give extra to the bartender...but he and his friend Doc have been so nice to me with keeping that rude black stallion alicorn off me... I sure do hope he's not around still when I go down stairs... I really want to just eat some breakfast in peace. *She then thought of Skylar again, and how she treated him last night, just from those dark memories from before* ...Blissy he's like your brother, he's not the evil monster you battled before...he wasn't himself when that happened remember? I should...I should offer him to sit with me at breakfast...if he's still there... *She levitated her cape out of her gryphon saddle bag, and placed it around herself, keeping her wings tucked and the hoodie held over her firmly, still not feeling comfortable with the fact she was an alicorn...then opened her door and proceeded down stairs*

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Sole yawned and pulled his straw hat down, further covering his face with his beloved hat. He may be in ponyville, but he knew very well that he could be attacked at any time. He had more enemies then he could count. "A tavern huh? Sounds fun." He mumbled, as he walked through the door. Even though he was inside, he still kept the hat on as he sat down in the corner of the bar "hey bartender, could I get some ale?" He asked calmly, still hiding his face.


(If I did anything wrong, just tell me and I'll fix it)


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Still staring at the remains of the black alicorn, Seth grabbed a glass and began to polish it. As the door opened, he half expected it to be the old intruder again. Noticing it was a griffin, Seth  tensed for a second. There were three possibilities.


1: This was a griffin from that party a few nights ago.


2: This was a griffin from the high council that came to talk  to him


3: A griffin who just wanted to get drunk.


Frankly all were terrifying in their own special way. After hearing the request though made Seth choose option 3 and hope for the best. He grabbed a bottle for the shelf behind him in his mouth and brought it with the glass to the table. The wolf pored the drink, leaving the bottle and took a few steps back, keeping an eye on the newcomer.

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Sole noticed the wolf giving him a curious look, but ignored it as he began to drink. But he made sure to keep his eyes on everypony in the tavern, he was watching for assassins; but he honestly would've liked a challenge. "Well, maybe if I stay here long enough, something interesting will happen." He thought, as he drank


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Seth took a napkin off on of the tables and wrote a note to the griffin, overhearing his last comment. This was probably not the smartest or wisest thing to do, but compared to everything that happened, it was going to happen anyway. He handed the note to the griffin and returned to behind the bar.


"If you are asking for action, you came to the right place. Someponys fell in love, a mare got a job, a colt went insane, I got stabbed, and I thing a guy just got condemned to hell. You just got here, give it a few minutes."

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*She gently walked down the steps of the wooden tavern, the early morning already turning as the minutes ticked by. She yawned groggily and shook her head, keeping the hoodie firmly down so her horn and wings weren't exposed and approached the bar where the familiar, honorable wolf standing at the bar, looking very aware of his surroundings and observing the customers at the tavern. She put on her best smile, not wanting to throw him off his focus and approached, taking a seat at the bar*


@ @arkman575


Good evening *she said cheerifully as he came back behind the bar after giving a gryphon a note, making double shre her alicorn attributes were still well hidden* hope I didn't make too much noise last night, or this morning...had a bit of a rough wakening. But anyways... was hoping for some dinner... I've not eaten in a day now it feels *grips her stomach out of hunger*... any chance you might have apple friters? Or any type of vegtable or fruit plate? *As she asked, she scoped the tavern of the odd occupants and aggressive looking bunch...hoping to spot her good brotherly friend @Skylar and offer him a drink*

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Sole looked at the note for a moment, before grinning "this place sounds like fun." He mumbled, as a mare walked in. He could sense a strange aura about her, one that seemed familiar. But after a moment he just shrugged it off and kept drinking. At this time he'd already drank the entire bottle, and sighed as he realized it. "Stupid metabolism. Can't you let me get hammered just this once?" He said jokingly, before asking the bartender for another bottle. "Got anything stronger?" He asked


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Seth turned to the griffin. 'Wow, downed a bottle already? Quick' he thought grabbing a bottle from under the table. He didn't know what it was, onther than it was a gift from the griffin king during a diplomat conference. There was a label on it, but the wolf couldn't read a lick of griffin. He tossed the bottle to the hat wearing companion and gave a slight nod.


@@Lightning Bliss


Seeing the disguised alicorn, Seth gave a smile and walked into the back room which bubbled as a kitchen. Grabbing a pineapple, apple, a pawfull of grapes, and some frostberries imported from the Wolven Empire, the wolf went to work preparing the platter of fruit. He sliced the fruit and arranged it in a semi-formal manner. Seth wasn't a chef, but he could pull it off if he needed to. He wrote a little note and placed it on the platter.


"Sorry if the commotion woke you this morning, but you don't need to fear the return of the dark alicorn. By the way, your brother requested that if you need anything that I would be able to oblige."


Seth brought out the plate and placed in front of the pony and returned to his stool. He removed the bandies from his right paw, seeing at it had recovered. Grabbing a mirror, Seth began to examine the extent of the damage done to his neck and throat. Seeing as how the old rapping had begun to bleed through again, Seth removed the them and applied a fresh patch.

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Sole caught the bottle easily and tried reading the label. He knew it was griffon, but he only knew a little from having grown up and taught in equestria. Regardless, it was alcohol. That's all he cared about at the moment. "If I keep drinking like this i'll end up like old flamebrain." He mumbled, before seeing the bartender apparently checking some wounds. With a sigh sole stood up and walked over to him. "Need some help?" He asked


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@ @arkman575


*She eyed the gryphon at the corner of her eye showing some concern to the wolf. She too noticed the wounds on his neck and was tempted to help him suddenly then... Her inner alicorn powers could sense his feelings without her control right then and there at the exposure of his pain... It was recent, he was angry and bitter, but relieved that it appeared to be healing... Still though, his pain was very apparent as well as his bitterness...her alicorn instinct to encourage peace, harmony and serenity prompted her to turn and watch the two interact, rubbing her neck in response to the pain she was sensing from the exotic bartender...But quickly she lowered her head back down and nodded to Seth in thanks for the plate and gave him another small pack of gems for his troubles*


Not now Blissy...can't reveal your powers in the public of others...healing or not...you can't draw attention to yourself... *she thought to herself as she unknowingly sampled a berry from the wolf empire* Oh my! *she said aloud without thinking as the sweety juicy morsal gave a loud, satisfy crunch, followed by sweet, exotic tang flavor of juice flow down her throat, making her smack* Mmmm. :wub: so good...Thank you again good sir, truely you have a keen eye with fruits! This is by far the best berry I ever had! Never had it before though, I'll have to see if Ponyville sell berries like these when I get back home. What are the names of these berries? *She asked again as she sampled another and chewed it slowly, savouring the flavor*

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


*He wakes up after being lead on the couch the entire night, the empty glass still strewn around him on the oak table. Yawns and stretches as he stands up looking very weary and rather worse for ware , it was apparent that being aware from his mare so long was having a toll, he had large black rings under his eyes and his mane hung down rather limply* 


*Spots Lightning Bliss sat over at the bar, he looks down and fiddles with his hooves a little remembering her reaction the night before, it had upset him quite a bit and he wasn't sure if she wanted to just be left alone without him bugging her, he gave another loud sigh and slumped back in his chair, watching as she munched happily on her food* 


*Flips open the pendant of Callette again and stares at it longingly, he mutters* Only 13 more days to go... I'll be fine...  *hangs his head down a little*  -_-



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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Seth looked away from the image of his throat, seeing the griffon approach. Seeing the damage it already had, Seth didn't want to try speaking. He instead pulled out a notebook usually used to count bar tabs wrote a note.


"Unless you know much about wolven anatomy or anything close. Although, it's not like I can do anything at this point. If you want to give it a shot, the bottles free." He gave a little smirk as he wrote. At least in writing, he could think before he spoke. He handed the note over to the griffon, waiting for a reply. Before he could get it, Seth was caught off guard by the mare's outburst. He turned and wrote to the question.

@@Lightning Bliss


"They are called frostberries. They only grow in the Wolven Empire. since the ground is in a permafrost state, almost nothing grows up there. I import them from a little field near my old home there. A friend of mine always sends me a craft once a year. For the oddest reason, they are in a frozen state and can be left alone for years on end without spoiling. I keep them here in case somepony needs a bit sweetness in their life."


'A bit corny, but one of your better lines, Seth' He thought to himself, handing her the note.

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