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@@Doc. Volt, He gave him a look of pity... he wanted to help him so bad. In his face his saw the face of another friend... another who had suffered the same fate. He would fight for this, whatever it might take, whatever it might demand of him. But he wanted to calm him down... and he could think nothing else... of a good hug. so he hugged him.

"Shhhh.... relax... i understand. Let it go..." 

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Volt was almost shocked by the pony reaction... he never had a physicall contact with somepony if not for hurt him... he felt like out of the world


".w..what is this pony doing? why he is not hurting me or running away?.. i can't understand..."


he thought... he wasn't able to move.. the only think he did without thinking was to hug the pony back


"thank you... ...friend..."


"friend... what doeas that word means? i hurted my only friend.. and now.. somepony else is caring about me.. this.. this is all strange i can't understand"

"it is a way to trick you"

"no way.. shut up.. get lost... i don't need you.. i can live my own life!"

"you can't survive without me in this world, you know that!"

"it's different! we are not at the factory i don't need you go away! go away you almost killed my best friend!!!"

"you did pal... i will be here... watching..."


Volt was so confused... and he started crying without any logical reason.


"I... i don't know.. what to do..."


was the only thing he was able to say


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@,  


Seth couldn't tell what the two were up to at this point, but from the sounds it sounded like a rather fierce argument. When the voices ended, Seth could see the top figure looked like he was strangling the second. With a rush of adrenalin, Seth charged at the top figure, ignoring the pain in his paw. With all his might, he forced the figure tot he ground. Seeing Volt as the bottom figure, Seth wasn't sure what to think.

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Volt was caught in surprise by the wolf


"seth?!? what are you doing here!?!?  you are wounded! return to the hospital for you good! and leave alone that pony... he.. is a friend.. i i belive... i don't know what to think my head feels so strange.. i feel strange... everythings looks like a dream... it's all so unreal.. oh my head hurts so bad..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth was going to argue with the pony, but realize he was literally unable to do so. So for compensation, Seth gave him his best puppydog look he could muster. He hated himself for stooping to that low, but he had to try. He even added a slight wimpier for added effect.

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@@arkman575, @,


Volt looked at the wolf with a smile


"oh come on... you are going to make me red " said Volt with a childish laugh.. he then without thinking hugged the wolf


"come on now... let's move to a warm place.. out there is cold as hell... i think that HE will be quit for now... too much love in the air now"++he smiled again


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Seth smiled and friendly nudged his head against Volt's. Remembering that Volt was still as wounded as he was, Seth pointed his paw at the bandaged midsection of the pony and gave him a 'I'm not the only one' look. Seth let a slight smile escape him, but mostly because of how good of friends they were after all that just happened.

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Volt smiled at the wolf and got up


"... we look like two idiots you know that buddy?" he smiled


"you want to go back to the hospital or shall we move to a better place? i don't want to go back to the tavern yet... i... i'd like to forget that place for a while.. sorry..."


he said sadly


"ops sorry... i forgot you can't talk.. move your head for a yes if you want to go back to the hosptial..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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'Ya, apparently we now consider murder a pass time.' Seth thought to himself. Seth nodded his head and began to walk in the direction of the medical center. His limp was still present, although he was concealing it rather well. On the way back, he attempted to speak, but it just ended like earlier that day. However, he was able to get soft moans and light growled, all be it almost inaudible.

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Volt started walking back to the hosptial carring the wolf on his left shoulder


"paw and hooves... wow we are like two lame idiots tring to get home after a drunken party. ah. a" Volt couldn't finish the laugh.. his chest started hurting back


"aw damn it.. i can't still remember when the hell i stabbed myself.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, I jump out of the shadow surprising the wolf and pony. "Ok so you two made up now, and why are you giving me that look?


The pony face was of shock and awe, the wolf's was....mad


"What, oh right, do to my parents, I'm able to hide in the shadows,"


'Now if only one of them would ask, I really want to see the reactions I get.' I said to myself 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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She was at a loss for words. Nopony had ever asked her anything like this.

Say no. You'll just be dragging her into your crap. You don't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve to put up with you. You're useless Ami, don't drag anypony else with you.

She now cried much much more. She felt like she was useless. But this mare, this wonderful mare, was looking past her faults.

You don't deserve her, Ami...

"Y-yes... yes I will!"

She was still crying, but the gentle stroking of her mane calmed her down.

She didn't know why, or even care why, but Shamrock loved her. This made her happier than she had ever been.


This sig was made by applegearrising  ~Love you <3 <3~

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@@arkman575, @@Wolf Smith,


"do you know this.... freak?" asked a surprised Volt to Seth while looking at the dark pony

"also... what the hell did he just said? can he speak proprelly? he looks more out of the mind than me" he said imitating a screw in the head moving his hoof in circle above his ear


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, "Me, crazy, that would be my father." I said as the pony was still looking at me.


"What is it, do I have something in my teeth?" I ask as I spawn a mirror and look in it.


"What's wrong with an alicorn prince that has chaotic magic at his disposal?" The wolf looked at me with huge eyes.


"What's with this town and alicorns?"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith, @@arkman575,


Volt looked at Seth


"can i please murder this freak? please only this one... where the hell did you find him!?!? it looks like he smoked all the weeds of Equestria!!!


VOlt turned to the pony


"yo buddy... stay calm.. want a chamomille? maybe vallium? you should sleep more.. and stop drinking coffee..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Thought I'd jump in this RP since it looked like a nice Tavern scene of some sort, hope I'm not too off the situation currently? Anyways here's my OC in ya'lls RP!



--Listen as you read--


*Exhausted from her long travels from the north on a peace treaty run to confirm and agreeing to new trading laws and benefits between the gryphon and dragon clans secretly, she spotted the local tavarn on the late summer evening. Its dim lights were giving off a warm settle glow, making her more aware of her sluggish eyes and growling stomach that near instinctively made her sluggisly descended downward with her horn glowing lightly to help her pinpoint the way. She smiled at that it was a cobblestone street she landed on, as well as the setup of the small local buildings,.but couldn't help notching it gave off an errie if not creepy tone. Her white coat glowed in the night...and wolves howled in the distance, making her trot into the tavern with haste*


Phew...I didn't expect to be in flight for that long *she mummbled to herself as she walked into the tavern, toning her horn* but then again the discussions did take forever...I hope Night Lights doesn't come looking for me...tsspt, silly shape shifting dragon guarding of mine...Sometimes I wonder which of his duties take more charge, his guardianship or being my husband. *She kept her head down and toned her horn, and immediatly tossed her mane over it not wanting others to see she was an odd, big eared, gryphon tailed alicorn walking into their bar on such a late evening.* Better just keep your head down with this bunch ol'Blissy...just ask for some food, a bit of drink and if their any rooms available...don't need to over stay the welcome anymore then I need to...


*She headed to the open bar, ignoring who all was there, trying her best not to draw attention as she took a seat on a bar stool*

Edited by Lightning Bliss
  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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 Shamrock was so happy when she said yes. She pulls her into a loving hug."That make me so happy." Even though she didn't know why, she cares deeply for Ambiance. At first she just thought she was cute. But when she say her crying her heart ached. Now she was sure that she loved her. She kisses her cheek then nuzzles it.

Edited by Gloomfury
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@@Doc. Volt


Seth gave the best deadpan expression to Volt. He was not in the mood to deal with the alicorn, and knowing his luck, didn't want to deal with that guard he attacked. Turning to the direction of the bar, Seth nodded, trying to give the hint of needing a drink after all that's happened. He may not be a fan of drinking, but after this, he might become an royal alcoholic.

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@@Doc. Volt, "You're the crazy one, you tried to murder, how many?" I look hard in the pony's eyes


"And you wolf, you want me to heal that throat of your's,"


The wolf looks down and back up and started to shack his head


"It won't hurt, trust me,"


I walk over and reform a healing spell


"There now you should be able to talk 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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*She sits up at the bar, still trying to hide her protruding horn that insisted on poking out of her hair, when she heard the pit pat paws, along with the familiar smell of a wolf and turned to see @arkman575 walking up towards the bar. Instinctively her fur went up on her neck, not knowing how to react to a first time run in with a wolf...but civily calmed her nerves and reached out with one of her hooves to pull out a magical bound spell rob from her staddle bags. A brown tathered rob, it was soft on the inside and was just heavy enough for her to feel safe hidden under and promptly threw it around herself, lifting the hood over her brow, without the use of her levitation*


Gah... *whispers to herself* I made a mistake coming here I know nothing about this place... *tail flicks with nervousness* Night Lights was right...*she darted her thoughts to her dragon husband, after what he said how he felt about her traveling alone without his protection....and how she insisted that she needed to learn to fend for herself once in awhile* But now I wish I wasn't so stubborn in the first place...he's my husband...he could have just come along for the sake of the company...*She darted her head up over the shelf and sniffed the air, wondering what kind of drinks they'd serve at this particular tavern*

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Brown text will be referring to Skylars Mare Partner Callette (who is currently away) 

Black text will be referring to Skylar.


*He sits at the bar looking a bit glum and dejected, he sighed remembering the past couple of weeks*


-- Thinking back to two weeks ago --


*Nuzzles him and kisses his cheek, her saddle bags rattling as she moves, she sighs and pecks a quick kiss on him , smiling sadly* Don't worry Sky, I will only be away for about a month, *Sighs again* I suppose it's only fair that I visit my family once in a while, I still don't get why my father won't allow you to visit with me... I guess hes still upset about me just up and leaving with you like that :P *Kisses him again and smiles*  It was worth it though Skylie, two years we have been together now, seems like only yesterday that we first met :)  


*Sighs a little and gazes into her deep pink eyes, smiling a little* Yeah I suppose I can understand why he would be angry, you'd think he would be happy for you but *Sighs again* Does he even know about our engagement? *She shakes her head a little and nuzzled into him* Well... maybe it's for the best :)  *Brushes her cheek and kisses her again, trying to hold back tears* It will be weird being apart from you for so long Cal.... I'm going to miss you :( 


*Sobs a little but tries to keep smiling* I know, I will miss you to Sky *Wraps her arms around him in a tight hug and sniffs* I love you :) *Kisses him again and grins back* And remember, you better behave when im gone ;)  *Nips him on the nose making him squeal a little* ^_^


*Wipes away a tear and grins back at her* Hey you know me, totally innocent  *Chuckles a little and talks in a more serious tone, brushing her cheek* Don't worry about a thing Cal, the thought of you is the only thing I need to keep me going   *His ears perk up slightly hearing the train arriving at the station* Well... I guess it's time you got going :) 


I guess so.... *sighs as she turns to get on the train and gasps as she gets spun around, grins as he presses his nose against hers*    


*Plants one final deep kiss on her her, making her close her eyes and blush, going limp in his arms, he breaks off and gazes deep into her eyes* Stay safe Cal, I will be thinking about you every second ,I love you    *Gently taps her flank making her giggle* Now get going Missy, don't want you being late for your family reunion :) 


(Couple of minutes later)


*Leans out of the Carriage window and blows him a Kiss and winks naughtily* See you soon hon, remember, be good and im sure we can work something out when im back!   :comeatus:


*Waves a hoof and grins watching her go, he feels his heart sink a little as the train chugs off into the distance, he hangs his head down and sobs a little, starts trotting slowly back towards the town.  He flips open the pendant around his neck revealing a tiny picture of him and Callette kissing at their engagement party in Canterlot, he sighs happily, his heart filling with hope once again*


-- Back at the tavern --


*He shakes his head a little as he slumps further into his chair at the edge of the room, gazing with some curiosity at the hooded figure sat at the bar, he could barely hear what she was saying but he could have sworn he recognized her, he thinks about going over but decides to stay put, he didn't want to run the embarrassment of being wrong, instead he took another sip of his cider and continued to look quizzically*  



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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"ok buddy... but you know that everypony will get mad seeing me, right? after all... i stabbed you in the neck" volt coldy said to seth "sigh... never mind... here we go" volt said opening the door of the tavern, the first thing he saw was a white strange unicorn "so let me guess... i died and this is how angels looks... " he said without thinking


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss, I enter the tavern and see an alicorn.


"HI! I'm not the only alicorn in this freaking town" I scream.


The alicorn looks at me.


"Hello, what's your name, mines Night Wolfe, the 'E' is silent.


I take a seat at the bar, I ask for some cola.


"So what are you tied with? I'm tied with Chaos"

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Doc. Volt,@@Wolf Smith,  


Seth, being just hit by the flow of magic, fell to the ground in pain. He gripped his throat. 


'What the HELL! Magic doesn't work on wolves the way it works for you ponies!!!!' He angrily thought as he tried to stand up. He looked at his paws that were on his neck. They were bloody. 'Damn you! Buck the alicorn race.' he thought, before running into the bar. Accidentally running into volt, Seth jumped over the counter and grabbed a bottle of vodka and applied it to the wound. It hurt like hell, but it kept it from getting any worse. Noticing he was starring at a white alicorn, Seth stopped in his tracks. 


'H-Hi' He thought.


@@Lightning Bliss

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volt looked with disgust at the black alicorn "bloody moron... i always said that drugs are bad... look at him! he thinks that she is an alic... oh wait... for the love of celestia she is! ehi seth! are we in heaven or in hell? two unicorns in the same wood can... awesome... probabily the nost surreal day in my life... i stab my best friend, we return togheter for a drink and we find an alicorn... yea... i should kill you more times seth" jocked volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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