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Shamrock looks to the pony who started talking to her and puts on a friendly smile. "Well nice to meet you Connor. I'm Shamrock, but everyone calls me Shammy. And thanks for the complement. I'm not all gussied up like most mares so I don't get them a lot. But I don't mind. You look alright yourself."

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Seth returned from the fridge and walked over to the Irish pony. Across from the new visitor, Seth grabed the requested drink and a glass, filling it to the neer brim. Taking out yet another bool of nuts, was about to walk away, before hearing Connor's comment.


"Smoth move, Conn'." The wolf said, turing back to Runedawn.


Pulling out another bottle of everfree, Seth porred his friend a drink.


"I'll take the bits for the drink, but otherwise, you just owe me a favor. How the wolven hell did you bash up your hoof that much in one day?" Seth asked, munching on a nut.

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"yeah, smooooooth move conn, real nice way to compliment a lady." Runedawn turned to the mare next to him. "when you really want to impress a lady, you take her hoof in both hooves, and then say 'ye mane is like the blazing fire of passion that resides in me hart. Yer voice is like the wind softly breezing me troubles away. Oh praise be my poor soul, i have found the mare of gods!' And then you look into her eyes and declare your eternal love and loyalty. Dont ye know classic courtsey connor!" Runedawn then burst out in laughter. "ye seem like a nice pony, whats yer occupation, and where'd ye ge that beautifull accent of yours!"


Beforw she could answer runedawn turned to seth. "one clear hit with the rune of breaking did only do this much, so my hooves be stronger than stone! It hurts like hell though, a strong drink will drown the pain" he chugged down the entire pint at once... And burped. "pardon me for my germane" he chuckled...

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Connor smiled and turned to eclipse.


"I know eclipse I'm as smooth as jazz"


Connor turned to the other pony the one with the sore hoof and glared at him.


"I've only just met the mare for pony sake I'm not gonna start quoting famous poets randomly let me get to know her jeez mister cheese"


Connor grabbed his last shot and downed it and turned to shamrock.


"Uhhh unless you like that sort of thing shammy so you like guinness huh I drink that sometimes not a lot of bars in equestria sell it though so I just usually drink vodka so where you from by the accent I'm guessing ireland (is there a pony name) am I right"


Connor turned to eclipse.


"hay could I get a pint of guinness as well my good wolf"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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"I least you ponies pay." Seth called to Connor. "Last night's crowd tore this place up last night and I got nothing!" Seth grumbled as he pored another glass for Connor. 'no one respects my line of work!' Andrew thought. 'I could be Luna's mate...Just that one night, I could be living in Canterlot, being with royalty...' Seth sat on his usual stool and began to clean the used glass.

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@, ((There isn't a pony name for Ireland.))

Shamrock rolls her eyes at from Connor calling himself smooth. And she hates jazz. "Sorry but your not. I'm from Detrot. There's a good deal of ponies with this accent there. And where I'm from they usually have Guinness. But If they don't have it I usually get a griffin brewed whiskey.I don't like the taste of Applejack Daniels that much. And It ain't strong enough." She downs her pint in one go and slams the glass on the counter. "Another pint, would ya kindly?" She calls to the Barkeep.

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Runedawn burst out in laughing again... "oh connor... You and your maremagnet skills... I was just messin' with ye. I just noticed that ye complimented this mare with her mane, which is pretty lame to be honest. You say that to every mare that sets hoof in here!" Runedawn turned to the mare again. "honestly though, don't fall for this guy, he is just as much of a failure as anyone that'd be in a bar like this!" He looked at his empty pint. "oi seth, I thought I asked you for a drink... Must've drank it already. Pour me another will ya?" He looked at shamrock and connor. "don't mind me, i'm just an old drunk labourer... Heh heh... Labourer is a funny word."

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"What's your name anyway? I've overheard some ponies saying it's Seth. If it is, that is an awesome name. Reminds me of a song actually." Looking up, Thunder grabbed his guitar from his back. "Tell me, what kind of music you in to? I'm bored as hell and I might as well liven this place up with some good ol' metal, or whatever you're in to."

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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"Sorry to bring the mood down here, but I'm with Runedawn here." Seth said with a chuckle. "Rust, not the best compliment for a beautiful equine like yourself. And, I suggest You get to know this guy before you fall for this one liner stuff."


Seth grabbed the bottles and pored the drinks for the attendees.

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Connor glared at eclipse and shamrock and then burst out laughing.


"So anypony in this bar is a failure but that would mean that eclipse and shammy would be failures and I can't believe that but you caught me... rune was it yes I'm a failure but hell I love it nothing beats punching your over whiny boss in the face repeatedly as for saying that to every mare that comes in here not true I only say it to the ones that look stunning I must say shammy your coat is a dazzling shade of emerald and your eyes are just as green as the fields in mayo and may I say your beauty has no end and your presence here is the greatest honour I could ever want"


Connor grinned wide.


"So rune am I getting better at charming the mares"

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"Well" Seth started. "I doubt you know any good wolven war toons. Just play what you like, I don't have any real preferences. Here," Seth said, sliding a bottle of bear. "Now play us a song."


Seth opened another bottle and took a swig.


"Any request from the crowd?" Seth called out.

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"sounds beautiful" he said sarcasticly, and whispered to the mare, loud enough that connor could hear is. "great originality,too, if i might say so myself, heh heh" runedawn took his hoof out of the ice and had a look. It was a bit thick, but it didn't hurt as much anymore and he could stand on it again. "look connor, i don't want to start a fight, and neither do you. You don't look so tough, pick someone your own length... Which is a lot smaller than me." Runedawn grinned at connor and chugged another pint. The strong scotch dripped down his beard. "good stuff seth, you sure you don't have anything stronger? Somerhin' that burns in your throat like that brandy that you had once?" Runedawn tried to reach into his pouch of bits, but it was empty. He groaned. "I 'ain't got bits for i though. You need anything a fine craftsman like myself can helo you with? I can use my mafic too if ye want... I need that drink." He put his hoof back in the ice. ""can't be too sure"" he thought...


(((ooc: i don't think i'll be posting a lot after this, it's getting late. If i quit posting, pretend i passed out or something)))

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Connor looked over at the drunk and in need of a drink rune and chuckled.


I never wanted a fight anyway and if we did fight it would be a glorious battle to the death and the winner would claim th title of hero of ponyville... Just joking do you want me to buy you that drink I've got to many bits to count so I don't mind also shammy would you like a drink I'll pay"

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Shammy thank Seth for the drink again and takes a swig. Not really paying attention to Conner hitting on her. "Thank you kindly or the  complements, Conner. But I saw a unicorn mare with glasses walk out of here ,who's more stunning then I am by a long shot, before I came in here."

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Connor raised his eyebrows.


"Now your just plain insulting your self shammy you are a nice mare from what I've seen besides its not all about looks its also about personality and you have a nice one from what I've seen also I love your accent so would you like that drink I'm still buying also I won't try and get you into bed if you want me tostop "


Connor turned to the pony talking to eclipse.


"Names connor and play Party hard please if you know that one"

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Thinking over Rune's propose, Seth took another swig of beer.


"Tell you what, I'll pull out my best drink I got, but you first patch up the roof from last nights party. I'm not a craftsmen, so it would have taken me a week to get it done. If you patch up the mess, you get drinks for the night." Seth said, gesturing to the cracked ceiling.


'Damn griffin...' Seth muttered under his breath.

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Samrock chuckles. "Trust me, I ain'insulting myself. I know I look good. But her? Damneigh, she's a real looker. And I know you're not trying to get me into bed. And I surely know you wouldn't be able to if you tried." She drinks the rest of her glass. "And sure you can by me a drink. Hell, If you want you can set me a up a tab." She says with a laugh.


((Damneich means damn in Irish. Really.))

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Connor chuckles to himself at shamrocks statement.


"Heh I could get you into bed if I really wanted to but you have a certain aura about you that's telling me that you would be a better mate than buck also that you would properly kick my ass"


Connor looks over to eclipse.


"Hay eclipse I want to start a tab stick shammy on it as well here's two hundred and fifty bits as to pay for any drinks for the next couple of hours also if you need some money to help repair this place I would not mind investing in the bar"


Connor turns to shamrock.


"So shammy tá tú asal deas"


Connor laughs.

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Shamrocks ear flicks at the last thing Connor said. "Trust me Connor, you would never be able to get me into bed with you. Not even if I were plastered.  And I can definitely kick your arse. And since you set me up a tab I might not." She drinks from her glass. "But you say something like that again, feicfidh mé a dhéanann tú isteach i unic."

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Connor smiled wide and looked at shamrock.


"Oh come on shammy lighten up I was only kidding besides you wouldn't want to hurt me would you your to nice for that beside I only complemented your figure is that so bad now look at me shammy

Tá do áilleacht an envy de na déithe agus mo chroí ar mhian

You know I speak the truth"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Thunder saw no-one took up his offer, grabbed his guitar and started playing the first song that came to his mind, "Polyphony" by Strapping Young Colt. Gently diving into the first chord and notes, he closed his eyes, to "feel" the music. He got to the verse and started singing, his voice surprisingly soft, for him being an extreme heavy metal musician and all.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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Shammy rolls her eyes again. "Yeah, yeah. I know you trying to be nice and what not. But not all mares like their arses to be complemented by someone they just met. Joking or not. And even though it's very rare to meet someone who speaks Irish in a small town like this. But I got to tell you now, you're barking up the wrong tree."

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Connor looked over to shamrock with a hurt look on his face and sighed.


"Oh woe is me the fair maiden does not wish to return my love and now I shall remain a broken and lonely pony to the day I shall die for it is she who have stolen my heart and ripped it to peaces... BwaHahahaha I crack my self up some times so ok shammy were friends then nothing more so why don't you tell me a bit about your self then.

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"I'm  a boxer. I fight in middle and heavyweight. I was the only mare to fight above her weight class and to fight stallions as well. I never lost a fight. I own my own boxing gym in Detrot. It use to be my das but he left it to me in his will. I could have gone pro but I wanted to run the gym. And I'm a fillyfooler." She takes another drink.


((A fillyfooler is a pony lesbian.))

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Seth, overhearing the conversation of Shammy and Connor, started laughing to himself. He turned his head to Rune.


"Even though I didn't understand a half the things the two said, that rich drinker is getting nowhere with that mare. Although I got a bit out of it." Seth said, nodding to his companion. "You need anything?"

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