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open Robots and Foal-sitters (Reboot) (SoL, Comedy)


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"Hello! I'm sorry, but I overheard that you have some sort of... problems? If you do, I can do anything to help, if you need me. Oh, and by the way, my name is Winter Willow. I just came here from Canterlot to work as a doctor in the hospital." When Winter Willow examined Nano closer. "Um, are you a robot? Well, I don't have anything against that but... Um..."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Nano, Doy'a need mah help?" Shardz asks, and wakes up virvidian, by placing his back on the ground, then..

BONK! she whacks him, on the head, softly.

"OWWW!" Virvidian yells. "Why'd ya do that?!" He said, and agrily stared at shards for a few moments."Ugh.."

"Virvidian, would you like to help nano?"

"Sure. Why not, for the sake of my sanity.."

Virvidian replied.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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(srry was busy, still am a little...)

Lost Thought was about to answer, when she started to see more and more ponies crowd around the robot and child. "You could say I'm here too help..." She started to listen again, and was interested in the pony talking about magic and science, "But I guess I would need to know the problem?" 


Something start to form in her head, another idea or plan. "Pardon me for a moment," She pulled out her book and started to write again, but left an ear open towards thier conversation.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@, @, @@Toon Richard, @, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


((Oh, sweet Celestia, so many people to respond to! Welp, here goes...!))


Galatea sighed rather loudly in exasperation. "I just don't know... I've never even met this Zecora before. The only reason I know about her is because Nano told me, and he only knew because one of his friends told him."


Nano looked around at all of the ponies, and so did Galatea. Realizing that there were now more than a few ponies gathered around, Galatea decided that enough was enough. She wriggled out of the grasp of the pony holding her; consequently, she fell the short distance to the ground and landed with a light thud in the grass on her back. She sighed again as she laid there, not bothering to get up for a while.


I'm getting too old for thi- Oh, wait..." she thought begrudgingly before she slowly got back onto her hooves.


In the meanwhile, Nano said to all of the ponies, "We can use all of the help we can get. We must find a way to turn Galatea back into a mare."


"And quickly!" Galatea interjected. "The less time I spend like this, the better."

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"Um, excuse me? Turn Galatea BACK into a mare?" Willow landed next to Nano and Galatea. "What happened? Are you alright? Was there any kind of accident?" Willow was starting to get worried. What could have happened to make Galatea younger? "What happened?" Well... she thought: At least all the fashion now is to look younger..


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Hmm. Lab accident?" Virvidian said. "We Shall help! Free of charge, like a neutron!" Shardz said, and laughed.

Virvidian, who was unamused, facehoofed, and shook his head left and right, in disaproval of shardz. She just shrugs.

"Tough crowd." She said. @@Miss Reaper,

"Well, If you want us to." Virvidian said to Nano and Galetea.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Miss Reaper, (lost is going to be trouble lol)


Lost Thought continued to writing. She couldn't help but find what the other said about a mare turning younger interesting. 'I'm no unicorn, but I know age is high level magic; even then the effects are temporary. This child is a... Child? I would have never even guessed a moment ago. To revert not only the body, but the mind back into a foal?'


She thought something like this was almost impossible before, but the evidence was in that robots hooves. 'That robots hooves!' After seeing two products, even if one was a mistake, of the mind that made made: Galatea the way she was, and Nano; Lost had to know. 


Lost pencil stopped moving, and she looked up. "Um... Galatea was it, Exactly who did this too you?" She forgot that she was suppose to be helping, "I-I mean, so we have someone to question of course."

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"I think that the one she mentioned, did this to her." Shardz said. "But its just a hunch."

Virvidian's stomach growled. He flew off, to get a cupcake.

"Be right back!" He yells, as he flies to Sugar Cube Corner.

Shardz just shrugs. Since she knew that he gets hungry quickly, she just shrugs.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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((OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while @Miss Reaper, but Pat is that kind of pony anyway.))


Patterson, who had not spoken for a while, leaned over to River.


Pat: "Ugh, there are too many ponies here. I can't stand it. I don't think I'll be of any use here. Let's go, they won't notice us anyway."


And through all the commotion, Pat and River began to quietly turn around and leave.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@, @, @@Toon Richard, @@Pat.Rio.T., @,


Galatea turned her gaze skyward, her expression clearly showing annoyance as she let out another sigh. "Yeah, I guess you could say it was an accident," she said. "But I did this to myself, okay? It was my experiment that backfired on me - although I still can't figure out what went wrong for the life of me..." She trailed off, grumbling for a few moments about how she looked over that device at least a hundred times and still couldn't find the cause of the problem, before she continued. "I could even show you the device that did this to me. It's back at my lab, and it isn't too far off from here."


She went over all that she said in her head, making sure that she covered everything, before she nodded to herself. But then, by some kind of delayed response, something registered in her mind, and she turned to look at Lost Thought - or rather, glare at her. "Hey! My adult mind is perfectly intact, thank you very much!" she huffed indignantly. "It's only my body that's been turned into a filly! Although, the more time I spend in this body, the more that I feel like... Never mind that! The important thing is, we need to find a solution!"

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Shardz whistles, and Virvidian came back with a bag of cupcakes. He took one out, and gave it to Galatea.

It was chocolate, with chocolate frosting. Shardz levitated hers, and took a small bite.

"Now, can you please Show us where to go?" She asked politely, and thought, 'I wish i was that smart..'

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"Oh no, are you hurt? We need to fix this. What kind of science were you doing? It can be very dangerous. Oh my, what if there are aftereffects? We need to fix this, quick! *gasp* Nano, do tou know anything about this?" Willow started hyperventilating. Her sister was hiding in the bushes during the conversation. "Don't worry, she does that."


(Its okay, Willow's little sister will have barely any affect on the RP.)

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@@Toon Richard, @,


Galatea briefly examined the cupcake that was given to her, before she sighed and handed the treat to Nano for him to store away. Perhaps she'd want it later, but she wasn't in the mood for sweets at the moment. She then looked at Willow, seemingly mildly irritated by the unnecessary worrying.


"I'm fine," she said, her tone matching her expression. "I was looking for a way to alter one's genetic code. It backfired on me, yeah, but it looks like the only thing that it did to me was change my physical age."


"I have observed no side effects as of yet," Nano added. "Although, I do worry about what may happen to her psychological state if she remains like this..." He trailed off, glancing curiously at Willow's sister for a moment.


"Hey, don't you start talking like that!" Galatea said, glaring up at the robot. "Don't you know that if you start thinking that bad things will happen, that they will happen? My mind is perfectly fine, and it's going to stay like that if I can help it!" She paused, letting out another sigh. "Anyway, the lab is over that way." She pointed a hoof in the general direction of the lab.


@, @@Pat.Rio.T., @

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"Oh. Um, sorry." "She can get like that." "Stop it, Crystal! Go play with your friends or something! Anyway, did you find anything that could have gone wrong?" Then she looked at Nano. "Were you around when this happened? If you were did you see anything? Maybe some part of the machine broke down and messed up the whole system."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@, @@Toon Richard, @@Pat.Rio.T., @,


Nano looked at Willow, and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I was not in the room when the incident occurred. All I know is that I heard the device activating from the other room. When I came to investigate, Galatea had been turned into a filly."


Galatea huffed. "I was there, and I still don't know what happened. I was only examining the device, and... I don't know, somehow the trigger mechanism malfunctioned or something like that. And yet, when I looked to see what was wrong, I couldn't find anything! You must understand, for an engineer, that is one of the most frustrating things you could possibly face."


The filly looked down and sighed before glancing at Willow and the other ponies. "I was thinking about returning to the lab, taking another look at that device. If you'd like to accompany us, that's fine. Come on, Nano." Nano nodded, following after Galatea as she started walking in the direction of the lab. She stopped for just a moment, glancing back to see if any of the others would follow.

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"I think that would help. Um... but I don't know anything about machines. I'm pretty sure I could help if I built it myself. Um... I'm going. If anypony wants to come." Crystal Flower once again peeked out of the bush. "Sorry, but I'm pretty sure I could help if I was not off playing with my friends." But before anyone could have turned their heads, she hid again.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"Lets do this!" They say at once, and High five!

"Anything you want, We can do!" They say,and smile. "So. Yeah. We will do this for free."

Shardz nods. "Hey, Galatea? Have you thought that your filly body is more blessing than curse?" She also asks. "I wish i was as small as you!" She smiles.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@, @@Toon Richard,


(( OOC: Says "let's keep this thing active!" and then neglects roleplay for two days. I ought to be ashamed of myself. Scratch that, I am. :( ))


Nano did indeed turn to look when he heard Crystal's voice, only to see nothing in the bush. He disregarded it and continued following behind Galatea, who only had getting back to the lab as the main thing on her mind; she'd heard Crystal as well, but had blatantly ignored it unlike Nano. And when Shardz mentioned thinking of the situation as a blessing rather than a curse, Galatea scoffed, not bothering to hide her contempt for the idea. "Yeah, right. I don't think any grown pony in their right mind would want to be this small. I'm way too short! I can't even reach my own worktable back at the lab! And that is a pain, trust me."



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"Well, Think about it! You have a much more precice angle, while you are a filly! Its easy enough to see." Shardz says, and then,

"And plus, I will help you with the  chair situation, I promise you!" She says, and smiles. "Much more blessing than a curse indeed!" She laughs.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Streamsung was passing by on the street. She had been visiting a few of the young students today to invite them to an extra lesson about the history of music in equestria. Up until now, to her despise, none had been interested. She was about to go to the next house when she saw a strange assemblance of ponies walking together.


Not noticing the robot, she approached them because of the little filly in the midst of them. She knew every little colt and filly in town because of her job as a teacher, and she hadn't seen this face around. "Why not say hello?" She thought. Maybe she could get this filly to come by her extra lessons.


"Why hello to you little filly! I haven't seen you around in town, are you from here?" She said as she walked along the small group.

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Toon Richard, @@Scribblegroove,


Galatea grumbled grumpily, "I don't care what you say, this is not a blessing. And the longer I spend like this, the worse it is! I just want to get back to the lab, and hopefully get that device fixed." With that, Galatea would say no more on the subject, fixing her gaze on the path ahead of her. Shardz mentioning helping her only worsened her mood. It was part of the reason that she hated being in this vulnerable filly body - she was so... so... helpless!


When Streamsung spoke, Galatea froze, almost literally so as she paused mid-step. Nano, who was directly behind her, hadn't noticed that the filly had stopped, and accidentally bumped her with his hoof as he was walking. With a little yelp, Galatea lost balance and fell forward, face-planting into the ground with her rump in the air. Nano, upon realizing what happened, stopped walking immediately and looked down at her in concern.


After a few moments, Galatea slowly got back up, shaking her head before looking up at the mare that had spoken. "Uh... H-Hi there," she said uncertainly, her high-pitched filly voice tinged with nervousness. "U-Um... I'm kind of from around here?" Saying that, she had sounded even more uncertain and nervous. She knew that, acting this way, she was again more than likely coming off as a timid young filly; she wasn't intending to do as such, but it seemed that she couldn't help it somehow! It was her own nervousness making her seem shy.

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Streamsung jumped backwards after what happened to the small filly. "Oh no! Are you all right? Did you hurt yourse..." She stopped mid sentance as she looked at what appeared to be a ROBOT right next to her. The fillies words that came after that weren't really payed attention to as she was ftightened by the living metal construction.


"Umm..." She said softly. "Are y-you a robot? I-is this a r-robot?" She asked.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Well.. thats mean." Shardz said, and glared at gala. She hates being the pony who got shot down, she normally shoots down others, but this time wasnt the case. She was unhappy. She wants to help, but afterwards, nag at Galatea for doing such things. Shardz will get her revenge.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Scribblegroove, @@Toon Richard,


Galatea huffed softly at Shardz, not particularly caring whether or not she was being mean right now as she rubbed her sore nose. Her entire time in this filly body, let alone this day, had been stressful for her, and she simply wanted it to be over with. She wasn't going to lie, she was in somewhat of a bad mood. One could also say she was also acting a little bratty, but she would have instantly denied such a claim.


Meanwhile, Nano wasn't all too surprised by the mare's reaction; being a robot pony, he was used to receiving responses of surprise, shock, and even fear. He simply gave her a gentle look as he said calmly, "Yes, I am a robot. But do not worry, I will not harm you." It was a routine familiar to him: confirm that he was indeed a robot, assure the pony that he was harmless, and try to gain acceptance. He found that the last step was, surprisingly, fairly easy, at least in Ponyville. The citizens of the town in question were so naturally kind and friendly, it would have been difficult for him not to have been accepted, he sometimes thought. But others, he was a little more uncertain about. All he could do was be as friendly as possible, and hope for the best.

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"Robots are friggin awesome! so a mare of Galatea's stature, wouldlove making a well built robot,, of this status. Guess what? You see her now! Not me, but this little filly here! Galatea Had a lab accident, that metamorphosised her into the body of a filly, and we intend on helping her!" Shardz said in one breath.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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