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open Robots and Foal-sitters (Reboot) (SoL, Comedy)


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She was shocked, and surprised!

"Well. This is a fine pickle!" She said, and then looked to river.

"So, im currently, a filly, about the size of applebloom. Whelp."

She had a semifustrated look, and a semid'awww look, since she saw herself.

"But i do, however look adorable!" She had a wide grin.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth,


"Oh, my..." Nano muttered, still looking at Shardz when he heard Virvidian's voice from the other side of the door. Throwing another glance or two back at the latest mare-turned-filly, Nano made his way to the door to allow Virvidian and his friends in; he was so troubled by the most recent development - which he felt that somehow may have partly been his fault for even being near the device that caused all this - that he couldn't even be bothered to ask about the ponies now accompanying the young stallion.


Meanwhile, Galatea wasn't the least bothered by Shardz turning into a filly. In fact, she still thought that Shardz had somehow made herself shrink. And when River picked up a particularly shiny object, she was distracted from the situation with Shardz altogether, as the young filly was fascinated with the shiny thing. She trotted up to Shardz and River, staring up at the shiny thing - it was so shiny, she could see herself in it!

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When virvidian got inside, He was surprised.

He looked down at shardz, and wondered,'What happened to her?' 

"Shardz, Are you okay?" He asked.

"Despite me being about the hieght of applebloom, Just fine, actually!" She replied, with a smile. She was normally optimistic. 

"What happened?" 

She said, and pointed at the machine that did so.

"Hmmm. Isnt that the same one that made you know who, into a filly?"

She nodded.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Beth tried real hard not to laugh. It was just in her nature to laugh at unforeseen accidents. "let me guess, invention trouble?" she asked looking at the invention on the table. Ipkiss on the other hand just hugged Shardz. "you know you look really cute as a filly shardz! " said Ipkiss smiling. "anything we can do to help?" asked Beth with a smile.

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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Patterson looked at Shardz and at a distraught Nano.


Pat: "Gee Nano, there's two of them now. I'm afraid I don't know what to do to help, I'm not very technologically inclined."


He said. Meanwhile, River was mostly watching Shardz in astonishment, until she noticed Galatea standing in front of the mirror-like , sheet of metal, staring very intently at her reflection. River got an idea, she started warping the metal, causing the reflection to change shape and size.


@Miss Reaper

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


"This is very worrisome," Nano said, looking at the two fillies whilst approaching the worktable once more. Turning towards the device once more, the robot continued, "I must try to repair this device, before yet another incident occurs..." But even as he said that, Nano seemed almost afraid of the device - namely, fearing that it would misfire again if he so much as touched the thing. He nervously reached towards the device, only to quickly pull his hoof back, his behavior and mannerisms at this moment reflecting those of a certain timid yellow Pegasus.


Diverting his attention from the device for a few moments, he glanced towards the fillies again. Shardz seemed to be taking her new form surprisingly well (unlike Galatea at first, whom had promptly panicked upon discovering what had happened) - and Galatea was watching the shiny metal sheet River had, giggling at her own reflection as it warped in silly ways with the bending of the thin metal. Well, at least that situation is under control... Nano thought with some relief, recalling how much trouble he'd had dealing with Galatea on his own before these other ponies showed up to help.

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@Miss Reaper


Patterson watched as Nano reached out his hoof and timidly pull it away from the device, fearing that it would misfire yet again.


Pat: "Nano, I'm may not be a technician, but don't you think it would be a good idea to, say, unplug it? Or, you know, cut off it's power source? If we can accomplish that, then maybe there won't be any more misfires at least."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Shardz said. 

"I always loved being small. It allows me to go under objects with ease!" Shardz said, and smiled.

"Yeah, BUT there are downsides, shardz.." Virvidian warned his cousin, who seemed to ignore him.

"I also look so freaking cute!" She had a grin on her face.

"Like you cant do certain things!" Her cousin warned (Virvidian Shade is Shardz's cousin.), and face hoofed.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"yeeaah, I have to agree with Virvidian on this one Shardz. I mean, since your a filly now, how are you going to do your job as a nurse? Nopony would want to get medical help from a little filly. Which means Virvidian has to work twice as hard to support you and him. Not to mention you might not get to do some fun things... like say not being able to ride certain rides at amusement parks, or watch PG13 movies." explained the green Pegasus.  "oh, and if Virvidian ever gets in trouble, you might be ending up being put up for adoption by the Feds" said Beth crossing her hooves. 


Ipkiss who was cuddling Shardz said "I think so too shardz... even if you are adorable" she said nuzzling the filly. 

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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@@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth,


"The... The power source is internal. I know that much," Nano said, peering down into the complex circuitry and wiring of the device. He started tapping his front hooves together nervously as he sat and studied the device's interior, wishing he had paid more attention when Galatea was building the thing. One would think that a robot comprised of advanced technology would have an understanding of technology itself; but Galatea wanted him to be more like a normal pony and less like a supercomputer resembling a pony, so she had programmed him accordingly. "I don't know where the power source would be, though... Only Galatea does! Er, did..."


He stole another glance towards the pony in question. The filly was still being entertained by River and the reflective metal sheet, now making silly faces at her own reflection. Then Nano shook his head, turning his attention back towards the device. "No, I can't remain afraid of this. I must at least try!" And so he started analyzing the various parts within the device, attempting to deduce which might be the internal power supply. Perhaps near where that little flashing red light was...?


(( OOC: Focused mode activate! If Nano were to be startled right now, the reaction would be hilarious. :lol: ))

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Shardz had a moment of silence.

She understood beth's reasoning.


She said, in a tone that wouldnt startle nano. 

"That would be understandable."

She said, with a bit of logic.

"Whelp. This may be a bit of a pickle." She said, and was fustrated, but wasnt to disturb nano.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


"I think this is it..." Nano said to himself as he spotted a small silver box within the device, directly next to that little red light - which, apparently, was an indicator that the device did indeed have power. The robot quickly glanced over what he presumed to be the power supply, looking to see if there was a switch or otherwise something else he could flip to turn off the device safely. There was none; the power supply was directly plugged in, with no parts to indicate that it was meant to be switched off. It seemed that Nano would have to try and pull the thing out.


Now focusing every ounce of concentration, he reached in and gripped the power supply box firmly. He started to pull on it, gradually increasing the strength with which he pulled. The box slowly but surely came loose, but not before giving off a few sparks of electricity in complaint. Nano focused on keeping his hooves steady as he began lifting the power supply from the interior of the device. He didn't want any other complications or accidents happening, and thus he was being as careful as he possibly could be...


Meanwhile, Galatea soon lost interest in the shiny metal sheet and her reflection as she heard Nano tinkering with the device. She turned to look in his direction, and then trotted over to him. "Whatcha doing?" she asked rather loudly.


The sudden sound of the filly's voice startled Nano; he let out a surprised whinny, and the power supply was flung out of sight as the robot fell over onto his side - having been so badly startled that he had briefly shorted. Galatea merely seemed somewhat confused at this reaction, and started poking Nano with her hoof. "Is he broken?" she asked, noting that he was unresponsive for the moment.

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@Miss Reaper


Pat: "Uh oh!"


Patterson exclaimed as Nano lost the power core and collapsed. River caught the core in midair before it could cause any damage to itself or anything else. Pat trotted over to Galatea and Nano.


"Don't worry, I'm sure that if you built him well enough, he should recover soon. I mean, er, I'm sure he'll wake up soon. You just startled him a little."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Shardz, snickered and laughed, and went on her back, rolling and laughing.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOH MY SIDES ARE HURTING, BWAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHO" She laughed, then snorted. She continued to laugh, and smile.


She eventually calmed down, after an  hour of laughing.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"well, looks like we probably should reboot him, " said Beth as she walked up to the robot. She helped him up so he was standing though his head was hung limply low. She started to search for an on switch to turn him on. "just hope its an external switch and not an internal switch" she said while searching.

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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Technicolor pricks her ears forward as she finally finds the laboratory door. She sighs a sigh of relief and then realizes- it's locked!

"Well... No doorbell," she mutters to herself. "Oh wait. That's how smart I am. I could just knock."

Technicolor gives a gentle knock to the door and stands patiently.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @@Technicolor_Pony,


Galatea's little ears twitched curiously as she looked up at Pat, mildly confused by his first statement before he corrected himself with the following one. She then glanced over at Shardz, wondering what was so funny, before she returned her gaze to Nano, staring at him intently as she waited for him to wake up.


Then the filly watched Beth as she searched for a switch on Nano. Immediately deciding that she wanted to help out, Galatea started walking around the robot pony, looking this way and that for anything resembling a switch. She couldn't find anything at first, and would have soon lost interest had she not spotted something: the strange notch and sharp points at the end of Nano's tail. Though this was in actuality merely a part of his design, the filly assumed it to be something like a switch.


"I think this is the switch!" she stated, placing her hooves over the tip of his tail where the perceived oddity was and pressing down. His metal tail flexed slightly, but otherwise didn't do anything. The reality was that Nano had no external switch - it wasn't necessary, for he soon rebooted on his own accord. He came back slowly, somewhat disoriented from the brief time spent offline. Galatea, thinking that her actions had initiated Nano's automatic self-reboot process, exclaimed, "I did it, I did it!" while still holding onto the "switch" on his tail.


Nano looked around to regain his bearings, and then noticed that the little red filly wasn't in his sights. "Galatea? Where are you?" He turned sharply to look behind him, which in turn made his tail swing in the opposite direction. Galatea, rather than letting go, latched onto his tail, easily lifted off of her hooves when his tail swung. Still not realizing that he had a little passenger, he kept turning about face, hoping it would somehow change the fact that he wasn't seeing Galatea. Galatea started giggling and laughing, quite enjoying the ride she was being unwittingly given.


The robot stopped as he heard someone knocking at the door. He slowly walked to the door, still glancing about as he wondered where that young filly had gone, before he opened it to whomever it was outside.

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Technicolor had the door opened to a robot. She was in awe. He looked so cool! Such advanced technology! After a moment, realzing the robot was wanting to see what she wanted, she embarrassedly said,

"Uh, hi! I'm Technicolor. call me Tech or TC... I heard you had a problem with a foal? I'm a great entertainer!!" She said gleefully, doing a backflip in the air while changing colors.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Shardz snickered.

"Nano, Looks like you got a filly on your tail!" She said, and laughed.

Virvidian, facehoofed, again. 

"Bad joke. Very bad joke." He shook his head, His cousin often makes bad jokes.

"What?! It was hilarious!" Shardz said, and continued to laugh.  "I dont get why  you called my joke bad!"

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Technicolor_Pony, @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


"Greetings, Technicolor," Nano said to the mare whose... coat seemed to change color with her mood? The robot found that quite interesting, having never seen such a thing in a pony before. "My name is Nano. And yes, there is a young foal that... I can't quite seem to find at the moment." He took another glance around, appearing a little worried about not being able to find Galatea.


Then Shardz informed him that there was a filly on his tail. "Uh, what?" he said questioningly, turning around to look. Surely enough, there was Galatea, still clinging to his tail and giving him a most innocent look. Nano sighed, partly from the relief of finally finding the filly and partly from the exasperation that she was still giving him such trouble. Turning his attention back towards Technicolor, he stated, "This is Galatea..."


The small filly turned her large golden brown eyes towards the mare and greeted her with a cheerful, "Hi!"

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Technicolor saw the young filly and smiled. "Hi there! How're you, Galatea?"  Technicolor flapped her wings and seemingly levitated in the air, and decided to change her coat to her regular neon green. "What do you like to do for fun?" Her eyes gleamed, feeling like she herself was young again.

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@@Technicolor_Pony, @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


"I'm good," Galatea answered Technicolor. "And I like to play for fun!" She giggled, swinging herself so that she now hung upside-down from Nano's tail. Then looking at Technicolor once more, she blinked and her eyes widened slightly in surprise when she noticed that the mare had changed her coat color. "Whoa, you changed colors! How'd you-"


"Er, Galatea, if you could please remove yourself from my tail, I have work that needs to be done," Nano interrupted her, feeling slightly impatient if only for the desire to fix that device and return the filly-fied ponies back to normal as soon as possible.


Galatea scrunched up her muzzle, making a displeased expression. "No."


"Please, Galatea, I don't quite have the time for thi-"


"I wanna keep playing!" the filly whined.

Nano sighed again in sheer exasperation, and gave a harsh shake of his tail in an attempt to coerce the little pony to let go. Galatea yelped in surprise, but managed to stubbornly hold on regardless, tightening her hold on the robot's tail.

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Technicolor smiled as she looked at the small filly. At the comment on her cot, she smiled proudly.

"Oh yes, I'm radioactive!" She turned around to show a radioactive cutie mark upon her flank. She proudly showed the radioactive symbol on her flank. noticing nano's distress and the young foal's wish to play, she developed an idea.

"you ever been flying?" Technicolor asked as she turned around, showing her long tail as she flapped her wings. "Now's your chance!"

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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"Uuuhh..." Shardz said, looking at technicolor. "Isnt that dangerous?" She said.

"Come on, Galatea, let go!!" Virvidian said, trying to help nano out. "Please?" He said, and tried to pick up galatea.

(Perfect time for something to go hilariously wrong, @@Miss Reaper! Make it funny, and interesting.)

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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