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private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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This was not going well. Twilight was losing this fight and it was obvious to everyone. Fluttershy began to cry at the thought of losing her best friend. Aaron would not have this. He looked to Twilight and began to speak. "Pricess Twilight. Are you going to lose to this. Let your friends down after you have been through so much with them. I thought you were stronger than this." Fluttershy watched as Aaron talked to her friend, she stood next to him.

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@@Mr. Critical


Twilight was not going to lose this fight. The foe was taking advantage of her. "Wait a minute. I'm a Princess. These are my friends...my true true friends. What am I doing letting this foe take over my mind?" Twilight thought to herself. "Those aren't your friends. They're just a bunch of worthless peices of filth that need to DIE!" The foe said in Twilight's mind. "Not on my watch!" Twilight proclaimed out loud as she let out a scream as her horn lit. She was doing it. The possession was almost rendered away. "That's it Twilight! Keep going!" Rainbow encouraged. "You think you're all that. Well you're the worthelss piece of filth that needs to die!" Twilight stated out loud as she screamed one last time and a huge light scattered everywhere.  

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Aaron and Fluttershy shielded their eyes from the brilliant light. It engulfed the whole town. Rarity could even see it from where she resided in Canterlot. "What in the world?" Rarity went for the door, she had to see what was happening in her old town. Her friends could be in danger and she had to be there for them. Rarity was not the only one to see it. Back in Vanhoover, Princess Celestia had witnessed this spctacle. Her anger rising the more she thought about it.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Rainbow sheilded her eyes. Once the light faded, Twilight lay there motionless. She wasn't dead though, semi-conscious. Rainbow ran over to the fallen princess. "Twilight!" She shouted as she went and made sure Twilight wasn't dead. It looked as if she were dead. Rainbow couldn't take it. "Tw-Twlight..." She said breaking down in the sobbing hugging her fallen friend. But lo and behold, Twilight felt the tears and slowly woke to find the crying Rainbow Dash. "Wh-what happened?" She asked as she got up. Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped crying. "Y-you're alive!" Rainbow proclaimed hugging Twilight tightly.  

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Ocean hugs  Thunder Dash, "So where are you staying then? If you don't have anywhere, you can always live with my family. I know they would love to have you live with us." Ocean says, hugging him tight, she then fishes out some more sweets for Chirp and gives them to her.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Well, I stay close to the castle." Thunder stated. Suddenly a bright light engulfed Canterlot. Thunder sheilded his eyes. The light soon faded. "What was that all about?" Thunder asked. Suddenly an uncover guard ran over to Thunder. "Great news! Twilight had been ridden of the possession!" The guard stated. "What?! Wow! That's great news. Now it should be safe to enter Ponyville!" Thunder exclaimed. "...And I could go to Cloudsdale now!" Thunder added.


Ponyville is now part of Equestria again.

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Ocean smiles, "That is wonderful news! And you know, the mansion isn't that far from the castle.." Ocean says thoughtfully, she really wanted him to live with her, She gently strokes Chirp's fur as she noms down the sweets. Ocean smiles and kisses her on the head, 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Well, I did want to go back to Cloudsdale..." Thunder stated. Chirp mewed happily when Ocean patted her on the head as she continued to eat her fruits. "I'm just so glad Twilight Sparkle is back again, 'cause you know what that means. Now Twilight and her friends can wield the Elements of Harmony again!" Thunder stated.  

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Ocean thinks, "Well I have always wanted to go to Cloudsdale again,  if that is what you want and if it'll make you happy. Then we can do that." she says smiling at him, "Besides, it'll be good to get out of here for a while. I just hope that when we leave, nothing happens to Canterlot while we are gone."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Okay. I will make sure that all guards are in position." Thunder stated. He then went up to a guard. "Sir, Twilight has been rendered from the possession. Ready the chariots in case ponies want to travel to Ponyville. The train will remain closed until further notice." Thunder stated. "Yes sir!" The guard stated as he went over to tell the other guards.


"Alright then, let's head over to Cloudsdale." Thunder stated as he took to the skies. Chirp mewed happily. "Chirp is still a little to young to fly." Thunder commented. 

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Ocean smiles, "I am sure Shade would love to look after her while we are gone" She walks over to Shade and asks him, he nods. She thanks him and goes back to Thunder, she launches herself off the ground and kisses him, mid flight, "he's more than happy to look after her. So are we ready?" 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Chirp mewed a goodbye. "My house is close to the Rainbow Falls." Thunder stated as they went higher and higher. They could see Ponyville, where the commotion took place. Thunder saw Twilight recovering talking to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. "Well, there's Ponyville." Thunder stated. 

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"It looks so peaceful now that Princess Twilight is back to herself now.  It's wonderful." Ocean says thoughtfully, she smiles at Thunder, "Love, I don't know how or why, but I have a feeling we can win this battle. If Princess Twilight can defeat the enemy within herself, I am certain the other princesses can too"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Comet watched the scene happen before him. He slowly forgot about this 'being' standing before him. He dropped his guard and rushed to the princess, but quickly stopped a few feet away remembering he had no rights with aproaching royalty. Still he smiled on, keeping his distance. This meant that there would probably be a larger threat toward princess Twilight, as all the opposing sides would see her unite with canterlot a larger threat. With this thought in his mind, he began to add up all of the possibilities in his head before finally making a decision.


"Princess Twilight! Eer... Ma'am... I-I wish to join the guard! To help protect you, your friends and all the ponies of this land! I will serve to bring peace back to Equestria!"


And with his mind made up, he awaited the princesses response.

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@,@@Comet Starflash,


Twilight was conscious now of her surrounding. "I...I......I'm so sorry. P-please don't hate me..." Twilight stated with tears welling in her eyes down on the ground. "What? Hate you. No, we still love you. I'm just so glad to have you back Twilight." Rainbow stated.


"Yes, and since Twilight's rendered, Cadence can be rendered as well. Besides, she's the Princess of Love. But just because she's that, doesn't mean it will be a cakewalk." Thunder advised.  

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Ocean smiles, "Yes, which would be great, because with the help from the Princess of Love, I am sure that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be able to be rendered easily. Of course, even after they are rendered, we still have to find out who or what exactly this enemy is, and how to defeat it for good." She says as  she flies next to Thunder Dash with a smile.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Yep, but I know for a fact that Luna's gonna be the hardest to deal with. The foe will turn her into Nightmare Moon, and may block all possibilities to use memories as a render for the possession. It may have to be a one direct shot from the Elements of Harmony, which could defeat both the enemy and Nightmare Moon, because of the pure rainbow." Thunder explained. 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Ocean nods in understanding, "That is true, and all we can do is hope for now. Umm Thunder, dear.. May I ask you something please?" She asks and without waiting for a reply she asks, "What made you fall in love with me? I mean I'm nothing special, just your ordinary mare, all be it, one without a cutie mark, and all that." 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Well...see, the thing is...I...knew that something wasn't right. I didn't want you to continue to suffer and be humiliated by other ponies. It was a rescue from all of the pain you've been though. And I know that someday, just someday, you will get a cutie mark." Thunder stated.  

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Aaron watched as the friends met up with Twilight, now free from her imprisonment. He went over to a rock and watched the things play out. Fluttershy went up with Rainbow and one of the other ponies bowed to Twilight. No idea what that was about. Then he saw something in the corner of his eye. Beside him was a white unicorn that looked exhausted. She looked ready to collapse from the weight. Aaron used the ring to lift the heavy materials off her. "Oh, thank you. That was really dreadful carrying those from the train was exhausting." Aaron sat the materials down. "Tis nothing." Rarity looked over to her friends. "Twilight!" Rarity ran over to her friends as well.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Twilight looked up. "Rarity! There you are." Twilight then looked around at the damage she had caused to her home, her town...Ponyvile. Tears started to well up again. "Oh no...wh...what have I done?" She asked starting to sob lightly. Rainbow Dash was right there by her side. "It wasn't you Twilight. It will be fixed, and Equestria will be back together again." Rainbow Dash assured.  

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Rarity gave a scoff. "Oh forget about the mess, darling. I'm just glad to see you free from that awful curse or whatever it was." She brought her friend into a hug. Fluttershy joined in as well. Aaron sat on the rock next to Rarity's stuff and watched the display of love amongst the friends. Bringing a smile to his face.

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@, @@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear ran forward so that she was beside Comet. She raised her head in a confident manner. "I wish to join the guard too if you will have me, Your Highness." She bowed her head. She wasn't about to let Comet run off into danger with her being able to keep an eye on him.

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@@Nuclear Neurotic,


"Very well. You must report to Canterlot and speak to a pony named Thunder Dash. Although my brother, Shining Armor, is the head of the guard, Thunder is in command of them, since he is in Canterlot." Twilight stated.


Ponies that are in Twilight's Quarter are now able to move to Canterlot and back. After a Princess has been rendered from the possession, they are able to move in and out of that quarter, as long as they don't go in quarters where there are still possessed princessess.  

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Comet's eyes darted and looked at Nuclear, a little angry. But Comet wasn't going to bring it up here. He wanted to at least SEEM like he was trying to become a peacekeeper. Comet knelt as he spoke. "Ma'am, forgive me for interrupting, and seeming like I'm rushing you reunion with you friends." He looks up and gives a nod, as though tipping his hat to them. "But I reckon that with this new foe leaving your head, it'll probably be a greater threat, trying to eliminate rather than manipulate you."

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