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open 1st Alicorn Party hosted by Death

Anon In Equestria

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@@Lightning Bliss, Lightning wait, there hasn't been a hint of magic yet, and I'm not the only one here, I was making a joke about your fur and everything. I'm the only really 'dark' alicorn here so far, the other one is here for research. I did get to speak to my dead mother, so unless you have something against ghost, then yea leave.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


*Snorts from his joke like insult and turns hotly at him* What is wrong about my fur that you'd make a joke about it? *Blushes red and tears up* :blush: :( Why would you even make such a comment? I dare not insult you sir...I hardly even know anything about you, except your claims on discord and your deceased mother Princess Luna


(OOC that makes no sense...why would Luna be dead and ressurrected...kind inconsistent no offense with others who want to enteract with her)


*Turns away from him again* Fine... I'll hang around a little longer just to meet this host...but far as you and I are concerned, we did NOT get off on the right hoof here... I respect if your claimed to be the son of Discord...but that doesn't mean you should go around and joking about other ponies looks! *shakes her head disapprovingly* -_- 

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss, Well compared to 2/3 of the ponies here you're the most cheerful. I can't remember if anything bad has happen to you, but me and the other here have had a bad past.


(OOC Nightmare was my mother and Luna is here she is just on business, read the past posts)



Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


(OOC ah that explains it then, Nightmare MOON was your mom, not specifically Luna, got it that would make some sense)


*Blushes again nervously* I do have...a bit of a dark past, I just don't like to boast about it is all. My name has some meaning in being Blissful...and whats happened in the past shouldn't determine my future. *She walked passed him and sat down quietly, trying to ignore the gurgling in her stomach*


If you must know about any...dark pointless details of my past... I could only sum them up as... When I was a pegasi, i was picked on for my freakishly long ears and gryphon like tail *she showed him both* then i found my true love...who was a dragon and we were gonna get married to each other, with the help of our best friends... But attempting to do so lead down a road of violence and nearly a war outbreak between gryphon terrorists who thought the ponies and dragons were uniting under together through mine and my husband's marriage bond, gain a powerful army and attack the Gryphon Empire of the East. My husband's mother, Prya...head of the red wyvern clans...was agains the marriage as well...resulting in our union being put on hold by a war outbreak between the Gryphon Army and Prya along with 2 other dragon leaders... Somehow though...through the power of the sacred place, where me and my love were getting married...summoned some sort of hidden power within me to stop the war...and heal the wounded and dead...Negotiations were struck soon after that and the Empire and the dragons went their seperate ways. Me and my husband got married and that somehow trigged my ascention...


*She stopped then realizing to continue her story down another dark path between herself, and her life linked brother, would be too much*


It had its dark parts I suppose...and we lost alot of good gryphons before that war just to get to that point...but now that theres peace and unity with the Empire and the Northern Dragons, I have no reason to live on and "dwell" on my past.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@ wolf smith


¨Really? well then take your time but be cautious, wouldn't want to have to return to my day job too early¨ I cautioned trying to reveal my side occupation.




¨Quick one eh death? You are making it hard to behave myself. I'm trying not to have to exercise today as I have a date tonight with a gem of a pony¨ I said grinning with adrenaline

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@@Lightning Bliss, *I come over and sit on the other side of the bench* Dang, you've been in war and I've had to kill my mother. *I sit there shacking my head* Don't get down, he feeds off of sorrow. Where is Death anyways, why do I have a felling he watching us right now. *I sit there thinking where the scythe is* "Maybe it's in his room"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Death leaves the shadows and appears behind Lightning Bliss


"Lightning Bliss how nice to finally meet the pony who sent so many souls my way business was never better than during that war between the dragons and the griffins ahhh I even had to hire a few assistants to help"


Death turns to face Night Wolfe


"I hope you two haven't been telling her bad things about me"

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@@Cimarronboy@@Lightning Bliss, Ah looks who awake, Hero meet Lightning. I just got done talking with my mother, Nightmare. She forgave me for what I did. I really thought she would kill me, so while we wait for Death how about we talk about our cutie marks


Hero how about you go first, I'm sure you can tel us a lot. 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Eh...sorry guys I'm not feeling this RP sadly, not really...consistent, nor do I feel alicorny party like in this RP sorry lol Cya later have fun, ignore my previous posts just go on like i was never here.


Kinda a false advertisement if this was supposed to be a party for alicorns lol, so far its just a few ponies talking about dark pasts and how misserable they are.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@, *I get shocked* Fuck, don't scary me like that. And what is with you and shadow, what is it like your drug? *I laugh* You liked that little snack, cause there might be more. So anyways lets talk about our cutie marks, mines the Lambda symbol, the symbol of half-life, I could care less for anypony most of the time. And no I didn't say anything bad about you.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@ wolf smith


"Yeah death's a bit speedier than I credited but that's ok it wasn't a fatal mistake so I'm more informed next time". "My mark is all a bunch of my sources for inspiration and my powers. It was drawn for me by the mare I'm trying to win over when she was designing an outfit for a party" I explained. "The guitar represents how I am able to use musical energy to manipulate anything/everything, the sword and shield represent that I'm a warrior and a hero and the dream bubble represents the fact that all of it appeared in my dreams". 

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@@Cimarronboy, Hmm, cool. Yea sometime when I'm walking around people call me gay, cause this symbol also is the symbol for gay, which I'm not, I may or may not have a small crush on Twilight. Oh Death I could have sent you a few souls if I wasn't with Discord. *I turn and see that Lightning is gone* Well it's just me and you guys, so what can we do right now Death @



(OOC, going to take a shower)

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


"Speaking of I wonder if she got an invite, shoulda checked in before I left town. Oh well I don't live with her anyway,so it's not like she needed to know more than my needle wielding roommate" "If you want though maybe I can try to hook you and princess magic up, if she's not still into that guard." I offered. "I only know the six cuz I was one's little sisters pet long before a spell wore off."

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@@Cimarronboy, The Twilight from my world is not an alicorn and I also think mine cutie represents my love for science. Yea I was running back to my old house in the Everfree forest when I bumped into her. Yea she didn't take it so well, I think she almost passed out. 


@,  I got an idea why don't you show us around the place *I think to myself, maybe I can find the thing Nightmare wants*

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@ wolf smith


"That makes this more interesting. It seems death has opened an interplaner link to multiple chronological planes. I wouldn't be surprised if he could pull someone close from my home plane here, though I'd rather not find out." I mused out loud



"I agree, since you brought us here why don't you show us your home and maybe explain to us how and why you are so interstingly powerful and even whether you truly are friend or foe." I agreed  

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Death smiles and head towards the door


"Yes you are right my realm is accsesable from all universes Know I shall show you my domain if that is what you want follow me"



He leaves and hero factor and Night wolfe follow him into a room full of statues


"This my mortal friends is the hall of heroes anypony born with godlike powers and that has used these powers for good or evil will have a statue built and place here to commemorate there victory's feel free to look around and see if there is any heroes that has done anything that interests you"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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@, Not to be mean, but if that's the case wheres Hero's and where's mine *I walk to one of the statues*hi look it's my father and my mother right next to each other. Wish my home was this cool.* I look further down and see Luna and Celestia* So when will lady Death be back? 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"Lady Death or as all mortals call her Princess luna shall return later this evening she is in canterlot in universe B21 or as I call it the central universe since all other universes are copied from that as for where your doplgangers are they might not even exist in other universes"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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@, I think you misunderstood, you said anypony that is born with amazing powers, you build a statue in  their name, right. So if that's the case where is Hero's and mine's *I walk further down the hall and find Sombra* urh...I hate this guy, he had no point in taking over that kingdom.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


Yeah I've kicked bumm all over an equestrian plane and mine own home plane, why have not you a statue of me nor night wolf?" I asked in agreement. "Wait a minute...... you know maybe just add me to her statue and I'll call it even" I said blushing at a statue version of my gem "Any more accurate and she'd be sewing my death shroud" I said in admiration




"I have no doppleganger. There are versions of me for each plane, this I've witnessed. As for b21 I do believe that is the one I was pulled into unwillingly, am I correct?"

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Death turns to face Night wolfe and shakes his head.


"Oh I see well the answer to your question would be you both have yet to chose a side Good or Evil Light or Dark Life or Death take sombra for instance He took the crystal kingdom for the side of Evil so that is why he has a statue here same for Celestia she founded her Empire For the Side of Good so she earns her place here unlike the two of you who haven't left a mark on the world yet"

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@@Cimarronboy, i don't think I have,  I do remember getting teleported to Earth, that was a fun place I meet three new friends. hmm, good times    


 (OOC Yea I do have two stories around Night, one where he with Discord and the other he gets teleported to earth, so this Night is after all of that has happen even thought both stories are different and don't tie with one another, cause the Night that gets teleported to earth doesn't return, but what if he did. That THIS Night, confusing yes, but if you need more info just ask. Trust me I've broken a few minds trying to explain this)

@, Ahh I see now, so when we pick good or bad, then we get a statue. *I fly back over to Death and Hero* So really there could have been more of me, but where would I fit in the 'normal' world if I was in a different world. Funny thing is I just got done in a battle world, where pony from different world come and fight, you would love it Death

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@lonewolf 1735


"Really? I currently fight an alien invasion, Helped save a kingdom, fight mutated creatures, save lives on a daily basis, fight a second batch of aliens trying to destroy humanity as well as an older more advanced race of beings, fight evil organizations to stop them from using powerful creatures to rule the world, and stop an evil computer virus from destroying the world. and that's not mentioning things I've done here in equestria! I think I've more than earned a statue. On the other hand I guess most of the other stuff doesn't matter since I have no choice but to abandon my home to save everyone there".


@wolf smith


"Used to be my home. I had a big family there. Unfortunately I won't be seeing them again"

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@@Cimarronboy, I guess you could call it a doppelganger, but when I was in earth there was an evil version of myself, he kill Luna, but unlike me he kill Celestia and Discord, he was pure evil. It was an older version of me, but...


​*I stop myself, they can't know about the whole "their life isn't real"*

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@wolf smith


"Everyone has an evil double, I got dusted taking mine out, strange thing though as I was sent by the wind into a drinking trough and was reborn out of the next to have taken a drink. Your story is interesting, continue" I explained wanting to hear more.

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