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The Trotting Dead


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Hello everypony! Today I present... THE TROTTING DEAD! It's basically just like The Walking Dead show. Yes, i know there are OTHER rps of the Trotting Dead but it seems those are inactive. Sooooooo anyways here's the slots!



1 Kenzie Bolt

2 Rye

3Ace Starshielder

4 Cole Dust

5 Poe




1Shadow Dust

2David Pocket



Please click on the egg to help hatch it otherwise it will die!

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Rye started to walk along the grounds with his sniper on his back, he'd taken upon himself to watch this tent like it wa his own, if or when the pony who owned the place came back, well his stuff would be here waiting for him or her and if not then this stuff was here for Rye to take, but at least Rye wouldn't have to feel guilty about taking it.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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David sat in front of the camp fire next to Sensiquill. He was bored. With nothing to do but wait for zombies and watch the fire, he was about ready to go crazy. "You already are crazy." He flinched at the voice in his head, then relaxed when he recognized Poe. "I know, shut up." He turned to his friend across the fire and pointed at his head. "Sorry, not you. Talking to Poe again." 


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Sensiquill looked through the fire at Dave and rose a single eyebrow at the pony, "Figures."  He said with a shake of his head and a half smile.  The grey-blue pony proceeded to spin his knife around in his hooves as he sat before the company of the insane.

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Well no pony had come back for there stuff so I guess it was looting time. Rye got up and searched the tent entirely without leaving anything unturned. There wasn't a lot here but basic needs were all Rye really needed. There were some medical bandages, ammo clips, an cans of food, this pony really knew what they needed to survive. Too bad he might have not ended up surviving, this place was well concealed under branches and other things but no hidden enough.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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David shrugged. "Sorry, I can usually ignore him. He was quiet for quite a while though and when he spoke up this time...well, I jumped." He looked around their small camp. "I'm bored. Let's go blow something up." David ignored him and reached in to a pocket of his vest, pulling out a bottle of cider. He pulled out a second one and motioned handing it over to he s friend. "Want some? It's some of the good stuff." 


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Shadow Dust wondered the woods. She was a rouge. Learned not to trust anypony.

Sometimes she wondered if she should join other survivors...nah. She got the thought out of her head.

Killing zombies was her job. If she bumps into anypony, she doesn't join up with them, she just kills the zombies and gets out of there.

Just as she was finishing killing her 100th zombie, she saw a tent with a group of survivors. The thought of joining survivors came back to her mind. She was think really hard about it, trying to make it go away. Then suddenly "RAWR" a zombie pops out and attacks.

"Help!!!" Shadow Dust cried.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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   "Are you kidding!?  I thought you were all out of Apple Danny's!"  The Stallion graciously took the offer and admired the bottle before removing the top.  Sensiquill rose his bottle and proceeded to announce an informal toast, "Here's to us, and to Hell with everyone else." The pony chuckled a little at the nostalgia of his words.  "You know... My grandfather used to say that at every get-together.  I guess It's my duty to carry on the tradition nowadays."

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David nodded. Smiling and raising his bottle to the toast. "Yes, Here's to us!" "And let's blow every other pony to the nether reaches of hades!" David scowled for a moment. "That's not how...it-" He let out an exasperated sigh and smiled again at Sesiquill rather sheepishly. "Thanks. We're all that's left, aren't we? We're here to keep the past alive for the future...or something like that." After he chuckled a little he looked up, a somber expression replacing his amused one from before. "What was he like, your grandfather? You've mentioned him before I think. He was a good man wasn't he?"



Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Rye heard a cry for help, he got up and raced towards the voice, he raised it up using his magic and came into view of a pony who was being attacked by zombies. Rye lined up a shot and blew the zombies brains out and splattering the blood all over the Pony's mane. The shot rang out around the woods, "come on others will have heard that we've got to go!" He pulled back the bolt snd continues to fire at incoming zombies from the nearby woods.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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   Sensiquill stared intently at the coals of the fire for a few moments before responding.  "My grandfather?"  The pony looked up, "Yeah he was an alright guy.  Strong as an ox in his prime.  Heck he could have beat me in a tussle in his final hour.  He loved us kids.  He believed in teaching my brothers and I the importance of independence.  From a young age he worked that in."  The pony smiled, "Politeness was expected... Rudeness was damn near a hanging offense." Sensiquill returned to staring into the fire, "I still remember the love and pain that lied within those sunken eyes of his."  


   Suddenly the sound of a firearm discharging interrupted the pony's reminiscing.

Edited by EpicApplejack
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Ace Starshielder was running through the castle being chased by zombiefied ponies. 
"Must get to the weapon storage!" He yelled.

He ran down the halls turning left and right until he reached weapon storage. When he ran in the room, he grabbed his sniper, 2 grenades, and a shotgun. He also grabbed his favorite sword. But there was no way he could fight off all 50 or so of the herd. There was only one thing he could do. He had to use his necklace. He hated using it, because it was a stolen piece of history, that hundreds of ponies would KILL to get. It had the ability to allow non-unicorns to use magic. The only one of it's origin remaining. And every time he used it, it attracted attention. But he had no other option. He held his hoof to the necklace, willing it to ward off the zombies. the necklace glowed brightly and a huge explosion rattled through the castle, busting the windows out and causing an explosion of noise all throughout Canterlot. Anypony nearby would have heard the noise. The zombies disintegrated and Ace immediately passed out.
(Looking for anypony in Canterlot to Find him)

Edited by RainbowBronyDash465


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@Burning Endurance

Shadow Dust thanked Rye.

"I could've handled it myself though". She said. They kept running till Shadow Dust said something that surprised Rye.

"When I get to your camp I'm not going to stay, I'll just on my way once the zombies are gone.


(I needed one more character so that is why this is here)

  • Brohoof 1

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Rye looked over to the pony who was running with him, "Fine by me, I don't work that well with others either"

Trotters kept coming by the tens out of the forest, Rye tried to take a few more shots without turning around, he heard a few hit but he didn't want to waste a lot of ammo because the Trotters would just keep coming, "We can't keep running" Rye looked for somewhere to hide, something caught his eye, a mansion, "Over there, go quickly!" Rye yelled as he forced his hooves to carry him a bit more to the mansion.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Ace Starshielder was running through the castle being chased by zombiefied ponies. 

"Must get to the weapon storage!" He yelled.

He ran down the halls turning left and right until he reached weapon storage. When he ran in the room, he grabbed his sniper, 2 grenades, and a shotgun. He also grabbed his favorite sword. But there was no way he could fight off all 50 or so of the herd. There was only one thing he could do. He had to use his necklace. He hated using it, because it was a stolen piece of history, that hundreds of ponies would KILL to get. It had the ability to allow non-unicorns to use magic. The only one of it's origin remaining. And every time he used it, it attracted attention. But he had no other option. He held his hoof to the necklace, willing it to ward off the zombies. the necklace glowed brightly and a huge explosion rattled through the castle, busting the windows out and causing an explosion of noise all throughout Canterlot. Anypony nearby would have heard the noise. The zombies disintegrated and Ace immediately passed out.

(Looking for anypony in Canterlot to Find him)

-A few hours later-

Ace woke up with glass shards around him. He picked up his weapons and headed out of the castle. When he got outside, he looked around. He saw death and destruction all around him.He sighed.

"Better see if there are any survivors." He said.

"HELLO?! ANYPONY?! HELP?!" He yelled.


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Rye ran toward this creepy mansion. Shadow Dust hesitated to follow, but the zombies were coming pretty quickly.

She decided a creepy mansion was better than being bit by a zombie. Which almost happened if it wasn't for Rye.

Once they got closer to the mansion she saw how terrifying it was. The doors were covered in blood. One of the walls look they're about to give in. If they hide there the zombies might break down the wall or just charge the door. Not the best place to hide, but what choice did they have? Shadow Dust's heart beating so fast an her chest hurt. She couldn't run anymore. Sure they were close to the mansion, only 20 feet away, but she couldn't. She stopped running. "Rye carry me" Even at the face of death by zombies she kinda smiled that she said that.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"Damn it" Rye stopped in his tracks and didn't take a seconds notice to lift up the made with his magic, she wasn't heavy so it was easy to get her in the mansion. He opened the door with his magic and laid her down on the ground, he just barely got in the door when he closed the door, zombies banging on the door. "Luna, that was close" the banging god louder, he backed away from the door and started stacking furniture against the large doors. He laid down on the ground and took in deep breathes, his lungs were dry and his sides hurt from the intense running, now he needed to know if he could trust this pony.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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There was only silence.
'Great.' He thought. He decided it was best to try and look for survivors. He lifted himself off the ground and flew up to above ground level and started looking for lost ponies.
"Hello? Anypony there?" He asked, but heard no reply. He asked again. 

Edited by RainbowBronyDash465


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Shadow Dust, once again, thanked Rye for saving her life.

She was wondering if Rye was think the same thing she was, trust. Some survivors and so cold blooded. Backstab other survivors.

She wanted to open out to Rye, but No. She couldn't she was lone traveler. Just as Rye was about to say something.


Shadow Dust heard a faint call. " Rye did you hear that? I think somepony is looking for us".

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Shadow Dust, once again, thanked Rye for saving her life.

She was wondering if Rye was think the same thing she was, trust. Some survivors and so cold blooded. Backstab other survivors.

She wanted to open out to Rye, but No. She couldn't she was lone traveler. Just as Rye was about to say something.


Shadow Dust heard a faint call. " Rye did you hear that? I think somepony is looking for us".

Ace see's an old mansion surrounded by zombies. He flies towards it. He see's 2 ponies inside and the door was about to fall in on them. He majorly regretted what he did next. He held his hoof to his necklace again and an exsplosion of white light erupted around them. The walkers evaporated and Ace fell to the ground and hit it hard.


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All I heard is moaning of zombies clawing against the door" Rye slowly got up and looks at the mare he had rescued, she was pretty and didn't seem like the type to join a raider community". This house wasn't going to last forever, Rye had to figure out someway to get outbid here without bringing every zombie in a quater mile to him. "I guess you know my name from my name tag, what's you name?"


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@Burning Endurance

"Shadow Dust" She said. Anyways are you sure you didn't here anything?

Wait. The zombies....they're not clawing at the door anymore. She peeks through a window. She sees a pony on the ground.

"Rye look do you think he got bit?"

Rye was looking at her, like asking himself questions. She's done that before, but she ended up kill them.


(Btw RainbowBronyDash465 is the pony and his post is on the first page at the bottom.)

Edited by madpenguin44

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Ace tried to stand but he had hurt his leg in the fall.
He limped up to a partial standing position and limped over to the doors.
"Hello? Gah...I think I sprained my leg." He said.
"Is anyone in there? I need some help please!" He said. 
He tripped again and fell on his face.
"Please....help me...." He said tiredly as he passed out.

Edited by RainbowBronyDash465


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Kenzie was trotting through the forest when she heard a faint call for help. She looked to her left and saw a pony unconscious on the ground with a weird necklace on his neck. Kenzie muttered a few curse words on how she hated mansions and the cocky owners it would have. She dragged the pony to hr shelter, a cave.


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Kenzie was trotting through the forest when she heard a faint call for help. She looked to her left and saw a pony unconscious on the ground with a weird necklace on his neck. Kenzie muttered a few curse words on how she hated mansions and the cocky owners it would have. She dragged the pony to hr shelter, a cave.

A few hours later Ace awoke in a cave. He tried to stand, but his leg hurt to much he lay there in pain, majorly regretting using his necklace. Then he realized, How did he even get in here? He looked around the cave and saw another pony sitting there with thier back to him.

"Hello?" He said cautiously.


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