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open A Pony Alone

Solar Shadow

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"Cloudsdale I think ever Pegasus has heard of Cloudsdale that's another place i would like to visit someday." Solar looks at Thunder. "So if you don't mind me asking why did you leave Cloudsdale and come to Ponyville? 






Solar looks up to Twilight. "um i was just exploring the town i was new here and i was curious about the library inside of a tree. i'm sorry for them mess." Solar picks up all the papers and hands them to Lyrica. "Here they might not be in order anymore Sorry." Solar lowers his head 



(Yeah we are lol)

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"Th-that's okay..." Lyrica blushes, then with a sudden burst of bravery, hands the stack of papers to Twilight Sparkle.


"H-here....Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have decided to respond to your fan letter by bringing you a gift.


Suspicious, Twilight takes the draft and looks at it. Her eyes widen. "Oh my Celestia! The latest Night Mare novel!" She jumps for joy, but then calms, looking into Lyrica's eyes. "You're...You're Ls...."


Lyrica sighed, then nodded slowly, sneaking a glance at Solar to see if he would judge her. He seemed to give a look of praise, warming her heart.


"But you live right down the road! Oh my Celestia!!! I LIVE NEXT TO LS, THE GREATEST WRITER OF ALL TIME!!!"

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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@@Solar Shadow,


"I still live in Cloudsdale, but I'm down here for the majority of the day. I just like to hang out here and see what help ponies need. I'm like an all-around workhorse. But I don't have a house down here in Ponyville." Thunder Dash asked. Soon, they arrived at the library.  

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@,@, @@Solar Shadow,


Aurora had been idly watching the chats and such,but he heard a yell from the Princess of Magic,his head whipped around to stare at the door of the library she lived in,he blinked,his eyes turning golden as he stops,his pupils shrink to pinpoints as he watches the two mares,"Lyrica?...and Twilight...a book...wait a minute...I think Lyrica is...."he clears his throat,for her sake,he would keep his suspicion to himself,"I think she is giving twilight a present...huh,must have been something she wanted,ah well,good for her."he said with a smile,he blinked and his eyes were normal again. 

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Lyrica noticed the Pegasus outside and slipped away while Twilight was fangirling.


"Um, excuse me?"


She walked up to him and smiled shyly, "Um, I know you saw that..can you..um..?"


The stallion just looked at her. She closed her eyes, "....could you please not tell any pony I was here?"


Her cheeks were bright red.

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora blinked a few times and softly put his arm over her shoulders and said with a half smile,"Of course...but first,Miss Ls...I need to know something..."he said,looking at her cheeks,the bright pinkness made him smile more,"I want to know where you get your ideas...I could tell you a few things that will make an amazing book...if you have the time,of course."he said with a smile. 

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@Solar Shadow @LyricaScribbleKnot @Thunder-Dash (Oops! I FORGOT HOW TO MENTION PEOPLE!!! D:)



(Yep! Midnight is in the library!)


Midnight angrily threw the book on minerals to the ground.


"It's like this thing has been erased from history!" Midnight grumbled.


He looked around a shelf, then walked over to a group and tapped a grey pegasus on the shoulder. (Solar Shadow!)


"Hey, where can I find books on geology?" Midnight asked.


(P.S: I didn't see your earlier post with me in it! Sorry! Pretend I didn't see you! >.<)

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@Aurora Lights


Lyrica smiled. "Oh, I'd love to hear! I'm always looking for new ideas. I mostly get mine from dreams I've had." Then, realizing her novels are noted for their gory endings, added, "I was a lonely child. Stallion King was my father's favorite author, so it was all I read... It gave me nightmares of my own."

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora chuckled softly and pat her head,softly petting it,"Ah,I've had...a very bad child hood,but hey,that's in the past,if you want,I can tell you some now,but,I'd like to sit down or something,and I'd like you to take some notes on this,it's kind of a lot...I mean...a lot..."he said with a soft chuckle.

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Lyrica smiled. "Sure. Let me get my pencil…."


She reached over and grabbed a notebook and a pencil out of her bag. The notebook is full of ideas, sketches, and rough drafts.


"Ready," she giggled a little. So many new friends she had made! And all because of "Ls."


I wonder…she thought to herself.

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora chuckled and took a seat,"Well...it all started 19 years ago,I was only 3...my father died because he was working too hard...my mother...she..she uh....was not a very nice mare...she abused me,beat me,one time,I broke my wing and didn't even care...I had to walk all the way to the hospital...it was 5 miles away...I never forgave her,and I never will...But,about 2 years after my recovery,I started flying,I was 6 then and I flew fast,very,very fast...I broke the speed of sound,then accelerated on and on until I was going faster than light itself,I was basically invisible I was so fast..."he said,looking off into the distance as his eyes started to turn a pink color,he then continued,"That is when I made the Aurora Lights over Canterlot,Ponyville,and Cloudsdale...It was...it was beautiful..."he said softly.

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Lyrica was fascinated by Aurora's story. "Wow…I remember those lights. I was born in Canterlot; my father and mother are professors at C3A. I was all alone in my room when I saw them. I was so young, but I remember…"


Smiling, she jotted notes down in her book. z

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora chuckled again softly,he looked up again and started telling about his first encounter with Princess Luna,and how much he loved to talk to her,"Yes,she and I were very close back then,and will still are! I talk to her and her sister on a daily basis,in the flesh I mean,and Not to make your novel erotic or anything...but..."he leans in and whispers something into Lyrica's ear that was bound to make anypony blush,even himself,he smiled and laughed,"Anywho,Then there was the time I met Queen Chrysalis....boy can she kiss..."he shook his head in a laugh,"But in all seriousness,it was not a pleasant experience...She wanted to kill me for Celestia's sake!"he cried out with a smile.

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Lyrica chuckled and jotted notes down in her book, listening intently. She had only met Princess Celestia once; when she presented the young filly with the C3A Honorable Pony Award. The day she got her cutie mark..


She thought of what an excellent story this would make; how handsome the pony was....

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora smiled more as he continued on about his amazing adventure into the Changeling Palace,he smiled and said,"And them...BOOM!!! I was hit by one of them,it hurt,but I took them out with my mighty Deadeye punches!"he cried,now standing on his rear hooves and playing out the scene from a comfortable distance away. 

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Lyrica chuckled to herself, listening intently, fascinated by the story.


"You're amazing. So...why Ponyville? A pony like you could live anywhere he wants. I've always dreamed of living in Cloudsdale one day ... Maybe I'll get the opportunity soon enough, huh?"

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Aurora blushed at the comment and went back down on all fours and he rubbed the back of his head,but when the question came up,he looked at her eyes,"Well...for two reasons...One,I like it here,I'm accepted and the ponies are the nicest in the world,believe me,I've looked,and the other reason...They have the best apple cider ever,plus that Applejack mare is pretty hot,and so is every other mare around here,he looked at the sky,then blushed as he looked at Lyrica and rubbed the back of his head.

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Lyrica smiled. "Well there are certainly fun ponies here."

She looks around, wondering what she will do today. She notices Aurora looking at an Apple stand and decides to take him over there.


"So this Apple Jack; she's responsible for all the cider?" She asks.

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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Midnight followed Solar over to the bookshelf. He stood there silent for a few moments, his mind wandering. Quickly, he got back on track, and tapped Solar on the shoulder. 


"Excuse me, where are the books on Geology located? I'm rather new here!" Midnight asked, with a puzzled look on his face.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Solar Shadow,


Thunder looked around as well. Suddenly, a purple pony came down the stairs and found the two looking around. "Oh! I didn't even know you two were in here? Couldn't you've just knocked?" She asked. "Twlight, I'm so sorry." Thunder stated. "It's alright...say...who's that pegasus over there? I've never seen him before." Thunder stated. "That's Solar. He's very new here. We're trying to figure out what his cutie mark means." Thunder stated. "Oh? I can probably help with that." Twilight stated as she went to look for a specific book.


(OOC: So sorry for the late reply.) 

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@Solar Shadow @Thunder-Dash


Midnight walked up next to Thunder-Dash, turning to him.


"Excuse me, are you the librarian here? Wait... actually..." Midnight said, examining Thunder's wings, "Oh... I don't think a Pegasus would be a librarian here.... but... well, do you know where the books on geology are?"


(If my MLP posts could work properly, maybe I could've known when I was mentioned... and I actually could use the "@" thing properly...)

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Aurora smiled slightly and nodded,"Yeah,she is."he said and he gulped softly,he started hearing that dark voice in his head again...

'She is a burden...Why not leave her,and let her go on about her stupid ways...Just like your wife...' The voice says in a whispery hissing tone.

Aurora growled and shook his head,"Yeah...She makes it...Listen,Lyrica...If I start acting...strange...just...uhh...Just hug me,ok?"he asked her,he knew the one weakness of the darkness within him...Compassion...

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Lyrica becomes worried and nods. "Alright.."

She hugs him gently, shaking nervously.

"A-are you okay?"


A worried thought escaped and danced across her mind.


Is he dangerous?


No... She smiles as he leans into her, just a pony who needs love.

(Ok I have no idea how to mention people... How you do itttt???)

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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@, @,  


(OOC: Select any piece of text in the poster's post. Two options should appear. Click on "mention". It should work.)


Thunder watched as Twilight came down. "I'm not the librarian here, but I am the owner of this tree. It's actually where I live." Twilight stated as she came to level ground. 

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