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"Together again!" Plague shouted as he rebonded completely with the symbiote. He morphed into his snake form and slithered behind Corrosion. He returned to his normal form and kicked him in front of the two attackers.


"Crap! Not fair!" Corrosion roared as he realized what was hppening.

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Shadow looked at corrosion "We don't really have to fight them." he said "We could just teleport out" he said as a large amount of guards swarmed around the corner with guns. "looks like back up is here."

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague simply smiled as he saw the gaurds rush in.

"#Dinner time..."

He lunged forward and devoured one of them, but this time took the bones and attatched them to a tendril. He made a large sword like weapon and threw it towards Corrosion.

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The Gyrocopters Emerge out of thin blank space coming from the portal over the main bridge of the City.(I Forgot what city this is...)

The Gyrocopters soon fly under the bridge with the bomb carried by hooks. Soom the Soldiers jump out the Gyrocopters & Jetpack to the bomb & grab it. They lift it up under the bridge & press the needed buttons & it activates. They leave the bomb & go back to the Gyrocopters & surround the Bridge.

"Perimeter secured sir! The bomb is activated & are awaiting further orders." The solider tapping into the mic said.

Soon, Kill-O-Watt emerges from thin space & floats over the bridge. Looking around seeing the frightened civilians he knew he was confident.

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Shadow stopped the bone sword using telekinesis and threw it back at Plague. Shadow got a message from his base and looked at plague "You should stop wasting your time here, and stop the problem at the bridge before it gets out of control" he said

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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The bone sword impaled Plague on his shoulder, to which he responded by screeching in pain.


"Take that you a**hole!" Corrosion said happily.


"F*** you..." Plague snarled as he pulled out the sword. He sent a poisoned tendril from his wrist and viciously bit Corrosion on the neck with it, poisoning him. The symbiote began to patch up his wounds...

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Shadow looked at Plague "Not a every nice thing to say about your offspring, even i wouldn't say something like that....." he said. Shadow teleported behind him and sent a kick into his head.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Kill-O-Watt survey`d the area for any signs of retaliation. He knew nobody would stand a chance against him so he just floated around. As the Gyrocopters circled the bridge the bomb kept beeping tempting to explode soon. Kill-O-Watt flew to a nearby copter & looked at one of the soldiers.

"How m-m-m-much time is left?" The soldier looked cautiously at his watch & looked at the remaining time.

"5 minutes Sir!" Kill-O-Watt soon looked at the bridge & back.

"Good, expect a promotion if this successeds as planned." He said as he flew away from the copter.

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Plague sensed the kick coming and simply caught Shadows leg with a tendril and slammed him against Corrosion and fire.

"#Aren't I lucky we inherited the Venom symbiote's spider sense..." the symbiote snickered.

Plague looked towards the bridge where Kill-O-Watt was at.

"Ugh, I have to deal with Porky Pig again?"

He gave a sarcastic salute to the three villains and then swung away.

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Shadow got up. "God he gets on my nerves" he said as he looked at Corrosion "We will be at the secret base in the Rave club, if you need anything stop by and some Guards will let you in the underground base." he said "Let me know if you want to get destructive." fire added laughing as they both teleported away

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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*A shadow snaked up to the bomb unnoticed. Once it reached the bomb, it emerged from the ground and formed Weiss.* "Now, lets see if I can disarm this thing." *She began playing with the panels and opened the bomb up. She turned her arm into a shadow tendril and sent it inside the bomb's mechanics.* "Ah, there is the detonator." *Weiss vegan to work on disabling the detonator.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Kill-O-Watt grabbed his tossed soidler & threw him up. The solider activated his jetpack & flew down shooting at Plauge. Kill-O-Watt then flew towards the bridge.

"This i-i-i-isn`t gonna happen again!" As he was flying to the bomb point.

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Shadow and Fire appeared at the bridge unseen, Shadow gave a gruff nod to fire and he slipped into the shadows of the bridge and. Shadow began to walk to the bomb point.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Shadow reached the bomb point and saw Kill and Weiss "Well it seems we have a problem here....." he said.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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As Wiess was trying to disarm the bomb is gave a deadly shock & a force of energy that knocked her away.


*Weiss was launced away and landed hard. She sat up and opened her hand revealing the detonator she had rrmoved from the bomb. she swiftly closed her fist around it, crushing it.* "Bomb, dissarmed." *She stood up and brushed herself off.* "Now to deal with those goons of his." *She used her piwers to form a suit if armor and two pistols. She then ran towards the group of Kill's thugs and began mowing through them using both the weapons and her martial arts skills.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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She doesn't think it will be that easy does she?" he said to Kill "I got you covered!" he said.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Plague dodged the soldier and sent a sharp blade towards Kill.



Orestes stumbled about, severely weakened by Plague's poison.

"Shadow!" he called out.

Edited by Kreinbahthur
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Shadow looked back from to the bridge "Be right back." he said as he teleported away. He appeared in front of Orestes "You called?" he said with a brief smile, dissapearing at the condition of his ally "Hey, you okay?" he asked.

Edited by ShadowCloud

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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*Weiss kicked the last goon in the face. He fell and landed hard.* "Well, now what?" *She looked around and saw other figts going on. Then she spotted Shadow.* "He's here.........." *She began charging over towards Shadow.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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at one end of the bridge was terigowa in full samuri armor accompanied by several yakuza


"i couldnt miss out on this now could i?"


several shadow goons aproached terigowa put his hand on one of his swords and darted forward, in a spit second he was behind all the goons, a few moments later the goons fell dead in various peices

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Shadow sent a hologram in his place to look after corrosion and teleported back to the Bridge. Weiss was coming at him. "The heck" he said.

  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Shadow sent a hologram in his place to look after corrosion and teleported back to the Bridge. Weiss was coming at him. "The heck" he said.


*Weiss went and tackled Shadow into a hug.* "Shadow! I missed you!!!!!"



(Edited because of misread post.)

Edited by Apollo

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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