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"Not only many sick, unaware and innocent lives have been lost, but two of my best friends have been lost cause of his actions." Thorn responded. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm in a worse position than you. Now, I need a name."


(Damned ninjas!)

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Shadow tried to calm himself "Shadow hated himself for killing you, so he left Equestria and ended up here. The evil still took over every once in a while, leading to him destroying things, like building and stuff. In any free time he tried to see if he could possibly bring you back to life.....he guess i finally found out how."


Fire looked at Thorn "I said get out of my sight, you do not need his name."

Edited by ShadowCloud
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"I don't get it!" Rain yelled, and she smashed her hand against the wall. She quickly drew it back with a pained yelp, then shook her head and looked back at him.

"Why would he bring me back?"

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Fire laughed at her smashing her head into the wall "He did that almost everyday" his tone turned back to sad "I don't know, possibly so he could just die happy."

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Fire looked at Thorn "I said get out of my sight, you do not need his name."


"Oh, are you actually serious?! I'm so glad you're being f***ing serious right now, because I've been itching for something like this to happen again!" Thorn said as his second claw appeared, before grabbing Fire at the collar. "Let me ask you, who's the one that has to go tell his boss, the family of his friends and the rest of the department who killed what? Not you. So make it easy for me so that I can leave you the hell alone."

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Rain looked back at him and sighed. "Yeah, that was a Shadowish thing to do, wasn't it?" She turned her head so he couldn't see her tears that bubbled up again. "I...I didn't say goodbye to him," she confessed quietly. "I couldn't, not after what he's done." When Thorn grabbed Fire, she yanked at his arm and glared at him. "Put him down!"

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Rain looked at the empty air. "Great! Now he's gone!"

She tossed her head and glanced at him sharply. "It wasn't all Shadow's fault. It was mine. So are you gonna arrest me or what?" Her gaze was challenging and unwavering.

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"For f**** sake!" Thorn snapped, glaring back without fear. "I don't have any interest in arresting either of you! I just want a name! If I get that, I'll leave you alone for as long as I can! You go your path, I go mine, as if nothing happened!"

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Fire looked at him "Shadow" he said "Shadow is his name. Happy?"


Thorn glared back. "No, cause I already know that. I want a full name, so that I don't get called a nutbag for coming up with a name as original as that. Why the hell do you think I continuously asked?"

Edited by NeverNeverland
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Thorn glared back. "No, cause I already know that. I want a full name, so that I don't get called a nutbag for coming up with a name as original as that. Why the hell do you think I continuously asked?"


"No one knows his real name except for a few people." he said hiding the fact that is was him and Rain that knew that. He looked at Night "Night hawk! Get this guy out of my face PLEASE!" Edited by ShadowCloud
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(Not Shadowlurkers......Poneighs!..........Pon-neighs!)


(No shit. Just to spark something for my character.)


"Shadow's dead due to being impaled, that's Rain who was revived when Shadow died, and I'm Legate. That's as far as you're gonna know about me." Thorn lied, still unhappy with Fire's attitude.

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Fire sighed "Shadow killed himself to ressurect her" he said pointing to Rain "She is basically his long lost girlfriend he killed because of insanity" he said "Her name is Rain" Fire ignored Thorns answer because he dose not know 2hiit about what happened.

Edited by ShadowCloud
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Shadow watched as Rain walked away "I'm leaving, I cant stand to be in the same room as him" was the last thing he heard before he died.




Fire looked up "Well, this is a predicament" he said.

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