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open War on PACE: The Begining


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Lydia walks over to JT, "Sir, the plans for the assault on Canterlot is planned and preparing to go down. I hate that I had to do this, but if we let our cover blow then they'll kill everyone... By the way, armor douche and Sergeant Kilgore may be on to us. I hope I don't have to hurt them."

(How does Hank know that Canterlot is being attacked? He was in prison during the planning.)



JT stops for a second and says, "shit, someones comingm get back in the cage!" he yells quietly. he tries to look as natural as possible. 



rocket remained in the back of his cage and looked out, he could make out JT and hank, and was hoping he would be out of the cage soon

Ben cringed. "I hate having to do this, but yeah, as Lydia said, the plans are complete. Are we going to Canterlot too? To fight? Because if we are, we better leave now, the train is about to arrive." Ben said, looking up from his bouncy zerg game. He looked over to the side, at a cage. There was a pony inside of it, glaring angrily at Lydia. "Umm... Lydia?" Ben said, pointing to the cage.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Lydia walks over to JT, "Sir, the plans for the assault on Canterlot is planned and preparing to go down. I hate that I had to do this, but if we let our cover blow then they'll kill everyone... By the way, armor douche and Sergeant Kilgore may be on to us. I hope I don't have to hurt them."

(How does Hank know that Canterlot is being attacked? He was in prison during the planning.)


Hank looks at jt and mutters "she is willing to help us? Even though you all are going to discuss something. Most likely a way into canterlot." He sighs "jt.. I never fought before. None of us have.. we don't always fo what you humans do and fix problems by fighting so.. lets all put an end to this war.. please.."



"You heard him! Row 13-N! Umm... I'm not good with prisons. Could you lead me to it?" Ben asked. He chewed on a stick of gum. "Man, this stuff is good. Anyways, Shockwave, you lead, I'll follow!" Ben took out his phone and began to play Bouncy Zerg as they walked. "Alright, JT, we're coming!" He yelled.

JT nods, "i understand, luickly the only way into the city is a train, and im almost certain ive heard some of the prisoners say they are blowing up the bridge in... do not get yourself caught. there will come  time were our cover will be blown... at that moment you need to be ready to get out of the cam ASAP....right now we are looking for a weak poin in the prison.... im thinking a makeshift sewer we made that leads to the forest.... itll be gross... but we will be able to escape fast that way.... ill go scout it soon, you two go talk to some of the ponies and tell them our plan and make sure they stay quiet." he chuckles, "luickly our squad got put in charge of the prison." he gathers himself for a speech.  

  "what im asking from you will make you known as a traitor... but it is for the right cause. the natives here do not deserve what they are being put under. if you join me, i cant guarantee your safety, but i can offer you a peace of mind knowing you are fighting for a good cause."  he turns to hank, "ponies and humans will have to fight side by side to rid this world of PACE.that is a certainty... PACE will not leave peacefully. like i said, the time will come for us to reveal ourselves to PACE.... but for now.... stay hidden with PACE, and stay strong... good luck guys." he says.


(i felt a speech was right for this situation)


SIgnature by Reverie


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JT nods, "i understand, luickly the only way into the city is a train, and im almost certain ive heard some of the prisoners say they are blowing up the bridge in... do not get yourself caught. there will come  time were our cover will be blown... at that moment you need to be ready to get out of the cam ASAP....right now we are looking for a weak poin in the prison.... im thinking a makeshift sewer we made that leads to the forest.... itll be gross... but we will be able to escape fast that way.... ill go scout it soon, you two go talk to some of the ponies and tell them our plan and make sure they stay quiet." he chuckles, "luickly our squad got put in charge of the prison." he gathers himself for a speech.  

  "what im asking from you will make you known as a traitor... but it is for the right cause. the natives here do not deserve what they are being put under. if you join me, i cant guarantee your safety, but i can offer you a peace of mind knowing you are fighting for a good cause."  he turns to hank, "ponies and humans will have to fight side by side to rid this world of PACE.that is a certainty... PACE will not leave peacefully. like i said, the time will come for us to reveal ourselves to PACE.... but for now.... stay hidden with PACE, and stay strong... good luck guys." he says.


(i felt a speech was right for this situation)

"Wait, JT," Ben whispered. "You're freeing these ponies? There's no way you can do that! There are guards right over there! We'll all be shot dead before we can even turn the corner! I'm not dying for that. Lydia, have anything to say?" Ben gave the pony an anxious look. "As much as I want to help these guys, I'm not going to be shot dead in a prison camp by a bunch of guards for it."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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JT looks at him "do you think I don't know that? I had to stop this one from freeing them all at once..." He said pointing to hank. "The guards will go to bed and I'll be out on guard duty... What I'll do is release 2 or 3 at a time, send them down the tunnel, and report them as deceased," he points over to the burn pile "there's not a huge chance I'll be caught for a while" he looks Ben straight in the eyes "if I didn't think we could make it out alive. There's no way in hell is put you guys in danger... Understand?"


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Hank sighs "well. I did. Have the tardis right here." He pats the tardis and smiles "everypony could have fit.." he opens the door "see.. but I guess we won't take it." He sighs as it vanishes again and he sat down "I just hope celestia is doing fine.. we were supposed to get married until the attack happened.." he looks at jt "you all think I'm useless.. huh. Everypony thinks I'm useless."

Edited by kappa214



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"Wait, JT," Ben whispered. "You're freeing these ponies? There's no way you can do that! There are guards right over there! We'll all be shot dead before we can even turn the corner! I'm not dying for that. Lydia, have anything to say?" Ben gave the pony an anxious look. "As much as I want to help these guys, I'm not going to be shot dead in a prison camp by a bunch of guards for it."

Lydia's eyes show sparks as lightning arcs off of her body and strikes the bars of nearby cells, leaving molten cuts in the metal, "Don't worry about the guards. Even if I couldn't stop their bullets or simply intimidate them, I will take care of them."

JT nods, "i understand, luickly the only way into the city is a train, and im almost certain ive heard some of the prisoners say they are blowing up the bridge in... do not get yourself caught. there will come time were our cover will be blown... at that moment you need to be ready to get out of the cam ASAP....right now we are looking for a weak poin in the prison.... im thinking a makeshift sewer we made that leads to the forest.... itll be gross... but we will be able to escape fast that way.... ill go scout it soon, you two go talk to some of the ponies and tell them our plan and make sure they stay quiet." he chuckles, "luickly our squad got put in charge of the prison." he gathers himself for a speech.

"what im asking from you will make you known as a traitor... but it is for the right cause. the natives here do not deserve what they are being put under. if you join me, i cant guarantee your safety, but i can offer you a peace of mind knowing you are fighting for a good cause." he turns to hank, "ponies and humans will have to fight side by side to rid this world of PACE.that is a certainty... PACE will not leave peacefully. like i said, the time will come for us to reveal ourselves to PACE.... but for now.... stay hidden with PACE, and stay strong... good luck guys." he says.

Lydia nods, "Alright sir. I shall await your signal. The train idea was never going to work, I was trying to come up with something that wouldn't end with Canterlot being carpet bombed. I am with you sir.
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JT looks at him "do you think I don't know that? I had to stop this one from freeing them all at once..." He said pointing to hank. "The guards will go to bed and I'll be out on guard duty... What I'll do is release 2 or 3 at a time, send them down the tunnel, and report them as deceased," he points over to the burn pile "there's not a huge chance I'll be caught for a while" he looks Ben straight in the eyes "if I didn't think we could make it out alive. There's no way in hell is put you guys in danger... Understand?"

"Yes, sir. But please. Don't screw up. Because really. I don't want a bullet in my head." He quietly walked over to Hank's cage. "Hey, who are you?" Ben asked. "I heard you were at Canterlot." Ben said as he quietly looked around at the other ponies and frowned. "Man, this is gonna be tough..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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(Well since you all posted right after mine. Ill do a new post)


Hank looks at ben and sighs "I'm hank. The one who is supposed to marry celestia til the first attack PACE happened." He sighs and looks at the ground "I feel so useless. I always have been. I couldn't even help during this war.."



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JT smiles "I'm going to go talk to the guards, see I can get them to go to bed early tonight, hopefully they're tired." He says as he stands up and walks for the front gate.


Rocket whispers Lydia "hey.... Um... I didn't catch your name... Lady! Can you come over here for a second please?"

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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(Well since you all posted right after mine. Ill do a new post)


Hank looks at ben and sighs "I'm hank. The one who is supposed to marry celestia til the first attack PACE happened." He sighs and looks at the ground "I feel so useless. I always have been. I couldn't even help during this war.."

"And.. err... who is Celestia? Us scientists don't get filled in too much here." Ben asked. "Is she like some sort of president, or something?"


Ben looked at his feet. "Well, trust me, you're about as useless as we are right now... I feel that both sides are suffering somehow from this war..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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JT smiles "I'm going to go talk to the guards, see I can get them to go to bed early tonight, hopefully they're tired." He says as he stands up and walks for the front gate.

Rocket whispers Lydia "hey.... Um... I didn't catch your name... Lady! Can you come over here for a second please?"

Lydia turns and slowly walks over to Rocket's cell, "Yes, what do you want? And could you keep it down? Everyone here wants to kill you, and I'm pretty sure that they think I'm a spy already." She makes a big deal of gently shocking Rocket, trying to make everyone think she's torturing him, "I'm sorry about that, Ihave to keep this act up..."
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Hank sighs "princess celestia. She is a co ruler of equestria with her sister luna." He sighs "I haven't done anything to help the ponies.. at least you all dlne something.. why are you all suffering you all came to invade and rule the world' he sighs "I wish I could be more useful"



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Rocket winces, but finds almost no Pain out of the shock. "I understand, sorry" he whispered, "if you found anything or find anything out about a city called rainbow falls.... Will you let me know?" He asks, looking genuinely worried about his home town and all of his friends and family there.


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Hank sighs "princess celestia. She is a co ruler of equestria with her sister luna." He sighs "I haven't done anything to help the ponies.. at least you all dlne something.. why are you all suffering you all came to invade and rule the world' he sighs "I wish I could be more useful"

"We have been told we're doing this to save humanity. Earth, our home, has become massively overpopulated. Our corrupt world leaders found Equestria, and thought "Why not take it over?". We have been lied to, we have been forced to do horrible things, and, well, here we are now. Is this 'Princess Celestia' alright? Can she stop this?" Ben whispered.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Hank sighs "they never thought of the one thing. To ask to come and live with us. Princess Celestia would have said yes." He sighs "you can change.. we all can

But.. I am useless right now. I can't do a thing.. or will I ever..and celestia is alright. I think she can stop it if she was able to get help cause she has very few guards in canterlot." He sighs (imma go to sleep. Be on at 6 am pst)

Edited by kappa214



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Blake looked at rocket, when he had heard the question about the place called 'rainbow falls' he then remembered what had happened at debriefing. "Um sorry to say...um pony....rainbow falls has been bombed. By the intel I got, nothing is there anymore besides a pile of dust and ruble." He explained.

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Rocket winces, but finds almost no Pain out of the shock. "I understand, sorry" he whispered, "if you found anything or find anything out about a city called rainbow falls.... Will you let me know?" He asks, looking genuinely worried about his home town and all of his friends and family there.

Lydia closes her eyes and uses a nearby computer to access the PACE database. The moment she finds Rainbow Falls she whimpers and starts to tremble, "R-rainbow falls? I'm so sorry... The reports all say that Rainbow Falls was completely destroyed today..."

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Lydia closes her eyes and uses a nearby computer to access the PACE database. The moment she finds Rainbow Falls she whimpers and starts to tremble, "R-rainbow falls? I'm so sorry... The reports all say that Rainbow Falls was completely destroyed today..."

"Um....yes....thanks for clarifying that...." He said tilting his head. He looked around at the cages, apparently they were listening in as well. These ponies weren't ready for this kinda pain, this wasn't in their nature and it wasn't right. But it was Blake and his teams fault, he knew that. But did his team?

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The overlord is walking towards row N-13 of the prison the guards told him that's where lydia and ben where he was coming up on the row but stopped just around the corner and listened to what they were saying he stayed for a couple minutes but he had heard enough he walked around the corner and walked up to the group


"So Team your getting friendly with the locals"

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He looks at him "oh its you. The one who curbstomped me. Ithout your weapons and armor your weak. You know that. We all do. If your reslly strong. You don't need it." He said as he looked down at the grown from the news about rainbow falls.


One pony said "hank..why couldn't you protect rainbow falls."


Hank frowns "I didn't know.." he tears up



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JT stood up and saw overlord, "we can answer questions. They may be prisoners, but we can at least act a little but civilized to them." He said. he turned to hank and yelled, "hey quiet in there, you will have respect for the guards!" he said as he kicked the cage.

Rocket, with tears in his eyes, said, "oh.... Thank you for telling me" he turned his back to the group and got really silent

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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The overlord is walking towards row N-13 of the prison the guards told him that's where lydia and ben where he was coming up on the row but stopped just around the corner and listened to what they were saying he stayed for a couple minutes but he had heard enough he walked around the corner and walked up to the group


"So Team your getting friendly with the locals"

Blake looked straight at the overlord. "Hey, commander banks told me to keep the prisoners alive. So since I'm a vet, I'm practically a medic to them. So keeping them alive will keep the well enough for any slave work or experiments that we will need. so piss off" he said to the tank.

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The overlord is walking towards row N-13 of the prison the guards told him that's where lydia and ben where he was coming up on the row but stopped just around the corner and listened to what they were saying he stayed for a couple minutes but he had heard enough he walked around the corner and walked up to the group

"So Team your getting friendly with the locals"

Lydia turns with a sarcastic smirk, "Nope, just breaking their will. Then again, you seem to think you run this unit, so what do you think we should do Herr Space Marine?" She gives him a mocking salute before turning back to JT.

JT stood up and saw overlord, "we can answer questions. They may be prisoners, but we can at least act a little but civilized to them." He said. he turned to hank and yelled, "hey quiet in there, you will have respect for the guards!" he said as he kicked the cage.

Rocket, with tears in his eyes, said, "oh.... Thank you for telling me" he turned his back to the group and got really silent

Lydia shrugs, "It appears that the space marine has come to pester you, so I'm going to make my exit before a tragic accident occurs."
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JT nods, "overlord, you hear for guard duty?" He asks, he looks over to Lydia and says "take it easy, could you and Ben go check on the electric system near the sewers?" He said, hoping Lydia would understand he wasn't worried about the electic system, but more wanted her to check out the escape route.


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Hank looks at jt as he glared and looks down "why should j respect him for what he's done! He hurt ponies when they are down. That is low. Even in wair." He said sadly and looks down frowning and cried "please.. don't hurt my soon to be wife. I don't know what I will do."

Edited by kappa214



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