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private The Light of Darkness


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The Light of Darkness


<3 P.P.'s Note <3


A story of writers, friends, and fellow dreamers. Together we will come together and create a magical universe to call our own. May our venture into the unknown be simply magical!








The clouds shifted a little angrily as Teya wandered through the grassy town of Xaus listening to the whispers in the leaves of nearby trees. "Drip, drip, drop. Drip, drip, drop." Teya chanted lightly dotting the earth in tears.


The rain pelted the ground ever so gently but the little pixie walked on, the rain seemed to pass right through her, or perhaps it stopped right before hitting her, either way one wouldn't be able to tell. One would only be able to tell if they were looking at the ground very closely. The bright and cheerful pixie was sporting an unusual pout. She tried telling herself, 'There is always a rainbow after a good storm..' She thought to herself imagining all the beautiful flowers the rain would bring.


Aimlessly she walked on taking in the sorrows, "Drip, drip, drop."


Always walking always searching. She listened for an answer but no reply could be found. Trapped searching for the voice the voices in her head. 


A flutterby flew over head, she was surprised it was out, even in this light rain. The colors danced across her pale face. Brightening her world slightly. It was the small things that gave her great pleasure. 'After all' she thought, 'What other creatures could experience such beautiful tiny little wonders.


The usual smile spread back across her face pushing back the clouds and washing the earth in a warm glow. The day seemed peculiar, something in the air felt off, a familiar voice spoke in her head, it whispers, 'Hello.' Leaving the little pixie slightly shaken.


Brushing it of she began laughing at herself. Teya stood up as tall as she could, taking off into the air she fluttered her wings. Hovering a ways off ground the little pixie looked around seeing nothing out of place. Everything was as it should be. She tossed her head to the side. "Hello, and what prey tell would you care to chat about today?" Answering her voices


She wasn't expecting a reply she never did.

Edited by PurplePony
  • Brohoof 1
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Charcoal yawned a bit as she stared out into the rain soaked ground from her comfortable spot on the couch. She munched on a sandwich that she made for a snack before she even noticed the rain coming down. She was debating on what she should do now that it was raining. She couldn't go out and work since it would be too hard to see and it would be too muddy.


With the last bite of her sandwich gone she got off the couch and stretched out her legs a bit from sitting in a strange position. "Dear Luna I have to stop sitting like that. Maybe I should try a chiropractor some time But then again, that would cut into work hours." Charcoal mumbled to herself as she paced around her living room, trying to think of something to do.


With her thinking so hard, Charcoal didn't notice the wall that she was walking towards. With a hard 'thump' Charcoal's head hit the wall and she fell to her rump with a thud. She rubbed her head a bit to ease the pain a little, even though there was little pain to be felt anyway.


"Maybe I should just stop pacing and just find something to do." Charcoal said to herself again before standing back up and walking to the stairs.

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"Blast it! This is why I never bring anyone along!" Caiesm yelled in frustration as he galloped at a strenuous rate through the darkened tunnel towards the light that awaited him ahead. The rumbling roars, baas, and hissing rattles echoed up to his position as it bounced off the walls of the anciently engraved cavern. Those beasts were gaining on him with every second...If only this accursed relic wasn't weighing him down. With a dark violet luminescent emission of light from his horn followed by a few sparks, a glowing flash of identical color next to him revealed a golden sword embedded with many colorful jewels. 'Take this you fiends,' Caiesm thought to himself in slight rebellious satisfaction. With a humming vroom, the blade zoomed down into the darkness behind the dust covered stallion through the air, quickly followed by a goat-like gurgle and a feline snarl of retort. 'At least it hit this time,' his head thanked as he redirected his gaze ahead to the light that was but only approximately 20 meters away. 

Using up all the remnants of his strength, Caiesm immediately vaulted out of the opening that revealed a sheer drop below with an ancient, stone ledge about five pony lengths in front of him. 'Come on, come on!' his thoughts screamed as things seem to move in slow motion. Miraculously, his chest hit the ledge while he desperately attempted to pull himself up with his two scarred forehooves. The stallion clenched his teeth as he struggled, his hindlegs kicking forward to find some sort of support....Then, his ear twitched to the sound of a rocky crack.

Caiesm's eyes widened in horror. "Nooo!" boomed his voice as the ledge he clung to gave way and crumbled from beneath his hooves, sending the unicorn into straight freefall. 

His life flashed before his eyes amid the flood of wind that blasted through his black as night hairs. Caiesm would not scream...for death was all to friendly. As he closed his eyes, the stallion plummeted towards the base of the canyon with the confused and dismayed bellows of what appeared to be chimeras annoyed at the disappearance of their prey. Funny...never would he had imagined an event like this to occur throughout his life...but this was now his life and duty.

Caiesm's horn suddenly began to glow, his eyes flashing open in an instant as he knew the ground neared. Not yet...not now. With short bursts of light about his body, the stallion shoomed through a violaceous teleportation, revealing him only five feet from the ground. "Thank the stars for physics..." his calm voice mumbled once he landed in a small puff of dirt on his back, escaping his near death experience. Caiesm laid their momentarily, absorbing the sudden peace in the air around him. Only the sound of rushing water and a faint thunder met his dirt covered ears. 


The stallion smiled a little as he achingly pulled himself to his hooves, moving towards the direction of the sound casually. 'Just like all the others,' he thought to himself as his eyes met a shiny, metallic silver shard that gleamed with many familiar markings. 'To Xaus we go...' he thought with a sigh as he looked up the impossibly towering canyon. 'Somehow...'

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Aaron resided in his home, a cave over looking ponyville, trying to remain warm from the rain. It was pouring outside and he was enjoyin the sound of the rain. He was looking to his power battery, basking in the yellow light. He was a bit bored. "Maybe I could fly to Hollow Shades. That little town was the friendliest. Or maybe pay a visit to Cadence and Shining. Maybe Octavia, but the panicing ponies aren't really worth it." Aaron flated in place in a sleeping position. Thinking of how he could spend his time.  So many choices so little time. HE could always go to a neighboring planet, but none of them had any life. "AGH! I'm so damn bored!" Aaron floated around his cave, listening to the rain.


He looked out to the horizon, the dark clouds, the storm of water falling to the ground. He began to sense for something. Fear. He was drawn to fear. But only large clusters of it. Where there was fear, there was something wrong, and it was his job to fix it. But this planet was so peaceful, that barely anything happened. The changelings would barely attack, and this discord fellow was cooped up in the countries capital. Sometimes he wished he could be like the other yellow lanterns. Ruthless killers, tyrants, blood thirsty monsters. But he was just a human "assigned" to this uncharted sector of space. He knew what it really was, but as long as he could do something he wouldn't complain.

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Teya hovered in the air, the rain still continued to fall gently as the sun poked it's head out of the clouds. "Listen." the voice answered shaking her slightly. 

Teya resented the voice, she never wanted anything to do with it. 'Why must it torture me? Why am I 'chosen'? I never wanted to be chosen! I won't listen to you!' Teya's thoughts screamed in frustration. 

Flying down to a nearby branch she gracefully sat down, shoving her head into her hands in one swift motion. Today would have been her twenty-third birthday, if she still celebrated those things. Teya couldn't really remember the last time she had had one of those, the memory was too foggy. Her vision blurred and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Why can I not have just one more hug? Just one more I love you? I miss you all so terribly." She sat asking the wind. 

Memories she had worked so hard to suppress came rushing in. Remembering the times when she had family and friends. She remembered home. It wasn't anything much, but it was simply perfect. She could have never asked for anything more. She sighed pushing the memories back placing them carefully in their appropriate places. She would never let go, but Teya no longer felt the need to cling to her past. There was no going back there anyway, a fact she had grown to accept over the many years. "My fate is sealed." She stated, continuing to wallow in her sorrows.

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Aaron was meditating in his cave. Trying to focus on the emotional spectrums and its energies. He would focus on one end and work his way down. He floated in the air. Focusing on the rain and nothing else. Its trance like sounds were sending him into the oblivion. He steadied his breathing and let his mind wander. With in minutes, Aaron was now drifting in the cold, vacuum of space. His clothes and ring gone. He looked around for any signs of the being he was looking for. Every possible angle. He let out a cry of anger at his failure and in that small sliver he saw a red light glow behind him. There he saw the being representing rage. "The Butcher." Aaron said in its presence. Standing in front of him was the raging bull. It looked upon Aaron and let out a growl. "SLAY THEM ALL!" It bellowed. It made a charge for him but Aaron awoke in a sweat, panting in fear. "That's it. I'm heading out." Aaron flew out of the cave and left to find something, anything to focus his time. The image of the bull still in his head. He flew at great speeds, leaving a yellow trail behind.

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Steve opens his window and takes in a breath of fresh rain scented air. "It's going to be a wet day today. Hmm. That could be bad for business." Climbing down from his upstairs living quarters, Steve sets up his shop, getting it ready for the day. Organizing the ore and precious gems on display, he straightens the price tags and makes sure everything is in place. Moving to his forge, he starts getting his orders from the previous few days all set up and ready for pick up. Arranging the armor and swords that he'd been working on for some of his neighbors, he hears a rattling noise coming from his forge. Then the sounds of claws grating on metal and a dull growl. Not looking up, Steve yells, "Morning Ender! Sleep well?" A small black dragon with violet eyes climbs out of the opening of the forge, embers dropping from his scales. He yawns revealing long sets of very very sharp teeth and then stretches, opening up his colt sized wings and scraping his claws on the floor. After stretching and yawning, he licks his lips and looks up at Steve.  "Yeah, good sleep. What's for breakfast?" Steve smiles down at his little friend and says, "Oh, the usual. Meal's out back. You know how most ponies can't stand seeing good meat being eaten. Not that I blame them. They are herbivores. It really is a shame they don't even have the chance to eat meat." He taps his teeth with a hoof and sighs. "Stupid pony teeth. Can't even eat a burger with these dang things." As Steve finishes adjusting everything and is sure he's prepared for the day, he walks over to the large counter and lifts up the metal doors that separate him from the street. He pushes it up and it locks in to place, leaving a window open to show he's ready for business. He flips over a sign that says "closed" to read "open" and then goes back to work on some unfinished orders. Starting with a sword someone had asked for the day previously.


(((He'll work until someone tries to interact with him so if you don't want to interact with him, but want to mention him or something, just mention walking past the smith's shop and hearing the hammer ringing on the anvil or something.)))

Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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It had taken a literal eternity to escape the canyon but with a little rope an unicorn "ingenuity," Caiesm was able to climb a great distance up before even needing to use his utensils. Eventually, he proceed with the same usual trek back to Xas. Every road was always a dangerous one but luckily the stallion had traveled them so much that he was more than experienced in their undertaking. It never took him long to get back to the city.

"There it is," he mumbled to himself as he saw the great gleam of the sun off the metallic structures protruding like beacons from the city tops, "Home sweet...Eh, who am I kidding. It's a prison." As dirty and downtrodden as he was, he didn't care to clean himself before entering into the sacred gardens of the city in search of the Oracle. The gardens of Xas were absolutely beautiful to the common eyes of the everyday pony who visited the city to marvel in its grandeur. Caiesm found it a little tacky but reluctantly, he still lived there.

Finally he had reached the Fountain of Yata in the garden's center. 'That girl is always here...It's a wonder she doesn't just take up and fly off...' he thought to himself as he searched the trees and sky for the Oracle. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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A great deal of time later a familiar muzzle began poking about. Teya smiled, He often walked this path, when he did he would end by the fountain and go home "What is that?" Curiosity rang through the voice. 

Something didn't feel quite right to her something was different. A feeling swept over her that made her feel uncomfortable. It wasn't the pony, but it was something about him. Blinking violently Teya cleared her thoughts. She couldn't imagine anything being different about today. It's not as if anything was different. She shook her self back to her senses and watched the pony for a little longer, her was persistent and was defiantly looking for something. 

Smiling she flew down to a lower branch. Looking down at Caisem she smiled, "Hello, Are you looking for something? Is there anything that I can help you with?" 

It's not as if she didn't already at least know that. It was purely conversation. She had been watching him long enough to know that he was seeking out her presence.. Looking down at the pony she waited for his answer. 

Edited by PurplePony
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Slightly startled, Caiesm stepped back a little before casting his gaze over to the sound of the young, female voice. "Indeed...The only reason I ever come here to be exact..." he grumbled in slight boredom of her purposeful kindness. It was good to have someone to speak with though after remaining in conversation with only his own thoughts for so long. Caiesm's steel eyes looked to Teya tiredly from his journey, trying to ignore her mysterious aura that surrounded the whole garden. It wasn't as though her appearance was enough to mystify the common pony either. She wasn't like everyone else with her hands and feet and curiously designed face and body, not to mention the two pairs of wings that spread out behind her. In all truth, Caiesm was always curious of her, casting occasional glances at her structure though still maintaining his composure in her presence. He had often tried to watch her from afar but that was only upon nights that she would walk outer walls of the garden where he lived.

"Here it is, another shard as assigned," Caiesm uttered in the best composition of a business manner he could while turning his head and snatching the shard strapped to his side with his teeth, "however, I want more than just a day for leave this time. If you can convince your...'friend' to allow me this, I will humor you with some stories of my travels." The black stallion then proceeded towards the stone fountain and set the gleaming shard upon it's ledge before backing up and watching Teya in calm expectancy of her answer.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Charcoal walked upstairs to her bedroom. She decided to do a small little project until the rain stopped. She needed to get something from the blacksmith. Once she got to her bedroom she walked over to her closet at the other end of the room and opened it up. She liked how her bedroom was set up... "Wait, I set it up. Of course I like it." Charcoal said to herself as she pulled out a small knife and a small statue she had been working on. It wasn't anywhere close to being finished, but she never really had that much time to work on it anyway. She walked to her bed and plopped down on it. She examined the small statuette and looked for a good place to start. Whittling had never really been something she had been all that good at so the work wasn't exactly very good as it was. She started carving again and looked to the side at the picture she used as her reference. She sighed sadly and picked up the picture of her first lover. Jack Spades, the only pony who she had truly loved. "Why... why so soon..." Charcoal mumbled as a single tear fell and she hugged the picture as she began to cry.


Hours had passes when Charcoal woke up again. She looked around and noticed the sky was clear through her window. The rain had stopped. She located her picture and put it back in it's spot. She kissed the picture before getting up and putting her statuette and knife back into the closet. She sighed before walking down the stairs again. "Why do I keep doing that? I have to get control over my emotions again like I did before... b-before him..." Charcoal said, shaking her head to shake the thoughts of Jack from her head. She walked up to the front door and opened it up. She took in a deep breath as she smelled the fresh wet air. She began walking and immediately noticed the mud. She chuckled and splashed in it a bit, getting mud on her legs before continuing on. She looked around at the houses around her. They all looked completely different from her house. She wondered if other ponies thought that as well. She shrugged as she approached the blacksmith and walked in through the open door. "Hello hello." She greeted the blacksmith as she approached the counter and rand the bell for fun.  

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Charcoal walked upstairs to her bedroom. She decided to do a small little project until the rain stopped. She needed to get something from the blacksmith. Once she got to her bedroom she walked over to her closet at the other end of the room and opened it up. She liked how her bedroom was set up... "Wait, I set it up. Of course I like it." Charcoal said to herself as she pulled out a small knife and a small statue she had been working on. It wasn't anywhere close to being finished, but she never really had that much time to work on it anyway. She walked to her bed and plopped down on it. She examined the small statuette and looked for a good place to start. Whittling had never really been something she had been all that good at so the work wasn't exactly very good as it was. She started carving again and looked to the side at the picture she used as her reference. She sighed sadly and picked up the picture of her first lover. Jack Spades, the only pony who she had truly loved. "Why... why so soon..." Charcoal mumbled as a single tear fell and she hugged the picture as she began to cry.


Hours had passes when Charcoal woke up again. She looked around and noticed the sky was clear through her window. The rain had stopped. She located her picture and put it back in it's spot. She kissed the picture before getting up and putting her statuette and knife back into the closet. She sighed before walking down the stairs again. "Why do I keep doing that? I have to get control over my emotions again like I did before... b-before him..." Charcoal said, shaking her head to shake the thoughts of Jack from her head. She walked up to the front door and opened it up. She took in a deep breath as she smelled the fresh wet air. She began walking and immediately noticed the mud. She chuckled and splashed in it a bit, getting mud on her legs before continuing on. She looked around at the houses around her. They all looked completely different from her house. She wondered if other ponies thought that as well. She shrugged as she approached the blacksmith and walked in through the open door. "Hello hello." She greeted the blacksmith as she approached the counter and rand the bell for fun.  

Steve jumped at the bell, then scowled at the constant ringing. He took a breath and let out a sigh before turning around cheerfully to meet his customer. "Good day to you my dear! How can I be of service this fine morning?" He boomed out happily at her. Hearing a clicking noise behind him, Steve became aware of Ender, perched on the table that showed off his wares. He clenched his teeth in annoyance. Ender knew that being up there annoyed Steve. His claws simply were not good for the wooden table. "Ah, yes. Charcoal. Good of you to come in again. I have that order for you, if you're ready? Ender? Do be a help and go and grab her order." He heard a sigh behind him and winced as he heard more scraping coming from the table, before feeling a small gust of wind that signaled Ender's departure. Smiling sincerely this time, Steve nodded at some of the wares he had on display. "I'll go help him finish up collecting everything. Shan't be, but a moment. If you'd like to look at some of my fine items here on display until then?" 

Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Aaron flew through the skies, letting the rain pelt his body. The sensation was soothing to him. Even after that mental encounter with the red bull. He got out when he did and was not going to look back. He was wishing he got one of the others. Well, maybe not The Predator. Oh by the elder gods, not that thing. You'd think the embodiment of love would be soothing. But... it reminded him of a land shark. Aaron shuddered at the mere thought or the purple creature. "Never again." He flew faster searching for something thing that cought his attention. Luckily, there was one thing down below.


@@Aerodynas, @@PurplePony,

It was a town he had not yet visited. He flew down, careful to make sure the ponies didn't notice him. He didn't want to start a panic. At least not yet. He hid on a roof of one of the buildings and looked to the ponies down below. Seeing them walk along in their daily lives. His thoughts of the celestial being fleeting his mind. He began to focus the rings power and bent the light around his body(24). He was now unseen to the naked eye and flew to get a closer look at the town.

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Charcoal chuckled and gave Steve a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Come on now Steve, you know if I ever want something that is able to be made then I prefer to make it myself over just simply buying it. It is more fun that way." Charcoal said with a smile. She looked at Steve's rough form. His blackened hooves and singed fur. His strong body and friendly eyes. They were the same eyes as... Charcoal looked down and shook her head NO! Don't think about him! Just push it away, just push it away. Charcoal thought to herself as she suddenly went silent for a minute before looking back up at Steve. "Um... anyways. No thanks on looking around. I prefer trying to do it myself. Even if I will never get to your level of craftsmanship, it makes the item more special if you made it yourself. I'm sure you know what I mean. But in anycase, how is Nether doing? Will he have any trouble getting my orehalcon ingots?" Charcoal asked, wondering if it really would be a problem for a dragon to get ore like that and not be Ahmed to eat it.

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Steve smiled at Charcoal. He saw something play across her face, marring the appearance of happiness on her face. A look of concern appeared on his face for a moment before he nodded, still smiling. "Of course. Hard work is it's own satisfaction, yes?" He grinned at the question about Ender, then cast a conspiratorial glance over his shoulder playfully. "Well, between you and me, he actually isn't from around here. I found him as an egg in a far away place. Luckily for me, he doesn't like eating metal or precious gems, otherwise, I'd be out of a job by now." He laughed out the last sentence. Ender came back out holding a bag of ingots in his mouth, using mostly his lips so his razor sharp teeth wouldn't cut the bag. "Vere oou go." He said, mouth full of cloth. Steve turned to him, eyebrow raised.  "What was that?" Ender spat the bag out on to the counter and gave a tired huff that accidentally blew flames right by Steve and Charcoal's heads. Steve ducked and let out an exclamation. "Yow! Hey, watch it!" Ender giggled merrily, responding "Sorry about that. And I said there you go." Steve nodded and used his magic to pass the bag of ingots to Charcoal. "Right, all together, that'll be two bits." 



Charcoal chuckled and gave Steve a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Come on now Steve, you know if I ever want something that is able to be made then I prefer to make it myself over just simply buying it. It is more fun that way." Charcoal said with a smile. She looked at Steve's rough form. His blackened hooves and singed fur. His strong body and friendly eyes. They were the same eyes as... Charcoal looked down and shook her head NO! Don't think about him! Just push it away, just push it away. Charcoal thought to herself as she suddenly went silent for a minute before looking back up at Steve. "Um... anyways. No thanks on looking around. I prefer trying to do it myself. Even if I will never get to your level of craftsmanship, it makes the item more special if you made it yourself. I'm sure you know what I mean. But in anycase, how is Nether doing? Will he have any trouble getting my orehalcon ingots?" Charcoal asked, wondering if it really would be a problem for a dragon to get ore like that and not be Ahmed to eat it.

Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Charcoal giggled at Steve. "Are you sure it is only two bits? I feel like it would be more and you are just spoiling me because we have similar lines of work." Charcoal said before setting down the ingots and reaching into her bag and feeling around for her bit purse. Once she found her bit purse she took it out and began taking out the correct ammount of bits before she peaked up at Steve and noticed his mane. She began smiling even more when she saw it and tried not to laugh. She took out ten bits and set them down on the counter for Steve. "There you go. Keep the change and buy yourself something good. Or just use it to fix that amazing mane of yours. Whichever comes first." Charcoal said with a bit of a giggle before picking up the ingots and putting them in her bag and walking out the door. She turned and waved goodbye to Steve as she left. "I sure hope he fixes that mane of his before the next customer comes in. I would sure hate for him to be too embarrassed." Charcoal said with a bit of a giggle as she walked back onto the wet, muddy ground as she began walking back home.

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Steve waved to her and then put a hoof up to his mane. "What the...dang. Ender!" Ender grinned wider and crawled back in to the forge where he knew Steve couldn't reach him. Steve let out an angry huff and says "I'm going to go see what the villagers have to trade since today seems really slow. You coming?" As he says this, he shuts the little  window in front of his shop but absentmindedly forgets to lock it. He heads up stairs and hears Ender following him. He goes to a secret door in his upstairs room where he lives and, after pushing on a secret panel and entering said secret room, walks over a swirling green portal. As he steps through it, he feels himself changing. As the final changes finish, he looks down at himself. Human again. Finally, so nice to have opposable thumbs. He quickly unlocks a chest next to his portal and puts on some armor and arms himself with a sword. Then walking through his castle he built what felt like ages ago, he walks out the door to go meet the villagers. 


(filler filler filler)

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Charcoal was at her house when and was taking out her keys when she realized something, something was missing. She shook her bags and to her shock there wasn't a specific kind of jingle. She tore through her bags, dumping out everything to try to find what was missing. And to her dissapointment, it wasn't there. She must have dropped her bit purse somewhere, or maybe she... Charcoal suddenly facehoofed from her stupidity. She had left her bit purse at the blacksmith's shop. probably just on the counter. She put all her stuff back in her bags and made sure it was exaclty where it was before. Then she began walking once again to the blacksmith. The roads were still muddy, but she still didn't care as she walked along them. She got a bit of glee from walking through the mud, just like a foal when she is brought to get some ice cream. Only she keeps a bit of control over herself. She walked up to the shop and noticed the door was shut. She thought that was odd, but still continued walking.She knocked on the door, but it was simply cracked open and swug open at her knock. She poked her head in and looked around. "Hello?" She called to the errily quiet shop. She stepped inside and walked up to the counter and looked for her bit purse. When she didn't find it she walked behind the counter to look and still found nothing. She walked upstairs to see if maybe he decided to take a nap or something. When she walked into what she assumed was his bedroom she was shocked to find something she never expected to find. A hidden door. And Inside that hidden door was a portal of some kind. Her curiosity got the best of her and she began walking towards it. When she got to the portal she stuck a hoof into it for a second before pulling it back out. She didn't get anything but a slightly strange feeling. She steped into the portal. She was surprised when nothing happened, but was more surprised when she felt an uncomfortable feeling She was about to step out when she noticed something about her hooved, they were gone! "What the?!" Charcoal said in shock as her hooved started changing into... something she had never seen before.She looked back and saw that her hind hooves were changing as well. She knew she should try and get out of the portal, since it was obviously what was changing her, but she just couldn't move. Finally, after a minute Charcoal layed on the ground as... something. She had no idea what she was. She couldn't go outside like this. Maybe Steve would know what happened and how to change her back. She just had to find him.


She got up on all fours and walked through what looked like a castle. She loved the way it was designed, but continued walking until she got to a set of doors.

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Steve had gotten quite a good load of emeralds from the testificate villagers. They always were willing to buy arms and armor, especially from him. His steel was vastly superior to anything the native skits could make. With a good amount of gold and emeralds in his pack, Steve started for home. He walked across the fields that divided his castle from the village and walked across the drawbridge in to the small park inside the castle walls. He was about to enter the castle proper when a thought struck him. He hadn't been here for a while, at least a month by the villagers reckoning. He had better test his security measures to make sure he would be ready for the next blood moon. This thought in mind, Steve made hid way up to the guard towers on either side of the gate. He first activated the drawbridge, making sure it would lift leaving the most uncrossable. After he was satisfied with the working of the bridge, he moved on the large gate that could come down and block the entrance. He carefully unlocked the mechanism holding the gate open and slowly started letting the gate down. Right at that moment, his hand slipped and the gate fell shut with a resounding BOOM! He cringed at the noise. That boom, he knew would be heard in the castle. It might wake Ender from his nap. He shrugged and continued working until he was sure all his security measures were in pristine condition. He then left the tower, confident he'd be ready for the blood moon in a week or so. He entered the entrance of his castle and accidentally stumbled over something on four legs. He started apologizing, his mind preoccupied, the stopped in shock. "Sorry Endddd...What!" He exclaimed as he focussed on Charcoal. "Is-are...What? Who-?"
@@Charcoal Embers

Edited by Dante Confusa

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Teya fluttered from her perch and giggled, "Hmmmm I don't know how long you can stay for."  

She landed atop Caisem's head.Twisting her torso she turned giving his ear a hug. "It has been a long while since I saw you last." She squeed with delight. 


Her smiles separated the clouds and brightened her mood. She enjoyed hearing his boyish tales of adventure and truthfully he was one of the only beings she considered to be friends with. She preferred to keep to herself most of the time.  She rapped her tiny knuckles on his head and laughed. "Well if you insist on asking permission to stay home for a while I will ask." 


She laughed mockingly. it was true she was an oracle, and supposed to speak for the greater power. Teya just thought she was crazy and if everything wanted to listen to the voice in her head she would let them. It rather amused her anyways. 'Why can't anyone think for themselves? I thought all the beings here were capable of free will.' Her thoughts amused her. 

Sighing Teya closed her eyes, 'Well you heard his request what do you think about it?' She asked the goddess silently. "Listen to him. Let him stay for as long as he wishes, I will let him know when to go back. Make sure to thank him." 


"Alright" Teya began speaking to Caisem once again. "She says you have done well. You can stay as long as you wish, if something arises and you need to go back you will be notified then." 


Rolling onto her belly she giggled and held his hair in her fingers. she played with it lightly "So does that answer satisfy you? What stories did you bring back for me?" She asked half pondering to herself. 


She was happy that her friend was back, but the excitement had partly worn off. She forgot, everything, every being  saw her for being 'chosen' and nothing more. She couldn't ever escape. It mattered not how far she flew, for it would never be enough. The rain slowly fell between the rays of sunshine. It fell onto an unknown source. Teya's eyes widened in surprise. Taking a deep breath in she calmed herself. Whoever or whatever if was seemed to be a little ways off and at this moment it was no threat. Deciding to keep watch Teya brought down the rain. 


She giggled at the black pony, his coat was fairly slick.  "Whoops, I guess it's raining. We should find some place dry, you can tell me your stories there right?" Sliding down the pony's neck Teya straightened herself and grasped his mane between her fingers.

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Caiesm rolled his eyes in slight irritation of the oracle's teasing, even if she was silly in her own right. Over the seasons, he had tried to understand her perspective on things, never pushing too far on information from her past. Everypony had their issues though, even he. All the same, she was his friend and had developed as such despite their initial meeting with him having a blade to his hoof. As much as he tried to avoid smiling, Teya always seemed to instigate some sort of happiness. He knew she loved his stories, being stuck within the city for so long. It was humorous though that she actually gave in to his request, even with the knowledge of Caiesm always telling her his stories no matter the stakes. The stallion was satisfied with his answer in the end. He had learned to just go with her 'gift' and play along, knowing that it usually meant better fortune for his livelihood in her good favor.

Teya's small grasp tickled against his black ear, causing him to flick it a little out of her grasp. Oh yes, and the wonderful rain she always seemed to cause when he came around: Caiesm simply loved getting a bath ahead of time while he was still in his clothes. "Lead the way Teya..." he mumbled as though he was annoyed. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Aerodynas, @@PurplePony

Aaron flew through the town, looking at the various sights and feeling the rain on his being. The rain pelted the ground and was distorting his invisibility field, as long as no pony looked to the sky, he would remain unnoticed. He soared above the street and looked around and what he found was odd and interesting to Aaron. It was a black stallion, coat and mane. He had a white stripe on his muzzle. His form seemed militaristic and somewhat stern. But what really caught his attention was the small humanoid being holding onto the unicorns mane. It was small, no bigger than his palm. She wore a white dress that was now wet from the rain. Her hair was long, reaching her shoulders. And by the looks of it, her eyes were blue. He drew closer to the two, careful not to let them see him. He would not interact unless he needed to. And that would be under a final circumstance. They seemed to be traveling somewhere and where that was, he was curious to know. Finding a bipedal on this planet was not an easy one. And Aaron was eager to find out where they were going.

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Charcoal looked up at... something. She wasn't really sure what it was, but she knew it was similar to how she looked. Maybe she could get some answers from it. She was about to call for it when she noticed something. It was holding a dragon that looked very familiar. That looks just like Ender. But how can that be, Ender is... wait, it couldn't be. Charcoal thought to herself as she turned herself around on all fours still to face him or her or it. "Hello there. May I ask you if..." Charcoal suddenly cut herself off as she noticed what the thing was wearing. It was very similar to what Steve was wearing before at the shop. Not only that, but it also had the same bag and everything. But she found it odd that it was standing on two legs. Was she also supposed to stand like that, or was it a thing that only this one did? She didn't know why she kept asking herself these questions and didn't just ask about them. "Oh... um... anyway, hello there. My name is Charcoal Embers, would you mind telling me if you have ever heard of somepony named Steve and a dragon named Ender? I am looking for the two of them."

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Teya laughed "Onward noble steed! Our destination is due west!." Teya hollered, kicking Caisems side.

She giggled he seemed hesitant to move, Teya could have sworn he even shot her a glance. Reguardless the pair made their way from the outside of the town. Deeper they  went until Teya laughed, "Right here."


The two came upon a frozen patch of land. The lush shrubbery and rock formations had been frozen over. Teya jumped from Caisem. "This is my nw home." She smiled showing him her creation.






"I learned how to control the temperature of water, so it's always frozen here." Teya smiled.


She was impressed by her talents and didn't mind showing them off. Teya showed him around her fortress of ice, "I do hope the matches I kept haven't gotten damp." She said beggining to worry slightly.

Further inside she managed to light a fire and lay down some softer branches so that Caisem didn't have to sit in the snow. It wasn't much but it was better that being outside in the rain. at least it was kind of comfortable and he could dry up a bit.

Teya sat a short ways away from him in the icy snow. "Now please tell me your storries!" She could hardly wait to hear what he had been through this time.


Teya sat giving her attention to her dear friend, however she sensed the being from earlier had perhaps followed them. Slightly on edge and guarded she waited, putting forth a happy face. She didn't like being watched from afar. It gave her chills.

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Charcoal looked up at... something. She wasn't really sure what it was, but she knew it was similar to how she looked. Maybe she could get some answers from it. She was about to call for it when she noticed something. It was holding a dragon that looked very familiar. That looks just like Ender. But how can that be, Ender is... wait, it couldn't be. Charcoal thought to herself as she turned herself around on all fours still to face him or her or it. "Hello there. May I ask you if..." Charcoal suddenly cut herself off as she noticed what the thing was wearing. It was very similar to what Steve was wearing before at the shop. Not only that, but it also had the same bag and everything. But she found it odd that it was standing on two legs. Was she also supposed to stand like that, or was it a thing that only this one did? She didn't know why she kept asking herself these questions and didn't just ask about them. "Oh... um... anyway, hello there. My name is Charcoal Embers, would you mind telling me if you have ever heard of somepony named Steve and a dragon named Ender? I am looking for the two of them."

Steve stood there dumbfounded. "Charcoal Embers...how?" There was laughing coming from the dragon. Steve looked down at Ender. "Ha ha! Oh, I told you the wall was a bad idea. The secret panel must have jammed again." Steve looked thoughtfully at his pet dragon for a moment before responding. "Uh. I guess you're right. Hmm." To Charcoal "You found me, I'm Steve. I know I must look a bit different then what you're used to, but I'm him. Opposable thumbs and all." Upon saying this, he held his hands up in front of him for her to see and moved his thumbs around, grinning. "Hmm. I should probably explain everything. I-" His face suddenly turned red as he blushed deeply. *ahem* I uh *ahem. Uh. I. You, um. Clothes, uh." As he says all of this, you notice it had become very hard for him to keep eye contact. Ender merely rolls his eyes and walks over so that he's standing right in front of her. "Alright. Here's the scoop. When you came through that portal, you turned in to something called a human...which is weird, since I thought Steve was the only human able to live here...but maybe that isn't true...what ever. Anyways, two, humans usually stand on their hind legs. I know it feels weird, but from what Steve tells me, and how he acts while here, it seems normal. Three, well, you need clothes. Right now...well, I know you usually don't wear clothes as a pony, but humans wear clothes. It protects their dignity or something, I don't know. Anyways, let's get you away from here before you catch a cold from the open doors. Steve!" Ender turns to Steve who seems to have stared off in to space. "Buddy, Snap Out of It!" He blows a small fire ball that shoots over the top of Steve's head, leaving a second scorch trail through his hair and waking him up from his day dreaming. "Who! What! Huh? OH! Ender! Not again!" Ender merely winks at him and replies. "You got any spare clothes we could give to Miss Charcoal here for the duration of her stay?" Steve nods, trying to avoid looking Charcoal over, or at least not obviously, and failing miserably at it. "Good. Come with me, we'll get you set straight. I don't think Steve is in the right state of mind to try and help you out right now anyways..."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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