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open Ponyville High [Comedy, Romance]


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Red Flash: "Wow! I can't believe I actually made it" red said as he entered through the high school doors for his second year at ponyville high.

Sweet Kisses: " Well believe it flash. We made it!" She said somewhat mockingly.

Red jumped at the sound of her voice.

Red Flash: "Oh my...! Hey Kisses. Where'd you come from!?" He said

Sweet Kisses: "Don't worry about it. Come on let's take a look around!" She said playfully and holding back a laugh.

Edited by Secretbrony
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"Oh boy... OH BOY!!!" Said a nervous train wreck known as Mr.Green, he was looking out the window of his classroom, watching as students by the thousands swarmed in.  He started running around his area trying to get things prepared, occasionally tripping over an item or two. He constantly told himself,'You got this! You got this!'


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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Times entered the School. " 3 more years until I never have to see another school again" Times said pushing the hair out of his eyes. Times walked over to Red "Sup, Red long time no see!" Times said Excitedly. Times was slightly jumping off the ground. He smiled ear to ear 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Silver sighed as he entered ponyville high."It's your second year and you haven't made any good friends." he said to himself.Oh well at least my grades are good.Silver watched as circles of friends united and envied them."Well it's off to class for me I suppose."  He said, trotting towards his first class.

"Kyoshi is Oprah, but with med kits. You get a med kit! You get a med kit, everyone gets med kits!"-Metal

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Red: " Times! How you been! Oh I forgot! This is sweet kisses. "

Sweet: "hi!" She said nervously.

Red: "you ready for another year? Cause I can't wait! The second those track tryouts open up you know I'll be there! "

Red said anxiously. Walking along side kisses and times.

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Connor closed his locker and turned around and started walking down the crowded hall he was looking at his time table seeing what class he had when he bumped into a pony he looked up and saw it was silver a decent pony but not one that made any waves


"Yo your silver right"

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"Gotta look presentable..." Green takes out a mirror, his hair was considerably unkempt. "Noooooo!!" There were students approaching!!! "Okay green... calm down... you got this! Right? Yeah you do!" He started putting plants around the classroom. "Okay...." "I'm to excited...calm down.." Now he waits.


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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"Nice to meet you, Kisses." Times said. "I bet 15 bits that your going to be the star runner... again." Times said looking at red. "So have you heard what classes you have this year?" He asked Red. Times took off his glasses and wiped any smudges off of them. He put them back on and continued walking,

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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The pony startled Silver."Yes, I am." He said.looking at the pony he asked "your name is Connor, correct?" He watched Mr.Green stumble about for a while and then turned back to the other pony"This teacher sees quite incompetent, don't you think?"He was wondered why the teacher seemed so flustered.

"Kyoshi is Oprah, but with med kits. You get a med kit! You get a med kit, everyone gets med kits!"-Metal

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Red: " yea. Says here first class is... Mr. Green for environmental science. What about you kisses?"

Kisses: "I've got the same. Lucky us right?"

Red: " Cool! How about you times? Who do you have? " red asked now starting to walk toward Mr.greens class. Kisses is walking along, but falling a bit behind.

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Okay, class: environmental science: check..., Plants set: check, lab coat: check , lesson plan: check. Okay, all set. Greenhouse for lessons: check. 

Put on best smile. Have fun... Yeah!.. Oh boy..." He started pacing, looking around the room. "The year starts with you! So man up okay!? MAN UP! YOU CAN DO THIS!!"

Edited by Mr.Green


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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((Oops, late start.))


As he walked up to the entrance of the school, his old self acted up again.


C'mon Guardian, it's just school, he thought to himself. It's in your name that you're brave, so why not do it now.


He walked pass some more new comers, not noticing a group right in from of him. He accidentally bumped the red and white pegasus.


"Oh... I'm sorry..." he said, his voice fading.

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Connor heard times say bet and looked over to him


"Yo times don't bet your lunch money again I don't wanna have to bail you out at lunch when you lose again"


Connor looked over to mister green and smiled


"Yeah I'm connor but listen he's cool he's just nervous that's all the bro has to teach us lot that's got to be a little scary I mean even you shy away from other ponies so you can't blame him he's the unwritten enemy of students every where so its even worse for him eh listen hit me up after class alright well finish up then"


Connor walked away from silver and walked next to kisses


"Hey kisses whats up"

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"I got Mr. Green too, but the Senors said he wasn't a very good teacher." Times said to red. Times looked at Connor "I'm not betting my lunch money again... I betting half of it." Times said to Connor as he began walking to Mr. Green's classroom. Times walked into the classroom and sat down in a seat that was right in the front of class.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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After that accident, he went to the first class in his schedule. Mr. Green was the teacher, so he thought it was... Biology? He placed his unwanted things in the locker and made his way in the classroom, sitting behind everyone, not taking any attention at him.

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Kisses: "Hi Connor, way to stand up for the teacher. That was pretty cool of you." She said sincerely.

Red: "yea yea, let's just find our seats. Well doesn't he look a bit of a wreck. Not that it matters or nothin'. Found One!" He said racing toward a group of empty chairs.

Kisses: "Hey red! Wait! Sorry about that Connor. Come on Times!"

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(BRB SORRY!!! Have to eat dinner!!! I'll be back as soon as possible so please wait for me a little while! I'LL BE BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Stupid word count is getting me in trouble! LA LA KA LA LA LA LA STUPID WORD COUNT COME ON COME ON COME ON!!!!)Mr.Green: I need to use the bathroom be back! And he zoomed out!


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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Times had already taken his seat. "by time the week is over I will be able to add Mr. Green to the long list teachers that hate me." Times said looking at red. Times looked around the room and took out his phone. He began playing Angry Griffons. After a few minutes he began to look angry and put away his phone.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Red: "well, That was sure something. Barely beginning the year and already left without a teacher. Awesome!"

Kisses: "Settle down Red. Just because he's gone doesn't mean it's time to party or whatever. I say we wait. "

Red: "Fine. What a buzz kill. Hang on a second. Isn't that the guy who bumped into times earlier?" He said acknowledging the one pony sitting in the back.

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Connor rubbed a hoof along his neck


"It was nothing kisses he's probably the nicest teacher here I got a c- in a test once he gave me a pat on the back most other teachers would of moaned at me but not mister green he's cool I'll see you after class and keep red out of trouble for me"


Connor walked over and sat down besides times and held his hoof out for a brohoof


"So times how much am I gonna have to give you once you lose your bet"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Times looked at him and gave Connor a Brohoof, "Nothing because I bet'd that Red will be the star runner on the track team this year, like always." Times said before laughing "I'm not going to lose all my bets this year, I'm feeling lucky." Times said with a big smile. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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He took out his sketchbook and started sketching pictures. After a while, he started getting uncomfortable, like someone's watching him. As he looked around, he noticed the group he bumped into earlier. One of them was looking at him.


Oh no, I'm becoming extremely shy again... he thought.


Out of his shyness, he started becoming invisible. He noticed this earlier and started to control it.


C'mon man. Don't do that. They might be friendly. Give them a chance.


He just waved at them and gave a sheepish smile.

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Connor shook his head and pulled his phone out and looked at a text he had just received


"You better be more than feeling lucky this year I'm not sure my wallet could handle another year long times style betting fail"


Connor replied to the text and put his phone on his desk and faced times


"Hey someone I know is planning a new school year party for tonight you up for it"

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(HI GUYS!) "Come on Lily... You got this.." Green came out the bathroom and started trotting back to his classroom. He greeted some of the other students some new, some old. He finally reached his classroom, "Here it goes..." He tried opening the door, but to his dismay, it was locked. "No..... By Celestia, DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!! C'MON!!!" His magic prooved no use... Everypony stared at him because the commotion..


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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"Shoot, shoot, shoot! Going to be late on the first day! How did this happen?!?" Soundblast galloped at full speed towards the high school, only pausing once he was inside. "Okay, where to go first?" He said to himself anxiously. "Environmental science. Let's do this." After charging purple magic in his horn, he teleported in front of the classroom. "Please don't let me be late," Soundblast mumbled as he walked in.


(I'd like to thank Lunia for my signature and big_blue_ghost for my avatar!)

My OCs: Sound Blast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sound-blast-r5350

Clockwork: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/clockwork-r5351

My Tumblr: http://clockwork24.tumblr.com/ My DeviantArt: http://clockwork2.deviantart.com/

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