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ooc Zombie Survival RP (quite detailed)


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so, because magic exists in this universe, generators and cars run off a form of expendable magic that powers them, and creates electricity, im calling it mana because why not lol

  • Brohoof 1

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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Lol, yeah, i'm use to calling it mana, because of the games i play. Heading back to play dungeon keeper, its pretty fun :3

Ooh... I got DK and DK2, but I can't play them on my main machine because DOSBox is a potato... I'm actually quite hyped for War For the Overworld

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because cars run on magic, a unicorn could blast a cars mana-battery with magic to get it running temporarily, but it takes a lot of energy to do, and it only lasts for 20 minutes

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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because cars run on magic, a unicorn could blast a cars mana-battery with magic to get it running temporarily, but it takes a lot of energy to do, and it only lasts for 20 minutes

So gas stations aren't so much actual fuel stations as they are locations with special equipment to pull ambient magic from the air (or ley lines if we're going with that system of magic) and coalesce it into a form that can be used to charge mana batteries?
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So gas stations aren't so much actual fuel stations as they are locations with special equipment to pull ambient magic from the air (or ley lines if we're going with that system of magic) and coalesce it into a form that can be used to charge mana batteries?

its more of fuel stations, they have equipment that can fuel large mana based devices, mainly vehicles, power plants are where mana is made and distributed 



its still a car it just runs on magic instead of gas, thats the only difference

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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its more of fuel stations, they have equipment that can fuel large mana based devices, mainly vehicles, power plants are where mana is made and distributed 



its still a car it just runs on magic instead of gas, thats the only difference


no y'know what...I can accept someone being powered by magic

I am fine with the existence of magic

i can accept magic as a substitute for some small things that exist in real life

the phrase "don't fix it if i isn't broken", applies here


I quit. 

My personal rules for RP are 

A-don't screw with science unless you can provide me with the grand unified theory and modify it so that your universe works.

B-don' screw with the manner in which current tech works.

C-don't use "oh it's magic" as a cop out EVER.

Edited by Twinkfeather
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its not a cop out, i just think its more fun, plus it makes more sense in a pony world,


i dont see what the problem is 

  • Brohoof 1

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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you know how twilight was actually a decent story until the part about them being sparkly vampires killed the story?


or how superman was pretty cool until he started developing superpowers every time he met a problem he couldn't get past and that killed the story?


that is the problem, you killed the story for me.

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you know how twilight was actually a decent story until the part about them being sparkly vampires killed the story?


or how superman was pretty cool until he started developing superpowers every time he met a problem he couldn't get past and that killed the story?


that is the problem, you killed the story for me.

twilight was never a decent story


superman has never just come up with powers, not out side the set he is always shown with


but if just a simple minute insignifigant change has ruined it for you im sorry, i just like exploring with this kind of stuff, i like thinking of how modern devices would work in a pony world, magic powered items are just more likely to exist in a pony world

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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you know how twilight was actually a decent story until the part about them being sparkly vampires killed the story?


or how superman was pretty cool until he started developing superpowers every time he met a problem he couldn't get past and that killed the story?


that is the problem, you killed the story for me.

Twilight was plagued by a cliched premise and terrible writing before the vampires showed up. They didn't actually make the story any worse.


I presume you're talking about Silver Age Superman, who is still better than the trite they came up with for the 'darker and grittier' crap that was Man of Steel.


I still don't get what really killed the story for you.

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Twilight was plagued by a cliched premise and terrible writing before the vampires showed up. They didn't actually make the story any worse.


I presume you're talking about Silver Age Superman, who is still better than the trite they came up with for the 'darker and grittier' crap that was Man of Steel.


I still don't get what really killed the story for you.

see part B to my other post.

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Oh no. I read that. I mean why is he dropping out because of it? We're in an RP with an undeveloped backstory. It's pretty much expected to do this kind of on-the-fly worldbuilding.

because cars work just fine the way they are, don't fix what isn't broken


if skull can give me one valid reason why we should do it with magic instead of gasoline or diesel fuel, i'll concede 

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yup a lot of things that DM's do is out of plot convenience and have us use our critical thinking skills to get around the problem. Usually this kind of thing helps others get involved, think what we can salvage from a vehicle that runs on magic instead of fuel?


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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well I can work on cars, but I can't work on magic

if you ask me it's really incontinent 

how many unicorns do we have in our party?


now how easy would it be to siphon gas from any other car?


only ones who can really work with magic are the unicorns, so the fuel would only be siphon able by them

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We could possibly of found our way in a city that was mostly unicorns, you know how ponyville is mainly a community of earth ponies, this could of been a city that was mainly unicorns, we could possibly run into a car that uses Ethenal gas instead of it needing magic


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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We could possibly of found our way in a city that was mostly unicorns, you know how ponyville is mainly a community of earth ponies, this could of been a city that was mainly unicorns, we could possibly run into a car that uses Ethenal gas instead of it needing magic

two key words in this post

could and possibly



Hell. I used Broken as a damn lightning rod. Expand on that. Magical energy conversion. Mana battery creation. Faction politics. Invention.


There are ways to use this- just got to be creative.

i'm a scientist, I don't do creative, I do facts.



and I still see no advantage of magic cars over internal combustion 

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