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planning The day the sun died (Dark rp/romance((not sure about this one))/adventure)

Demonic Soulz

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No pony thought it would ever happen, not Twilight, not Cadence, not even Luna but it happened, Celestia has died and the world of Equestria is slowly turning into a state of darkness. Sombra has come back and this time is working along side Queen Chrysalis and Discord has gone back to being evil. The mane six couldn't defeat them, even with the elements. Is this really the end.



it's not, even if the elements didn't work doesn't mean the three evils can't be defeated normally a few ponies set out to stop the Four evils to bring peace back to the world. One known as the Warrior- I mean Equinox Sin, former student of Princess Luna set out to defeat Chrysalis but who are the other ponies?




accepting till I think there is enough ponies



Main Heroes

Equinox Sin- Me

Bionic Seth- Arman575

Moonlight- Moonlight7starshine






Etheral Nightmare Moon-Fluttershyvana




Edited by Izaya Orihara

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Etheral version of Nightmare Moon yes and you are accepted just don't make her to OP since she is an alicorn


well its king sombra she's dealing with so she will become stronger as the roleplay progresses because if she remains weak throughout the roleplay then sombra will just beat her ass of the face of equestria.


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Then expect that pony (i don't care if she's an alicorn) to be in a death grip by Bio-Seth's robot arm. 

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I might add my Dragoness and 



@, You are now Nightmare Moon 


Edit: I hope she didn't see that when it said Not...

Edited by Izaya Orihara

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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She might get away with it after a bit, it's just considered a racist term to wolves. It's like calling humans apes, except allot more offensive. 

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She might get away with it after a bit, it's just considered a racist term to wolves. It's like calling humans apes, except allot more offensive. 


i'm pretty sure humans orginated from apes :P


actually Moonlight give seth a lot of respect considering 1. he looks cool 2. he's bionic .3 hes a wolf


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(Bionic paw. Sorry, just my nit picky self.)


Seth can hold his own. Who is Equinox?

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