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open Zombie Survival RP


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Broken turns to look at the door. The faint sound has turned into a shuffling. He allows his warpony mask melt away, if only because the foal seems to be more curious than hostile.


"This location is compromised. The discharge of your firearm has attracted at least one corpse. We must leave."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Oh no... wait a second i gotta go get something!" I run into one of the rooms and get a blanket with a note sewn into it. I run back to where Broken is and stuff it in my backpack. "alright, whats the plan? where do we go? Do you know anyone else? I havent seen outside in about 3 weeks!"

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken opens the door and quickly scans the hallway for corpses. The shuffling is clearer with the door open. It sounds like they are in the lower floors; he prays that they are not the zombies that he saw in the parking lot earlier.


"There was a gunshot far away not too long ago. I was planning on searching for other survivors. I almost left when I saw you through the hole in the wall."


Broken steps out into the hallways and motions for Flame to join him.


"The corpses are below us. Do you hear them...?"



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I put my head to the ground and listen. "I hear some but i don't think there are a lot. if they're the flyers, flying doesn't work too well in buildings." I walk silently to Broken and stay very close to him, almost under his left wing. "Where are we gonna go? Towards the gunshot?"

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken nods, "Yes. Quiet now... we need to get past the corpses without alerting them. More discharges from these slug throwers will attract more of them."


Broken slowly makes his way down the hallway to the staircase while trying to avoid making any sound. He trusts the foal to at least stay close to him. At the top of the stairwell, he listens for more corpse movement.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I look around and I dont see any corpses. At this point im terrified and im practically touching Broken as I walk with him. "Do you hear anything?" As soon as I said that I looked down the staircase and saw a sign that had "exit" written on it. "Hey look!, Over there!"

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken nods and mutters as quietly as he can, "Yes.  We only need to go down three floors and we can go through that door."


Broken notices how closely Flame is and considers for a moment forcing him away. He discards the thought and begins to lightly go down the staircase.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Looks up at broken and notices that he feels uncomfortable. I slide about 4 hooves away from him but still by his side. "Maybe he doesn't like me... but then why would he let me follow him? but... maybe... hmm..." I whispered to myself.


(filler filler filler filler filler)

Edited by Arial Flame

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken remains silent as they make their way down the stairs and finally reach the bottom floor. The shuffling from earlier is louder than ever and Broken can distinguish individual hoofsteps.


"Outside. Two to our right side. Stay in the doorway. If I can't trample them both come out and use your weapon."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Ok I will" I go to the doorway and stare at the two oblivious corpses. Once again I cant stop thinking about if Broken likes me. "What if hes evil and hes lying to me, or he has no feelings and kills me when i do something wrong or maybe..." I whisper to my self a bit louder then the last time.

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken pauses and speaks.


"If you're going to doubt my integrity, please do so silently."


Broken continues outside to look at the corpses that have locked their sights on his foal companion. He quickly places himself between the dad ponies and Flame. He crouches down to spread out his weight and waits as the corpses shuffle closer. His frozen wing is perfect to block any attempt to charge him from the front and he uses it to his advantage to charge the first corpse and crash into it with the full force of his weight behind the impact.


Broken spins and lands a weak buck that causes the second corpse to stumble for a moment.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I stare at Broken but soon snap out of it. "Hold on!" I run over the to second corpse as it gets up and start beating it with my back hooves. Then a start beating it the the handle of my gun. The corpse falls to the ground motionless as I stare at it. "Are you okay Broken? Did one of them get you?"

Edited by Arial Flame

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Outside the apartment a few zombies shambled in the parking lot, the mid day sun was burning down, the asphalt made even the ground feel hot, one zombie was even beginning to cook in the heat, it was weirdly hot today, there was a heat wave all around the parking lot


(Your group stats are up)

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Broken kicks and crushes the dead pony below him and quickly spins around to decapitate the corpse with the edge of razor sharp feathers on the bottom of his frozen wing. The remaining corpses in the parking lot shamble slowly out of the light and heat. Broken considers taking them on but decides to leave them alone.


"I am fine, little Flame." Broken examine the beaten corpse at the foal's hooves. "A quiet kill. Impressive."


He looks up at the midday sun and scowls, "We require food more than we require companionship. To our north is a sporting good store- they should have dried rations. Provided they have not been looted already. I did not not enough time to explore the building the last time I was there."

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Thank you, lets hope they haven't already been looted." I really need food I'm starting to feel a bit.. A bit.. A bit.. I Pass out. I haven't had any food in ages and the only thing I had in my backpack was an orange.



(Uhfghfhghfhufgughgvhgfhgfggg vghgjjughhhghh)

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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(There are two subspecies of Sergal, Southern and Northern. Northern sergals that live in the Tatola Plains, have long, fluffy gray or black fur, short ears, and a short, thick face.

Southern sergals live in the Sailzane Desert, and have short, brown or yellow (or other "earthy" colors) fur, long ears, and a long, thin face. They are smaller than their Northern relatives.

These groups have been at war for a long time. Militant Sergals wear metal or leather armor and usually favor polearms, and are capable of great feats thanks to their strong, wirey limbs with much denser muscles than humans, more akin to a chimpanzee's muscles. Their noses are slim and pointy, as of the nose of a shark)


(from now on in place of the word filler, I will be using random excerpts from wikifur articles)

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Broken sighs and thinks for a moment. The cost of carrying this foal around will be higher than he's really willing to pay but his conscience wins out and he lifts the foal onto his back. The extra strain on his last powered wing is annoying but bearable. He quickly makes his way into the shade and begins his trek northward. Broken hopes that in the cooler shade, the child can awaken and eat something. If he had known how bad of a condition the foal was in, he would have just carried him the whole way. It was no worse than carrying the corpses of his dead friends during the rebellions.


((OOC: Probably going to get some sleep in a post or two.))



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I start moving around a bit. My arms both wrap around Brokens neck. My head rests on Brokens shoulder as well. I smile a bit as I feel safe.


(OOC: I might get to bed soon too. It's getting pretty late. But I'll stay up a bit longer.


(Hkgkfjdgzghbhkh ffu gfgjvggg)

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken's ears twitch at the sounds that stand out in the mostly silent town. They constantly swivel and pivot to scan for anything that resembles a survivor or a corpse. He notes Flame's shifting on his back and wings and expends a little energy to more securely hold him in place- just enough to keep him from slipping off.  After a block and a half, he can see the store to the west. Broken stays in the shade to assess the area and look for the biggest threat he has seen- flyers. On open ground, he and Flame would be sitting targets. Flame moreso than he as a consequence of his smaller size and his place on Broken's back.


((OOC: Gotcha. Your post and then bed, yeah?))



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I feel safe with Somepony since all of "this" happened. Somepony to protect me from the corpses of zombified ponies. I start to think if life has really even changed for me since all of "this" happened... Other than th corpses.


(OOC: see you tommorow, time to get some shut-eye)

I wake up and notice that Broken is sleeping. I look out of the barricaded window and see a store to the west. I wonder what happened as I blanked out. "Wow... I'm hungry..." I look in my backpack and take out and orange. "I guess this will do" I eat the orange. "Not too filling but it will do"

Edited by Arial Flame

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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The Sporting Goods Store, was your typical sporting goods shop, hunting and camping supplies, along with fishing and boating equipment, along with regular sports equipment  and  strength training equipment


the area outside had a few zombies surrounding it, however because of the hot sun and the parking lot around it, crossing the lot would be difficult, simply walking on the pavement would start burning your hooves, a few zombies were even starting to cook


there were trees set up for decoration that would be good for shade

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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I feel safe with Somepony since all of "this" happened. Somepony to protect me from the corpses of zombified ponies. I start to think if life has really even changed for me since all of "this" happened... Other than th corpses.


(OOC: see you tommorow, time to get some shut-eye)

I wake up and notice that Broken is sleeping. I look out of the barricaded window and see a store to the west. I wonder what happened as I blanked out. "Wow... I'm hungry..." I look in my backpack and take out and orange. "I guess this will do" I eat the orange. "Not too filling but it will do"


Broken opens his eyes to watch Flame eat his orange. The parking lot outside turned out to be an impossible task to circumvent. The blacktop was horribly hot.


"We will wait a few hours to enter the store. The risk shall be higher but at this time, the entrance to the store is too far away from us. I will require your assistance, little Flame."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I finish my orange. "Maybe I could fly there really fast? Get some supplies and then come back really fast... But maybe there are zombies there..." I look outside the barricaded window and spot several corpses "Nevermind... How long are we gonna wait? Until the sun is setting?"


(OOC: Sorry for replying late... I stayed up a bit longer than i was supposed to... (5:30am) and i just blacked out after that xD :P lucky i got on when i did)

Edited by Arial Flame
  • Brohoof 1

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Broken shakes his head. "I am unable to fly and I do not think separating would be a good idea."


Broken considers the parking lot for a moment, "We only need wait until the sun is below the building skyline. Perhaps an hour or so..."


Broken stretches his final wing out until it cannot move. "Under my wing is a clip for weapons, please take the slug thrower I carry and attach it to my wing. Until I find a suitable power source, I will be unable to move my wings."


((OOC: Sorry. Weekends are busy days for me, so I'm on and off my computer all the time.))

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Sweets and Lace were inside the Sporting Goods Store, they had set themselves up in the camping section, they had a Hunting Shotgun, and had 2 boxes of Shotgun Shells (50 Shells) the shotgun was mounted on a small tripod on the floor in front of their sleeping tent


inside the store were several things in the store, full of guns, hunting supplies, fishing supplies, and sports equipment, the store was relatively un looted, Sweets and Lace had moved in and set up a few days ago

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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